Author Topic: Virindi Sense question.
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Subject: Virindi Sense question.
1stly I know the plugin is beta but thought Id ask anyway.

Does the plugin currently save any additions you make to the Find list as I canot get it between AC sessions to maintain a list of what I want it to find?

Suggestion 1.
The Interface is nice but would it be possible to have a HUD with just the found objects listed on it similar to what Alinco used to do in the bottom Left corner of the screen?

Suggestion 2.
It would be great if this pluign could link to VVS GoArrow to have tjhe Arrow point ion the direction of the found item when clicked on in the Interface and hopefully when clicke don on the suggested HUD above.


Sucamarto's AC Heaven -
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"May the seed of your loin be fruitfull in the belly of your woman" Neil
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Subject: Virindi Sense question.
Far as I know she hasn't added save to it yet. Hopefully will.



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Subject: Virindi Sense question.
Thanx for the reply

At least I know I am not doing anything wrong.

Maybe Virindi would also like a list of what people add to set as a default listing of objects to find?


Sucamarto's AC Heaven -
Sucamarto - (275) Bunny Master
Panumbriis Shadow - (275) - Sword,Cook,Alch,Tinker
Allegiance - Tasia the True
"May the seed of your loin be fruitfull in the belly of your woman" Neil
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Subject: Virindi Sense question.
Sucamarto posted:
Thanx for the reply

At least I know I am not doing anything wrong.

Maybe Virindi would also like a list of what people add to set as a default listing of objects to find?

It would be just as easy to be able to edit an xml file to be your own default list, then customize for each toon as you see fit. A traditional default list would be fine too.


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