Author Topic: Blizzard Service Awards: Swords and Shields Ceremony
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Subject: Blizzard Service Awards: Swords and Shields Ceremony
Blizzard posted:
Blizzard Service Awards: Swords and Shields Ceremony

The Swords and Shields ceremony is an important Blizzard tradition that began fifteen years ago in 1996. With this ceremony, we recognize the years of dedication and commitment of those who help Blizzard create the most epic entertainment experiences...ever. Several times a year, Blizzard employees around the world gather to celebrate the five-, ten-, and fifteen-year milestones of their friends and colleagues with a ceremony where each recipient is honored with their service award. Five years of service are awarded a sword; ten year veterans receive a shield; fifteen years of service is recognized with a special ring; and this year marks the first time Blizzard employees will celebrate twenty years of service.

The type of sword given to five-year recipients is different each year, but the shield and ring designs have remained largely unchanged. We now present a gallery of the swords and shields that have been handed out over the years in recognition of the hard work, great resolve, and unwavering dedication that has helped make Blizzard the company you know today.

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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: Blizzard Service Awards: Swords and Shields Ceremony
Do they still get the award if they screwed up the product so badly that it lost over a million customers in 6 months?


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Subject: Blizzard Service Awards: Swords and Shields Ceremony
Spookysheep posted:
Do they still get the award if they screwed up the product so badly that it lost over a million customers in 6 months?

Oh, they should still get the sword . . .


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Title: straightface
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Subject: Blizzard Service Awards: Swords and Shields Ceremony
Spookysheep posted:
Do they still get the award if they screwed up the product so badly that it lost over a million customers in 6 months?

Why not? Isn't that how PuGs are set up? wink


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Title: straightface
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Subject: Blizzard Service Awards: Swords and Shields Ceremony
What I don't get is the spate of marketing messages lately that revolve around Blizzard internally. "See, our company is so cool!" or "This is how we see things." or "This is how we do things."

Which manager decided spin was more important than gameplay? Is that all that they have left?

-needs to stop asking


There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank.
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
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Subject: Blizzard Service Awards: Swords and Shields Ceremony
Spookysheep posted:
Do they still get the award if they screwed up the product so badly that it lost over a million customers in 6 months?

C'mon now, spook...there are folks at Blizzard who don't deserve to be dragged down to GC's level because they actually do a good job. wink Unfortunately, he's run most of those out of the WoW team, so we're talking about folks now working on D3/Titan/SC2+/etc.


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