Author Topic: PTR Possibly Up Within The Week
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Subject: PTR Possibly Up Within The Week
Zarhym posted:
Yes. We're intent on getting the 4.3 Public Test Realms up potentially within the next week. happy

As you mentioned, there's still a lot of work to be done on this patch, so a lot of the content will be rolled onto the test realms over time. Transmogrification, Void Storage, some balance changes, and several UI updates/improvements will likely make the PTR right away. The dungeon/raid content, legendary questline, Dungeon Finder updates, and especially Raid Finder are still very much works in-progress.

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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: PTR Possibly Up Within The Week
Translation: We know that we have run out of stuff to keep you subscribing, but please don't leave, our B Team still has a lot of personal debt they need to pay off and they can't afford to get laid off.


I liek cheese
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