Author Topic: Censure Hotfix Incoming
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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
Daxxarri posted:
After monitoring thousands of Firelands kills, we've concluded that Retribution?s damage was not where we wanted it to be, so we're going to increase Censure damage by roughly 40%. We'll also be keeping an eye on paladin damage as we move towards patch 4.3. We expect that this hotfix should be applied sometime later today.

We're also considering shifting some of the damage from Hammer of Wrath into other attacks. While that may not necessarily cure some of the current concerns about proc reliance, it should help smooth out damage a bit.

Patch 4.2 Hotfixes (Sept. 9)
# Classes

* Paladin

o The damage dealt by Censure from Seal of Truth has been increased by 40%.

Quests and Creatures

If the Steamwheedle Rescue Balloon is killed at the start of Rocket Rescue, players should now be ejected properly, and the ballon reset to its home location.

When a player exits the Skeletal Steed vehicle in Welcome To The Machine, all quest NPCs will now despawn.

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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
Overall it's about a 2.5%-3.5% damage increase. Not bad.


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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
i didn't even know people still brought Ret paladins to raids

probably one of the few classes under Enhancement Shaman


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Title: Anonymous Entity
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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
Ret is actually up there in damage, not really sure why there are so few.


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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
Talehon69 posted:
Ret is actually up there in damage, not really sure why there are so few.

IMO...Cause they made it HARD to be up there in damage. They swung the pendulum to the opposite side from WotLK. You have to be a pretty good ret to get really good numbers.


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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
I really dislike Holy Power it doesn't feel right with any spec well maybe Prot i never played Port in Cata though

I played with Ret for a little bit and said screw that and leveled up as Shockadin.. it was faster and better in the long run lol


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Title: Anonymous Entity
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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
I rather like Ret Paladin, my biggest beef with the rotation is it really is a bit too much proc reliant. There are gaps in the rotation sometimes if nothing procs. Sitting there for 1-2 seconds between CS and other cooldowns can get annoying.


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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
Agree with you there on the proc reliance. I'm glad it's not as bad as it was at the start of Cata but it still needs work.


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Title: Anonymous Entity
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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
Ret wasn't even viable till 4.1, because of how bad the mastery was. I mean, they turned their mastery into a 2pt talent. plain


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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
^ Ban please.


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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
Acao posted:
^ Ban please.

What did Talehon69 ever do to you? :P
J/K I see they got rid of the spam bot.


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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
I just find the whole ret issue hillarious. It's like they went full circle. The big problem with ret in vanilla was proc reliance. Then they slowly (VERY slowly) switched it up to something playable. Then what do they do? Take it right back to proc reliance, but more than that, they add even MORE procs than before. It's a joke. A sick, twisted joke by Blizzard. It's gotta be. Or they really are as stupid as we all think they are.


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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
Rill_of_WE posted:
Talehon69 posted:
Ret is actually up there in damage, not really sure why there are so few.

IMO...Cause they made it HARD to be up there in damage. They swung the pendulum to the opposite side from WotLK. You have to be a pretty good ret to get really good numbers.

I agree, about the only thing harder than playing a Ret Pally with good DPS is probably PVPing as Hunter, then again Ret Pally in PVP is no walk in the park either.

I know I took so much flack in dungeons for my poor DPS and got kicked for it several times, I just quit doing them on my Ret Pally. Even with much better gear using CLCRet etc... I still can't out DPS my DK that still has some greens on, hopefully this buff will help some but I think this class will need a lot more than than a slight tweak.


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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
Taloquin posted:
I just find the whole ret issue hillarious. It's like they went full circle. The big problem with ret in vanilla was proc reliance. Then they slowly (VERY slowly) switched it up to something playable. Then what do they do? Take it right back to proc reliance, but more than that, they add even MORE procs than before. It's a joke. A sick, twisted joke by Blizzard. It's gotta be. Or they really are as stupid as we all think they are.



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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
I don't play my Ret as much as I use to because I have more fun with range DPS in Cat. When I do play him he is generally at the top of the damage list.


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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
Enjoying Ret myself, only been 85 a week though.



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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
They have improved it since Cata launched. But it's still too proc reliant imo.


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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
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Subject: Censure Hotfix Incoming
I suddenly realized why this sounded so..."Oops we did it again" again.

Patch 4.0.3a: "Seal of Truth: periodic damage from Censure reduced by 25%"

"Guys, we're only level 80. Things will scale completely different at 85."


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