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Topic: Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Title: 0110011010 Be Nice to Me I'm a Bot
Oct 18, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 42,467
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Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
 Ghostcrawler posted:
Threat revisited
One of the fun things about working on an MMO is that the game design will evolve over time, and you have the opportunity to make changes to reflect those design shifts. (And yes, we know that it can sometimes evolve too quickly).
Back in December, I wrote a blog post about our vision for how threat should work. Since then, the game and the community have continued to progress and the designers have found ourselves changing our minds about the role of threat. Enough that we?re planning to apply a hotfix this week to change how threat works.
Why have threat?
Threat?s role, just so we?re all on the same page, is to make fights more interesting. Tanks spend a lot of effort staying alive, but they aren?t under immediate threat of death one-hundred percent of the time. Plus, their staying alive is also dependent on their healers and other external cooldowns. We have always been concerned that if threat was not a big part of tanking gameplay that tanks might get bored just waiting around until it was time to use a cooldown. Likewise, if DPS and healers had no risk of being attacked themselves then the sense of danger facing a powerful creature could erode. Furthermore, every character?s toolbox includes some cool survival and utility abilities and the game feels more shallow if those are exclusively used for PvP. It?s fun for a mage to Frost Nova an attacker and Blink away. It?s fun for a hunter to Feign Death. Yes your life would be a lot easier without threat mechanics, but our goal isn?t to make fights as easy as possible. Our job is to make fights fun. Having too much to manage might not be fun, but it?s also not fun to be bored.
That?s been our traditional argument for threat needing to matter. Here is the case against it:
Why not have threat?
- As I said in the previous blog post, it?s not fun to feel throttled. It?s not fun for the Feral druid to stop using special attacks in order to avoid pulling aggro. It?s fun to use Feint at the right time to avoid dying, but it?s not fun for Feint to be part of your rotational cooldown. We want you to spend most of your effort trying to overcome the dragon or elemental, not struggling against your own tank.
Tanks are busy
- I?d also argue that our encounters aren?t really boring these days. We ask tanks to do a lot -- everything from picking up adds, to moving bosses around, to staying out of fires, to providing interrupts, in addition to the classic tank roles of staying alive and generating threat.
Threat stats aren?t fun
- We put threat stats (hit and expertise for the most part) on tanking gear, because without those, tanks would be limited to choosing from among mastery, dodge, and parry. (In the current state of itemization, you are rarely choosing more Strength, Agility, Stamina, or armor.) Druids can?t parry, and even for the plate users, there is a tight relationship between dodge and parry, and even mastery for the warrior and paladin. That gets us dangerously close to the old model of stacking a single uber stat (like Stamina or defense), which makes gearing choices too simplistic for tanks. Did something drop? Okay, put it on. (Contrast this to a DPS caster who might want more or less hit or might favor haste over crit, etc.)
We want threat stats to be interesting, but the reality is that they aren?t. Any decent tank will usually choose survivability stats over threat stats. Back in the day when taunts and interrupts could miss, you could argue hit was marginally useful. But in a world where hit is really just for generating threat, it isn?t very exciting and tanks get understandably emo when we put too much on their gear. (DKs are somewhat of an exception in a good way -- more on that in a sec.) We do see some players try and get excited about threat stats or even proud of their ability to generate threat, but overall we feel like threat stats are a trap, and it?s usually the case that improving your survivability will have a better net impact on your group?s progression.
We don?t need a more complex UI
- We have threatened for years (see what I did there?) to build in some kind of threat tracking tool into WoW. But is that really good for the game? Do we really need yet another UI element for players to look at instead of looking at the actual game world? We know many raiders in particular use third-party threat mods today, but that has really been borne out of necessity rather than a sense that watching threat is super compelling gameplay. (When we say ?super compelling gameplay? you can mentally replace that with ?fun.?)
Dungeon Finder
- I know this bullet will be a point made by players critical of this change, but I would feel remiss in not bringing it up. We want it to be a positive experience when Dungeon Finder matches experienced players with newer players. The skill and gear of the former can help make up for that of the latter. Who better to teach you boss mechanics than players who have done the fights before? Even better, the gear of a veteran tank can make up for the less powerful gear of a beginning healer (which doesn?t necessarily mean a noob -- it could be the alt of a very experienced raider).
However, this system fails and often spectacularly so when it?s the tank who is the undergeared player. Even if a competent healer can keep the undergeared tank alive, the fully raid-geared DPS spec is going to constantly be on the verge of pulling threat. That?s not an issue of skill. It?s just numbers. It?s also not a problem that is easy to overcome for either the overgeared DPS or the undergeared tank -- it?s just not a lot of fun for anyone.
So now what?
Given all of that, and watching how tanking has unfolded in Cataclysm, we?ve gotten over the concept that threat needs to be a major part of PvE gameplay. We have therefore decided to buff tank threat generation in a hotfix this week to where it?s generally not a major consideration. We expect the community to gradually stop using threat-tracking mods as players realize they don?t need them. It?s an important distinction that the concept of ?aggro? will still exist. If a DPS spec attacks an add the second it shows up, then the creature is going to come at her. However, if a tank gets an attack or two on a target, then the target should stick to the tank. Worrying about who has the creature?s attention should generally only be a concern at the start of a fight or when additional creatures join the battle. Worrying about a warrior or DK (the classes with nearly non-existent threat dumps) creeping up on tank threat after several minutes will almost certainly not be an issue any longer. (And if it is, we?ll have to make further adjustments.)
We like abilities like Misdirect. It?s fun as a hunter to help the tank control targets. We are less enamored of Cower, which is just an ability used often to suppress threat. We like that the mage might have to use Ice Block, Frost Nova, or even Mirror Image to avoid danger. We don?t like the mage having to worry about constantly creeping up on the tank?s threat levels. The notion of aggro (who the target is attacking) is a keeper. The notion of threat races (who is about to pull aggro) is going to be downplayed from here on out.
Upcoming changes
Here are the specific changes you?re likely to see:
- Hotfix: The threat generated by classes in their tanking mode has been increased from three times damage done to five times damage done.
- In an upcoming patch: Vengeance no longer ramps up slowly at the beginning of a fight. Instead, the first melee attack taken generates Vengeance equal to one third of the damage dealt by that attack. As Vengeance updates during the fight, it is always set to at least a third of the damage taken in the last two seconds. It still climbs from that point at the previous rate, still decays at the previous rate, and still cannot exceed the current maximum.
Long-term changes
You could argue that once threat is very easy to manage that a warrior tank could just go AFK. In reality, given today?s boss encounters, an AFK warrior would end up standing in the wrong place, missing a tank transition, or otherwise do something or fail to do something that wipes the party or raid.
That said, we ultimately don?t want tanking to be just standing there soaking boss hits and we would like to have more stats on gear that tanks care about. To solve those challenges, we want to shift more tank mitigation to require active management. We?ll still give all the tanks emergency cooldowns like Shield Wall and Survival Instincts. However, we want to move the shorter cooldowns like Shield Block, Holy Shield and Savage Defense so that they work more like Death Strike. Blood DKs have a lot of control over the survivability they get from Death Strike, but as part of that gameplay, they have to actually hit their target. The other three tanks will get similar active defense mechanics. This doesn?t mean everyone needs to use the DK model of self-healing, but they can use the DK model of managing resources to maximize survivability.
Death Strike consumes resources to help the tank survive. We toyed at one point with the paladin Holy Shield being a Holy Power consumer and we think we could do so again. Heck we could make Word of Glory the thing you?re supposed to do with Holy Power, so long as we balanced all tanks around that idea and didn?t feel it infringed too much on the DK mechanic. We could make Shield Block cost rage, and change Protection warrior rage income such that they had to manage rage, the way Fury and Arms warriors now must do. If tanks generated more rage from doing damage and less from taking damage, then hitting a target becomes very important, but for mitigation, not threat management reasons. This is a bigger change than it seems though. We don?t want a model where the Prot warrior ignores Shield Slam, Devastate and Revenge (since threat isn?t a big deal) in order to bank all rage for Shield Block (because survival is). Imagine a rage model where you always had enough rage for your core rotational abilities (they could be cheap or even generate rage), so that you could funnel most of your rage into Shield Block when survival mattered and Heroic Strike when it did not. Redesigning Savage Defense to make it a rage sink is an even bigger change, but we think there is an opportunity there to make the rotation more interesting for druids (and all tanks really). Their rotation would help them achieve the goal that usually matters the most to tanks: living.
This is the kind of design for which we?re really going to need a lot of feedback once it hits. We can implement and verify empirically how much threat a tank generates, but it?s hard for us to replicate the experience of all of the various raiding groups and dungeon parties out there. We invite you to try out the immediate and eventually the long-term changes when they are available and let us know how they feel. Do you miss the threat game? Are you bored when tanking now? Conversely, with the changes, is tanking more fun for you? Does this new implementation of Vengeance feel better? Some systems design calls we can make just by processing numbers, and some are more squishy and involve a lot gut checks and wishy-washy ?but how does it FEEL?? language. Messing with this kind of thing is definitely somewhere in the middle.
Greg ?Ghostcrawler? Street is the lead systems designer for World of Warcraft, and lead eater at the dinner table.
Posted from WoW Vault
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Title: WoW Vault Site Manager
Aug 6, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 6,001
User ID: 703,880
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
You mean average/under-average tanks are having a hard time holding aggro as the DPS have gotten geared during the course of the expansion?! NO way! That has Never happened before in any previous expansions! I'm completely caught off guard and didn't see this coming at all! /sarcasm.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 8,717
User ID: 752,779
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Does that mean GC actually took time to play the game he messed up?
I know, I know, you can't blame one person. You have to go all the way up the management chain.
/shakes head over 1 button "tanking for dummies" edition
Guild is having a good laugh over this today. Sadly.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Jan 29, '03
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User ID: 764,499
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
So they remove a tedious and silly mechanic, then immediately start talking about making certain classes tanking more complicated. Sounds like the B team all right. I have to admit though that I 100% agree with their idea on basically removing threat as a ramping mechanic. All it does is punish undergeared tanks or appropriately geared tanks with overgeared companions. If you are geared for the encounter, the mobs already stick to you like glue anyway and threat is a non-issue.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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User ID: 601,475
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Rill_of_WE posted: You mean average/under-average tanks are having a hard time holding aggro as the DPS have gotten geared during the course of the expansion?! NO way! That has Never happened before in any previous expansions! I'm completely caught off guard and didn't see this coming at all! /sarcasm.
You have to remember, no one on the B team has ever actually played World of Warcraft.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,446
User ID: 689,383
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Bremen_Gaheris posted: So they remove a tedious and silly mechanic, then immediately start talking about making certain classes tanking more complicated. Sounds like the B team all right. I have to admit though that I 100% agree with their idea on basically removing threat as a ramping mechanic. All it does is punish undergeared tanks or appropriately geared tanks with overgeared companions. If you are geared for the encounter, the mobs already stick to you like glue anyway and threat is a non-issue.
rofl...too true. "Hi, we've moved the tedium from threat to survivability for tanks. Let us know how this works out for you."
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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User ID: 968,129
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
I'd like to know wtf is going on in certain raid encounters where the tank has firmly established aggro and all of a sudden the boss completely ignores the threat level and comes over to smack me the healer who has virtually no threat at all. FIX THAT BUG YOU LAZY MORONS! I've seen it happen on several raid encounters now in Cata.
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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Aug 12, '09
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Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Bremen_Gaheris posted: So they remove a tedious and silly mechanic, then immediately start talking about making certain classes tanking more complicated. Sounds like the B team all right.
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Title: Sith Lord
Dec 17, '02
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User ID: 749,729
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
I just started tanking so maybe I just don't get it... was threat ever an issue? I don't seem to recall having any issues with tanks not being able to hold aggro and I sure as hell haven't had any issues.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 8,717
User ID: 752,779
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Threat issues......Vanilla (Onyxia anyone?), parts of TBC, high end parts of LK (tank gear not scaling), slaphappypullmonkeydps in PuGs....
As my guildmate wisely stated:
"There will always be skill disparities. No amount of mechanic tweaking will ever overcome that."
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: Iron Chef Jennifer
Sep 4, '02
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Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Daxxarri went on to talk about DK tanks http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2973395323?page=2#28 Right now it's tough for DK tanks because they're the only ones on anything resembling an active mitigation model. The one active mitigation guy is going to look like he's working harder than the passive mitigation guys because, in a lot of ways, he is. If all tanks had worked this way from the start, it would be the norm, and nobody would be worried about jumping onto that model. We've already established that threat isn't making for very compelling encounter design, and removing it offers us the ability to get creative with some of the mechanics that we're using; both in encounter and class design. In a world with no threat management, and no active mitigation, that doesn't leave a lot for tanks to do though. We think that making tanking more active, and focusing that activity around mitigation (which feels immediately useful) will generate some very rewarding gameplay. We want the act of tanking to be engaging, interesting and fun. We think the path forward will offer more of that for all the tanking classes. Also, I've seen a number of references to making tanking easier in this thread and elsewhere. "Easier" isn't really the goal. The goal is to discard a mechanic which we don't think is working particularly well anymore, and replace it with something more focused and interesting. Doing so should also have the effect of allowing tanks who aren't as geared still do their job when grouped with players who outgear (or even outlevel them a bit). They'll still be responsible for doing a good job, but their absolute ability to hold the attention of the boss won't be a factor; their ability to play well and mitigate damage will be. We're aware of player concerns about Blood tanking, and we'll work to ensure that Blood tanking will continue to be viable and effective into the future. On that note, we're interested in addressing some of the concerns that have been expressed about the spec (potentially as soon as the next major patch), though we want to accomplish that goal without sacrificing what sets the spec apart and makes it interesting.
I, on the other hand, prefer a command-line system 'cause i'm so hardcore /north /north *You encounter an [Avatar of the god Set]!* /cast sheild *sheild spell unavailable* /csat shield *csat: unknown command* *[Avatar of Set] beheads [Peasant]*
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Jan 27, '01
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User ID: 65,294
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
"We've already established that threat isn't making for very compelling encounter design, and removing it offers us the ability to get creative with some of the mechanics that we're using; both in encounter and class design." or "We have screwed threat too much and can't fix it so instead of telling you we messed up, we will just remove it."
WoW - Archimonde - Ner'Zhul All people have evil thoughts, its those that act on these thoughts, that make them evil I can accept failure. What I cannot accept is not trying.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 8,717
User ID: 752,779
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
I thought tanking was supposed to be all about "managing resources"? That's what I remember from ...was it GC?.......right before cata release?
Sorry, total non-sequitur.
What I meant to say was: active mitigation is an awesome concept and could be a whale of a lot of fun if executed correctly.
Do you guys think that will seriously happen? <liptwitch>
ps: We want the act of tanking to be engaging, interesting and fun.
Didn't they say the same thing about healers?
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Nov 20, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 358
User ID: 860,145
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
This is just too funny. Vanilla and BC - Threat was the tanks job, survivability of the tank was the healers job. LK - Threat much easier to handle, but still troublesome in AE pulls. Survivability really high due to high tank defenses and near-infinite healer mana. Cata - Threat goes out the window, as does survivability in early expansion due to mana costs of heals. Now survivability increases due to higher tank interaction since threat becomes a non-issue. So basically over the past 6 years, they took the most freaking round-about route to change a tanks job from Threat Management to Survivability Management. Which was more fun? Trying to keep threat on multiple mobs or even a boss when DPS blows CDs, or staring at your own health bar and planning when to press a button. My God the B-Team strikes again! The worst part is, they have the perfect tool to test these changes out before they apply them to live servers, but they only use it for debugging code. Just goes to show how totally screwed up management is in the Blizzard office.
I'm a lurker and I know it. Post count just means you spend too much time reading and not enough playing. :P
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 8,717
User ID: 752,779
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Ah, I get it!
The hard part of tanking: are you dead or not?
Ship it.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
I think Blizz is still thrashing here because they haven't grasped a marketing basic. Their customer base has a bunch of different kinds of people with different needs, and Blizz is making intuitive changes instead of systematically understanding who their customers (players) are, and how the decisions they make affect the different groups.
For example, people who play exclusively in guild groups vs those who exclusively run dungeon finder PUGs. The extremely competent vs those who are still learning (or never will).
About 20 years ago my employer sent the entire management team I was part of to a training called QFD, run by a consultancy which spun off Ford, in turn based on the discipline used by the Japanese automakers to trounce Detroit in the 1970's. The name QFD actually comes from "Quality Function Deployment", the literal translation of the Japanese name of the method.
The course opened with the instructor turning to us and asking, "How many of you like deep dish pizza? How many of you like regular thin crust pizza? Now how many of you would like something halfway between the two?" Think about it. Trade off the needs of two groups of customers, *without* driving everyone away.
I think Blizz should send its intact management and creative team to this class, and fire anyone who doesn't get it.
Not rocket science. Been around since most of the people working on WoW were born.
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,446
User ID: 689,383
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
_Kewk_ posted: I just started tanking so maybe I just don't get it... was threat ever an issue? I don't seem to recall having any issues with tanks not being able to hold aggro and I sure as hell haven't had any issues.
If you always play with the tank at equivalent gear levels to the DPS, you'd probably never see any issue assuming nobody was being generally stupid about assisting. If you try to run a new tank in greens in an instance with a DPS in raid/badge gear, it's a constant problem.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,446
User ID: 689,383
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Ferrydust posted: Daxxarri went on to talk about DK tanks http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2973395323?page=2#28 Right now it's tough for DK tanks because they're the only ones on anything resembling an active mitigation model. The one active mitigation guy is going to look like he's working harder than the passive mitigation guys because, in a lot of ways, he is. If all tanks had worked this way from the start, it would be the norm, and nobody would be worried about jumping onto that model. We've already established that threat isn't making for very compelling encounter design, and removing it offers us the ability to get creative with some of the mechanics that we're using; both in encounter and class design. In a world with no threat management, and no active mitigation, that doesn't leave a lot for tanks to do though. We think that making tanking more active, and focusing that activity around mitigation (which feels immediately useful) will generate some very rewarding gameplay. We want the act of tanking to be engaging, interesting and fun. We think the path forward will offer more of that for all the tanking classes. Also, I've seen a number of references to making tanking easier in this thread and elsewhere. "Easier" isn't really the goal. The goal is to discard a mechanic which we don't think is working particularly well anymore, and replace it with something more focused and interesting. Doing so should also have the effect of allowing tanks who aren't as geared still do their job when grouped with players who outgear (or even outlevel them a bit). They'll still be responsible for doing a good job, but their absolute ability to hold the attention of the boss won't be a factor; their ability to play well and mitigate damage will be. We're aware of player concerns about Blood tanking, and we'll work to ensure that Blood tanking will continue to be viable and effective into the future. On that note, we're interested in addressing some of the concerns that have been expressed about the spec (potentially as soon as the next major patch), though we want to accomplish that goal without sacrificing what sets the spec apart and makes it interesting.
OK, so I'm wondering what exactly they consider "fun" at Blizzard HQ. The folks I ran with pre-Cataclysm understood that instances would be tricky for the tank while undergeared, OK when adequately geared and easy when overgeared. Solution to being overgeared to prevent boredom? Pull more mobs! Pulling 3-4 packs of heroic trash at a time brought back the excitement of a pull that could go drastically wrong at any second. So what's Blizzard's solution? Force tanks to actively work just to stay alive in what they consider "normal" pulls. Result? People are annoyed when the mechanics are set up so they have to work almost as hard after their 50th run through the same instance. Eventually, people want to go plow an instance to complete some quests for a guild member or friend, or go farm an instance for a mount or drop or crafting materials. The excitement of barely surviving a boss encounter is great the first few times. Eventually, you just want to blow through it and get it overwith so you can do something interesting. Grinding should eventually become easy or people just get fed up and leave in droves.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
And there will be even less tanks in LFD. I wonder what bribe they will use to get people to tank after these changes.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Board Manager Anime Aikousha
Dec 21, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 36,478
User ID: 567,005
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
i've officially run out of walls to bang my head into and i'm pretty sure its all GC's fault.
MyAnimeList - http://myanimelist.net/profile/Grimtempest - Chaotic Neutral - El Psy Congroo
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 8,717
User ID: 752,779
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
GrimTempest posted: i've officially run out of walls to bang my head into and i'm pretty sure its all GC's fault.
I think you just summed up WoW's attrition in one sentance. <straightface>
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Jun 27, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 1,612
User ID: 817,107
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Wow, what a whine-fest. I fail to see any logical argument of why the change isn't good. Shifting threat management to mitigation management seems logical and should've been done ages ago (like the Transmogrifier). Auenwing posted: Threat issues......Vanilla (Onyxia anyone?), parts of TBC, high end parts of LK (tank gear not scaling), slaphappypullmonkeydps in PuGs.... As my guildmate wisely stated: "There will always be skill disparities. No amount of mechanic tweaking will ever overcome that."
So therefore don't improve anything ever... If they want to improve QoL or attempt to make the game better, what's the problem? If they f@#% it up, then complain.
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Sep 28, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 13,151
User ID: 419,410
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
There will be less tanks in LFD and less healers. Less healers because each time the tank does not effectively manage his mitigation they have to compensate making their job more "catachallenging". I swear they just want the game to be miserable. This sounds more like another pvp tweak. Threat and the stats associated with it aren't really in pvp but the rest are.
. . . For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven . Cows go moo, Dogs go woof and MMO players go ''PVP is imbalanced'' . "I’m as horny as the hat rack at a Viking bar.", Ann Coulter
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,446
User ID: 689,383
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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User ID: 692,733
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Errtuu posted: Wow, what a whine-fest. I fail to see any logical argument of why the change isn't good. Shifting threat management to mitigation management seems logical and should've been done ages ago (like the Transmogrifier).
I don't see why we don't have both mechanics at varying times, /shrug.
Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired) AC Frostfell, Clan Z - Lvl 239 Grief Dagger (Retired) WoW Lightbringer Alliance, Z Guild - Lvl 85 Combat Rogue (Retired) Making iOS Apps these days at http://zsprawl.com/iOS
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 8,717
User ID: 752,779
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Errtuu posted: Wow, what a whine-fest.
I fail to see any logical argument of why the change isn't good. Shifting threat management to mitigation management seems logical and should've been done ages ago (like the Transmogrifier).
Auenwing posted: Threat issues......Vanilla (Onyxia anyone?), parts of TBC, high end parts of LK (tank gear not scaling), slaphappypullmonkeydps in PuGs....
As my guildmate wisely stated:
"There will always be skill disparities. No amount of mechanic tweaking will ever overcome that."
So therefore don't improve anything ever... If they want to improve QoL or attempt to make the game better, what's the problem? If they f@#% it up, then complain.
If they actually manage to make the game better, fantastic! I'm all for market-based informed improvement. Please see Bewhatever's post.
Blizzard has yet to demonstrate their ability to do this over the last 6+ years (including beta).
see also my post stating that I believe the concept is a good one. I've seen this implemented elsewhere.
In theory, active mitigation is a good one. My concern is about Blizzard's implementation.
That's an opinion on the information currently at hand, and past observation/pattern recognition of Blizzard's development process/performance.
If you feel this is whine, hand over the cheese.
edit for typos
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
I *LIKE* threat mechanics as a tank. That's always been my tank philosophy - a tank's primary job is to hold aggro, secondary job is to survive it. Survival is partially passive, partially active, and partially the responsibility of the group (healing, external cooldowns, etc.) but threat is ALL about the tank and is the tank's job. Even things like Misdirect and Tricks are just temporary little doodads to help with immediate threat - I would argue that they really aren't needed and that people should just play a tad smarter... But anyway, yeah, I love threat mechanics, it's what makes it interesting to play a tank - choosing the proper attack in a 6 second cycle, choosing the proper talents to optimize those attacks - gearing for hit and expertise - that's the fun stuff imo... Mitigation management is passive, abilities are on long cooldowns, and most of all, mitigation/survival relies MOSTLY on hitpoints on your gear and whether or not your healers are awake. Sure, there's some "move out of the fire" stuff, but that applies to mostly everyone, not just tanks. Sure there are mechanics where you want to step away from a mob and then get back close to them as they do something like a frontal cone AOE attack or whatnot, but again, those events are infrequent relatively speaking to events during which you augment your threat. As a DPS character, it was also fun to work within the boundaries of threat mechanics. It made it so that you had to also play with a little bit of intelligence and even "feel"... Dumbing this down is just going to suck imo. All those stupid "is it better to have 300 more HPS or 1% less chance for the boss to dodge my attack" are now going to default to having 300 more hps - how fkn boring is that? OOohhh.. how thrilling, I put an armor patch on my brand new Leggings of the Impenetrable Bulwark... whee... hay gais, I'll be autoattacking the boss here with a drinking bird on my last stand/shield wall/enraged regeneration macro so I use that stuff on cooldown while I watch this episode of <insert tv show here>. Let me know when it's time to send tells for loot.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
_Kewk_ posted: I just started tanking so maybe I just don't get it... was threat ever an issue? I don't seem to recall having any issues with tanks not being able to hold aggro and I sure as hell haven't had any issues.
Threat was an issue big time in vanilla - "GUYS DON'T DPS UNTIL I GET TWO SUNDERS ON THE BOSS FFS!!!" Old school Onyxia was ALL ABOUT threat manageemnt... I remember vividly going up to Ony and disengaging on my hunter during phase 1. Then BC came out - druids and paladins had ridiculous threat, warrior threat was trashed to near uselessness due to rage issues (presumably in an effort to make people switch over to druid and paladin tanks). Threat in the end of BC was pretty good all around after modifying down druid and tank threa and fixing warrior tank threat. I still remember it being a huge accomplishment to take on Shattered Halls heroic as a warrior tank with a 5-man and no CC classes in the group. As the BC talents came out, warrior tanks were allowed to join the AOE threat party finally, making it not just something for druids and pallys. WOTLK - threat not a big deal for anyone really. DPS had to play REALLY stupidly or the tank had to play REALLY stupidly to have major problems. Tank threat fluctuated a bit here and tehre by class as the devs messed with class mechanics, but generally threat was pretty solid overall for everyone. You still had to work at it (pally tanks notwithstanding lol), and it was your primary job as a tank, but it was pretty reliable.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Aug 12, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 2,247
User ID: 1,366,612
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Cawlin posted: I *LIKE* threat mechanics as a tank. That's always been my tank philosophy - a tank's primary job is to hold aggro, secondary job is to survive it.
See, myself, I only tanked heavily as a paladin during the later stages of TBC and early WotLK. So threat management was never a thing for me. I instead enjoyed seeing how much damage I could mitigate, how well I could move bosses around to keep my DPS safe, and how I could use my secondary paladin skills to make everyone's life easier. Paladin tanking always felt more like playing a RTS than a MMO to me. Overall threat just felt like an awkward mechanic that developers carried over "just because". It detracted more than it contributed, from a gameplay perspective. It figures Blizzard would be the company to vastly trivialize it, probably with an eye to remove it nearly entirely soon. Despite how much they copy or iterate, they often are the pioneers when it comes to basic/core mechanics. But I do feel bad for tanks still playing WoW that enjoyed threat management. I mean, it was a huge part of their responsibilities and if they enjoyed it, well, crap. I still don't like how the B Team feels they need to complicate things otherwise. One step forward, two steps back. Story of Blizzard since GC took over.
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Blisteringballs posted:
Cawlin posted: I *LIKE* threat mechanics as a tank. That's always been my tank philosophy - a tank's primary job is to hold aggro, secondary job is to survive it.
See, myself, I only tanked heavily as a paladin during the later stages of TBC and early WotLK. So threat management was never a thing for me. I instead enjoyed seeing how much damage I could mitigate, how well I could move bosses around to keep my DPS safe, and how I could use my secondary paladin skills to make everyone's life easier. Paladin tanking always felt more like playing a RTS than a MMO to me.
Haha this is an awesome statement here (the bold). Inb4 the Paladintankingishardyo! and Iwasapaladintankb4righteousfury crowd decides to try to deny the truth of what you're saying lol. Yes, I can understand your perspective as a paladin tank. I tanked enough with a paladin to know the truth of this. Blisteringballs posted: Overall threat just felt like an awkward mechanic that developers carried over "just because". It detracted more than it contributed, from a gameplay perspective. It figures Blizzard would be the company to vastly trivialize it, probably with an eye to remove it nearly entirely soon. Despite how much they copy or iterate, they often are the pioneers when it comes to basic/core mechanics. But I do feel bad for tanks still playing WoW that enjoyed threat management. I mean, it was a huge part of their responsibilities and if they enjoyed it, well, crap. I still don't like how the B Team feels they need to complicate things otherwise. One step forward, two steps back. Story of Blizzard since GC took over.
For me the mechanic of threat was integral to raid encounters. It's what made tanking feel immersive to me. It's what let my little video game imagination make me think of the tank as a heroic character and not just a big fat sack of hitpoints, a stupid meat shield... What's not heroic about Boromir *tanking* 78 Orcs and keeping their attention while the Hobbits escape? Sure he died in the effort but the fkn healers were asleep at the wheel and his shield wall and last stand were both blown already!
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Aug 12, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 2,247
User ID: 1,366,612
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Yea, I don't know how things have changed, but at the time paladins had awesome tools for front-loaded threat: the Captain America shield along with instant-cast Exorcism, followed by liberal use of Consecration, all amplified passively by Righteous Fury (and nearly passively by Holy Shield), made threat an after thought. Their taunt, when macro'd, was superior. I didn't realize this was a point of contention? I guess I didn't traffic the official forums enough. It was just obvious to me.
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 52,657
User ID: 692,733
Dev Watercooler -- Threat Level Midnight
Cawlin posted: I *LIKE* threat mechanics as a tank. That's always been my tank philosophy - a tank's primary job is to hold aggro, secondary job is to survive it. Survival is partially passive, partially active, and partially the responsibility of the group (healing, external cooldowns, etc.) but threat is ALL about the tank and is the tank's job. Even things like Misdirect and Tricks are just temporary little doodads to help with immediate threat - I would argue that they really aren't needed and that people should just play a tad smarter... But anyway, yeah, I love threat mechanics, it's what makes it interesting to play a tank - choosing the proper attack in a 6 second cycle, choosing the proper talents to optimize those attacks - gearing for hit and expertise - that's the fun stuff imo... Mitigation management is passive, abilities are on long cooldowns, and most of all, mitigation/survival relies MOSTLY on hitpoints on your gear and whether or not your healers are awake. Sure, there's some "move out of the fire" stuff, but that applies to mostly everyone, not just tanks. Sure there are mechanics where you want to step away from a mob and then get back close to them as they do something like a frontal cone AOE attack or whatnot, but again, those events are infrequent relatively speaking to events during which you augment your threat. As a DPS character, it was also fun to work within the boundaries of threat mechanics. It made it so that you had to also play with a little bit of intelligence and even "feel"... Dumbing this down is just going to suck imo. All those stupid "is it better to have 300 more HPS or 1% less chance for the boss to dodge my attack" are now going to default to having 300 more hps - how fkn boring is that? OOohhh.. how thrilling, I put an armor patch on my brand new Leggings of the Impenetrable Bulwark... whee... hay gais, I'll be autoattacking the boss here with a drinking bird on my last stand/shield wall/enraged regeneration macro so I use that stuff on cooldown while I watch this episode of . Let me know when it's time to send tells for loot.
Agreed 100%.
Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired) AC Frostfell, Clan Z - Lvl 239 Grief Dagger (Retired) WoW Lightbringer Alliance, Z Guild - Lvl 85 Combat Rogue (Retired) Making iOS Apps these days at http://zsprawl.com/iOS
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