Author Topic: Application points and daily request limits
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Subject: Application points and daily request limits
Straton posted:
We've received a few questions about how the daily request limit throttler works and I wanted to explain the point system we use for the API.

First of all, every request we receive is associated with an application. Even when an unauthenticated request comes in, we create a temporary fake application with an id generated from the IP address of the request. Each application falls under an application level or type and each of those levels/types has an associated point value.

Instead of throttling applications by the number of requests made, we look at the cost of the requests made. For example, requesting realm status information is very cheap, therefore has a reduced request cost compared to looking up a guild, which is more expensive.

It doesn't make any sense to say what the exact cost of requests are because we regularly evaluate and tweak the cost of requests based on hardware, software and application usage. What I can do is give you some rough guidelines to use when making lots of requests to the API.
  • Requests that hit the data APIs and the realm status cost the least. These represent the baseline cost of a request.
  • Characters are expensive to request, but we employ considerable caching to reduce this cost. They can be considered 3x the cost of the baseline.
  • Guilds are expensive, especially fetching membership information. We cache as much as possible, but they still run about 3x the cost of the baseline.
  • When you use HTTP last modified headers and get a cache hit (that is to say no information needs to be returned), the cost of that request is reduced to the baseline.
  • Getting the list of AH dumps for a realm is cheap, so we'll consider it the same as the baseline.
  • Downloading one of the generated AH dump files has no cost as it is generated offline and served as a static file.

When an application, either anonymous or registered, spends more points in a day than it has available, based on the application type/level, the request is denied.

Posted from WoW Vault


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Subject: Application points and daily request limits
They ran out of ideas on how to nerf the game it self so they are now nerfing the data sites.


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Subject: Application points and daily request limits
_Warlucky_ posted:
They ran out of ideas on how to nerf the game it self so they are now nerfing the data sites.

All for the sake of balance, which doesn't exist.



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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: Application points and daily request limits
Only WoW could screw up their own game, outside of their own game LOL.


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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
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Subject: Application points and daily request limits
They're giving people API access to game data that they previously had to scrape the armory and in-game addon data for. How exactly is this nerfing/screwing up their game? Not trying to be combative, just curious what angle y'all are going for, here.


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Title: Hate the player, not the game
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Subject: Application points and daily request limits
He's just trolling, as usual.


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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: Application points and daily request limits
Who is this new guy that cries so much?


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Subject: Application points and daily request limits
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
They're giving people API access to game data that they previously had to scrape the armory and in-game addon data for. How exactly is this nerfing/screwing up their game? Not trying to be combative, just curious what angle y'all are going for, here.
Humor, smile a bit and enjoy the internet.


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