Author Topic: The Raid World Premiere Video
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Subject: The Raid World Premiere Video
In case you missed the Live Stream and the replay of the live stream, the whole Documentary can be viewed at! Check it out.

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Subject: The Raid World Premiere Video
Actually turned out more interesting that I thought it would. ^_^


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Subject: The Raid World Premiere Video
It had a few parts that were ok, but overall I was disappointed. My understanding of the goal of the video was to capture and convey the core experiences of raiding and the cooperation required and the relationships of the players so that an audience of non gamers would understand. Instead it just said a bunch of stuff without explaining/demonstrating it and spent too much time blathering about stereotypes. They didn't back up the assertions (why fights are "hard" nor any of the fight mechanics to give at least an example) nor did they explain a lot of terms they threw out there that a non gamer would understand (e.g. dps, alt).


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Subject: The Raid World Premiere Video
It went downhill after Darnell.


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Subject: The Raid World Premiere Video
I feel like the guy putting in a year and a 1/2 to make this was an incredible waste of time... I hope he was doing other stuff. I feel as though what was produced could have been done in a months time or less. 1) Crop out elements of fights from fight videos. 2) Have player record interviews from a script of questions or do a realtime q&a that you record. Crop it all together, overlay voice on fights... done. Whats all the hype about? Did I see a different movie than everyone else, the one up on Gamebreakers thats still available?


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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: The Raid World Premiere Video


I liek cheese
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Title: Sith Lord
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Subject: The Raid World Premiere Video
I thought it was ok. I expected it to be more about the people, their lives, and how they manage them all together tho. I thought it would have less WoW footage and more video of people in their daily lives.


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Subject: The Raid World Premiere Video
_Kewk_ posted:
I thought it was ok. I expected it to be more about the people, their lives, and how they manage them all together tho. I thought it would have less WoW footage and more video of people in their daily lives.

I got the feeling that the overall goal of the video was to help non-MMO players, aka normal people, understand what the genre was about. I don't think delving into how people live that play, especially that raid and do high end arenas that require massive amounts of time, would be conducive to the goal for the web show.

Of course you ask any raider and they are self-made millionaires that work 100+ hours per week, take care of their kids and wife, and find the time to raid 4+ hours a day as well as farm mats and gold...

On Topic: I only had time to watch the first part and I didn't see anything interesting enough to make me want to continue streaming the video again at my hotel after work.

I did enjoy a statement early on by the director when he said (paraphrased) "I was killing wolves in Elwynn and went to the Official Warrior forums. What I saw was a sticky post 33 pages long on how to play my character with calculus computations, detailed philosophy, detailed character creation and gear/spec choices lined out, etc. I am like killing wolves in Elwynn, what the heck is this guy talking about!"

Those people everyone calls "Bads" are thinking the same thing, lol.


The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7
and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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