Author Topic: Caster Template
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Subject: Caster Template
This template is setup for Spiritmaster but can be used for just about any caster. Just use the Tenacious Staff from whatever realm your playing. No 70% power pool but works for me.

Stat Details : Items / Cap

<-- Stats -->
Constitution : 75 / 75
Dexterity : 102 / 100
Piety : 109 / 101
Acuity : 109 / 101
Hit Points : 292 / 290

<-- Stat Cap Increases -->
Dexterity Cap : 25 / 26
Acuity Cap : 36 / 26
Power Cap : 25 / 50
Hit Points Cap : 90 / 200

<-- Resists -->
Crush Resist : 27 / 26
Slash Resist : 27 / 26
Thrust Resist : 27 / 26
Heat Resist : 24 / 26
Cold Resist : 30 / 26
Matter Resist : 25 / 26
Energy Resist : 20 / 26
Body Resist : 27 / 26
Spirit Resist : 24 / 26

<-- ToA Bonuses -->
Power Pool % : 50 / 50
Archery/Spell Speed : 10 / 10
Archery/Spell Damage : 10 / 10
Archery/Spell Range : 7 / 10
Spell Pierce : 10 / 10
Spell Duration : 26 / 25
Armor Factor : 8 / 50
Arcane Siphoning : 20 / 25
Buff Enhance : 11 / 25
Realm Point Bonus : 3 / 10

<-- General Skills -->
All Casting Skills : 3 / 11

<-- Midgard Magic -->
Darkness Magic : 3 / 11
Summoning : 3 / 11
Suppression : 3 / 11

<== Equipment Info ==>

Weapons Equipped : Two Handed ( 2H )

(Chest) : Semi-Ethereal Robe (ToA)

(Head) : Cloth Cap (ToA)

( Arms ) (Auto Name) : Dragonsworn Stitched Sleeves (HP +40)
Item Type : Crafted
Crush Resist : 9 ( Polished fiery shielding jewel )
Slash Resist : 9 ( Polished watery shielding jewel )
Thrust Resist : 7 ( Imperfect airy shielding jewel )
Hit Points : 60 ( Precious blood essence jewel )
Fifth Slot Bonuses : 40 Hit Points
Gem 1 : 1 Mon , 26 Ground Draconic Scales , 6 Draconic Fire
Gem 2 : 1 Mon , 26 Ground Draconic Scales , 6 Leviathan Blood
Gem 3 : 1 Pal , 21 Ground Draconic Scales , 5 Air Elemental Essence
Gem 4 : 1 Zo , 29 Essence of Life , 8 Giant Blood

( Hands ) (Auto Name) : Dragonsworn Bespelled Gloves (Constitution +15)
Item Type : Crafted
Crush Resist : 7 ( Imperfect fiery shielding jewel )
Slash Resist : 7 ( Imperfect watery shielding jewel )
Constitution : 25 ( Flawless earthen essence jewel )
Dexterity : 25 ( Flawless vapor essence jewel )
Fifth Slot Bonuses : 15 Constitution
Gem 1 : 1 Pal , 21 Ground Draconic Scales , 5 Draconic Fire
Gem 2 : 1 Pal , 21 Ground Draconic Scales , 5 Leviathan Blood
Gem 3 : 1 Kath , 33 Essence of Life , 9 Treant Blood
Gem 4 : 1 Kath , 33 Essence of Life , 9 Swamp Fog

( Legs ) (Auto Name) : Bespelled Woven Pants (Power Pool +5%)
Item Type : Crafted
Constitution : 25 ( Flawless earthen essence jewel )
Dexterity : 16 ( Polished vapor essence jewel )
Hit Points : 52 ( Faceted blood essence jewel )
Thrust Resist : 9 ( Polished airy shielding jewel )
Fifth Slot Bonuses : 5 Power Pool %
Gem 1 : 1 Kath , 33 Essence of Life , 9 Treant Blood
Gem 2 : 1 Mon , 21 Essence of Life , 6 Swamp Fog
Gem 3 : 1 Ros , 25 Essence of Life , 7 Giant Blood
Gem 4 : 1 Mon , 26 Ground Draconic Scales , 6 Air Elemental Essence

( Feet ) (Auto Name) : Dragonsworn Stitched Boots (Dexterity +15)
Item Type : Crafted
Constitution : 10 ( Flawed earthen essence jewel )
Matter Resist : 11 ( Faceted earthen shielding jewel )
Body Resist : 7 ( Imperfect dusty shielding jewel )
Hit Points : 60 ( Precious blood essence jewel )
Fifth Slot Bonuses : 15 Dexterity
Gem 1 : 1 Ee , 13 Essence of Life , 4 Treant Blood
Gem 2 : 1 Ros , 31 Ground Draconic Scales , 7 Treant Blood
Gem 3 : 1 Pal , 21 Ground Draconic Scales , 5 Undead Ash and Holy Water
Gem 4 : 1 Zo , 29 Essence of Life , 8 Giant Blood

(Two Hand) : Tenacious Night Shadow

(Jewel) : Eerie Darkness Lighting Stone

(Neck) : Cauldron of Dagda Fragment (Gaheris)

(Cloak) : Cloudsong

(Belt) : Jacina's Sash

(Ring) : Ring of Arcane Gestures (ToA)

(Ring) : Band of Ilmenite

(Wrist) : Glimmershade Bracer

(Wrist) : Deathshadow Bracer

<== Total Spellcraft Materials Needed ==>

1 Ee gem(s)
4 Pal gem(s)
4 Mon gem(s)
2 Ros gem(s)
2 Zo gem(s)
3 Kath gem(s)

216 Essence of Life
193 Ground Draconic Scales

11 Air Elemental Essence
11 Draconic Fire
23 Giant Blood
11 Leviathan Blood
15 Swamp Fog
29 Treant Blood
5 Undead Ash and Holy Water

<== End Report ==>

GearBunnyX can be downloaded at


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Title: Camelot Vault Staff
Dragon Junkie

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Subject: Caster Template
why not post the templates to the CV Template Data Base?


Aliciaday, Kelanai & all her alts, wish you all happy gaming
before she dies...ooops too late! Oh well, dying IS what I do best!
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Subject: Caster Template
replace the body resist on the feet for the thrust resist on the arms. drop the body and put +3 supp on the arms. then drop the matter on the feet and replace it with +5 supp. this will give +11 pbae skill which will help with resists v. high level mobs. unless you're mostly fighting yellow/oj mobs. 20% body is plenty and matter is largely unimportant since it's either junk dots or nosdodens nukes, which a pbae caster probably wouldn't be dealing with anyway.


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Subject: Caster Template
WTB a caster template that is weaponless and doesnt include a relic frag.


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Title: Viking of Paragon
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Subject: Caster Template
Aside from the +skills it looks fairly decent.


- Grace -
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Subject: Caster Template
Ty all for your feedback


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Subject: Caster Template
SecondBanana posted:
replace the body resist on the feet for the thrust resist on the arms. drop the body and put +3 supp on the arms. then drop the matter on the feet and replace it with +5 supp. this will give +11 pbae skill which will help with resists v. high level mobs. unless you're mostly fighting yellow/oj mobs. 20% body is plenty and matter is largely unimportant since it's either junk dots or nosdodens nukes, which a pbae caster probably wouldn't be dealing with anyway.

Awesome thank you much man just did so.


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Subject: Caster Template
Ruarch_Rockhammer posted:
WTB a caster template that is weaponless and doesnt include a relic frag.

With high power + 10/10/7/26/20??? I would have to say impossible. Why would you have to use different weapons on a caster???


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Subject: Caster Template
Aliciaday posted:
why not post the templates to the CV Template Data Base?

#1 This template can be used on any caster so I would have to post it on each caster and change the weapon according to realm so anyone could find it. #2 I never knew that website existed ty lol! #3 see #1 happy


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Subject: Caster Template
i had a caster template that was better. it was very similar but two things i remember different were the cloak, it used one from mid dragon land and the jewel was from a toa quest that was a pain in the butt.


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Subject: Caster Template
"With high power + 10/10/7/26/20??? I would have to say impossible. Why would you have to use different weapons on a caster???"

Why not go for it? What am I missing about the high power thing? With a greater power myth and pots I have never had a power issue.


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Title: Hungry Beaver
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Subject: Caster Template
Ruarch_Rockhammer posted:
"With high power + 10/10/7/26/20??? I would have to say impossible. Why would you have to use different weapons on a caster???"

Why not go for it? What am I missing about the high power thing? With a greater power myth and pots I have never had a power issue.

You shouldnt be using a power myth.


u good cleric - Zarius, Warrior on Gaheris
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Subject: Caster Template
SecondBanana posted:
replace the body resist on the feet for the thrust resist on the arms. drop the body and put +3 supp on the arms. then drop the matter on the feet and replace it with +5 supp. this will give +11 pbae skill which will help with resists v. high level mobs. unless you're mostly fighting yellow/oj mobs. 20% body is plenty and matter is largely unimportant since it's either junk dots or nosdodens nukes, which a pbae caster probably wouldn't be dealing with anyway.



u good cleric - Zarius, Warrior on Gaheris
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Subject: Caster Template
Gringor posted:
SecondBanana posted:
replace the body resist on the feet for the thrust resist on the arms. drop the body and put +3 supp on the arms. then drop the matter on the feet and replace it with +5 supp. this will give +11 pbae skill which will help with resists v. high level mobs. unless you're mostly fighting yellow/oj mobs. 20% body is plenty and matter is largely unimportant since it's either junk dots or nosdodens nukes, which a pbae caster probably wouldn't be dealing with anyway.



Adding to your skill will do nothing for resists. Just ups damage, and not a whole lot at that.

I'd agree that Matter resist is almost pointless.


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Subject: Caster Template
Ruarch_Rockhammer posted:
"With high power + 10/10/7/26/20??? I would have to say impossible. Why would you have to use different weapons on a caster???"

Why not go for it? What am I missing about the high power thing? With a greater power myth and pots I have never had a power issue.

You use a GPM on keeps? -1 . Focal ftw...

kobenator posted:
i had a caster template that was better. it was very similar but two things i remember different were the cloak, it used one from mid dragon land and the jewel was from a toa quest that was a pain in the butt.

Sun Ruby would be the gem, if anyone was wondering


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Subject: Caster Template
meh, I am not a hardcore Gaheris player. I never really cared about doing keeps solo/duo so I am taking my +1 back. The keep groups I have run with think I have done just fine.


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Subject: Caster Template
just fine means you can do better. there are/were keeps that focal gave a huge advantage.

that being said, power pool or power myth or nothing shouldnt really matter for keeps. mcl and the standard power replenish items is plenty fine.


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Subject: Caster Template
Other than on a theurgist, I'm curious why you would sacrifice resists/con/hits for duration? I see a lot of people posting template like this with low con/hits and high duration, what am I missing?


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Subject: Caster Template
It's generally easier for casters to template duration, and that matters for Heart of Agramon.


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Title: Camelot Vault Staff

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Subject: Caster Template
lilkaji posted:
Aliciaday posted:
why not post the templates to the CV Template Data Base?

#1 This template can be used on any caster so I would have to post it on each caster and change the weapon according to realm so anyone could find it. #2 I never knew that website existed ty lol! #3 see #1 happy

There is now a Gaheris section
If you're having trouble submitting a template into the Gaheris section then just submit it into another class section and add a (Gaheris) in the name. I'll find and move it. Hopefully we'll have a banner link soon.


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Subject: Caster Template
lilkaji posted:
No 70% power pool but works for me.
<---- 0.o is that a shot? OW! My 70% caster temp (made by someone else) is made for specific purposes. FORTUNATELY for me, I've not run into the purposes it's NOT meant for yet happy

Nice Temp bro!


-----signature-----, Albhir2, Albhir3
GM: The Ruffian Band (Hib) White Tigers (Alb) Royal White Tigers (Mid)
GM: Black Ruffian Dragons (Gaheris)
Ard Tiarna Ubershorty (Officer for The Jaded Ones *Gaheris*)
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Subject: Caster Template
Asber posted:
It's generally easier for casters to template duration, and that matters for Heart of Agramon.

So if I'm reading this right, you're saying that if your caster is the one using the HOA then it needs 25 duration for that?

Any other uses?


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Title: Hungry Beaver
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Subject: Caster Template
Aebola posted:
Asber posted:
It's generally easier for casters to template duration, and that matters for Heart of Agramon.

So if I'm reading this right, you're saying that if your caster is the one using the HOA then it needs 25 duration for that?

Any other uses?

ML9 pets. Earth pet durations for thugs, pot timers, etc.


u good cleric - Zarius, Warrior on Gaheris
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Subject: Caster Template
Aebola posted:
Other than on a theurgist, I'm curious why you would sacrifice resists/con/hits for duration? I see a lot of people posting template like this with low con/hits and high duration, what am I missing?

The template isn't built for 25% duration, it's just a bonus. Jac Sash and Tenacious Staff are used primarily for %siphon, which is 16% duration between the two items, then Dagda Frag, which is a must in a pbae template, is 10% duration as well, ending you up at 25(26)% duration without actually trying to template for it. On an enchanter, heat debuff lasts longer, stun lasts longer, HoA, Dagda Frag, among others.

70% power pool is a waste, however. With Infernal Sleeves and RP2 (focal myth, not GPM), my Enchanter never ran out of power for any length of time except when she was being powertapped by the Benowyc lord.


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