Author Topic: Interest to know the bad plugins that are causing 3 day bans?
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Subject: Interest to know the bad plugins that are causing 3 day bans?

A list would be so I can avoid them. (or is this going to be on a need to know basis?)

I just use vtank so I should be safe.


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Title: I Love Boobies. And Butts, too!
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Subject: Interest to know the bad plugins that are causing 3 day bans?
they might get you kicked for coc violation but that's just the anti packet spam message, it's not gonna get you banned.

now if you speed hack 3 times on an account you get an automatic ban for 3(+) days.


#dnn #og-ac
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Posts: 3,556
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Subject: Interest to know the bad plugins that are causing 3 day bans?
Whats the anti packet spam message??? I been booted twice for violating the coc, but I dont know why...


Monica Bellucci, Gimp Mage
Proud Vassal of Lostmage love
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Title: I Love Boobies. And Butts, too!
Posts: 17,344
Registered: May 30, '07
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Real Post Cnt: 32,011
User ID: 1,226,605
Subject: Interest to know the bad plugins that are causing 3 day bans?
plugins that spam get the CoC Violation boot


#dnn #og-ac
Fastest 1-275 in AC history.
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[Trade] +Envoy Sparker says, "Rep check: Eps Levelin, PST."
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