Author Topic: Curious
Title: Caveat Lector
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Subject: Curious
Do you use macros for combat?

On the official forums I run into a lot of people who just hate on people who use macros.

I have an MM spec, I use it VERY infrequently, mostly for a single fight (shannox, Chimera Shot crits ftw) and I use a castsequence macro in that spec. I find that people go up in flames when I say this. 99% of the time I dps in SV, because I am WAY more comfortable with it, to the point where I do more dps with SV than I do with MM, something that theoriticians say is not possible.



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Subject: Curious
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Title: Caveat Lector
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Subject: Curious

In a group, no one ever complains about my dps, I manage my aggro, I trap properly, I misdirect and frankly, I can beat 90% of the people I play with. Using a castsequence macro. Mind you, I fully understand that this is anecdotal evidence and I don't expect anyone to believe me, I am just saying, I don't understand the macro hate. If someone makes a macro, they are at least trying to do well, instead of just spamming arcane shot til they run out of focus, then autoattack until they can mash that arcane shot button again.


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Subject: Curious
It's just a tool. I use macros most places to manage the non-random elements of my rotations, with separate buttons (or key modifiers in the macro) for the proc-based abilities.

[edit] I find macros are also helpful to reduce 3 or 4 situational abilities down to one button. One example is the pet mend/res/summon macros that use the right tool based on whether your pet is dead, missing or not available.


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Subject: Curious
-Peo- posted:
Do you use macros for combat?

On the official forums I run into a lot of people who just hate on people who use macros.

I have an MM spec, I use it VERY infrequently, mostly for a single fight (shannox, Chimera Shot crits ftw) and I use a castsequence macro in that spec. I find that people go up in flames when I say this. 99% of the time I dps in SV, because I am WAY more comfortable with it, to the point where I do more dps with SV than I do with MM, something that theoriticians say is not possible.


I utilize simple macros heavily. As a warlock I don't have much use for cast sequence macros, but I'm aware some hunters use them.

As far as you doing more dps as sv than mm, it's totally believable. You'll very likely pull much more dps in a spec you're comfortable and familiar with.



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Subject: Curious
The only macros I use are ones to link trinkets to spells. Of course the only thing I do is heal so that could be a big reason.


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Subject: Curious
I use simple macros when it's convenient and makes my job easier. I used to fiddle with cast sequence stuff but I've never really played any characters that had a solid, steady rotation so I dropped that idea. So mostly targeting and focus macros.


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Subject: Curious
There is a little bit of lag inherent in a cast sequence macro that is not present when just pushing the abilities on a bar.

For instance, take a shaman and macro:

/castsequence timer=5/ Lightning Bolt; Lightning Bolt; Lightning Bolt

Go to the DPS dummies and spam that macro for 2 minutes using Recount to watch your DPS. Then do the same test with just pressing your lightning bolt ability from your spellbook. There will be a considerable difference in DPS. This is why Elitist Jerks types might tell you that you are messing up using a cast sequence macro.

I used them when I played to add /attack to melee attack abilities as well as trinket use. But for casting actual abilities, better to keybind or at least put it on your bar and just spam it that way. That's my 2 cents.


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Title: Caveat Lector
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Subject: Curious
Yep, there is a tiny bit of delay, because wow uses a mini ability queue system, you can actually start casting the nest spell before the 1st one is done casting, however with a castsequence, the entire cast has to finish before the next one will start. Interesting that I never put the 2 together. Ah well, I will still use the macro, having to press 10 buttons just isnt my style.


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Subject: Curious
I use all kinds of macros...

I have two that I use in dungeons more than others, one targets the tanks target, the other targets the tank...(the latter I only use when healing, misdirecting, or tricking)

I have macros for specific pet functions, like the silence for the felhunter, or target specific pet heals etc..

I have one for my rogue that does cloak/vanish/prep....

I dunno, I used one on my hunter before autoshot was an automatic deal..haven't really put one together for cata...

Honestly, if someone says "you shouldn't use macros", I'd tell them to kindly stfu, and that they have no earthly idea wtf they are talking about, followed by an ignore.


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Subject: Curious
GutterSludge posted:

Honestly, if someone says "you shouldn't use macros", I'd tell them to kindly stfu, and that they have no earthly idea wtf they are talking about, followed by an ignore.

Can't agree more.

Macros are there for a reason. I use them heavily. Mainly, to activate trinkets and other buffs that are not on the GCD.
Depending on what characters I'm playing they get a bit more complex. My rogue is pretty simple. My warlock has a ton of pet stuff added in.


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Subject: Curious
In the current game for hunters, /castsequence Macros will bring below average playing up to average or even slightly above average.

Exceptional results will not be achieved by those who rely on castsequence macros. If you need them to stay ahead of the curve, then great, use them.


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Title: Caveat Lector
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Subject: Curious


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Subject: Curious
To be clear, some macros are kind of important and useful - for instance I make macros like the following:

#showtooltip Shield Slam
/cast Shield Slam

for cases when I am low on rage with a warrior and might be turning to a new target - this way I tab to the target, go to hit my shield slam button, but I'm too low on rage or SS is on cooldown... oops... without the macro I'll be standing there not attacking until I either right click or click an auto attack or some other move that I have enough rage for...

I make the same macros for my hunter for when I want to switch targets but may not have focus for the opening shot I want, but don't want to waste focus on something else:

#showtooltip Explosive Shot
/cast Explosive Shot

This gets me auto-shooting if I don't have enough focus for the shot I want.

The only thing with these macros is that like all macros, they do have a possible down side - which is the unintended attacking of something you might not want to attack - fortunately this is rare for my warrior, but not so rare for my hunter, so I have to exercise care when switching targets so that I don't target something unintended and pull it by accident.

Back during BC, a castsequence macro was the only way to be effective as a hunter in PvE - but that was because of the (FKN STUPID!) game mechanics. Now, those mechanics are different and due to game lag and such along with the inherent delay to castsequence macros, you can be more effective without a castsequence macro than with one. That said, it takes a decent amount of paying attention and dexterity to manage being more effective than a macro. Not everyone will be willing to practice to the point that they can beat a macro. Some will though.

I remember those huge macros for chain seducing/banishing/fearing focus targets and such with my warlock too - that made a difficult task become "one button simple" so that I could focus on DPSing the pull and not focus on crowd controlling a target - i.e. it made warlock CC as easy as mage CC, which was great.

In short, not "all macros" are "bad". Some macros are extremely useful and IMO necessary for play - like my warrior /startattack macros - these things make my life so much easier and allow me to free up my mouse for movement and my eyes for seeing the screen while my fingers can be a tad less precise on the buttons and still achieve excellent results. A good warrior tank needs to be able to respond dynamically with movement and target selection to situations that DPS and healers don't necessarily have to worry about.

I remember during BC when I was really paying attention to hunters all around and everyone wanted to make one button "do it all" macros that would send their pets, start attacking, mark the target, skin the last kill, retarget mob the pet is on, misdirect the pet, and whisper their cyb0r partner: "what are you wearing" all at the same time. Invariably these hunters got into trouble when they failed to learn all the various little things you do differently in a party than when soloing. I.e. "you whisper to Sumdumhunter: Can you mark my target please?" Next thing you know, the hunter marks target, starts shooting it, their pet charges into it, the whole group is pulled and I get a whisper in response "Sumdumhunter says: What are you wearing?"... plain

So yeah... use of macros by someone cogent and able to understand what all is going on is great and they can surely smooth out game play. They can even help with gameplay performance for sub average players and for when there may be latency issues which make an otherwise good player appear sub-average. However, all other things being equal in the current game, for hunter DPS, castsequence macros can be beaten by folks who have low latency, good reflexes, a good action bar setup, and who have practiced their rotation.


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Subject: Curious
Varies by class but I use them. I don't really use ones with castsequence or heavy modifier use because I haven't really found a good use or need for them (for me). Definitely get use out of a variety of simple macros though.


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