Author Topic: Trade Skill's still a waste it seems. :(
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Subject: Trade Skill's still a waste it seems. :(
With today's patch I saw purple recipes on the JC vendor and bought them all.
Then I started looking at them and noticed you only make iLevel 346 blues with these Epic recipes.
Next I looked at the mats needed. Pretty crazy requirements. I figure most items will cost at least 3200g a pop to make if you buy the mats off the AH (just to put a price on things).

I can't see anyone paying that kind of money for a blue item when you can get so much better items with JP (or even converting Honor Points over).

It looks like Blizz does not want Trade Skills items to be an option for getting somewhat good gear.

I am sad.


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Title: The One and Only
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Subject: Trade Skill's still a waste it seems. :(
Those recipes have been around since Cata just came out. How slow are you?


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Title: I has title now!
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Subject: Trade Skill's still a waste it seems. :(
.... I hate crafting in WoW

once a new raid tier comes out crafted items are so obsolete rarily do they add recipes you can buy and then they become on par with actual raid loot


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