Author Topic: VTclassic Looter Profiles
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Subject: VTclassic Looter Profiles
Anyone have a more recent version they'd be willing to share? The ones on her page are nice, but more outdated.

Also, is there a way in ClassicLooter to copy from one profile to the next without simply recreating the rule? That is, clone/copy from one and pasting in the next. Even merging profiles and then allowing me to purge and remove rules would be great. I'm entirely too clumsy with it.

Appreciate the help!


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Subject: VTclassic Looter Profiles
hggm posted:
Also, is there a way in ClassicLooter to copy from one profile to the next without simply recreating the rule? That is, clone/copy from one and pasting in the next. Even merging profiles and then allowing me to purge and remove rules would be great. I'm entirely too clumsy with it.

To answer your second question simply, I just save my favorite profile to a new file name and modify it to my needs. Thus cloning it.
(Is that what you were referring to?)


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Subject: VTclassic Looter Profiles
Open the profile in notepad, find the rule, copy/paste. Although it's not efficient, its foolproof and you can't make a mistake as long as the original rule was working as intended.


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