Author Topic: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
Posts: 5,149
Registered: Jul 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,026
User ID: 695,709
Subject: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
Running out of ideas...

Below is what's currently in the spells xml:

- <intensity>
- <spells>
- <!-- Static array: put your Self Buffs here!
- <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or buffing will not work
- <SpellArray Name="buffself" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Inner Calm" />
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Hermetic Link" />
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Perseverance" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians" />
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Blessing" />
- <!-- Static array: put your Stamina to Mana routine here!
- <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Stamina to Mana will not work
- <SpellArray Name="stam2mana" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Name="Meditative Trance" />
<Spell Name="Robustification" />
- <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Buff Lore will not work
- <SpellArray Name="bufflore" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Inner Calm" />
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <!-- Every Profile ========================================================
- <!-- Used in all "Full" profiles for Self Buffing==================================
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <SpellArray Name="critterself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Inner Calm" />
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Perseverance" />
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians" />
<Spell Name="Honed Control" />
<Spell Name="Hastening" />
<Spell Name="Odif's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Saladur's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Aura of Defense" />
<Spell Name="Aura of Deflection" />
<Spell Name="Aura of Resistance" />
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="itemself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will" />
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress" />
- <SpellArray Name="lifeself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Blade Turner" />
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Arrow Turner" />
<Spell Name="Blessing of the Mace Turner" />
<Spell Name="Fiery Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Caustic Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Storm's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Robustify" />
<Spell Name="Unflinching Persistence" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="wandself" Security="Locked" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mystic's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Cragstone's Will" />
<Spell Name="Infected Spirit Caress" />
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <!-- Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ======================================
- <!-- ====================================================================
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <SpellArray Name="*Archer" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself" />
<Spell Array="itemself" />
<Spell Array="lifeself" />
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Axe" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself" />
<Spell Array="itemself" />
<Spell Array="lifeself" />
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Dagger" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself" />
<Spell Array="itemself" />
<Spell Array="lifeself" />
<Spell Name="Gertarh's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Mace" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself" />
<Spell Array="itemself" />
<Spell Array="lifeself" />
<Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Mage" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself" />
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Blessing" />
<Spell Array="itemself" />
<Spell Array="lifeself" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Spear" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself" />
<Spell Array="itemself" />
<Spell Array="lifeself" />
<Spell Name="Tibri's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Staff" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself" />
<Spell Array="itemself" />
<Spell Array="lifeself" />
<Spell Name="Anadil's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Sword" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself" />
<Spell Array="itemself" />
<Spell Array="lifeself" />
<Spell Name="MacNiall's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Thrown" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself" />
<Spell Array="itemself" />
<Spell Array="lifeself" />
<Spell Name="Asmolum's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="*UA" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself" />
<Spell Array="itemself" />
<Spell Array="lifeself" />
<Spell Name="Hamud's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Xbow" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Array="critterself" />
<Spell Array="itemself" />
<Spell Array="lifeself" />
<Spell Name="Barnar's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing" />
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <!-- Specialty Self Buffing Spell Arrays Start here ==============================
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <SpellArray Name="*3School" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Adja's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Inner Calm" />
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Lore" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Inner Calm" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Potions" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control" />
<Spell Name="Inner Calm" />
<Spell Name="Perseverance" />
<Spell Name="Mind Blossom" />
<Spell Name="Robustify" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Arcanum Salvaging VII" />
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you
- <!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and
- <!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and
- <!-- end with the same thing =============================================
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <!-- <SpellArray Name="*Salvage" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
- <!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Wisdom VII"/>
- <!-- </SpellArray>
- <SpellArray Name="*Tinkers" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control" />
<Spell Name="Inner Calm" />
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Perseverance" />
<Spell Name="Jibril's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Might of the Lugians" />
<Spell Name="Koga's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Blessing" />
- <SpellArray Name="*Trades" Security="Locked" Type="Self">
<Spell Name="Honed Control" />
<Spell Name="Inner Calm" />
<Spell Name="Silencia's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Blessing" />
<Spell Name="Oswald's Blessing" />
- <!-- Static array: put your Summon Primary Portal routine here!
- <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work
- <SpellArray Name="summon1" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Primary% on my %PrimaryFaceLR% (to the %PrimaryFaceNSEW%)" />
<Spell Text="Portal to %Primary% coming up!" />
<Spell Heading="%PrimaryHeading%" />
<Spell Delay="1200" />
<Spell Name="Summon Primary Portal I" />
- <!-- Static array: put your Summon Secondary Portal routine here!
- <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name or Summoning Portals will not work
- <SpellArray Name="summon2" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="I will be opening a portal to %Secondary% on my %SecondaryFaceLR% (to the %SecondaryFaceNSEW%)" />
<Spell Text="Portal to %Secondary% coming up!" />
<Spell Heading="%SecondaryHeading%" />
<Spell Delay="1200" />
<Spell Name="Summon Secondary Portal I" />
- <!-- Static array: pause and beg for money if option enabled. Use Delay for pausing
- <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name
- <SpellArray Name="BegForMoney" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Text="Pausing 5 seconds for any donations" />
<Spell Delay="5000" />
- <!-- Static array: events you want to happen upon your death
- <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name
- <SpellArray Name="OnDeathEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="Oh my god I died!" />
<Spell TypeText="/permit add nobody_special" />
<Spell TypeText="/t nobody_special,I died at %CorpseLocation% - come get my stuff?" />
<Spell TypeText="/logout" />
<Spell TypeText="/logout" />
<Spell TypeText="/logout" />
- <!-- Static array: events you want to happen when you run below 50 scarabs, 1,000 tapers
- <!-- DO NOT change this SpellArray name
- <SpellArray Name="LowCompsEvent" Security="Locked" Type="Any">
<Spell Speech="Help! I'm low on comps! Tell me COMPS for more information!" />
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <!-- BuffArmor Profiles ================================================
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <!-- BuffArmor spells are different than regular spells, because we will be buffing armor while they're WEARING IT (yes I'm serious). Notice that these spells have "<Spell BuffArmor" instead of "<Spell Name". Never put Spell Name= on buffarmor commands, or your bot will fail.
- <SpellArray Name="buffarmor" PointCost="1" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="I'm opening a trade window with you, enable trades now!" />
<Spell Text="You have 10 seconds to stand on top of me. Come VERY close." />
<Spell Stance="1" />
<Spell Delay="9000" />
<Spell OpenTrade="1" />
<Spell Text="You have 25 seconds to add armor. DO NOT cancel the trade. DO NOT hand me armor." />
<Spell Delay="22000" />
<Spell Text="I found %colBuffArmor% pieces to buff. Equip it, then give me one of these commands:" />
<Spell Text="Bane commands: allbane, minibane, tuskerbane, olthoibane" />
- <SpellArray Name="allbane" PointCost="50" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Impenetrability" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Blade Bane" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Bludgeon Bane" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Piercing Bane" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Flame Bane" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Frost Bane" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Acid Bane" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Lightning Bane" />
- <SpellArray Name="minibane" PointCost="20" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Impenetrability" />
- <SpellArray Name="tuskerbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Impenetrability" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Bludgeon Bane" />
- <SpellArray Name="olthoibane" Name1="bugbane" PointCost="30" Type="Armor">
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Impenetrability" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Piercing Bane" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Bludgeon Bane" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Blade Bane" />
<Spell BuffArmor="Incantation of Acid Bane" />
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <!-- Every Profile =====================================================
- <!-- Used in all "Full" profiles =======================================
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <SpellArray Name="critter" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" />
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Ogfoot" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Web of Defense" />
<Spell Name="Web of Deflection" />
<Spell Name="Web of Resistance" />
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Enlightenment" />
- <SpellArray Name="life" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner" />
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner" />
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner" />
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon" />
<Spell Name="Icy Boon" />
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon" />
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head" />
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness" />
- <SpellArray Name="gearcraft" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Tristra" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
- <!-- ====================================================================
- <!-- Full Profiles ======================================================
- <!-- ====================================================================
- <SpellArray Name="axe" Name1="fullaxe" Name2="allaxe" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
- <SpellArray Name="2h" Name1="Two-handed" Name2="two handed" Name3="2hand" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Boon of T'ing" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII" />
- <SpellArray Name="archer" Name1="bow" Name2="fullbow" Name3="allbow" Name4="fullarcher" Name5="allarcher" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
- <SpellArray Name="xbow" Name1="fullxbow" Name2="allxbow" Name3="crossbow" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Barnar's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
- <SpellArray Name="thrown" Name1="fullthrown" Name2="allthrown" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffbow" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Asmolum's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
- <SpellArray Name="dagger" Name1="fulldagger" Name2="alldagger" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Gertarh's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
- <SpellArray Name="mace" Name1="fullmace" Name2="allmace" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
- <SpellArray Name="spear" Name1="fullspear" Name2="allspear" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Tibri's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
- <SpellArray Name="staff" Name1="fullstaff" Name2="allstaff" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Anadil's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
- <SpellArray Name="sword" Name1="fullsword" Name2="allsword" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="MacNiall's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
- <SpellArray Name="ua" Name1="fullua" Name2="allua" Name3="unarmed" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffweapon" />
<Spell Array="buffshield" />
<Spell Array="itembuffs" />
<Spell Name="Hamud's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
- <SpellArray Name="mage" Name1="fullmage" Name2="allmage" PointCost="100" Type="Other">
<Spell Array="buffwand" />
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon" />
<Spell Array="critter" />
<Spell Array="life" />
- <SpellArray Name="3school" Name1="magic" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
- <SpellArray Name="itembuffs" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
- <SpellArray Name="trades" Name1="alltrades" Name2="fulltrades" Name3="trade" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="tinkers" Name1="tinker" Name2="fulltinker" Name3="alltinker" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" />
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="potions" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon" />
- <!-- ====================================================================
- <!-- Supplemental Profiles ==============================================
- <!-- ====================================================================
- <SpellArray Name="buffweapon" Name1="weapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Blood Drinker" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Heart Seeker" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Swift Killer" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Defender" />
- <SpellArray Name="buffbow" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Blood Drinker" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Swift Killer" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Defender" />
- <SpellArray Name="buffwand" Name1="wand" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Hermetic Link" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Defender" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Spirit Drinker" />
- <SpellArray Name="buffshieldmini" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Impenetrability" />
- <SpellArray Name="buffshieldfull" Name1="shield" Name2="sheild" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Impenetrability" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Blade Bane" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Piercing Bane" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Bludgeon Bane" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Flame Bane" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Frost Bane" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Acid Bane" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Lightning Bane" />
- <SpellArray Name="buffshield" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Impenetrability" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Blade Bane" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Piercing Bane" />
<Spell Name="Incantation of Bludgeon Bane" />
- <SpellArray Name="xpchain" Name1="allegiance" Name2="xp" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="tinkarmor" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
- <SpellArray Name="tinkitem" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
- <SpellArray Name="tinkmagic" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
- <SpellArray Name="tinkweapon" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
- <SpellArray Name="allrenew" PointCost="30" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head" />
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="protects" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner" />
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner" />
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner" />
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon" />
<Spell Name="Icy Boon" />
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon" />
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="buffmule" Name1="buffgimp" Name2="supergimp" PointCost="25" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" />
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon" />
- <!-- Below is a VERY nice bit of work on the part of OZ-PK that he said we could steal. THANK YOU!
- <SpellArray Name="megamule" Name1="SuperMule" PointCost="50" Type="Other">
<Spell Text="This is an All-inclusive Trade/Tinker mule profile" />
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" />
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon" />
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head" />
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness" />
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
- <!-- ***********************************************
- <!-- ************** PORTAL GEMS ********************
- <!-- ***********************************************
- <!-- Castaway can use portal gems to summon locations elsewhere.
- <!-- This however can be bad if you use gems for death items.
- <!-- Allow this section with caution.
- <!-- Use portal gem to Summon to Master Mages
- <SpellArray Name="sho master mage" Name1="shoyanen" Name2="mayoi mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Using the master mage gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Shoyanen Kenchu, master mage" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Shoyanen's Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="gharu master mage" Name1="fadsahil" Name2="desert mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Using the master mage gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Fadsahil al-Tashbi, master mage" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Fadsahil al-Tashbi's Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="aluvian master mage" Name1="celdiseth" Name2="north mage" PointCost="2500">
<Spell Text="Using the master mage gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Celdiseth, master mage" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Celdiseth's Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon nanto" Name1="nanto" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Nanto" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Nanto Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon yanshi" Name1="yanshi" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Yanshi" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Yanshi Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon shoushi" Name1="shoushi" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Shoushi" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Shoushi Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon yaraq" Name1="yaraq" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Yaraq" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Yaraq Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon rithwic" Name1="summon rith" Name2="rith" Name3="rithwic" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Rithwic" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Rithwic Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon al-arqas" Name1="al-araqas" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Al-Arqas" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Al-Arqas Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon samsur" Name1="samsur" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Samsur" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Samsur Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon holtburg" Name1="summon holt" Name2="holt" Name3="holtburg" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Holtburg" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Holtburg Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon lytelthorpe" Name1="lytelthorpe" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Lytelthorpe" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Lytelthorpe Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon xarabydun" Name1="summon xara" Name2="xara" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Xarabydun" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Xarabydun Portal Summoning Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon silyun" Name1="silyun" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Silyun" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Silyun Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon sanamar" Name1="sanamar" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Sanamar" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Sanamar Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon vissidal" Name1="vissidal" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Vissidal Island" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Vissidal Island Portal Gem" />
- <SpellArray Name="summon redspire" Name1="redspire" PointCost="500">
<Spell Text="Using the city gem now!" />
<Spell Emote="is now summoning Redspire" />
<Spell Delay="1000" />
<Spell UseItem="Redspire Portal Gem" />
- <!-- 7 Life Protects
- <SpellArray Name="armor" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Executor's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="bladep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Blade Turner" />
- <SpellArray Name="bludgep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Mace Turner" />
- <SpellArray Name="piercep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of the Arrow Turner" />
- <SpellArray Name="firep" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Fiery Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="coldp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Icy Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="acidp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Caustic Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="electp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Storm's Boon" />
- <!-- 7 Life Regens
- <SpellArray Name="regen" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hydra's Head" />
- <SpellArray Name="rejuv" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tenaciousness" />
- <SpellArray Name="manar" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Battlemage's Boon" />
- <!-- 7 Critter Base Attribs
- <SpellArray Name="strength" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Might of the 5 Mules" />
- <SpellArray Name="endurance" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Temeritous Touch" />
- <SpellArray Name="coord" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Boon of Refinement" />
- <SpellArray Name="quick" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ogfoot" />
- <SpellArray Name="focus" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Calming Gaze" />
- <SpellArray Name="self" Name1="willpower" Name2="will" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Bolstered Will" />
- <!-- 7 Critter Skills
- <SpellArray Name="loyalty" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Odif's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="leadership" Name1="leader" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Ar-Pei's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="jump" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jahannan's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="run" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Saladur's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="meleed" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Defense" />
- <SpellArray Name="missiled" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Deflection" />
- <SpellArray Name="magicd" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Web of Resistance" />
- <SpellArray Name="lore" Name1="arcane" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Aliester's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="healing" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Avalenne's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="manac" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="axem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Reenigne's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="bowm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Strathelar's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="xbowm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Barnar's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="thrownm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Asmolum's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="daggerm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Gertarh's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="macem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Mi-Krauli's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="spearm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Tibri's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="staffm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Anadil's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="swordm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="MacNiall's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="uam" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hamud's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="critterm" Name1="creaturem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Adja's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="lifem" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Harlune's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="warm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Hieromancer's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="itemm" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celcynd's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="fletch" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Lilitha's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="alchey" Name1="alchemy" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Silencia's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="cooking" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Morimoto's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="lockpick" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Oswald's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="itemt" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Yoshi's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="armort" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Jibril's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="weapont" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Koga's Boon" />
- <SpellArray Name="magict" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Celdiseth's Boon" />
- <!-- 7 Item Weapons
- <SpellArray Name="bd" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Blood Drinker" />
- <SpellArray Name="sk" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Swift Killer" />
- <SpellArray Name="defender" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Defender" />
- <SpellArray Name="hs" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Heart Seeker" />
- <SpellArray Name="hl" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Hermetic Link" />
- <!-- 7 Item Armor
- <SpellArray Name="imp" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Impenetrability" />
- <SpellArray Name="bladeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Blade Bane" />
- <SpellArray Name="bludgeb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Bludgeon Bane" />
- <SpellArray Name="pierceb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Piercing Bane" />
- <SpellArray Name="fireb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Flame Bane" />
- <SpellArray Name="coldb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Frost Bane" />
- <SpellArray Name="acidb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Acid Bane" />
- <SpellArray Name="electb" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Incantation of Lightning Bane" />
- <SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
<Spell Name="Arcanum Enlightenment VII" />
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <!-- NOTE: If you are using Salvaging spells from Nuhmidira's Quest, you
- <!-- should comment out the 3 lines above that begin with SpellArray and
- <!-- end with /SpellArray. Then uncomment the 3 lines below that begin and
- <!-- end with the same thing =============================================
- <!-- ===================================================================
- <!-- <SpellArray Name="salvage" Name1="salvaging" PointCost="20" Type="Other">
- <!-- <Spell Name="Nuhmudira's Enlightenment"/>
- <!-- </SpellArray>

Decal Export:

Decal (DenAgent.exe) version:

type, enabled, name, version, clsid
Plugins, 0, Virindi Chat System 5,, {0A7B25AC-79A9-4F6A-9751-419B87A7BB05}
Plugins, 0, GoArrow,, {46BBF551-8578-4A59-B2FB-B5D9F4C719FA}
Plugins, 1, CastAway,, {4EB455CB-A2DA-44B6-90F2-09517A4B1476}
Plugins, 0, Alinco3buffs,, {57085C14-9889-492D-8E8B-B9BB1054564D}
Plugins, 0, Virindi Tank,, {642F1F48-16BE-48BF-B1D4-286652C4533E}
Plugins, 0, Decal Hotkey System,, {6B6B9FA8-37DE-4FA3-8C60-52BD6A2F9855}
Plugins, 0, Virindi Integrator2 Beta,, {7882AE88-CB68-4C98-BB94-90204C2D2156}
Plugins, 0, Virindi Item Tool,, {7BCA75A3-CC65-456B-BBB1-6383FB072B60}
Plugins, 0, Virindi Reporter,, {8C70FF56-0E53-4265-9E19-C4534A8D3AA8}
Plugins, 0, LifeTank X,, {910C0F8E-827A-4E35-A980-50D57D0B1296}
Plugins, 0, MiniMap,, {92C09018-E815-4C22-987B-8E553154146E}
Plugins, 0, Mule Trade It!,, {9D762D6E-6444-485A-B242-C50386013763}
Plugins, 0, Corpse Tracker,, {B45EF4AD-0D1B-4D74-AA4C-D0CC3045C619}
Plugins, 0, Virindi HUDs,, {C6B1DF06-FF20-459E-8302-AA346CBFDA01}
Plugins, 0, Radar Add-on,, {CA23F8D7-7E71-423A-A928-BC5CDD8FBD96}
Plugins, 0, Alinco3,, {ED1645F2-7BE3-44C0-8677-F64252F79309}
Plugins, 0, Virindi Hotkey System,, {ED7CC818-7159-461F-A833-4CA49E1C85B6}
Network Filters, 1, Virindi AutomaticUpdatesFilter,, {108ED493-48AD-42A6-AADC-EF773E4F185A}
Network Filters, 1, Echo Filter 2,, {34239EAD-6317-4C40-A405-193BA5232DD8}
Network Filters, 1, Character Stats Filter,, {4540C969-08D1-46BF-97AD-6B19D3C10BEE}
Network Filters, 1, World Object Filter,, {53092D1B-F0B0-46FF-BF11-8F031EC9B137}
Network Filters, 1, Decal FileService,, {5E9B2FC3-C251-4589-8CE3-2BCA542B98B6}
Network Filters, 1, Identify Queue Filter,, {B0C05A9A-273D-4BC4-B7BA-E27CF94C8EF4}
Network Filters, 1, SpellFilter,, {C2D43735-BE7E-4829-AF73-F2E7E820EB16}
Network Filters, 1, Darkside Filter,, {F93FD48F-BA68-4BF5-A7B3-7908D1634331}
Services, 1, Decal .NET Lifetime Service,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0001-0000000DECA1}
Services, 1, Decal Dat Service,, {37B083F0-276E-43AD-8D26-3F7449B519DC}
Services, 1, Decal Render Service,, {FB3C8286-88ED-4B4D-B413-94B40F346239}
Services, 1, Decal Inject Gateway Service,, {FEFE5CAB-10E4-404F-AD4D-184BCB506099}
Services, 1, Decal Input Service,, {B33307BA-706D-474A-80B9-70BB8D13EF3E}
Services, 1, Decal Networking Service,, {C8C406F8-BA2E-4964-8B04-FF38394A8E0E}
Services, 1, Virindi View Service Bootstrapper,, {DBAC9286-B38D-4570-961F-D4D9349AE3D4}
Services, 1, Decal D3DService,, {F0CC07A0-2C89-4FA4-9356-714665BC2F8B}
Surrogates, 1, Decal.Adapter Surrogate,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0002-0000000DECA1}
Surrogates, 1, Prefilter Network Filter Surrogate,, {443D4A68-5422-4E0C-9460-973F8FBDB190}
Surrogates, 1, ActiveX Plugin Surrogate,, {7559F22F-C56F-4621-AE08-9C354D799D4B}
Surrogates, -1, Version 1 Plugin Surrogate,, {3D837F6E-B5CA-4604-885F-7AB45FCFA62A}
Input Actions, 1, Delay Input Action,, {324D76B8-D8C7-4A81-B867-E4E1F874E488}
Input Actions, 1, Mouse Move Input Action,, {57D18578-0BF0-4DE5-A0A9-E7CB531C0429}
Input Actions, 1, Restore Input Action,, {6EE2F682-7129-44BE-84B9-787BAE35EC1C}
Input Actions, 1, Polled Delay Input Action,, {762335B2-2274-4BB4-8B1F-F7286C949FF7}
Input Actions, 1, Typing Input Action,, {9CDCEEDC-F8AC-42D5-9A05-52B9346D00A4}
Input Actions, 1, Event Input Action,, {D6E4BD19-4900-4515-BCE2-A9EA4AAE2699}

Operating System:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)

[Protected Storage Service] : Automatic

Decal Settings
[Injection Method] : Timer (Default)
[Portal Path] : C:\Program Files\Turbine\Asheron's Call - Throne of Destiny\
[Launcher App] : acclient.exe
[Update URL] :
[memlocs.xml] : 26272 bytes, Version
[messages.xml] : 54818 bytes, Version 2011.02.25.0
[Video Memory] : 392101824

D3DX Libraries (Only d3dx9_30 is required)
[d3dx9_24.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_25.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_26.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_27.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_28.dll] : Installed (9.10.455.0)
[d3dx9_29.dll] : Installed (9.11.519.0)
[d3dx9_30.dll] : Installed (9.12.589.0)

---Support Libraries ---
Note: The following libraries are not necessary for Decal to function and are only provided to be of use to plugin developers.

.NET Frameworks
[v1.0.3705] (1.0 Final) : Not Installed
[v1.1.4322] (1.1 Final) : Installed (Service Pack 1)
[v2.0.50215] (2.0 Beta 2) : Not Installed
[v2.0.50727] (2.0 Final) : Installed (Service Pack 2)

C++ Libraries
[msvbvm60.dll] : Installed (
[atl70.dll] : Not Installed
[mfc70.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcr70.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcp70.dll] : Not Installed
[atl71.dll] : Not Installed
[mfc71.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcr71.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcp71.dll] : Not Installed

Microsoft XML Libraries
[msxml3.dll] : Installed (8.100.1052.0)
[msxml4.dll] : Installed (4.20.9876.0)

---Video Device Information---
[Device] : ATI Radeon 9550 / X1050 Series
[Device Name] : \\.\DISPLAY1
[KeyDeviceID] : Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4153&SUBSYS_04021002&REV_00
[KeyDeviceKey] : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{06609E30-72A1-4A7E-B010-AC1107EB86F0}\0000
[Manufacturer] : ATI Technologies Inc.
[ChipType] : ATI Radeon Graphics Processor AGP (0x4153)
[DACType] : Internal DAC(400MHz)
[Revision] :
[MemoryLocalised] : 256.0 MB
[MemoryEnglish] : 256.0 MB
[DisplayLocalised] : 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (60Hz)
[DisplayEnglish] : 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (60Hz)
[DisplayWidth] : 1280
[DisplayHeight] : 1024
[DisplayBpp] : 32
[RefreshRate] : 60
[MonitorName] : Plug and Play Monitor
[MonitorMaxRes] : 1600,1200
[DriverName] : ati2dvag.dll
[DriverVersion] : 6.14.0010.6925
[DriverAttributes] : Final Retail
[DriverLangEnglish] : English
[DriverLangLocal] : English
[DriverDateEng] : 2/11/2010 00:45:14
[DriverDateLocal] : 2/11/2010 00:45:14
[DriverSize] : 325120
[MiniVdd] : ati2mtag.sys
[MiniVddDateEng] : 2/11/2010 03:38:10
[MiniVddDateLocal] : 2/11/2010 03:38:10
[MiniVddSize] : 3565056
[Vdd] : n/a
[RenderWindow] : Yes
[Beta] : No
[Debug] : No
[Signed] : No
[SignValid] : No
[Identifier] : {D7B71EE2-0213-11CF-BF68-0824A1C2CB35}
[DDIVer] : 9
[DDIVerEng] : 9 (or higher)
[DDIVerLocal] : 9 (or higher)
[iAdapter] : 0
[VendorID] : 0x1002
[DeviceID] : 0x4153
[SubSystemID] : 0x04021002
[RevisionID] : 0x0000
[WHQL Level] : 0
[NoHardware] : 0
[DDAccelEnabled] : Yes
[3DAccelExists] : Yes
[3DAccelEnabled] : Yes
[AGP Enabled] : Yes
[AGPExists] : Yes
[AGPExistsValid] : Yes

Thanks in advance!


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
If you want someone to be politically correct, I suggest not engaging me in conversation.
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Posts: 5,871
Registered: Aug 28, '04
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Real Post Cnt: 5,860
User ID: 961,024
Subject: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
Not sure of the pre reqs for this plugin, but here are two suggestions.....

1. Check the sticky at the top and install the VB runtimes. Seems ur missing a bunch.

2. Make sure you don't have spellcasting filtered on the character.


In-Game as Bluballz or Vash
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Registered: Aug 13, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 1,085
User ID: 830,263
Subject: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
I'd also try to get castaway .


Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?
Retired from AC
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Posts: 5,149
Registered: Jul 9, '02
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User ID: 695,709
Subject: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
Ok, updated to castaway, updated VB Runtime, checked to make sure spells and recalls were unfiltered, and double checked that the updated spells.xml was in all the directories that HAD a spells.xml in it.

Entered game, still won't cast level 8s, though the level 7s aren't even listed in any of the botspell xml files anymore. Is there something I am overlooking?


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
If you want someone to be politically correct, I suggest not engaging me in conversation.
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Posts: 12,311
Registered: Feb 23, '00
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 11,836
User ID: 12,026
Subject: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
Which XML are you adjusting? The one in the folder for that character/world? I would try placing Castaway in debug mode and checking the log files and see what they say.


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Posts: 5,149
Registered: Jul 9, '02
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 5,026
User ID: 695,709
Subject: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
1:52:05 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Temeritous Touch on 1342789192, 25 items in queue.
1:52:07 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Boon of Refinement on 1342789192, 24 items in queue.
1:52:09 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Boon of Refinement on 1342789192, 24 items in queue.
1:52:11 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Ogfoot on 1342789192, 23 items in queue.
1:52:13 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Ogfoot on 1342789192, 23 items in queue.
1:52:15 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Odif's Boon on 1342789192, 22 items in queue.
1:52:17 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Odif's Boon on 1342789192, 22 items in queue.
1:52:19 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Ar-Pei's Boon on 1342789192, 21 items in queue.
1:52:21 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Ar-Pei's Boon on 1342789192, 21 items in queue.
1:52:23 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Aliester's Boon on 1342789192, 20 items in queue.
1:52:25 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Aliester's Boon on 1342789192, 20 items in queue.
1:52:28 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Jahannan's Boon on 1342789192, 19 items in queue.
1:52:30 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Jahannan's Boon on 1342789192, 19 items in queue.
1:52:30 [General] The sword guy says, "kalf"
1:52:32 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Saladur's Boon on 1342789192, 18 items in queue.
1:52:34 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Saladur's Boon on 1342789192, 18 items in queue.
1:52:35 [General] Kalfrazz says, "yes?"
1:52:36 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Web of Defense on 1342789192, 17 items in queue.
1:52:38 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Web of Defense on 1342789192, 17 items in queue.
1:52:40 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Web of Deflection on 1342789192, 16 items in queue.
1:52:40 [General] The sword guy says, "dont"
1:52:42 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Web of Deflection on 1342789192, 16 items in queue.
1:52:44 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Web of Resistance on 1342789192, 15 items in queue.
1:52:46 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Web of Resistance on 1342789192, 15 items in queue.
1:52:48 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Avalenne's Boon on 1342789192, 14 items in queue.
1:52:50 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Avalenne's Boon on 1342789192, 14 items in queue.
1:52:51 [General] The sword guy says, "would b an rpm"
1:52:53 Castaway: ** Spells.bas : LoadBuffArray() Running LoadBuffArray for command stam2mana
1:52:53 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Meditative Trance on 1342250333, 15 items in queue.
1:52:55 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Meditative Trance on 1342250333, 15 items in queue.
1:52:57 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Robustification on 1342250333, 14 items in queue.
1:52:59 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Robustification on 1342250333, 14 items in queue.
1:53:01 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Nuhmudira's Enlightenment on 1342789192, 13 items in queue.
1:53:03 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Nuhmudira's Enlightenment on 1342789192, 13 items in queue.
1:53:05 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Executor's Boon on 1342789192, 12 items in queue.
1:53:07 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Executor's Boon on 1342789192, 12 items in queue.
1:53:09 [General] The sword guy says, "u"
1:53:09 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Boon of the Blade Turner on 1342789192, 11 items in queue.
1:53:12 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Boon of the Blade Turner on 1342789192, 11 items in queue.
1:53:14 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Boon of the Arrow Turner on 1342789192, 10 items in queue.
1:53:16 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Boon of the Arrow Turner on 1342789192, 10 items in queue.
1:53:18 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Boon of the Mace Turner on 1342789192, 9 items in queue.
1:53:20 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Boon of the Mace Turner on 1342789192, 9 items in queue.
1:53:22 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Fiery Boon on 1342789192, 8 items in queue.
1:53:24 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Fiery Boon on 1342789192, 8 items in queue.
1:53:26 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Icy Boon on 1342789192, 7 items in queue.
1:53:28 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Icy Boon on 1342789192, 7 items in queue.
1:53:30 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Caustic Boon on 1342789192, 6 items in queue.
1:53:32 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Caustic Boon on 1342789192, 6 items in queue.
1:53:35 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Storm's Boon on 1342789192, 5 items in queue.
1:53:35 [General] Eps Auto Ac Test Bot II says, "teeehee~ =^.^="
1:53:37 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Storm's Boon on 1342789192, 5 items in queue.
1:53:39 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Hydra's Head on 1342789192, 4 items in queue.
1:53:41 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Hydra's Head on 1342789192, 4 items in queue.
1:53:43 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Tenaciousness on 1342789192, 3 items in queue.
1:53:45 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Tenaciousness on 1342789192, 3 items in queue.
1:53:47 You tell Skoff, "Finished! Your buffs required 00:02:22 to perform. using 21 tapers and 0 plats."
1:54:04 Castaway: ** Skoff Command/Message: buffshield
1:54:04 Castaway: ** Spells.bas : CheckSecurity() Loading CheckSecurity
1:54:05 Castaway: ** Tasks.bas : FaceDefaultHeading() Running Routine
1:54:05 Skoff tells you, "buffshield"
1:54:07 You tell Skoff, "Your 'buffshield' request added. You are first in line.. Tell me REMOVE to delete your requests."
1:54:08 You tell Skoff, "Now starting your 'buffshield' request."
1:54:11 [General] The sword guy says, "high rpm"
1:54:11 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Brogard's Defiance on 1342789192, 6 items in queue.
1:54:11 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Shield found
1:54:13 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Brogard's Defiance on 1342789192, 6 items in queue.
1:54:13 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Shield found
1:54:15 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Swordsman's Bane on 1342789192, 5 items in queue.
1:54:15 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Shield found
1:54:17 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Swordsman's Bane on 1342789192, 5 items in queue.
1:54:18 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Shield found
1:54:20 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Archer's Bane on 1342789192, 4 items in queue.
1:54:20 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Shield found
1:54:22 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Archer's Bane on 1342789192, 4 items in queue.
1:54:22 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Shield found
1:54:24 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Tusker's Bane on 1342789192, 3 items in queue.
1:54:24 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Shield found
1:54:25 Castaway: ** Speech.bas : SpeechCommand(Advertise) Called
1:54:26 Same T'ing's stats since last restart: 3 Reqs, 73 Spells, 0 Fizzles, 24 Prismatics, 0 Platinum Scarabs burned. -b-
1:54:26 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Casting Tusker's Bane on 1342789192, 3 items in queue.
1:54:26 Castaway: ** frmTimer.frm : CastTheSpell() Notice: Shield found
1:54:28 You tell Skoff, "Finished! Your buffs required 00:00:20 to perform. using 3 tapers and 0 plats."
1:54:55 Skoff has gone offline.

Is this any help?


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
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Subject: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
up, Anyone?


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
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Subject: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
Maddy asked for the directory location of which files you were editing in the previous post.


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Subject: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
If you're editing the .xml found in this location

"harddrive":/"computername"/My Documents/Castaway/Settings/Botspells.xml

Then it wont cast the spells you're asking.

Go to your install location. Then open the settings folder. Then open the server folder then open the folder of the picked char to be the buffbot.("harddrive":/"computername"/My Documents/Castaway/Settings/"Server"/"Character")

Make sure the botspells.xml there have the new item spells you're wanting to use. If you're just using the original buff files in the original install rather then the char spesfic .xmls then you will run into this issue.


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Subject: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
Thank you!! Sorry Maddy, must have missed that.

Will give it a try momentarily.


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
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Subject: Can't seem to get Castaway to buff klevl 8 banes/weapon buffs,,,
Whelp didn't work. Then I thought to myself, you know, I have been d**king around with the same files for two, earlier, versions of the software. So I saved my spells file in a temp folder, uninstalled/manually deleted everything I could find related to castaway, ran a tool to clean up the directory, then downloaded and installed the latest version. Then I placed the updated spell in the Harvestgain/Same T'ing file, logged in and out a few times for tweaks, where it now smoothly buff level 7 item spells on command!

Thanks for the help, all!


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
If you want someone to be politically correct, I suggest not engaging me in conversation.
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