Author Topic: Tip of the Day - Stockpiling Pyrite Ore
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Subject: Tip of the Day - Stockpiling Pyrite Ore

"Remember what happened in WotLK? In 3.2 epic gems could be prospected from Titanium ore. I suspect the same thing will happen in a future Cataclysm patch. So I'm going to sock away that cheap pyrite ore and hope for a healthy profit in the future. And hey if Blizzard doesn't make epic gems obtainable from pyrite ore, then I can simply prospect it anyway to meet my costs."

Submitted by: Mageshadow

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Subject: Tip of the Day - Stockpiling Pyrite Ore
Great! Now the ore prices are gonna go up! ;P


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Subject: Tip of the Day - Stockpiling Pyrite Ore
Lol I'd alrady been stockpiling it, Think i got like 9-12 stacks of it.. Coarse I also use some of it to make Truegold.

Another tip kinda along the lines of this is go look at the new recipes being added in witht he firelands questlines/raids and find out what mats you need to make them and start stocking up. the prices on these items will go up and if nothing else if you can make them early enough the price is sually five times higher right when the patch comes out than 2-3 weeks after.


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Subject: Tip of the Day - Stockpiling Pyrite Ore
I would just buy gold before I would put that much thought and effort into getting it grin


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Subject: Tip of the Day - Stockpiling Pyrite Ore
Exactly, for less then 1hr real world wage I could get 20-30K gold. That would take several hours play time that I could use to do something a bit more fun.

I am unsubbed right now and wouldn't buy gold if I was. The whole gold economy thing is broke dynamic that needs to change.


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Subject: Tip of the Day - Stockpiling Pyrite Ore
Spookysheep posted:
I would just buy gold before I would put that much thought and effort into getting it grin



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