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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence.
So I played from release until lv 60. Specifically as a tank. I did some end game content: UBRS, etc. Then after a while at 60 I handed my account to a buddy and stepped down due to RL responsibilties. I should say I really enjoyed WoW. I liked the questing and just the over all feel of the world.

Since then none of the expansions really drew me in enough to return, but when it was announced that Cata was bringing some major changes, and the fact that there haad been two other major expansions prior, I thought it might be fun to jump back into Azeroth and see how the world had evolved.

And evolve it has.

I decided to start from scratch and go DPS. Choosing an arms warrior, I set out from the familiar Stormwind to make my name in the world. While stormwind looked different, I didn't find it strikingly different. In fact, outside of some downed towers it appeared identical. This disappointed me a bit, as the massive sweeping changes to the world were a big part of Cata's marketing. Still, it could also be that my time away had been so great that I couldnt really appreciate it.

The Unbelievably different. In a moderate amount of play time, I was level 60 in 11 days (not played, just 11 RL days, dont know what my played time was). I was level 75 in another 2 weeks with little effort. In fact I don't think I ever spent more than a couple hours in any particular zone. A shame, as the in zone quest lines could often be very engrossing. I'll never forget STV on my first runthrough, I knew that place like the back of my hand when it was finally time to move on. It also appeared that mobs had been DRASTICALLY toned down in difficulty. I can count on one hand the # of times I've died in an instance, and it was mainly due to the healer not paying attention. This bothered me. The game felt so watered down it just felt like jumping through stupid hoops to get to the end game content. If you're going to make it that easy, cut the BS and just let me start any character I want at 55.

I was really disappointed that the only new class in three expansions was the DK class. Obviously there have bee sweeping overhauls to the specs, but a lot of talents withing the trees just felt like useless place holders or pointsinks because they couldnt thin of a better way to further customize. Not entirely bad, just felt kind of lazy.

I cant really comment about TBC a whole lot because I burned through 60-70 so damn quick. I dont think I did a single aldor/scryer quest. I did however enjoy WoTLK quite a bit and found a lot of the quest lines and instances to be quite enjoyable and fast paced.

One thing I was incredibly disappointed in was the lack of variation in gear. For the most part, every lv 85 character looks the same within their classes. If you don't wat to design new armor, how bout just let the player choose what they want it to look like? As in the a boss drops a critical reagent or piece of armor, then you go to a NPC or PC crafter and they can make it look like any piece of armor in the game of the same type up to your current level. Same stats, but some may prefer the destroyer armor skin to the wrath armor skin, etc. This also is counter productive in PvP. I can immediately look at your armor and tell what class you are, which if you're a healer, is like a giant target on your back. At least it seems that way. I could be wrong.

I'm not a numbers cruncher or high end progression guild raider anymore, but as a casual player, the exp (even in a lv 25 guild) slows to a crawl at 77+. The change is so dramatic it's off putting. I wish they had evened the progression out a bit. Still, hitting 80 feels good, but rather than further customizing classes in a creative way like forcing you to ultra specialize (like maybe if you're a hunter, giving up some ranged abilities to get a second pet and a master class title, or vice cersa, losing the pet and becoming a ranged bad a**), they just added 5 more levels, and nothing really cool to the classes.

I can safely say know having hit 85, and admittedly not doing any lv 85 raids, that while the return to WoW was interesting, it wasn't mind blowing. I still think its a great game, and TBC and WoTLK seem to have each added a lot to the game... they didn't add a lot of innovation. Everything feels watered down and homoginized.

Anyway, just my .02.


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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence.
Yup, that's pretty much it.


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Title: VN Sensei
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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence.
either a great first post, or alt that wants to be heard and tell everyone what they already know...



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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence.
Liquid741 posted:
either a great first post, or alt that wants to be heard and tell everyone what they already know...


I was kind of guessing it was somebody who has already said the same thing .... but wanted to say it again. But then I started thinking, everyone says the same thing over and over and over here.. so why would one feel compelled to make an alt to do just that.

So I am guessing it is a new poster who thinks he just came up with something interesting that nobody has considered in the past 6 months.

Either way..thanks! peace


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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence.
Lol thanks guys. First post happy

BYW Liquid, I'm from INDY. GO HORSE


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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence.
Well, cata did the real genericification. The game still had a little depth with WOTLK.

No clue why people get so wrapped up in their toon's appearances. SIMs is thataway. It's a very trivial thing. On one hand, they could add dyes or something. On the other hand, you armor can be a way for people to look at you and know where you got your gear and where you stand (if they're not running a score addon).

I think my biggest disappointment is that GC and b-team have been allowed to distort the core game so much. There have been some good additions to the game over time but the mutilation of the core game was never necessary and gained nothing except to over simplify that which was never that complicated to begin with, all for zero gain (and possibly loss if subs are dropping).


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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence. is a dead horse, but after a loooong break, i found the same with Cata.
rolled a Worgen (really the only reason i came back) and it was insane.
sure it's all under lvl 40, but it is nuts that you can out level a zone without even hitting all the quests.

i remember a day when you killed everything in your you can kill NOTHING in your path and still end up out leveling a zone by 4 levels.


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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence.
-Abysmal- posted: is a dead horse, but after a loooong break, i found the same with Cata.
rolled a Worgen (really the only reason i came back) and it was insane.
sure it's all under lvl 40, but it is nuts that you can out level a zone without even hitting all the quests.

i remember a day when you killed everything in your you can kill NOTHING in your path and still end up out leveling a zone by 4 levels.

I rolled a shaman on Alliance in December and felt the same way. 1/2 way through any zone and I had leveled 3 times and the quests were all green. I got to 50 in just a few days by playing very casually too. The worst part was WPL and EPL where the phasing kept me one step ahead (or behind) anyone else in the zone. It felt like I was always alone in those zones moreso than anywhere else.


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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence.
How many BoA's and guild perks did you level with?

I know that levelling with full BoA's and guild perks is stupidly fast, was just wondering what it's like with no extra XP coming in.


Turumbar and his merry band of Alts
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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence.
Kriegprojekt posted:
-Abysmal- posted: is a dead horse, but after a loooong break, i found the same with Cata.
rolled a Worgen (really the only reason i came back) and it was insane.
sure it's all under lvl 40, but it is nuts that you can out level a zone without even hitting all the quests.

i remember a day when you killed everything in your you can kill NOTHING in your path and still end up out leveling a zone by 4 levels.

I rolled a shaman on Alliance in December and felt the same way. 1/2 way through any zone and I had leveled 3 times and the quests were all green. I got to 50 in just a few days by playing very casually too. The worst part was WPL and EPL where the phasing kept me one step ahead (or behind) anyone else in the zone. It felt like I was always alone in those zones moreso than anywhere else.

i went through duskwood on my pally who was 19 when i started...not realizing how quickly i would tear through the zone i killed in my path, i left there at 28 skipping the elite undead quest. moved on to the rebel camp and next strangle area to find everything green, even ran into killing grays for quests...just plain crazy!

when i got my worgen there, i only did what was needed for quests and went 20-27.


Yankees SUCK!
devil I wish AC looked better, I miss it
sad I love you forever Jamie
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Title: WoW Vault Staff
Teh Pyckles!

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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence.
Best change in SW is the bank and AH in the Dwarven District.


"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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Subject: Thoughts on WoW changes since returning from long absence.
PallyDog posted:
Best change in SW is the bank and AH in the Dwarven District.

sure was!
PITA when you forgot something in your bank when crafting!


Yankees SUCK!
devil I wish AC looked better, I miss it
sad I love you forever Jamie
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