Author Topic: Topic of the Week - Dude, Where?s My Tree?
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Subject: Topic of the Week - Dude, Where?s My Tree?

Druids weep. Your treant like tree form is gone. You are now thicker, bushier and have a cool down. How has this affected healing? Are you disappointed to lose the fun of another form? Are the big new trees easier to target in PvP?

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Subject: Topic of the Week - Dude, Where?s My Tree?
This change pissed me off more than any other, possibly. I liked my tree. A cooldown on tree form? Come on.


I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Title: International Man of Mythery
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Subject: Topic of the Week - Dude, Where?s My Tree?
The change to tree form was a pvp based decision.
There is no doubt that tree from draws attacks in BGs arenas etc.

There was no stop and evaluate who is healer.
Of course addons like Gladiator can let you know anyway. I would guess that the masses don't run that however. And anything that draws attention to oneself will draw concentrated fire.

Trees were being chain targeted in pvp situations as a rule. I did it. I know most everyone else did too.


Tongue-tied and twisted. Just an earthbound misfit; I.
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Subject: Topic of the Week - Dude, Where?s My Tree?
-Mythril- posted:
The change to tree form was a pvp based decision.
There is no doubt that tree from draws attacks in BGs arenas etc.

There was no stop and evaluate who is healer.
Of course addons like Gladiator can let you know anyway. I would guess that the masses don't run that however. And anything that draws attention to oneself will draw concentrated fire.

Trees were being chain targeted in pvp situations as a rule. I did it. I know most everyone else did too.

Call me a masochist, but I liked that. My tree could heal through a TON of damage. I kind of liked being the decoy. I could usually keep myself alive plenty long enough for my teammates to take down whoever got sidetracked with me. That was fun!


I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Subject: Topic of the Week - Dude, Where?s My Tree?
I used the glyph for the old look because it's better.

And I don't like the new mechanic, It's a wasted skill. I either forget to use it, or generally have no need to ever use it.... which is why i ditched healing and went tanking. at least there I can play my SHAPESHIFTING DRUID CLASS WHILE SHAPESHIFTED as the game originally intended.

boohoo you can't see your armor BS. YOU ARE PLAYING A SHAPESHIFTING CLASS. you know this when you create a druid and shouldn't be to the point to where you can complain about not seeing your armor if you didn't like it. i mean really... who in their right mind says "oh i loved being a tree but now after 80+ levels i think i'd like to see my armor now". you know what you signed up for as a druid and they've taken it away.

reverse the change and make a minor glyph that just makes it so you don't look like a tree.


"...and they'll say "Hey, Look at him!, I'll never live that way". And that's ok they couldn't anyway..."
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Title: Iron Chef Jennifer
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Subject: Topic of the Week - Dude, Where?s My Tree?
I hated the change and still do. Worst for me still to this day is remembering not to go into tree form during prep in arena's or after shape shifting out of cheetah.


I, on the other hand, prefer a command-line system 'cause i'm so hardcore
/north /north *You encounter an [Avatar of the god Set]!*
/cast sheild *sheild spell unavailable*
/csat shield *csat: unknown command*
*[Avatar of Set] beheads [Peasant]*
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