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Topic: 4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Title: 0110011010 Be Nice to Me I'm a Bot
Oct 18, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 42,467
User ID: 1,086,234
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
 Bashiok posted:
In patch 4.1 we'll be introducing Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms, a new system intended to lower queue times. Call to Arms will automatically detect which class role is currently the least represented in the queue, and offer them additional rewards for entering the Dungeon Finder queue and completing a random level-85 Heroic dungeon.
Any time the Dungeon Finder queue is longer than a few minutes for level-85 Heroics, the Call to Arms system kicks in and determines which role is the least represented. In the case of tanking being the least represented role, the "Call to Arms: Tanks" icon will display in the Dungeon Finder UI menu where class roles are selected, and will also display on the UI when the queue pops and you are selected to enter a dungeon. Regardless of your role, you'll always be able to see which role currently has been Called to Arms, if any.
Call to Arms is meant to lower wait times by offering additional rewards for queuing as the currently least represented role. To be eligible for the additional rewards you must solo queue for a random level-85 Heroic in the role that is currently being Called to Arms, and complete the dungeon by killing the final boss. Every time you hit these requirements (there is no daily limit) you'll receive a goodie bag that will contain some gold, a chance at a rare gem, a chance at a flask/elixir (determined by spec), a good chance of receiving a non-combat pet (including cross faction pets), and a very rare chance at receiving a mount. The pets offered come from a wide variety of sources, and include companions like the Razzashi Hatchling, Cockatiel, and Tiny Sporebat, but the mounts are those specifically only available through dungeons (not raids), like the Reins of the Raven Lord from Sethekk Halls, Swift White Hawkstrider from Magister's Terrace, and Deathcharger's Reins from Stratholme.
This system is meant to address the unacceptable queue times currently being experienced by those that queue for the DPS role at max level. The long queue times are, of course, caused by a very simple lack of representation in the Dungeon Finder by tanks, and to some extent healers. We don't feel the tanking and healing roles have any inherent issues that are causing the representation disparity, except that fulfilling them carries more responsibility. Understandably, players prefer to take on that responsibility in more organized situations than what the Dungeon Finder offers, but perhaps we can bribe them a little. While this system gives tanks and healers something extra, the incentive is being provided so that we can help players in the DPS role get into more dungeons, get better gear, and continue progressing.
While the gold, gems, flasks, and elixirs are OK incentives, we knew we needed something more substantial. We had briefly considered Valor Points and epics, but decided that wouldn't be working toward the goal of helping DPS players progress, and ultimately wouldn't keep tanks and healers in the Dungeon Finder system for very long. We settled on pets and dungeon-found mounts as they?re cosmetic/achievement items that players tend to try to get on their own, so why not change that up and offer them a chance to get some of those elusive pets and mounts in a way that also helps other players? Even if they don't get a pet or mount, or get one they already have, the gold and other goodies still feel rewarding enough that it won't feel like a waste of effort.
We think it's a pretty solid incentive to get tanks and healers queuing, give max-level players another way to collect the pets and mounts they so desire, and above all, to improve wait times for DPS players sitting in queues. In the case of lower level dungeons, it's actually not uncommon for DPS to be the least represented role, and so if this new system works out and we're pleased with the results, we may consider applying this same mechanic to lower level dungeons as well.
Posted from WoW Vault
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Finally they are paying us tanks to queue, as it should be
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: WoW Vault Staff Teh Pyckles!
Mar 4, '03
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User ID: 776,236
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
They are paying TANKS to take the Q. And to take it solo. So no helping out guildies if you want the perks. No grouping with friends if you want the perks. More band, horrible, stanky tanks.
Yeah...ok I will certainly be perfectly to happy to run more on my tank. But I won't be Qing on my DPS or heals unless I'm with a tank I already know.
"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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Title: Infallible
Dec 28, '01
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User ID: 580,486
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
If I can't roll through a Heroic in under 45 minutes like I could in WotLK I don't care what kind of rewards they give out.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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User ID: 601,475
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Boone-Eldar posted: If I can't roll through a Heroic in under 45 minutes like I could in WotLK I don't care what kind of rewards they give out.
The vast, vast majority agree, which is why blizzard is in panic mode.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Infallible
Dec 28, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 16,173
User ID: 580,486
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Spookysheep posted:
Boone-Eldar posted: If I can't roll through a Heroic in under 45 minutes like I could in WotLK I don't care what kind of rewards they give out.
The vast, vast majority agree, which is why blizzard is in panic mode.
Perhaps. I can only speak for myself as to why I no longer subscribe.
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Jul 7, '10
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User ID: 1,397,686
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Bashiok posted: We don't feel the tanking and healing roles have any inherent issues that are causing the representation disparity, except that fulfilling them carries more responsibility. Understandably, players prefer to take on that responsibility in more organized situations than what the Dungeon Finder offers, but perhaps we can bribe them a little.
If tanking, and to a lesser extent healing, were as much fun as dpsing you wouldn't have to bribe anyone to play those roles. As far as I'm concerned, an essential archetype being no fun to play is absolutely an "inherent issue." The fact of the matter is that tanking the new dungeons for a pug is a massive pita. This "fix" isn't going to do anything to make tanking for pugs more fun. Even if they manage to decrease the amount of time it takes to get into a dungeon initially I would be shocked it it doesn't introduce a litany of new problems.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
All this will accomplish is making retarded dps act even more retarded. When they have lower queue times, they won't be worried about how long the wait will be if they vote kick the tank, and they'll rush headlong into stupid like they already do, only this time with even more wild abandon.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Dec 28, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 9,321
User ID: 580,237
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
<<< This system is meant to address the unacceptable queue times currently being experienced by those that queue for the DPS >>> We realize the system is broken, yet refuse to fix it.
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Stormreaver&n=Nadja People climbing up the walls Breaking all of my wretched dolls Fingernails they scratch outside In the attic is where I'll hide
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Title: The Anonymous
Nov 3, '03
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User ID: 852,899
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
I imagine all this will accomplish is for the short term it will reduce queue times till all the tank types get all the rare pets and mounts they want.
Then they will stop queuing again and blizzard will be saying this had an unforseen consequence...
"Let's agree to respect each others views, no matter how wrong yours may be" "I may not agree with what you say, but I respect your right to be punished for it."
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Dec 10, '00
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User ID: 58,337
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
The majority of instances I can finish in less time than it takes me to get into them when I queue as DPS.
Turumbar and his merry band of Alts
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Dec 26, '01
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4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Boone-Eldar posted:
Spookysheep posted:
Boone-Eldar posted: If I can't roll through a Heroic in under 45 minutes like I could in WotLK I don't care what kind of rewards they give out.
The vast, vast majority agree, which is why blizzard is in panic mode.
Perhaps. I can only speak for myself as to why I no longer subscribe.
All of this.
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Jul 2, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 112
User ID: 1,362,313
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
If what I've heard about the difficulty of CAT dungeons is true, how is this bribing tanks/heals going to have much effect? I would surmise most tanks/heals are giving the dungeon finder a miss because they don't want to deal with bad DPS costing them time/money. In WOTLK, tanking those dungeons only required good enough gear to be able to absorb 5 mobs beating on you. Other than HoR, and the odd mob in OK, no strategy was needed. Apparently, that's not the case with CAT. Now, if you have drooling DPS or a mediocre tank/healer (opposite of what you are playing), you will be facing multiple deaths. Good tanking or good healing aren't just about the tank or healer. WOTLK let you get around this with simpleton dungeon mob design. Can't do that any more. I think tanks and healers are STILL gonna avoid the RDF like the plague.
Throw away your desires and treasures, and make sure to burn all the maps. MMORPG Mystaquetz in various forms.
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Title: I has title now!
Sep 10, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 9,208
User ID: 837,259
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
"We don't feel the tanking and healing roles have any inherent issues that are causing the representation disparity" BULLISTH Blizzard is not playing the same game we are/were. edit: also i highly doubt this will work in the long run, it will be a boon queue times for dps won't be 45 minutes probably 15-25 minutes but it won't last majority of tanks and DPS playing as tanks will get the rewards and go back to queueing with guildies only or not at all
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Title: Caveat Lector
Feb 2, '05
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4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
LoL, so freaking stupid. They now have to play people to play their way. How about you stop being retards and make the roles enjoyable again? Idiots.
SWTOR, Maybe in a year. Back to WoW for now. With a lil f2p CoH.
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Nov 8, '08
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4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
How can they be so headstrong? If people aren't queueing for certain roles, there's probably a very good reason for that. Address the reason, don't try to bribe them into it. As much as I like pets, I'm not going to heal until they make it fun again.
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Jan 29, '03
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User ID: 764,499
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
I agree with everything said in this thread so far. What is wrong with them? I have met a few people in my life that were this ridiculous in that they refused to see reality....but this is a corporation filled with people and at least a few of them have to be smart enough and open-minded enough to understand that they have major role playability issues causing their hideous que times.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Jun 12, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 3,597
User ID: 28,960
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Actually there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the roles. The players are to blame for their own stupidity and ineptitude, but unfortunately as our service provider Blizzard is expected to come up with a fix for broken WoW players... Sadly moving on to Rift/GW2/SWTOR/*insert upcoming title* will have no effect. The selfish, bad players that ruin PUGs in WoW will find their way to your new game too. The only answer is to be a bad dps too so you find comfort in being part of the majority, or shoulder the Herculean task of carrying these nubcakes on your shoulders as one of the roles that are held accountable for the groups survival by the vocal majority.
"You may have graduated from Cambridge but I am an honorary graduate from Starfleet Academy!" ~ Sheldon
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Jan 29, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 1,529
User ID: 764,499
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
HunterTalon posted: Actually there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the roles. The players are to blame for their own stupidity and ineptitude, but unfortunately as our service provider Blizzard is expected to come up with a fix for broken WoW players... Sadly moving on to Rift/GW2/SWTOR/*insert upcoming title* will have no effect. The selfish, bad players that ruin PUGs in WoW will find their way to your new game too. The only answer is to be a bad dps too so you find comfort in being part of the majority, or shoulder the Herculean task of carrying these nubcakes on your shoulders as one of the roles that are held accountable for the groups survival by the vocal majority.
If we are talking about airplane pilots or Doctors and surgeons, then yes, I agree with you 100%. The people are absolutely at fault and should be the best of the best and perfect at what they do. But....this is a video game. If you take them that seriously that everyone has to be Derek Jeter to be able to play a video game then I pity you. You, sir, need a life. It is a video game and should be fun. If you want it exclusionary, then that is fine but market the game that way. I think that is not what a lot of folks want WoW to be though. Just the devs and a very small minority of MMO players.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Sep 1, '09
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User ID: 1,368,737
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Crazy .. I guess maybe I should roll a tank now.. What is Blizzard thinking?
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Jul 7, '10
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Real Post Cnt: 365
User ID: 1,397,686
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
HunterTalon posted: Actually there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the roles. The players are to blame for their own stupidity and ineptitude, but unfortunately as our service provider Blizzard is expected to come up with a fix for broken WoW players... Sadly moving on to Rift/GW2/SWTOR/*insert upcoming title* will have no effect. The selfish, bad players that ruin PUGs in WoW will find their way to your new game too. The only answer is to be a bad dps too so you find comfort in being part of the majority, or shoulder the Herculean task of carrying these nubcakes on your shoulders as one of the roles that are held accountable for the groups survival by the vocal majority.
I was wondering when this post was coming. There's always a cadre of Blizzard apologists that shows up to place the blame on players. The queue times are a reflection of how enjoyable the different archetypes are. People would rather wait 45 minutes to dps than instantly get in and tank because they enjoy dpsing so much more than tanking that the wait is worth it. Blizzard made significant changes to the way that tanks and healers work and the wait times in the LFD tool show that people don't enjoy the changes. At the end of the day the dev team, and posters like Hunter, need to remember that WoW is a game and that people expect to have some fun in return for their $15/mo. The idea that we should play the game in a way that we don't enjoy to conform to the dev teams vision AND pay them for the privilege is totally ridiculous.
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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User ID: 689,383
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
HunterTalon posted: Actually there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the roles. The players are to blame for their own stupidity and ineptitude, but unfortunately as our service provider Blizzard is expected to come up with a fix for broken WoW players...
 Oh, hey, look everybody -- another person that reads "not fun" and mentally replaces it with "stupid/inept/mouthbreather/scrub/etc."
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Dec 8, '02
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User ID: 746,616
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Boone-Eldar posted:
Spookysheep posted:
Boone-Eldar posted: If I can't roll through a Heroic in under 45 minutes like I could in WotLK I don't care what kind of rewards they give out.
The vast, vast majority agree, which is why blizzard is in panic mode.
Perhaps. I can only speak for myself as to why I no longer subscribe.
ya lame idea.
Balance in a game is only achieved when no class is fun to play...
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Sep 28, '01
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User ID: 419,410
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Vault_News posted: We don't feel the tanking and healing roles have any inherent issues that are causing the representation disparity, except that fulfilling them carries more responsibility. Understandably, players prefer to take on that responsibility in more organized situations than what the Dungeon Finder offers, but perhaps we can bribe them a little.WoW Vault
Stop feeling and start thinking. The classes may not have inherent problems; not true for healers who have a targeted nerf on them; but the instances are not fun. Gratuitous damage that cannot be mitigated, even with "skill" in many cases. Too many trash mobs are more annoying than bosses, too many cannot be faced as they do 360 damage that cannot be interrupted, etc etc etc. I didn't do five mans for a challenge, I did them for fun. Since Cata made them unfun I unsubscribed
. . . For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven . Cows go moo, Dogs go woof and MMO players go ''PVP is imbalanced'' . "I’m as horny as the hat rack at a Viking bar.", Ann Coulter
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Nov 14, '03
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User ID: 857,770
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
B team finally gets a chance to prove that they thought they were better than the A team. B team refuses to believe they aren't better than the A team.
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Aug 12, '09
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User ID: 1,366,612
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
They're chalking up lower participation, increased apathy, and the generally negative reaction to Cataclysm dungeons (particularly heroics) on player, I don't know, mood swings? Somewhere along the lines Blizzard started believing their own hype. It's the game, stupid, not the customers. It is funny watching them go through all of these pointless gyrations though. They would save everyone a lot of trouble by just tuning the heroics appropriately and put some effort into adding more content and less grind.
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Mar 28, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 477
User ID: 784,400
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
The fun part is that you have to complete to get the rewards Its going to be a train wreck.
In the heat and the rain,
With whips and chains,
To see him fly.
So many die.
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Dec 8, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 402
User ID: 1,378,656
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
HunterTalon posted: Actually there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the roles. The players are to blame for their own stupidity and ineptitude, but unfortunately as our service provider Blizzard is expected to come up with a fix for broken WoW players...
No, look back a Wrath where this same player base had little problems with the 5-mans and 5-man heroics except the last two ICC 5-man Heroics. Instead of recognizing that the player base in general was struggling with the difficulty of those last two dungeons and backing off a bit they went way in the opposite direction.
There is indeed "stupidity and ineptitude" but it is not with the WoW player base!
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Jun 12, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 3,597
User ID: 28,960
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
TruthyID posted: I was wondering when this post was coming. There's always a cadre of Blizzard apologists that shows up to place the blame on players. The queue times are a reflection of how enjoyable the different archetypes are. People would rather wait 45 minutes to dps than instantly get in and tank because they enjoy dpsing so much more than tanking that the wait is worth it. Blizzard made significant changes to the way that tanks and healers work and the wait times in the LFD tool show that people don't enjoy the changes. At the end of the day the dev team, and posters like Hunter, need to remember that WoW is a game and that people expect to have some fun in return for their $15/mo. The idea that we should play the game in a way that we don't enjoy to conform to the dev teams vision AND pay them for the privilege is totally ridiculous.
I've always wanted to be a part of a cadre! Now if you describe my continuing antics as shenanigans my weekend will be complete, and it's only Friday! I respect your opinion, but are you honestly saying that the protector and healer roles have always been sparsely populated in every game since 1975 is because those roles have never been correctly implemented so as to be fun? Be serious. Tanking is fun and healing is fun (ok this is subjective, I should say I find those roles fun)... the real reason people don't often fill those roles is because they get blamed when something goes wrong. Period.
"You may have graduated from Cambridge but I am an honorary graduate from Starfleet Academy!" ~ Sheldon
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Jan 29, '03
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User ID: 764,499
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
HunterTalon posted:
TruthyID posted: I was wondering when this post was coming. There's always a cadre of Blizzard apologists that shows up to place the blame on players. The queue times are a reflection of how enjoyable the different archetypes are. People would rather wait 45 minutes to dps than instantly get in and tank because they enjoy dpsing so much more than tanking that the wait is worth it. Blizzard made significant changes to the way that tanks and healers work and the wait times in the LFD tool show that people don't enjoy the changes. At the end of the day the dev team, and posters like Hunter, need to remember that WoW is a game and that people expect to have some fun in return for their $15/mo. The idea that we should play the game in a way that we don't enjoy to conform to the dev teams vision AND pay them for the privilege is totally ridiculous.
I've always wanted to be a part of a cadre! Now if you describe my continuing antics as shenanigans my weekend will be complete, and it's only Friday! I respect your opinion, but are you honestly saying that the protector and healer roles have always been sparsely populated in every game since 1975 is because those roles have never been correctly implemented so as to be fun? Be serious. Tanking is fun and healing is fun (ok this is subjective, I should say I find those roles fun)... the real reason people don't often fill those roles is because they get blamed when something goes wrong. Period.
So, why is everything apparently "going wrong" when PUGs are doing dungeons? And how is something being wrong with the dungeon design and philosophy the player's (paying customer's) fault?
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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User ID: 255,861
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
I'm not sure the real tanks/healers will queue more, risking to get a high repair bill and to deal with "stupid", just to try to get mounts they can also try to get with a very short solo run to the low level dungeons without having to worry about Mister John "DPS" Doe not being able to avoid the fire on the floor. One thing is sure though, you will have a lot more of John "DPS" Doe queuing with their "healer wannabe" or "tank wannabe" off spec... I'm sure the level of your average PUG will "raise" to new "depths"...
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Jun 12, '00
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User ID: 28,960
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Bremen_Gaheris posted: So, why is everything apparently "going wrong" when PUGs are doing dungeons? And how is something being wrong with the dungeon design and philosophy the player's (paying customer's) fault?
Well, to break it down for you in a nutshell, the DPS folks want to mash their buttons and do as much damage as possible. They want to do this without regard to the tank's need to build aggro first or the healer's need to regain mana following each fight. The DPS feel that they should be able to pull the mobs so they can get a head-start on the damage meters which in turn drains the healers mana needlessly and forces the tank to battle harder to gain control of the fight. The DPS will then gang up (3 on 1 or sometimes 3 on 2) and blame the tank/healer for their failure to work together as a team. All of the roles are equally important to the groups survival, and DPS has learned that by being louder and more arrogant they can dodge any responsibility for their own actions. Someone in this thread was talking about fun... my fun is curtailed when 3 people out of any PUG act like rabid dogs and get the group killed needlessly and repeatedly due to their selfishness and carelessness. I'm curious, what model would you like to put in place that replaces the "flawed" model currently in place for MMO's?
"You may have graduated from Cambridge but I am an honorary graduate from Starfleet Academy!" ~ Sheldon
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Apr 8, '11
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4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Wow.. just wow... all the craziness... Several people have posted that they no longer subscribe... why are you replying to this then? Just want the logical reason.... My view is this will not fix the problem.. and will anger more people that it helps....the way I read it...ONLY the role that is short will get this perk.. so on my server that is TANKS... healers have a 10-20 min queue right now. So... No one but the tanks will get these pets and mounts. As a Healer/DPS, it does nothing to make me want to queue up for randoms more. I am still getting in groups that take over an hour to do a run. This is a bad idea. Why do I still play this game???
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Jun 17, '01
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User ID: 163,596
4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
the whole 45 minutes for an instance was great. the problem I've had with this expansion is I only run heroics to get my 70 valor points a day. and it's borderline not worth doing it(on the not worth doing it side right now for me) when I log on and as dps i have a 45 minute queue + an hour + i'll need to spend in the instance. even as heals i have a 15-20 minute queue and an hour or longer in the instance.. usually a lot longer because for some reason when i heal i get super noobs. i'm not great at healing but when i run with my friends i can heal the heroic just fine, when i do it in a pug people die all the time. it's just not worth it, if i can't do a guild/friend run i don't do a heroic most days. and on top of that with the upcoming change where we can trade honor/conquest for justice/valor me and everyone else will probably just pvp because let's face it.. you can afk a BG and earn conquest points eventually when your team wins, can't do that in an instance... and i can get into a bg in 2 minutes versus 40 minutes. edit: yes i hate the fact that blizzard knows it's all about tanks and tanks will be the ones that always get the call to arms. that's only part of the problem i have with it. it will also bring a FLOOD of nubcake wannabe tanks who just want the call to arms rewards. who cares if this fixes it so as DPS i can get into a heroic in 10 minutes instead of 40 minutes when the tanks i get are so bad that we can't complete an instance? they "claim" that sometimes it's dps.... really? since when? i don't think i can EVER remember when as a dps i hit queue and less than 15 seconds have my heroic instance pop for me like i have when i tank. now as heals it used to be close to 2-3 minutes but that's jumped to 15-20 minutes so i doubt as heals i'll ever get it either. i see that blizzard understands the problem is there is a lack of tanks. i see they re TRYING to remedy the situation. I also see they are going about it completely wrong. also, how many tanks will this REALLY entice into pugging over just running instances with guild/friends or selling their services as they are now for 100g a person? i mean 400g an isntance might be worth more than what they are offering with this new program.
"...and they'll say "Hey, Look at him!, I'll never live that way". And that's ok they couldn't anyway..."
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Jul 7, '10
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HunterTalon posted: I respect your opinion, but are you honestly saying that the protector and healer roles have always been sparsely populated in every game since 1975 is because those roles have never been correctly implemented so as to be fun? Be serious. Tanking is fun and healing is fun (ok this is subjective, I should say I find those roles fun)... the real reason people don't often fill those roles is because they get blamed when something goes wrong. Period.
I would be more apt to believe you if this had been a problem as long as the LFD tool has been out but it hasn't been. The queues times have gone from 10-15 minutes in WotLK to 45 minutes or more in Cataclysm. There are 2 main differences between then and now. 1. They redesigned the 5 man experience. Heroics take a hell of a lot longer so people are less likely to run more than one per day. Cataclysm heroics are a slog and are less fun than WotLK heroics. Once people have the gear they need out of heroics they're unlikely to return because they're not worth the effort, particularly when they're hitting the valor cap already. 2. They've redesigned the way that tanking and healing works in an effort to make it harder and as a result less people do it. Their effort to make the game more challenging made it less fun. The playerbase hasn't changed, the game has. The increase in queue times is a reflection of people's dislike of the new design philosophy. It's not that people are stupid or bad or w/e other insult you want to fling at them, it's that they don't want to spend their free time doing something that isn't fun. We didn't experience this problem in WotLK because tanks and healers were more fun to play, in part because they didn't feel so impotent. Tanks and healers didn't get as much abuse either because the frustration level wasn't so high.
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Title: Made in Alaska
Feb 24, '03
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LOL, and b team turns to bribery to try to get people to play. Epic.
"When the government scares people into thinking it must take their liberties away, and the people let the Government do it. They are sheep." - Judge Andrew Napolitano http://www.leap.cc/cms/index.php
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Title: Lord of the Fluffy Death Kittys
Mar 30, '05
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TruthyID posted:
HunterTalon posted: I respect your opinion, but are you honestly saying that the protector and healer roles have always been sparsely populated in every game since 1975 is because those roles have never been correctly implemented so as to be fun? Be serious. Tanking is fun and healing is fun (ok this is subjective, I should say I find those roles fun)... the real reason people don't often fill those roles is because they get blamed when something goes wrong. Period.
I would be more apt to believe you if this had been a problem as long as the LFD tool has been out but it hasn't been. The queues times have gone from 10-15 minutes in WotLK to 45 minutes or more in Cataclysm.
There are 2 main differences between then and now.
1. They redesigned the 5 man experience. Heroics take a hell of a lot longer so people are less likely to run more than one per day. Cataclysm heroics are a slog and are less fun than WotLK heroics. Once people have the gear they need out of heroics they're unlikely to return because they're not worth the effort, particularly when they're hitting the valor cap already.
2. They've redesigned the way that tanking and healing works in an effort to make it harder and as a result less people do it. Their effort to make the game more challenging made it less fun.
The playerbase hasn't changed, the game has. The increase in queue times is a reflection of people's dislike of the new design philosophy. It's not that people are stupid or bad or w/e other insult you want to fling at them, it's that they don't want to spend their free time doing something that isn't fun. We didn't experience this problem in WotLK because tanks and healers were more fun to play, in part because they didn't feel so impotent. Tanks and healers didn't get as much abuse either because the frustration level wasn't so high.
Pretty much this....
Please do not nuzzle the instrument of my vengence-Rok'tar
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Dec 26, '01
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hostagecat posted:
TruthyID posted:
HunterTalon posted: I respect your opinion, but are you honestly saying that the protector and healer roles have always been sparsely populated in every game since 1975 is because those roles have never been correctly implemented so as to be fun? Be serious. Tanking is fun and healing is fun (ok this is subjective, I should say I find those roles fun)... the real reason people don't often fill those roles is because they get blamed when something goes wrong. Period.
I would be more apt to believe you if this had been a problem as long as the LFD tool has been out but it hasn't been. The queues times have gone from 10-15 minutes in WotLK to 45 minutes or more in Cataclysm. There are 2 main differences between then and now. 1. They redesigned the 5 man experience. Heroics take a hell of a lot longer so people are less likely to run more than one per day. Cataclysm heroics are a slog and are less fun than WotLK heroics. Once people have the gear they need out of heroics they're unlikely to return because they're not worth the effort, particularly when they're hitting the valor cap already. 2. They've redesigned the way that tanking and healing works in an effort to make it harder and as a result less people do it. Their effort to make the game more challenging made it less fun. The playerbase hasn't changed, the game has. The increase in queue times is a reflection of people's dislike of the new design philosophy. It's not that people are stupid or bad or w/e other insult you want to fling at them, it's that they don't want to spend their free time doing something that isn't fun. We didn't experience this problem in WotLK because tanks and healers were more fun to play, in part because they didn't feel so impotent. Tanks and healers didn't get as much abuse either because the frustration level wasn't so high.
Pretty much this....
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Jan 29, '03
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TruthyID posted:
HunterTalon posted: I respect your opinion, but are you honestly saying that the protector and healer roles have always been sparsely populated in every game since 1975 is because those roles have never been correctly implemented so as to be fun? Be serious. Tanking is fun and healing is fun (ok this is subjective, I should say I find those roles fun)... the real reason people don't often fill those roles is because they get blamed when something goes wrong. Period.
I would be more apt to believe you if this had been a problem as long as the LFD tool has been out but it hasn't been. The queues times have gone from 10-15 minutes in WotLK to 45 minutes or more in Cataclysm. There are 2 main differences between then and now. 1. They redesigned the 5 man experience. Heroics take a hell of a lot longer so people are less likely to run more than one per day. Cataclysm heroics are a slog and are less fun than WotLK heroics. Once people have the gear they need out of heroics they're unlikely to return because they're not worth the effort, particularly when they're hitting the valor cap already. 2. They've redesigned the way that tanking and healing works in an effort to make it harder and as a result less people do it. Their effort to make the game more challenging made it less fun. The playerbase hasn't changed, the game has. The increase in queue times is a reflection of people's dislike of the new design philosophy. It's not that people are stupid or bad or w/e other insult you want to fling at them, it's that they don't want to spend their free time doing something that isn't fun. We didn't experience this problem in WotLK because tanks and healers were more fun to play, in part because they didn't feel so impotent. Tanks and healers didn't get as much abuse either because the frustration level wasn't so high.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: WoW Vault Site Manager
Aug 6, '02
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TruthyID posted:
HunterTalon posted: I respect your opinion, but are you honestly saying that the protector and healer roles have always been sparsely populated in every game since 1975 is because those roles have never been correctly implemented so as to be fun? Be serious. Tanking is fun and healing is fun (ok this is subjective, I should say I find those roles fun)... the real reason people don't often fill those roles is because they get blamed when something goes wrong. Period.
I would be more apt to believe you if this had been a problem as long as the LFD tool has been out but it hasn't been. The queues times have gone from 10-15 minutes in WotLK to 45 minutes or more in Cataclysm. There are 2 main differences between then and now. 1. They redesigned the 5 man experience. Heroics take a hell of a lot longer so people are less likely to run more than one per day. Cataclysm heroics are a slog and are less fun than WotLK heroics. Once people have the gear they need out of heroics they're unlikely to return because they're not worth the effort, particularly when they're hitting the valor cap already. 2. They've redesigned the way that tanking and healing works in an effort to make it harder and as a result less people do it. Their effort to make the game more challenging made it less fun. The playerbase hasn't changed, the game has. The increase in queue times is a reflection of people's dislike of the new design philosophy. It's not that people are stupid or bad or w/e other insult you want to fling at them, it's that they don't want to spend their free time doing something that isn't fun. We didn't experience this problem in WotLK because tanks and healers were more fun to play, in part because they didn't feel so impotent. Tanks and healers didn't get as much abuse either because the frustration level wasn't so high.
And excellent post. I also agree with Korrigan in that the only thing this is going to do is increase the number of inexperienced people queuing up as their off spec "tank" or "healer" roles. >.<
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Jan 3, '02
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I tanked a few Heroics on my Feral Druid before I canceled for Rift, and i gotta tell ya, i didn't mind tanking in WOTLK, screw Cat though, It simply wasn't fun. Hell, DPS itself wasn't even fun either, Cat in general just isn't fun.. the instances are long and stupid. Hell the instances in Rift are Hard and Long, but surprisingly it's actually fun. Probably cause you can switch and out of different specs for different parts of the dungeon that it makes it interesting. Not really sure, Cataclysm just blew though.
Terravos - RR11L2 Valkyrie Merlin Server - Skullthrone Destruction Badlands Order RIP Dr. Tiller http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/3605/roflve.jpg
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Oct 29, '00
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TruthyID posted:
I would be more apt to believe you if this had been a problem as long as the LFD tool has been out but it hasn't been. The queues times have gone from 10-15 minutes in WotLK to 45 minutes or more in Cataclysm. There are 2 main differences between then and now. 1. They redesigned the 5 man experience. Heroics take a hell of a lot longer so people are less likely to run more than one per day. Cataclysm heroics are a slog and are less fun than WotLK heroics. Once people have the gear they need out of heroics they're unlikely to return because they're not worth the effort, particularly when they're hitting the valor cap already. 2. They've redesigned the way that tanking and healing works in an effort to make it harder and as a result less people do it. Their effort to make the game more challenging made it less fun. The playerbase hasn't changed, the game has. The increase in queue times is a reflection of people's dislike of the new design philosophy. It's not that people are stupid or bad or w/e other insult you want to fling at them, it's that they don't want to spend their free time doing something that isn't fun. We didn't experience this problem in WotLK because tanks and healers were more fun to play, in part because they didn't feel so impotent. Tanks and healers didn't get as much abuse either because the frustration level wasn't so high.
Are people seriously so forgetful? WOTLK heroics used to be as long when people were wearing green and ilvl187 blue at the start. It just got to 10-15 mins at later part of the expansion when people outgear it with much better gear. With a large portion of players in their ivl346 or higher gear, most Cata heroics take less than 30 mins to complete. With 4.1 patch, most people will be at 353 or higher, and will easily cut down the instance time by another 5 mins or more. Even at this point, most heroic instances are cleared in exactly the WOTLK manner now, i.e AOE fest. My guild was rushing for realm first level 25 guild earlier this week. We chained run Heroic HOO killing 6 bosses (out of 7) at 20 mins max per run. Game content needs to be challenging at the beginning of an expansion. This provides the players sense of achievement when they grow their characters. During classic, it was the "hell, i spent 5 hours in BRD -- you guys having it easy" During BC, it was "hell, i spent 5 hours in shadowlab -- you guys having it easy" During WOTLK, it was "hell, I spent 5 hours in occulus -- you guys having it easy" Why the hell would you expect to run heroic instance at the beginning of an expansion at 10-15 mins each? Also, the Call to Arms reward will be BoA. Since most people have a alt heal or alt tank (or alt spec) somewhere, everyone can benefit from this change.
"Like almost everyone, I receive a lot of spam every day, much of it offering to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It's ridiculous." - Bill Gates
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Dec 20, '01
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I might just have to find a reason to start running heroics in bear mode again, even though I won't be properly geared or gemmed to be a good bear tank. Hell, just for the mounts and perks alone it will be worth it so I can get more bling! I'll be one of those crappy alt tanks that you guys are griping about...such sweet justice!!
/smartass mode off
Nothing to see here...
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Dec 8, '09
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Exodus_The_Mage posted: Are people seriously so forgetful?
WOTLK heroics used to be as long when people were wearing green and ilvl187 blue at the start.
It just got to 10-15 mins at later part of the expansion when people outgear it with much better gear.
With a large portion of players in their ivl346 or higher gear, most Cata heroics take less than 30 mins to complete. With 4.1 patch, most people will be at 353 or higher, and will easily cut down the instance time by another 5 mins or more.
Even at this point, most heroic instances are cleared in exactly the WOTLK manner now, i.e AOE fest.
Hardly, the last two I attempted the groups could not even get past the first mob's and disbanded!
Cata heorics are like more like the last two ICC 5-mans only harder and to the day Cata was released the player base was still struggling with completing those particularly the last one. Or have you forgotten how many times you got that last one doing random and watched people leave as fast as the were porting in because the knew it was a fail waiting to happen?
Cata Heroics are flat out too difficult for the random pug player base in WoW to complete, it is as simple as that.
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Jan 29, '03
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Exodus_The_Mage posted: Are people seriously so forgetful? WOTLK heroics used to be as long when people were wearing green and ilvl187 blue at the start. It just got to 10-15 mins at later part of the expansion when people outgear it with much better gear. With a large portion of players in their ivl346 or higher gear, most Cata heroics take less than 30 mins to complete. With 4.1 patch, most people will be at 353 or higher, and will easily cut down the instance time by another 5 mins or more.
Not even close. Average wait time in WOTLK for DPS at prime time was 15 minutes and if you got a group that was under-geared (ie. appropriately geared) for the instance, they would normally take around 45 minutes. Total time to do an instance with all appropriately geared players? 1 hour. I think Cataclysm dungeons take a wee bit longer unless the group grossly over-gears it.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Dec 20, '10
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Exodus_The_Mage posted: [quote=TruthyID] Game content needs to be challenging at the beginning of an expansion. This provides the players sense of achievement when they grow their characters. During classic, it was the "hell, i spent 5 hours in BRD -- you guys having it easy" During BC, it was "hell, i spent 5 hours in shadowlab -- you guys having it easy" During WOTLK, it was "hell, I spent 5 hours in occulus -- you guys having it easy"
BRD was/is equivalent to raid content, so yeah, it was 5 hours plus. Shadow Labs is more like 3 hours and would only turn into 5 hours if someone dropped group (like the tank or healer) and you had to use LFD or trade to find someone. 5 hours in occulus? I usually dropped on entry: not worth the hassle. I stopped playing before Cata, but I think this image sums up the problem well: http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1056/1287780184632.jpg The imagination and detail in dungeon design has been lost. Even when I rolled a new character and used LFD to roll through the old ones, sometimes only 1/3 of the dungeon was explored. As soon as the "Dungeon Complete" message came up after killing a certain boss, everyone dropped like a hot potato. I watched the videos of the new dungeons and was uninspired by what I saw. The only dungeon that looks remotely interesting to me is the Lost City.
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Jun 17, '01
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BRD had like what? 12 bosses? blackrock spire was REALLY long which is why players broke it into UBRS/LBRS because we couldn't stand doing ALL of it at once. not only that most groups never did all of BRD because it was just so big with so many bosses it was hard. the fact of the matter is this, myself, the majority of the posters on these forums, and all my friends have the same opinion of cata heroic dungeons and that is that they were too hard, especially with the changes made to tanking/healing. does this mean everyone playing wow feels the same way? maybe not, maybe we're the vocal minority on this but I highly doybt it basing it if on nothing else... the fact they are trying to find ways to get players to play classes they don't want to play. an example. I used to heal offspec in wotlk if for nothing else so i wouldn't have to wait in the 15 minute queue.. which looking at queue times now would be a godsend. BUT they changed healing enough to make it not as enjoyable, too difficult, and just plain out not worth it. If I queue now i have a 15-20+ minute wait as a healer. in wotlk it was 5 minutes at the very slowest of time when I queue'd as a healer. I understand where blizzard coming from too in the sense that people were face rolling instances and that needed to change. the problem comes from when they say let's make the instances hard.. oh and just because that might not be enough let's make it so tanks can't reallyhold ago anymore and that heals really only have a 3% chance that their heal will be enough to keep the tank alive before the next enemy hits him. that's the problem. as a healer i used to not have to worry about healing agro. but then they removed all my threat reduction skills/talents and gave tanks less snap agro abilities/talents to help with it. that's poor game design. they could have made it so that instances were harder by adding in new strats(and they did) and by having mobs hit harder and have more health. and i think they did all these things. they could have left healing the way it was only made spells cost more so that you couldn't just heal nonstop. but they didn't, they not only made spells cost more but changed the mechanics of everything so not only are you running out mana in a fight, you don't have enough mana to keep up the tank + yourself + 3 dps. tanks can't hold agro as well for whatever reason. there's really no need for this, they deisigned the game to have a tank.. a character in which to hold agro so the dps can nuke things, yet at the same time ruined the concept of this as aoe threat is dismal anymore. i understand they don't want a tank to go in and spam aoe threat and have people aoe mobs down anymore, but at the same time aoe threat is how you keep 3-4 mobs on you so that dps can focus fire one down and not lose the other 2-3 mobs to the healer because of healing agro. it's pretty simple, they screwed up and don't want to admit it so they're putting in a "new shiny" that will clearly be labeled a failure.. so much so it already has been labeled such and will have to prove us wrong. but all we'll see is undergeared tanks, underskilled tanks, etc. etc. and seeing as on heals i have such a long wait it tells me that tanks are the only shortage we have out there.
"...and they'll say "Hey, Look at him!, I'll never live that way". And that's ok they couldn't anyway..."
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Oct 29, '00
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I wonder if we are all playing the same game. I have 3 tank classes (Pally, Druid, DK). I usually do at least 2 random heroics (RH) per day, mostly as tank, but I do queue as healer for my pally/druid some days. Over the last 4 months, I must have done over 150 RHs or more with total random strangers -- players with ungemmed, unchanted gear -- DPS doing less than 6K DPS, healers with 70k mana that OOM even on regular trash pull, and tank with 120K HP. At Cata launch, the only 3 instances that I will even called them hard are Stonecore and Grim Batol(due to the very unforgiving mechanism), and ShadowFang Keep (people just can't interupts). During first month cata, it's quite often that I have to sit through 15-20 players in these instances, and yet still unable to complete the place after 3-4 hours. Four months down the road, with the nerf bat across the board, only Stonecore and Grim Batol can even be considered hard. As a healer, the only fight that I OOM is Lost City last boss -- when you get players doing 6K DPS or less each. Fortunately, there isn't really many new players in your RH player pools. Most of the time you met someone's alt who have done the instance and have some experience with the fight. Even my recent encounter with the 120K HP tank, he knew how to use his survival cooldown so that I (the healer) can keep him up. I can only conclude that either you guys are extremely unlucky, or are just exaggerating much. This vnboard forum seems to have transformed to a place for people who have lost interest with the game, or have quitted the game to hang out to bash whatever Blizzard is doing. It's really that hard to move on to a new MMO or a new game genre eh?
"Like almost everyone, I receive a lot of spam every day, much of it offering to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It's ridiculous." - Bill Gates
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Jan 29, '03
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Exodus_The_Mage posted: I wonder if we are all playing the same game. I have 3 tank classes (Pally, Druid, DK). I usually do at least 2 random heroics (RH) per day, mostly as tank, but I do queue as healer for my pally/druid some days. Over the last 4 months, I must have done over 150 RHs or more with total random strangers -- players with ungemmed, unchanted gear -- DPS doing less than 6K DPS, healers with 70k mana that OOM even on regular trash pull, and tank with 120K HP. At Cata launch, the only 3 instances that I will even called them hard are Stonecore and Grim Batol(due to the very unforgiving mechanism), and ShadowFang Keep (people just can't interupts). During first month cata, it's quite often that I have to sit through 15-20 players in these instances, and yet still unable to complete the place after 3-4 hours. Four months down the road, with the nerf bat across the board, only Stonecore and Grim Batol can even be considered hard. As a healer, the only fight that I OOM is Lost City last boss -- when you get players doing 6K DPS or less each. Fortunately, there isn't really many new players in your RH player pools. Most of the time you met someone's alt who have done the instance and have some experience with the fight. Even my recent encounter with the 120K HP tank, he knew how to use his survival cooldown so that I (the healer) can keep him up. I can only conclude that either you guys are extremely unlucky, or are just exaggerating much. This vnboard forum seems to have transformed to a place for people who have lost interest with the game, or have quitted the game to hang out to bash whatever Blizzard is doing. It's really that hard to move on to a new MMO or a new game genre eh?
Calm down Sparky. People post here cause they care and it's a hobby they are still at least vaguely interested in. I didn't see a sign before I came onto this board that said "if you don't subscribe to the game, you cannot post." And how boring would it be if everyone agreed all the time? And to your other points, you said yourself you have had 3-4 hour dungeons at times. You get it, not sure why you are even arguing that everyone should stop bashing the game when you obviously see the problem. 3-4 hour dungeons are un-sat, period. No way do I have that much time to waste dorking around a dungeon that isn't that overly interesting anyway. And the point everyone is trying to make is that Blizzard is so out of touch with reality and its playerbase that they cannot see the forest for the trees when it is their JOB to see the forest or the bigger picture. They are fruity crazy (think late middle ages European royalty inbred crazy) and make the most ridiculous changes, just poking around and hoping for the best while genuinely wondering why people are not playing the game the way they want to.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Dec 20, '10
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Exodus_The_Mage posted:
This vnboard forum seems to have transformed to a place for people who have lost interest with the game, or have quitted the game to hang out to bash whatever Blizzard is doing. It's really that hard to move on to a new MMO or a new game genre eh?
Definition of discussion: an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., especially to explore solutions; informal debate. I think it would be a bit boring if everyone just praised every thing Blizzard did, don't you think? A lot of us sunk a lot of time and money into this game and I would like to come back for the next expansion if they fix the current issues. If you like the game in it's current form: good for you! If you don't: that's OK too. The facts are the dungeon queue times have gone up significantly since WoTLK. Since they are offering rewards to certain roles to join the queue, we can infer that A) less people are playing and or B) the hassle of running the dungeon isn't worth queueing. I don't know what else you can conclude that would work in Blizzard's favor. Even when Icecrown came out, my healer queue was 3 minutes or less and tank was instant.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Exodus_The_Mage posted: I wonder if we are all playing the same game. I have 3 tank classes (Pally, Druid, DK). I usually do at least 2 random heroics (RH) per day, mostly as tank, but I do queue as healer for my pally/druid some days. Over the last 4 months, I must have done over 150 RHs or more with total random strangers -- players with ungemmed, unchanted gear -- DPS doing less than 6K DPS, healers with 70k mana that OOM even on regular trash pull, and tank with 120K HP. At Cata launch, the only 3 instances that I will even called them hard are Stonecore and Grim Batol(due to the very unforgiving mechanism), and ShadowFang Keep (people just can't interupts). During first month cata, it's quite often that I have to sit through 15-20 players in these instances, and yet still unable to complete the place after 3-4 hours. Four months down the road, with the nerf bat across the board, only Stonecore and Grim Batol can even be considered hard. As a healer, the only fight that I OOM is Lost City last boss -- when you get players doing 6K DPS or less each. Fortunately, there isn't really many new players in your RH player pools. Most of the time you met someone's alt who have done the instance and have some experience with the fight. Even my recent encounter with the 120K HP tank, he knew how to use his survival cooldown so that I (the healer) can keep him up. I can only conclude that either you guys are extremely unlucky, or are just exaggerating much. This vnboard forum seems to have transformed to a place for people who have lost interest with the game, or have quitted the game to hang out to bash whatever Blizzard is doing. It's really that hard to move on to a new MMO or a new game genre eh?
Since,the posts here annoy you, is it it really that hard to move to a new forum eh?
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Moderator The mystery flavor
Oct 29, '02
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Sociop posted:
Exodus_The_Mage posted: Are people seriously so forgetful? WOTLK heroics used to be as long when people were wearing green and ilvl187 blue at the start. It just got to 10-15 mins at later part of the expansion when people outgear it with much better gear. With a large portion of players in their ivl346 or higher gear, most Cata heroics take less than 30 mins to complete. With 4.1 patch, most people will be at 353 or higher, and will easily cut down the instance time by another 5 mins or more. Even at this point, most heroic instances are cleared in exactly the WOTLK manner now, i.e AOE fest.
Hardly, the last two I attempted the groups could not even get past the first mob's and disbanded! Cata heorics are like more like the last two ICC 5-mans only harder and to the day Cata was released the player base was still struggling with completing those particularly the last one. Or have you forgotten how many times you got that last one doing random and watched people leave as fast as the were porting in because the knew it was a fail waiting to happen? Cata Heroics are flat out too difficult for the random pug player base in WoW to complete, it is as simple as that.
They're really not. We're only in the first tier. When we're 3-4 tiers into Cataclysm, come back here and tell me that Halls of Origination or something is 'flat out too difficult'. You won't be able to.
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Dec 8, '09
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Dums posted:
Sociop posted:
Exodus_The_Mage posted: Are people seriously so forgetful?
WOTLK heroics used to be as long when people were wearing green and ilvl187 blue at the start.
It just got to 10-15 mins at later part of the expansion when people outgear it with much better gear.
With a large portion of players in their ivl346 or higher gear, most Cata heroics take less than 30 mins to complete. With 4.1 patch, most people will be at 353 or higher, and will easily cut down the instance time by another 5 mins or more.
Even at this point, most heroic instances are cleared in exactly the WOTLK manner now, i.e AOE fest.
Hardly, the last two I attempted the groups could not even get past the first mob's and disbanded!
Cata heorics are like more like the last two ICC 5-mans only harder and to the day Cata was released the player base was still struggling with completing those particularly the last one. Or have you forgotten how many times you got that last one doing random and watched people leave as fast as the were porting in because the knew it was a fail waiting to happen?
Cata Heroics are flat out too difficult for the random pug player base in WoW to complete, it is as simple as that.
They're really not. We're only in the first tier.
When we're 3-4 tiers into Cataclysm, come back here and tell me that Halls of Origination or something is 'flat out too difficult'. You won't be able to.
Just like Wrath 5-man with Triumph and Frost gear we are in the first two tiers of Cata gear Justice and Valor. There is no difference, the last two ICC 5-man Heroics never got much easier and neither will Cata's.
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Oct 5, '00
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They are addressing the symptoms, not curing the problem. Rather than bribe people to play a broken game, why not fix it?
Long Ranger: back in Dereth again, after a seven-year sleep!
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Title: Moderator The mystery flavor
Oct 29, '02
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Sociop posted: Just like Wrath 5-man with Triumph and Frost gear we are in the first two tiers of Cata gear Justice and Valor. There is no difference, the last two ICC 5-man Heroics never got much easier and neither will Cata's.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Are you comparing triumph and frost emblems to Justice/Valor points? Because that's wrong. Now, if you compared Justice/Valor points to Emblems of Heroism/Valor (i.e. Heroism = 10 man Naxx/EoE/OS and Heroics, Valor = 25 man raids + daily quest), then you would be correct. With Valor gear, early wotlk 5 mans become pretty easy, but still had tiny bit of challenge to them. With the coming of Emblems of Conquest (Ulduar) and the change from Heroism to Valor, they become much easier, because you had moved up a tier and people were getting 'welfare' epics and all that jazz. The last heroics that were put in with ICC were tuned for people at Emblem of Triumph level (ToC). That's why they never become obsolete, though for me and people that I ran with, they were, because we were all decked out in ICC25 Heroic gear after a while.
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Nov 6, '05
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And what percentage of the population would you guess were "decked out in ICC 25 Heoric" gear at the end of Wrath? 5% ? Maybe? Not knocking you, or your buddies..but what you are describing is not representative of the majority of the player-base...not by a long shot.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Oct 29, '00
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Spookysheep posted:
Since,the posts here annoy you, is it it really that hard to move to a new forum eh?
Nah, you guys doing a great job here whining and bashing whatever Blizzard is doing. It's great community service to help people quit WoW and get their life back. Keep up the good work!
"Like almost everyone, I receive a lot of spam every day, much of it offering to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It's ridiculous." - Bill Gates
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Exodus_The_Mage posted: I can only conclude that either you guys are extremely unlucky, or are just exaggerating much. This vnboard forum seems to have transformed to a place for people who have lost interest with the game, or have quitted the game to hang out to bash whatever Blizzard is doing. It's really that hard to move on to a new MMO or a new game genre eh? Spookysheep posted:
Since,the posts here annoy you, is it it really that hard to move to a new forum eh?
Nah, you guys doing a great job here whining and bashing whatever Blizzard is doing. It's great community service to help people quit WoW and get their life back. Keep up the good work!
So you're a WoW-hating masochist?
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: Moderator The mystery flavor
Oct 29, '02
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GutterSludge posted: And what percentage of the population would you guess were "decked out in ICC 25 Heoric" gear at the end of Wrath? 5% ? Maybe? Not knocking you, or your buddies..but what you are describing is not representative of the majority of the player-base...not by a long shot.
I would hazard a guess that it was more than that, but I didn't mean it how it came across. I just meant by the time that 4.0 came out, the ICC heroics were trivial for.. some people.
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Nov 6, '05
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I agree with the some people statement. I had zero problems tanking, healing, or DPSing any of those... I, however, do not consider myself to be a "normal, average" player, even though the entirety of my dungeon running was through the RDF. The problem is the "normal, average" players outnumber every other group by far..and even though they might have had trouble in HOR at the end of Wrath, they were generally happy with short queue times, and lots of dungeon runs. With Cata, WOW has become a colossal waste of time compared to Wrath...and people don't like it. edit: If queues were instant, people wouldn't care about harder, longer dungeons. Waiting 45 min to an hour, just to wipe for an hour is a terrible mix, and has failure written all over it. It's more of a time issue than difficulty....and the end result is a disgruntled "normal, average" playerbase.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Oct 29, '00
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GutterSludge posted:
Waiting 45 min to an hour, just to wipe for an hour is a terrible mix, and has failure written all over it. It's more of a time issue than difficulty....and the end result is a disgruntled "normal, average" playerbase.
You miss the worst scenario. After queuing for 45 mins, the queue pop-up, and you were distracted and missed the queue totally -- felt like slamming the keyboard/mouse/monitor when that happened. I assumed you don't have the luxury of guild mate, or friends who are still playing during same time as you anymore, and you have to rely on RDF most of the time. Have you tried forming a group from /trade spam? The trick is that you don't spam "ilvl xxx DPS LFG for RH". That hardly work unless you are the rare few with 360+ ilvl. Instead, form a new group by spamming "LFM for RH", you can usually get 2 DPS + 1 Healer quickly. Just don't be too unrealistic on the gear level. Depending on servers, tank can still be hard to come by. Most of them became "mercenaries" and will sell their service for 100-150g per run. But, time is money.. 150g for 30-45 mins wait is well worth it if you are gearing a new DPS class. This approach works very well for Baradin Hold raid too. If you are playing an overly represented class (such as Mage), it may be very hard to get into a BH group. As longer your reputation on the server isn't half bad, you can form your own raid by simply yelling your own "LFM..", and get a group going in a short time. And since they are all on the same server, you can keep a list of good and bad players. Soon enough you won't have to suffer from 45 mins RDF queue -- and you get to make some new friends too.
"Like almost everyone, I receive a lot of spam every day, much of it offering to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It's ridiculous." - Bill Gates
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Nov 6, '05
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1.I have 2 level 85 tanks. (pally, DK) 2. I have 2 level 85 healers. (pally , priest) 3. I have 7 85's total, and the problem is that I don't always feel like tanking. I don't always feel like healing.(rogue, mage, hunter, lock to boot) I have had very few issues with Cata, and actually found it enjoyable for the most part. My problem is time. I have available spurts of about an hour,and i might have 2 or 3 of those on a (good) weekday... which was fine with Wrath...impossible with Cata. Even if I instaque with tanks, I am pressed for time to finish one random... My time issues are my issue, not Blizzards...but the bottom line is an hour at a time was enough for me to run randoms on 6 toons in a day sometimes, especially on weekends in Wrath... Now? I just don't have the time to even TRY to run my DPS in a random..add in the constant skill nerfs and changes...and instead of a fun game, it has become more of an aggravation than anything else. And, even though my time issues are my own...Are they really? How long should the player have to "devote" to a "game" in a days time anyway? 2 hours in a row? 4 hours in a row? Seems more like a part time job than a game at that point. I'll pass, and so will many others. Edit: And no, I would rather gouge my own eyes out with a spoon than belong to a guild in WOW. Been in plenty of them in the past, in other games, and they are nothing but a drama filled cluster#@$%. I definitely have no time for that. Not one second.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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And what Gutter just described is pretty much the average WoW player's experience. Sure there are a handful of players that have dedicated their life to the game (to some degree or another). But the majority of players are casuals and weekenders, and for those players, the game ends when they finish leveling at 85, due to the way cata heroics are designed. Once they hit level 85 they either: a) Dedicate much more time to the game than they have previously; or b) unsubscribe With all the panic mode posts blizzard has been putting out, my guess is most of them are choosing option b).
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Apr 26, '02
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Bashiok posted: We don't feel the tanking and healing roles have any inherent issues that are causing the representation disparity, except that fulfilling them carries more responsibility. Understandably, players prefer to take on that responsibility in more organized situations than what the Dungeon Finder offers, but perhaps we can bribe them a little.
I'm typically fairly patient with developers in almost any game, but Blizzard (collectively -- not just the infamous GC) is starting to come across as really patronizing. It's annoying as hell. No, the "added responsibility" of healing is not what makes me avoid your stupid freaking Heroic queues. But thanks for telling me that's what the problem actually is, even though it's not at all how I, your customer, feel. Idiots.
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Jan 29, '03
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Spookysheep posted: With all the panic mode posts blizzard has been putting out, my guess is most of them are choosing option b).
I wouldn't normally say that they are "panicking" but lately with all the crazy, yo-yo hotfixes and what could be considered "spamming" the boards with excuses and lame reasoning....well, it makes them look desperate. How often during WOTLK did they announce how everything was "totally fine, everyone is really happy despite what players are saying"? Isoke posted: I'm typically fairly patient with developers in almost any game, but Blizzard (collectively -- not just the infamous GC) is starting to come across as really patronizing. It's annoying as hell. No, the "added responsibility" of healing is not what makes me avoid your stupid freaking Heroic queues. But thanks for telling me that's what the problem actually is, even though it's not at all how I, your customer, feel. Idiots.
Exactly right. It is annoying and irritating to be talked down to like a child instead of a paying customer. I don't expect curbside, anytime night or day foot rub service from them for 15 dollars. But at least treat your customers/players with a modicum of respect.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Bremen_Gaheris posted:
Isoke posted: I'm typically fairly patient with developers in almost any game, but Blizzard (collectively -- not just the infamous GC) is starting to come across as really patronizing. It's annoying as hell. No, the "added responsibility" of healing is not what makes me avoid your stupid freaking Heroic queues. But thanks for telling me that's what the problem actually is, even though it's not at all how I, your customer, feel. Idiots.
Exactly right. It is annoying and irritating to be talked down to like a child instead of a paying customer. I don't expect curbside, anytime night or day foot rub service from them for 15 dollars. But at least treat your customers/players with a modicum of respect.
Well said. I would go a step further and say that if they had dedicated someone to seriously investigating the "disgruntlement," they could quickly come up with some examples of why they think things look OK from the dev side. Example: Blizzard_customer_service_hero(ine) posted: We did some investigation around the complaints of things being hard/tedious and found that the top two groups of people saying this are priest healers and DK tanks. We also found that of the specific incidents reported, 64% of the folks complaining were at a gear level that was well under what we consider optimal for the dungeon in question (aka DIQ). Additionally, we found that 91% of the complaints were centered around 2 instances, 61% of which were around 5 bosses in those two instances and 39% were around trash encounters in those instances. We think we have an idea why these cases are generating the most complaints but we'd like to compile more data. To that end, we now have a form you can fill out if you have serious issues with our instances. Please select the instance, difficulty level, your gear loadout (which you can easily import from loadouts we have recorded you wearing frequently over the last month) and spec and then provide us with a description of what you think was hard/difficult/not-fun in the selected encounter. We'll pull some numbers and publish the data so we are all clear on where the issues (or perception of issues) lie. We look forward to updating our customer expectations and keeping World of Warcraft the most entertaining game on the market. Sincerely, Not Ghostcrawler
...one can dream, eh?
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Jan 3, '02
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Time became a huge issue for me in WoW as well cause of Heroics. I use to be able to sign in on WOTLK, and do daily heroic on my Shaman/Warrior/Warlock/Druid, and do it usually in around 1 hour. That's including queue time. Now.. I got my Druid/Warlock to 85, and the queue time on both as DPS was 45 mins, meaning 45 mins.. of doing absolutely bloody nothing. now I could atleast do druid as a tank, but.. the dungeon might take 1 hour.. that's 1 hour.. for 1 class... and that's if i'm LUCKY and don't get a crap group. I can bust through a T2 in Rift in 45-1hour, and i will fee like i've accomplished more. the T1's I can do in 30 mins, and honestly feel like WOTLK Heroics. It's probably based on the fact that the Gear i got from the vendor was ABSOLUTELY worthless... I think 1 piece might of been slightly better then quest gear i got.
Terravos - RR11L2 Valkyrie Merlin Server - Skullthrone Destruction Badlands Order RIP Dr. Tiller http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/3605/roflve.jpg
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Sociop posted: Just like Wrath 5-man with Triumph and Frost gear we are in the first two tiers of Cata gear Justice and Valor. There is no difference, the last two ICC 5-man Heroics never got much easier and neither will Cata's.
lmfao, if you thought ANYTHING in Wrath was difficult you need to wear a helmet
PvPing since 1977
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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MinionX-DW posted: I use to be able to sign in on WOTLK, and do daily heroic on my Shaman/Warrior/Warlock/Druid, and do it usually in around 1 hour.
Speaking of wearing helmets...
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Jan 3, '02
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Ugh_Lancelot posted:
MinionX-DW posted: I use to be able to sign in on WOTLK, and do daily heroic on my Shaman/Warrior/Warlock/Druid, and do it usually in around 1 hour.
Speaking of wearing helmets...
I'm not sure what you're saying? that doing a heroics on my Shaman/Warrior/Warlock/Druid (all 4 if that wasn't understand) is to long or to short. Maybe I should offer you the helmet instead.
Terravos - RR11L2 Valkyrie Merlin Server - Skullthrone Destruction Badlands Order RIP Dr. Tiller http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/3605/roflve.jpg
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Title: Infallible
Dec 28, '01
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MinionX-DW posted:
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
MinionX-DW posted: I use to be able to sign in on WOTLK, and do daily heroic on my Shaman/Warrior/Warlock/Druid, and do it usually in around 1 hour.
Speaking of wearing helmets...
I'm not sure what you're saying? that doing a heroics on my Shaman/Warrior/Warlock/Druid (all 4 if that wasn't understand) is to long or to short. Maybe I should offer you the helmet instead.
Are you saying you would run WotLK heroics in 15 minutes? On another note, what a surprise that you are back here hyping yet another game that isn't World of Warcraft. What is this like the 5th game you have done so on?
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Mar 12, '01
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Doesn't matter what the reward is, I never had any desire to tank for pugs in cata. Boone-Eldar posted: If I can't roll through a Heroic in under 45 minutes like I could in WotLK I don't care what kind of rewards they give out.
Sadly, I agree. The beefier heroics were fun the first 1-5 times you ran them, learned them, suffered thru the marginal difficulty and CCing. Once you enter grind mode and need to grind heroics to death, again, ala wotlk, on 10 alts, the cata heroics are pure suck.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that - George Carlin
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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MinionX-DW posted: that doing a heroics on my Shaman/Warrior/Warlock/Druid (all 4 if that wasn't understand) is to long or to short.
It wasn't understand. I am clearly now?
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Jan 3, '02
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Boone-Eldar posted:
MinionX-DW posted:
Ugh_Lancelot posted: [quote=MinionX-DW]I use to be able to sign in on WOTLK, and do daily heroic on my Shaman/Warrior/Warlock/Druid, and do it usually in around 1 hour.
Speaking of wearing helmets...
I'm not sure what you're saying? that doing a heroics on my Shaman/Warrior/Warlock/Druid (all 4 if that wasn't understand) is to long or to short. Maybe I should offer you the helmet instead.
Are you saying you would run WotLK heroics in 15 minutes? On another note, what a surprise that you are back here hyping yet another game that isn't World of Warcraft. What is this like the 5th game you have done so on?[/quote] depending on the WOTLK Heroic, and which class i was on.. I could bust through it in 15-20 mins (hence why I said about an hour) The DPS classes i was limited to how fast the tank was going, when I was playing Tank I pretty much didn't stop. Some instances were longer to, with natural barriers.. that one Prison one.. ya that blew. As for hyping other games, Lets see, Warhammer pvp was vastly superior to WoW's, DCUO was frankly far more enjoyable combat wise to WoW, and Rift pretty much has Cata beat in terms of actual fun. Its not really hard to Hype games when they're clearly superior to Mcdonald MMO
Terravos - RR11L2 Valkyrie Merlin Server - Skullthrone Destruction Badlands Order RIP Dr. Tiller http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/3605/roflve.jpg
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Jan 3, '02
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Ugh_Lancelot posted:
MinionX-DW posted: that doing a heroics on my Shaman/Warrior/Warlock/Druid (all 4 if that wasn't understand) is to long or to short.
It wasn't understand. I am clearly now?
rofl, i just now read that. understood..bloody understood.
Terravos - RR11L2 Valkyrie Merlin Server - Skullthrone Destruction Badlands Order RIP Dr. Tiller http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/3605/roflve.jpg
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