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Topic: Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
Title: 0110011010 Be Nice to Me I'm a Bot
Oct 18, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 42,467
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
Lylirra posted:
Q: Is there any chance we could have caster weapons involved in casting animations? It would look cool to be holding a staff and casting a spell through it, at least as a customization option. - Dromanthis (NA/ANZ)
A: This is something we would dearly love to do. We agree that melee specs get to see their weapons a lot more often in combat while it's easy for casters to forget about them. It's definitely on the list, but understand that we have so many races now (and two sexes for all existing races) that the animations take more time to do right/well.
Q: Would it be possible for city quartermasters to sell the same equipment that guards wear? Stats wouldn't matter. - Pokemonmasta (EU|English), Tajit (NA/ANZ)
A: Cool idea. We'll talk about it.
Q: Are you planning to return to the original principle of designing the Tiers, when the sets were themed with the classes, not with the bosses that drop them? Do you have any plans to make the tier items visually different depending on your spec? - Анви (EU|Russian), Trafalgarlaw (Latin America)
A: We try and alternate the themes in order to keep things feeling fresh. Players can get bored if things feel too formulaic. The Firelands raid has a really strong theme, so the tier sets are based on the various creatures that live on the elemental plane: for example, fire spiders for the warlock set. Other tiers don?t have as strong a unifying theme so we go back to the classes for that. In the Call of the Crusade patch, we did faction-specific armor to solidify the military feel and Horde vs. Alliance rivalry.
Varying tiers depending on spec is a cool idea, but it does add more work to the individual armor which usually means we?ll get less of it. Color shifts are one option, but tend to already use all of those. We have more unique art these days than ever before, but the number of items overall has grown tremendously faster.
Q: I like the creative items that are dropped from Icecrown Citadel such as Nibelung, Heartpierce, Deathbringer's Will. Can I see more of such items containing unique proc-effects in the near futuer? - Whitewnd (Korea)
A: Yes. We think the procs are a good way from keeping the weapons from just feeling like a predictable bag of stats. There will be more in Firelands.
Q: Will enchanters be getting back the ability to make wands? - Trustybee (Taiwan)
A: We have been discussing what role in the game wands are supposed to fill. We generally consider it a failure these days if a caster ever wants to wand for dps instead of using their spells. Working the wand into the cast animation (as in the question above) is one idea. In any event, we want to figure out what we want wands to do before we give them any more prominence.
Q: Any chance we can start heading away from WWE-esque belts? - Catriona (NA/ANZ)
A: Azeroth is stricken by a terrible plague that inflates the size of shoulders and belts over time. Our artists like the belts because they have more room for detail when they?re larger. That said, your concern is duly noted.
Q: Do you have plans to make is so that the tabards don't suddenly cut off whenever we wear long vestments? - H?wl (Latin America)
A: This is a technical issue that?s fairly nasty to fix and ultimately trimming the tabard ended up looking better, at least as a short-term solution.
Q: Can we see gear won via need rolls become soulbound? - Lorinall (NA/ANZ)
A: Yes. We plan on implementing a system where winning an item via Need (when using the Dungeon Finder Need Before Greed loot system) will make a BoE item soulbound. We hope to have this working for the 4.2 patch. To expand on that idea in case it?s not obvious, we don?t think players should be able to claim certain loot drops based on their class if their only intent is to sell the item. If you want to use the item yourself, awesome, go ahead and roll Need on it and you?ll get preference over players who can?t use that armor type. But if all you want to do is run to the Auction House, then everyone should have equal dibs.
Q: How do you plan on normalizing Legendary weapon aquisition rate between 10 man and 25 man raids? If the drop rate is the same for 'shards' in 10 and 25 man raids, this may 'force' 25 man guilds to run 2-3 10 mans in order to maximize shard/legendary aquisition. If the drop rate for 'shards' in 25 man raids was 2.5 times than that in 10 man, it could take a 10 man guild say, 2.5 months to gain a legendary whereas a 25 man guild would take 1 month. - Deathsaint (NA/ANZ)
A: Our main goal is to offer the Legendary in both 10 and 25 without requiring say a 25-player raid to feel like they have to switch to running 10s for the sole purpose of Legendary fragment acquisition (and the same is true for 10s). Our plan is to make Legendary completion take longer to acquire in 10-player raids. The exact ratio will be somewhat obfuscated because of the variation in the amount of fragments dropped per boss based on both raid size and raid difficulty. However, you can plan on it being maybe 2 to 2.5 times faster for the 25-player raid. It should feel analogous to number of Valor points or gold dropped in 25s, and is being treated the same. Without giving too much away, the Firelands legendary weapon has an amazing story and quest chain associated with it. We think it truly delivers on the fantasy of a legendary weapon.
Q: I feel that the current item drop ratio per part for caster's is little bit weird. While belt slot items are very common, wrist and ranged (wand) item are drastically rare. Now players don't like going to Throne of the Four Winds because belt and pants are so easily acquired via other way. What if the drops of Throne of the Four Winds changed into rare slot items, such as wrist and wand? - 빛그리고사제 (Korea)
A: There are a few issues embedded in this question. One is that while we like the random nature of the Throne of the Four Winds gear overall, it occupies a strange niche in the current itemization scheme. Al'Akir for example is fairly challenging, but so are Cho'gall and Nefarian. The net result is that many players lack epic legs, heads or shoulders and so have a strong incentive to spend Valor Point on their tier set of legs. By the time they defeat Al'Akir, nobody wants his legs. We plan on tweaking those loot tables a little for 4.1; Al'Akir will drop some random necks and cloaks as well as helm or shoulder tokens in addition or in some cases instead of his current loot. As far as some items being rarer than others, that is the kind of thing we vary so that every tier of content doesn?t feel like a photocopy of the previous tier with bigger numbers. Our PvP gear for a variety of reasons has become very formulaic, and we don?t want the same thing to befall PvE. Bracers are hard to get now (though the trolls in 4.1 have a lot!), but next tier it might be a different item that becomes precious.
Q: What are the criteria you use to design the loots in a certain dungeon/ raid? Is it the backgrounds of the encounters, the preference of the designers, or basing on the existing models? - Kiolds (Taiwan)
A: All of that and more. As in the question above, if the dungeon or raid has a really strong visual kit, then we definitely jump on that. When you consider say the Cataclysm dungeon tier, there was a really diverse set of environments with no strong unifying theme. We could have tried to plan ahead of time that say Corborus would drop a certain weapon so we should theme it like a ring worm. That kind of rigid planning though doesn?t allow us a lot of room to maneuver if we decide to add a boss, change the source of certain items or so on. Naming the items can come from a variety of sources. Sometimes we play off of the boss (Symbiotic Worm from Magmaw), but there are pop-culture references (License to Slay), inside jokes (Chestplate of Hubris), and words that just sounded appealing together (Battleplate of the Apocalypse).
Q: Is there any plan to allow Account Bound items to be transfer to other realms? This could really give meaning to the phrase "Account Bound". - 텔레토비아스 (Korea), Деадхил (EU|Russian), ?tch??m (EU|French), Tellua (NA/ANZ)
A: Yes. Some day. It will take a lot of programmer time to implement, but it?s something we want to do.
Q: Is it possible to let the players create/edit their own looks? - Zed Loft (Taiwan), Vysha (NA/ANZ), R?chel (EU|German)
A: As we said in an earlier Q&A, we definitely hear loud and clear from players that they want more customization for their character. This is something we want to provide, but we want to do it in the right way. Consider the Barber Shop feature. It lets you change your character's hair, but there?s not a lot of gameplay to it. We're not sure that feature really added a lot to the game in retrospect. Is WoW more fun for you now that you have a Barber Shop? Are you more likely to keep playing because of it? Maybe, but it wasn?t a cheap feature to add in terms of development time. Dumping a bunch of dyes on the game might have a similar effect, where some players might have fun playing around with the system for a bit, but a lot of players might change their colors once or twice and then forget about the feature after that. Now, not every aspect of the game needs a ton of depth and a lot of interesting decisions, but we tend to attract more players to a feature the more robust the feature is. We also think it's fair to argue that the game just needs more armor and weapon art. As we said above, we deliver a lot of art these days, but we also produce an enormous number of new items every expansion or patch and it?s understandably disappointing whenever items use the same art. It would be really cool if not every mage or priest converged on the same look after a given expansion or patch.
Posted from WoW Vault
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
I can't believe I just read through this whole thing. Why are they even bothering with these Q&A sessions when they basically don't answer anything?
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
What's even worse is that they flat out admit that the crappy armor models are due to their artists egos, just like we've been saying for years, and that they don't want to do anything to the game that costs money because its all about the cash cow, not making a fun game. At least they are finally being honest.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Feb 16, '02
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
Blizzard posted: Q: Would it be possible for city quartermasters to sell the same equipment that guards wear? Stats wouldn't matter. - Pokemonmasta (EU|English), Tajit (NA/ANZ) A: Cool idea. We'll talk about it.
You'll talk about it about as long as it takes someone to realize they are hinting at an appearance-only paperdoll a la EQ2 and would immediately shelve it, knowing that a huge proportion of the playerbase would immediately remove every instance of their "graphical art" from at least the last two expansions... especially the shoulders, and Blizzard cannot and will not admit that they suck in this regard.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
people posted: So, can you guys do/give us X?
Blizzard posted: We'd like to. We'll get back to you.
Translation: Blizzard_seekrit posted: We're planning that, but we're saving the cool ideas for Titan or whatever our next MMO is called.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: WoW Vault Staff Teh Pyckles!
Mar 4, '03
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User ID: 776,236
Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
Q: Can we see gear won via need rolls become soulbound? - Lorinall (NA/ANZ)
A: Yes. We plan on implementing a system where winning an item via Need (when using the Dungeon Finder Need Before Greed loot system) will make a BoE item soulbound. We hope to have this working for the 4.2 patch.
To expand on that idea in case it?s not obvious, we don?t think players should be able to claim certain loot drops based on their class if their only intent is to sell the item. If you want to use the item yourself, awesome, go ahead and roll Need on it and you?ll get preference over players who can?t use that armor type. But if all you want to do is run to the Auction House, then everyone should have equal dibs.
So what happens if you say, "Hey, may I need that for mya lt?" and the grp says "Go ahead!" You're screwed. Most BoE blues are alt fodder anyway. They'e not gonna bring much on the AH. BoE Epics are usually master looted. This is a problem for onlya bout 5% of the whiners in game. You're trying to dummy proof it for jinja's and just end up making it a pain for everyone else. What happens if someone "needs" it and it get BoP'd. Then they decide to let someone else have it and trade it. Will it keep the BoP quality?
"An unintended side ffect of binding BoE needed items has come up! Unfortunately it's too technical for us to fix so we're not gonna worry about it." Blah blah blah blah
The new belts are freaking fugly. Who cars about detail if it takes away fromt eh rest of hte armor?
I still want my freaking dye and customizable armor dummy heads.
"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
Remember Pally, if everybody rolls greed, the item won't be BoP. If everybody in the party (and specifically the one who won the item) agrees to give it to you for your alts, there will be no problem, just roll greed, and trade the BoE item. The person who won the item using greed rolls isn't forced to give it to you for an alt though, you ran the dungeon with one character. Most will do it though, since, as you said, those items don't sell for much. For the other problem, remember BoP items won in dungeons can still be traded for 2 hours with other group members, so it's not an issue.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: WoW Vault Staff Teh Pyckles!
Mar 4, '03
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
I know Korr, it's just a small matter of trading of the item. No biggy. I just think they're taking an extra step to dummy proof the game and that extra step doesn't need to be made and will have its own set of problems, albeit small ones.
For the other problem, remember BoP items won in dungeons can still be traded for 2 hours with other group members, so it's not an issue.
My question is though, if someone needs it, decides they don't need it and it was originally a BoE item, can they trade it again? Yes. But once it's traded will it revert back to a BoE item or will it BoP to the person it's traded to? That person then can't give it to an alt for example. I can seriously see that happening as an "unintended" side effect.
Yes, I like to nitpick silly things sometimes.
"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
You are right, there is one drawback if you rolled need and then decide you want to give it to someone for an alt. I see the change as an attempt made to stop asshats, and I agree with you it will be mostly ineffective and therefore is not needed. Among civilized people in a group, nothing will change, and an asshat will still roll need just because he's an asshat. The value of those items definitely doesn't justify such a change, unless maybe Blizzard plans to add much better epic BoE items in the two upcoming 5 man maybe?
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Jan 29, '03
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
PallyDog posted: So what happens if you say, "Hey, may I need that for mya lt?" and the grp says "Go ahead!" You're screwed. Most BoE blues are alt fodder anyway. They'e not gonna bring much on the AH. BoE Epics are usually master looted. This is a problem for onlya bout 5% of the whiners in game. You're trying to dummy proof it for jinja's and just end up making it a pain for everyone else. What happens if someone "needs" it and it get BoP'd. Then they decide to let someone else have it and trade it. Will it keep the BoP quality?
The entire endgame of the Cataclysm expansion is designed around only 5% of the playerbase. Why would them creating features and working on problems that a very small subset of the player base cares about surprise you? Edit: Fixed PallyDog quote.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
A quite broad claim, Bremen. We'll see in a couple of months, since according to your theory and numbers, logically 95% of the players would then have quit out of boredom, something which definitely didn't even remotely happen for now.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Jan 29, '03
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
The_Korrigan posted: A quite broad claim, Bremen. We'll see in a couple of months, since according to your theory and numbers, logically 95% of the players would then have quit out of boredom, something which definitely didn't even remotely happen for now.
Oh, nah, I claim no such thing. Back in Classic lots of people still played and more came in even though the endgame dungeons were almost wholly inaccessible by the masses. I am just saying that they went back to "hardmode" for everything but Normal 5-mans and most people won't get to play in them. Apparently this is ok for Blizzard and I think a lot of folks are scratching their heads as to why. Edit: Btw, I am not in the "the sky is falling" "WoW is going to crash and burn!" crowd.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Made in Alaska
Feb 24, '03
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
You know, it's interesting, after looking back through old WoTLK threads (for fun, google - WoTLK easy site:vnboards.ign.com, the thread dates start shortly after WoTLK released), I noticed that Blizzard put out a press release a month or two after WoTLK was released, saying subscription numbers had gone up yet again. http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=21654 Yea, still waiting for that press release after Cata... I'm not saying the sky is falling either, but it's undeniable that there is fallout.
"When the government scares people into thinking it must take their liberties away, and the people let the Government do it. They are sheep." - Judge Andrew Napolitano http://www.leap.cc/cms/index.php
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Title: Made in Alaska
Feb 24, '03
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User ID: 773,760
Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
PallyDog posted: I still want my freaking dye and customizable armor dummy heads.
No kidding, right?
"When the government scares people into thinking it must take their liberties away, and the people let the Government do it. They are sheep." - Judge Andrew Napolitano http://www.leap.cc/cms/index.php
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Jan 29, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 1,529
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
Azure-TheBlueOne posted: You know, it's interesting, after looking back through old WoTLK threads (for fun, google - WoTLK easy site:vnboards.ign.com, the thread dates start shortly after WoTLK released), I noticed that Blizzard put out a press release a month or two after WoTLK was released, saying subscription numbers had gone up yet again. http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=21654 Yea, still waiting for that press release after Cata... I'm not saying the sky is falling either, but it's undeniable that there is fallout.
What I think is happening right now is they are in "wait and see" mode since their changes are so awesome that even though they have slung old players off that probably would have left anyway (right?), they will be gaining millions of new players with their low level changes. Or, I am completely wrong and noone has left except for 2-3 people on this forum and WoW is strong as ever. I would be glad for it too.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
Quazimortal posted: I can't believe I just read through this whole thing. Why are they even bothering with these Q&A sessions when they basically don't answer anything?
A: Yes. Some day. It will take a lot of programmer time to implement, but it's something we want to do.
Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired) AC Frostfell, Clan Z - Lvl 239 Grief Dagger (Retired) WoW Lightbringer Alliance, Z Guild - Lvl 85 Combat Rogue (Retired) Making iOS Apps these days at http://zsprawl.com/iOS
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
Sprawl-zero1eye- posted:
Quazimortal posted: I can't believe I just read through this whole thing. Why are they even bothering with these Q&A sessions when they basically don't answer anything?
A: Yes. Some day. It will take a lot of programmer time to implement, but it's something we want to do.
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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Title: WoW Vault Staff Teh Pyckles!
Mar 4, '03
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User ID: 776,236
Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
I loved the dye set up in WAR. You only dyed certain portions of your armor so it added a color you chose and still kept the over all feel and design of the piece. It wasn't like DAoC where you jsut pasted a new color over the whole armor graphic.
While I love a lot of the graphics they have for the armor that match the expec or the class or whatever, it sucks not being able to customize it in any way shape or form.
"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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User ID: 601,475
Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
One of the best features of DAOC was you could dye your armor at any level, and many dyes were cheaply purchased from NPC vendors. Made the game tons more enjoyable.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Moderator The mystery flavor
Oct 29, '02
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
Spookysheep posted: One of the best features of DAOC was you could dye your armor at any level, and many dyes were cheaply purchased from NPC vendors. Made the game tons more enjoyable.
I agree. Just by being able to dye you were much more customizable... and there was nothing like murdering people in all pink leather on my Shadowblade.
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
Dums posted:
Spookysheep posted: One of the best features of DAOC was you could dye your armor at any level, and many dyes were cheaply purchased from NPC vendors.
Made the game tons more enjoyable.
I agree. Just by being able to dye you were much more customizable... and there was nothing like murdering people in all pink leather on my Shadowblade.
What mostly bothers me about this is the reason they won't add dyes. Same reason as no cosmetic tab. They want you defined by your gear and they will tell you what the gear will look like.
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Title: Moderator The mystery flavor
Oct 29, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 7,576
User ID: 732,266
Ask the Devs - Answers #4 "Armor & Weapons"
I've always wondered why they didn't want us customizing our stuff, even when people ran around in BC looking like a bag of skittles threw up on them.
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