Author Topic: Tip of the Day - City Guards Are Your Friends
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Subject: Tip of the Day - City Guards Are Your Friends

"One thing that clogs up the general chat channels is people asking for directions in the hub cities. Fortunately Blizzard has come up with a simple solution - just ask a city guard! They'll give you directions to everything in the city and even provide you with a little flag in your mini-map! You know, the employment situation in Azeroth must be pretty bad when you consider that most of these guards are high level and can easily wipe out virtually every monster in the game and they're taking the time out of their busy schedule to help you. The least you can do is avail yourself of their services. I don't even think they get paid!"

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Teh Pyckles!

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Subject: Tip of the Day - City Guards Are Your Friends
If a druid casts mushrooms on people in Hyjal, they don't get smooshed by the guards. You should try it sometime. mischief


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