Author Topic: Working Around The Clock
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Subject: Working Around The Clock

What is your favorite profession in WoW? What do you like about it? What do you hate about it, if anything? Do you change professions often or have you had the same profession for your character's entire lifespan? Do you use your profession to make money or just have it to help yourself/friends? Do your switch professions depending on which will give you the best advantage in PvE/PvP?

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Title: WoW Vault Site Manager
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Subject: Working Around The Clock
Thick or thin I've always been a blacksmith. Even when it was relatively useless as far as helpful self-bonuses go, through BC. Most of the time I'm a miner too but I've dropped that on occasion to PL up different professions in order to get more mounts. But I always go back to mining when I'm done. I picked up Blacksmithing when I started my character because it felt like a very paladiny thing to do.

It's been very useful to have in the gear department over the years. Being able to make your own gear rocked when there was very little gear to be had at the start of the game. And there was always crafting that needed to be done for end-game content. Dark Iron bars and fire resist gear in vanilla. Nature and Frost resist gear in BC. Stellar pre-raid weapons and gear in WotLK with new patterns for epic belts and boots added in ICC too. And of course in Cata there's some pretty excellent weapons and armor to be had pre-raid as well. I've always enjoyed helping people, it's part of what I like most about gaming. I've been helping people craft gear in Cataclysm more than I have in any other expansion and I like that quite a bit.


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Subject: Working Around The Clock
I have always been a skinner. Leather has made me enough gold to get a Troll a brain transplant and then put it through college.

Lately though, since I started playing my Hunter a lot, I have been Jewelcrafting. I like it a lot and its the first non gathering profession I have gotten serious about. From buying and prospecting ore to trying to control the market on a certain gem, its a fun profession all around


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Subject: Working Around The Clock
I do a lot of crafting. Most of my gold comes from crafting. Most of my gold is spent on raw materials for crafting. Most of my time gaining reputation is to improve crafting. Crafting is a major part of my gaming experience.

My favorite profession is not all that clear. I love making gear but I also love making gold. I have all crafting skills on one player or another. I guess if I had to pick one it would be Jewelcrafting; followed a close second by Alchemy. I have three Jewelers and four Alchemists.

The reason for the Alchemists is for transmutations. Each one creates something with the daily cooldown. I also used them to create gems used with Jewelcrafting.

The reason for three Jewelers is to do the daily Jeweler quests. Two have split the Mega gem recipes between them and the third buys the normal gem recipes. All gems created are sent to my banker who puts them up for auction. I check every hour or so to see what has sold so I can restock.

I have a lot of farming players but find myself buying most material at auction. I still spend a day or so farming ore and plants, depending on need or market prices. Some items cannot be brought at any price and many are far too costly to think of buying. It mostly comes down to a cost per hour. If I can make more gold questing than farming I buy the material.

While what is my favorite crafting skill was not easy to decide on what I hate about crafting is easy. That is the lame attempt to force crafters into doing Heroics. To advance my crafting I have to get orbs. That means I’ll have to run Heroics. Not only that but each crafter will have to run Heroics.

This is not something I’m looking forward to. Not because they are hard, hard can be fun, but because they are long and not fun. Why should I spend most of my play time doing something I would rather not do? I’m in a holding pattern with many of my crafters until I build gear for Heroics or they remove this road block.

I’ve made some changes to the players crafting skills depending on changes in crafting. When there were three types of Tailors I needed three Tailors. The same with Leathercrafting. Today I still need many tailors in order to make cloth but have no need for the spare Leathercrafters. If nothing changes I’ll likely be moving some of the leather workers to another skill, perhaps Alchemy.

Most of the reason I craft is self independence. I like the idea of making my own stuff. It is not that I’m anti-social; I’m anything but. I love questing and working with people but I hate the idea of being a leach. I would rather be the person others depend on than someone bothering people every time I have a need. I love helping others but hate the idea of others interrupting their play to help me.


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