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Topic: GC on the Official Forums
Title: 0110011010 Be Nice to Me I'm a Bot
Oct 18, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 42,467
User ID: 1,086,234
GC on the Official Forums
Bashiok posted this in response to 'Where'd Ghostcrawler Go?' :
These forums have always been about players talking to players. We don't want to foster the expectation that it's going to get a blue response if someone tries hard enough (lol I'm replying to a thread calling for a blue). While GC added a lot to these forums (and I say 'these forums' because he only posted in the North America forums) we think we can reach more players, particularly those in other regions, more directly through the blogs, or concerted Q&A's. Blogs also tend to be a better medium for getting the message out there loud and clear, but does have downsides that it removes the conversation that we know is appreciated quite a bit.
While forum posts do lend themselves to that conversational approach, they actually have a lot of downsides to them from our perspective of attempting to get clear and clean information to the players. They aren't very visible is really the first and maybe biggest problem. You can liken forum posts and the information given in them to some of the displeasure surrounding how hotfixes are communicated. I may reply to a thread 20 times and in my #13 reply I say something really important regarding class balance. Who is going to see that? How quickly will that knowledge actually permeate? Will the message be kept clear? Will my clarification in post #17 that explains what people are misunderstanding in #13 be seen by everyone that read #13? People tend not to read past the first blue post in a thread, or skip around and don't read them all, so if you have a correction/addendum to the first post, or just expound upon a thought, it's generally lost on the majority of readers. Blue trackers can help with this, but we're generally not having to explain that "post #13 wasn't the end of the thought and it's being taken out of context" to people who just go to blue trackers. Forum posts also tend to be fairly quickly written by one of us without much in the way of peer-review, and anything written off-the-cuff like a reply to a thread can tend to be more precarious than a more substantive outlet that has an official process of review and correction before its posted (like the blogs). Much to the dismay of many forum goers I'm sure, there's just an infinitely smaller chance we'll say something stupid or mess up in a fully published blog post.
As with anything we do, we never believe we're perfect. There's always room to improve. The blogs may not be the best outlet but we're continually working to improve upon the content we're delivering, and have some pretty exciting stuff planned. We're also working to make the comment system for the blogs a bit more like the forums so conversation can be held there more easily, as well. Of course you've no doubt see we're running a recurring global Ask the Devs Q&A. It's one way where we're hoping to fill that gap of direct developer interaction that the blogs probably just can't hit. We think the Q&A's are going to be extremely popular and fill a big part of what made GC's interactions on here so useful. And we?re going to continue collecting feedback and posting when appropriate, but we'll also be trying to come up with additional ways to facilitate the communication between the developers and players.
Also GC wanted me to let you know: "It's Dr. not Mr., get it right."
(...) I appreciate everyone's feedback, it's actually been pretty helpful and I think we can incorporate more of what you're looking to get out of the blog into future features.
The blog launching was really a shock to the system for us, and in many ways we're still adapting to it and trying to find out how to best leverage it. But the world keeps turning and the tasks keep renewing themselves. We're not going to stop though, and will hit all of our communication intentions one way or another.
Posted from WoW Vault
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Dec 26, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 4,893
User ID: 575,651
GC on the Official Forums
Amazing. GC even manages to sound like an arrogant ass when he is being quoted. (Obviously a joke, but still...)
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
GC on the Official Forums
LMAO once again. Blizzard execs have gotten enough feedback about what an ass GC is,they finally figured out that he needed to quit posting on the forums, so now they are trying to save face and make it look like it is "for better communication." Gotta love watching corporate bureaucracy implode.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Pirate Kitty
Aug 19, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 96,153
User ID: 707,392
GC on the Official Forums
interesting that they mentioned "peer-review" for posting...
may contain partial nudity
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,446
User ID: 689,383
GC on the Official Forums
They really need to bring in an outside PR firm to tell them where they've lost perspective. I don't think they can dig themselves out of their own hole without a large amount of staff turnover.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Feb 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 9,010
User ID: 646,295
GC on the Official Forums
Getting GC off the forums was very smart. It doesn't look good when your lead designer loses almost every debate over mechanics he gets into. Looks even worse when, after going ahead with his ideas anyways, they invariably turn out to be crap. Much better to get rid of the "paper trail", so to speak.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Pirate Kitty
Aug 19, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 96,153
User ID: 707,392
GC on the Official Forums
the curious aspect is that the posted blue items are "peer-reviewed" which means that the blue posts have to be vetted prior to being posted.
may contain partial nudity
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Dec 8, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 402
User ID: 1,378,656
GC on the Official Forums
Sounds like they are getting a whole lot of negative feed back on the forums however instead of accepting it for what it is they are deeming it as unreliable hearsay and are going to move to a genre where they can control the kind feedback they get.
In other words they are in complete denial!
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 21,292
User ID: 255,861
GC on the Official Forums
No matter how arrogant a developer can appear to be, it seems that players will always beat him to it... nothing like armchair developers on gaming forum pretending they would do better than professionals
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Nov 8, '08
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Real Post Cnt: 3,300
User ID: 1,336,124
GC on the Official Forums
To be honest, I think some armchair developers *could* do better. There's no MMO school or degree for vision and design... either you get it, or you don't. The Dr. title means nothing.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 21,292
User ID: 255,861
GC on the Official Forums
Oh yes, just like those guys who watch sport on TV, comfortably installed in their couch, working on increasing the diameter of their "beer belly" while pretending they can do better than the professionals on the screen...
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
GC on the Official Forums
Can always count on VN to produce retarded analogies. Every time lol.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Mar 24, '04
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Real Post Cnt: 1,524
User ID: 907,325
GC on the Official Forums
The_Korrigan posted: No matter how arrogant a developer can appear to be, it seems that players will always beat him to it... nothing like armchair developers on gaming forum pretending they would do better than professionals
I can kinda agree with that. Yet, whether you're a video game professional, a bank professional, a retail professional, or a professional parent, there is a diplomatic/humble way to deal with your customers/clients/offspring, and a defensive/arrogant way. Blizzard has been veering toward the latter lately. It's quite noticeable when you take into account all the recent changes to the game and their responses to customers who are voicing their concerns about said changes.
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 52,657
User ID: 692,733
GC on the Official Forums
The_Korrigan posted: Oh yes, just like those guys who watch sport on TV, comfortably installed in their couch, working on increasing the diameter of their "beer belly" while pretending they can do better than the professionals on the screen...
You are absolutely right. Doesn't mean you don't humbly listen to feedback, even if you end up ignoring it. Getting defensive, it is just bad for business.
Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired) AC Frostfell, Clan Z - Lvl 239 Grief Dagger (Retired) WoW Lightbringer Alliance, Z Guild - Lvl 85 Combat Rogue (Retired) Making iOS Apps these days at http://zsprawl.com/iOS
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Feb 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 9,010
User ID: 646,295
GC on the Official Forums
LadyGodiva. posted: To be honest, I think some armchair developers *could* do better. There's no MMO school or degree for vision and design... either you get it, or you don't. The Dr. title means nothing.
Yep. 100% truth. There might be a few devs with MBAs or something who know how to deal with employees or work with budgets better than the average joe, but in developing mmorpgs? No. The average fan wouldn't do very well at it either, but the subset that actually does understand what makes RPGs work certainly could do better on the mechanical side than anyone at Blizzard has demonstrated to date. GC is a glorified
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Ok, who did this?
Oct 30, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 6,582
User ID: 732,961
GC on the Official Forums
i smell a fanboi
"Dr. Happy Harry Cox, reminding you that, everything you know is wrong" Hey idiot, if you pull your pants up it wont look like you $hit them, and you wont have to walk like you have a broom shoved up yer ass!
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,446
User ID: 689,383
GC on the Official Forums
PlieBrac posted: i smell a fanboi
It is a rather pungent and immediately recognizable odor, isn't it?
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 21,292
User ID: 255,861
GC on the Official Forums
Sprawl-zero1eye- posted: Doesn't mean you don't humbly listen to feedback, even if you end up ignoring it. Getting defensive, it is just bad for business.
Oh, you are right, and Blizzard definitely needs an humility lesson. Sadly, it won't be Trion giving them that either. Let's hope Bioware can, and as I said ages ago already, I still firmly believe it's the only existing company that can finally give Blizzard a run for their money. There are two things I agree with you guys (those who manage to argue without resorting to childish insults): 1) Team B is definitely not as good as Team A. You can feel it's not the same people in charge, and the quality, while still remaining good (and sadly better than most other MMORPGs), dropped. We get more recycled content too, and less innovation. 2) GC is arrogant. He definitely is. That doesn't stop armchair devs who never touched something as complex as a MMORPG and who pretend they would do better to be ridiculous too. Anyway, the best way to send Blizzard a message if you think they deserve one is to stop pay to play. I already said it several times, that's the only kind of message that kind of company listens to. Sadly, a small minority canceling accounts won't have a big enough impact on them to teach them humility. So the market definitely needs a game GOOD ENOUGH to significantly dent WoW's player population. Sadly, such a game is not that easy to make, because even with the drop of quality due to Team B, WoW is still miles above any competition. I will be the first to applause the developer who managed to achieve such a feat, though. Ugh_Lancelot posted:
PlieBrac posted: i smell a fanboi
It is a rather pungent and immediately recognizable odor, isn't it?
It doesn't smell half as bad as assholes though... most of the infestation seems to have moved to Rift forums, but there's some leftovers...
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Apr 26, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 2,398
User ID: 672,720
GC on the Official Forums
I guess I'm in a minority. I like GC and wish he still posted regularly on the boards. And I am saying this as someone who is not happy with the current state of the game. But that has nothing to do with whether or not I want to see GC continue to post. He's arrogant. He's not always right. Gods know I don't always agree with him. But I appreciated his straightforwardness and his willingness to get into detailed discussions with players. He's clearly got really strong development skills and a wealth of experience (EVEN IF we don't like the way he applies them), and he clearly likes talking about development issues. It was a really refreshing change from the watered-down and generic content of most 'official' dev posts. Ah, well. Back to 'vetted' and bland posts that (to me) seem far more patronizing toward players than GC ever was. Blogs. lol. Honestly, I don't think the player base is actually willing or able to handle genuine debate over development questions.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 21,292
User ID: 255,861
GC on the Official Forums
Spot on, Isoke, spot on!
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Nov 8, '08
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Real Post Cnt: 3,300
User ID: 1,336,124
GC on the Official Forums
The_Korrigan posted: Oh yes, just like those guys who watch sport on TV, comfortably installed in their couch, working on increasing the diameter of their "beer belly" while pretending they can do better than the professionals on the screen...
Even in this case sometimes the fat slob is right. Professionals aren't perfect, and sometimes their ego is bigger than their talent.
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Title: Caveat Lector
Feb 2, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 3,155
User ID: 1,024,262
GC on the Official Forums
Isoke posted: I guess I'm in a minority. I like GC and wish he still posted regularly on the boards. And I am saying this as someone who is not happy with the current state of the game. But that has nothing to do with whether or not I want to see GC continue to post. He's arrogant. He's not always right. Gods know I don't always agree with him. But I appreciated his straightforwardness and his willingness to get into detailed discussions with players. He's clearly got really strong development skills and a wealth of experience (EVEN IF we don't like the way he applies them), and he clearly likes talking about development issues. It was a really refreshing change from the watered-down and generic content of most 'official' dev posts. Ah, well. Back to 'vetted' and bland posts that (to me) seem far more patronizing toward players than GC ever was. Blogs. lol. Honestly, I don't think the player base is actually willing or able to handle genuine debate over development questions.
This just means you haven't followed his posts. He is bad, he is wrong and he is a hypocrite. He does not have one redeeming quality. Your ignorance is not the same as him being a decent Dev. If they didn't wipe the old forums, I could prove it to you. He has continually bashed players for anecdotal evidence, then quoted his own anecdotal evidence as being acceptable. He has flip flopped on almost every issue he has ever spoken on, and further more, the fact that they are reducing his posting PROVES all of the above. The guy just makes an ass out of himself every chance he gets and they need to control the feedback so they can put a positive spin on all aspects of the game. Don't believe me? Post a complaint about the game, see how fast it is removed and how quickly you are banned for 72 hrs. Been there done that. When I complained about how every class is less fun than it was in WotLK, the post got instantly removed and I was banned for 72 hours for "trolling". He is unequivocally the worst thing to happen to WoW. Even Kaplan was better, at least Kaplan was consistent. The only thing WOW has improved on, is how to spin the garbage they produce into an amazing feat of Development. I mean, rehashing old content and using old models for everything is hard work. But there is nothing else to play, the game is fun in spite of the Devs older development still makes the game fun. It is just getting harder and harder to enjoy the game. Constant changes destabilize the game, it is obvious the Dev team has completely lost control of character development and they are out of ideas how to fix, so they continue to try and change things and hope to get lucky. I am not hopeful, not at all.
SWTOR, Maybe in a year. Back to WoW for now. With a lil f2p CoH.
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 52,657
User ID: 692,733
GC on the Official Forums
Isoke posted: I guess I'm in a minority. I like GC and wish he still posted regularly on the boards. And I am saying this as someone who is not happy with the current state of the game. But that has nothing to do with whether or not I want to see GC continue to post. He's arrogant. He's not always right. Gods know I don't always agree with him. But I appreciated his straightforwardness and his willingness to get into detailed discussions with players. He's clearly got really strong development skills and a wealth of experience (EVEN IF we don't like the way he applies them), and he clearly likes talking about development issues. It was a really refreshing change from the watered-down and generic content of most 'official' dev posts. Ah, well. Back to 'vetted' and bland posts that (to me) seem far more patronizing toward players than GC ever was. Blogs. lol. Honestly, I don't think the player base is actually willing or able to handle genuine debate over development questions.
Yep. I liked the information, but the problem is, there is a reason PR exists. The public can't handle this, and will often twist words to suit their needs. I am no different, I suppose.
Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired) AC Frostfell, Clan Z - Lvl 239 Grief Dagger (Retired) WoW Lightbringer Alliance, Z Guild - Lvl 85 Combat Rogue (Retired) Making iOS Apps these days at http://zsprawl.com/iOS
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,446
User ID: 689,383
GC on the Official Forums
Isoke posted: Honestly, I don't think the player base is actually willing or able to handle genuine debate over development questions.
The thing is, when people would engage in "genuine debate" and post a huge thread with detailed logs, math and proofs of a bug or imbalance that the player(s) found, he would completely pooh-pooh it and say something like "well, it's more than just math going into that decision" and other vapid rebuttals. I'm kinda surprised people find his "lol you have no clue why we did this and we're not changing it, period" answers somehow refreshing. I'll grant you that after the first few months of GC's denials, many posters just gave up and openly hated him. And while some aspects of his posts might have been refreshing from a candor point of view, I can't see how having a lead dev being publicly candid (i.e.: not having to go through the PR department) with customers is a good thing. As others have noted, most of his history of being on the "your math and proofs are absolutely correct, but we don't care" side of the arguments is now gone with the torching of the original forums. Probably a good move on their part.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Feb 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 9,010
User ID: 646,295
GC on the Official Forums
His candidness would have been great, if he had ever been right or ever acknowledged his mistakes. Given that they've now admitted they don't even know what numbers are active in their tests (leftovers from abilities that don't even exist anymore still affecting numbers, for example), there is no reason to give them an iota of trust anymore. They're incompetent, and the guy at the top is the worst of the lot. Pity it takes so long to fall from such a height WoW was at. Any other mmorpg with this kind of developer idiocy would be in Vanguard territory now.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Hate the player, not the game
May 7, '08
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Real Post Cnt: 1,670
User ID: 1,295,376
GC on the Official Forums
Roses are #FF0000 , Violets are #0000FF All my base belongs to you
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,446
User ID: 689,383
GC on the Official Forums
Renegade. posted: Lol
I agree completely, though I'm intrigued by your logic.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: Moderator The mystery flavor
Oct 29, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 7,576
User ID: 732,266
GC on the Official Forums
The_Korrigan posted: Oh yes, just like those guys who watch sport on TV, comfortably installed in their couch, working on increasing the diameter of their "beer belly" while pretending they can do better than the professionals on the screen...
Dude, really? There's a huge difference between a fat guy who sits on the couch thinking he can run a 4.2 40 and a guy who can sit back and visualize ideas that other people may not have. Besides, in the gaming world, the only difference between the players and the developers (in a creative sense, anyway) is a paycheck.
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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User ID: 968,129
GC on the Official Forums
Dums posted: Besides, in the gaming world, the only difference between the players and the developers (in a creative sense, anyway) is a paycheck.
I get what you are trying to say, and I agree to a point, but man you really exaggerated your point with that one didn't you?
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 21,292
User ID: 255,861
GC on the Official Forums
Dums posted: Besides, in the gaming world, the only difference between the players and the developers (in a creative sense, anyway) is a paycheck.
If we use that flawed logic, everybody could be a successful writer selling millions of books. There's a big factor you forget in your picture - talent, or skill. All humans aren't equal when it comes to creativity and also the talent to use that creativity the right way. Otherwise, the world would be populated with "Leonardo da Vinci" and "Mozart" clones. Same goes for sports - thus my analogy - every moron can run on a field after a ball, but very few have the talent to do it way better than anyone else and be top rated professionals.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Moderator The mystery flavor
Oct 29, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 7,576
User ID: 732,266
GC on the Official Forums
Quazimortal posted: I get what you are trying to say
That's what matters.
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Jan 16, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 5,924
User ID: 1,344,935
GC on the Official Forums
The_Korrigan posted:
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
PlieBrac posted: i smell a fanboi
It is a rather pungent and immediately recognizable odor, isn't it?
It doesn't smell half as bad as assholes though... most of the infestation seems to have moved to Rift forums, but there's some leftovers...
Conveniently you're over there also. As for the OP: All they did is replace Douchebag #1 (GC) with Douchebag #2 (Bashiok).
"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer."
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Feb 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 9,010
User ID: 646,295
GC on the Official Forums
Dums is absolutely correct. Some people around here need to realize that just because someone doesn't make a career out of something doesn't mean they don't understand it or couldn't do it.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Ok, who did this?
Oct 30, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 6,582
User ID: 732,961
GC on the Official Forums
The_Korrigan posted:
Sprawl-zero1eye- posted: Doesn't mean you don't humbly listen to feedback, even if you end up ignoring it. Getting defensive, it is just bad for business.
Oh, you are right, and Blizzard definitely needs an humility lesson. Sadly, it won't be Trion giving them that either. Let's hope Bioware can, and as I said ages ago already, I still firmly believe it's the only existing company that can finally give Blizzard a run for their money. There are two things I agree with you guys (those who manage to argue without resorting to childish insults): 1) Team B is definitely not as good as Team A. You can feel it's not the same people in charge, and the quality, while still remaining good (and sadly better than most other MMORPGs), dropped. We get more recycled content too, and less innovation. 2) GC is arrogant. He definitely is. That doesn't stop armchair devs who never touched something as complex as a MMORPG and who pretend they would do better to be ridiculous too. Anyway, the best way to send Blizzard a message if you think they deserve one is to stop pay to play. I already said it several times, that's the only kind of message that kind of company listens to. Sadly, a small minority canceling accounts won't have a big enough impact on them to teach them humility. So the market definitely needs a game GOOD ENOUGH to significantly dent WoW's player population. Sadly, such a game is not that easy to make, because even with the drop of quality due to Team B, WoW is still miles above any competition. I will be the first to applause the developer who managed to achieve such a feat, though. Ugh_Lancelot posted:
PlieBrac posted: i smell a fanboi
It is a rather pungent and immediately recognizable odor, isn't it?
It doesn't smell half as bad as assholes though... most of the infestation seems to have moved to Rift forums, but there's some leftovers...
yup.. odor was the right word...the way i see it, if someone never played daoc.. they have no room to talk...
"Dr. Happy Harry Cox, reminding you that, everything you know is wrong" Hey idiot, if you pull your pants up it wont look like you $hit them, and you wont have to walk like you have a broom shoved up yer ass!
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Mar 11, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 5,933
User ID: 778,369
GC on the Official Forums
Broken_Kayfabe posted: Dums is absolutely correct. Some people around here need to realize that just because someone doesn't make a career out of something doesn't mean they don't understand it or couldn't do it.
but peopole who aren't actually developers (of big projects with hundreds of people) don't really understand all of the things that are going on. as i sit here, watching a 1.5 hour build plod along, hoping it will succeed so i can start the 45 minute check-in test process, while i'm integrating code changes dozens of people have made to the "live" code branch into the "next release" code branch, i have a good understanding of how much effort goes into a seemingly simple change like "make the font for this title smaller". much less a change request like "make hunters better". people that haven't chosen to work for a big software company probably don't have that knowledge/understanding. not that they COULDN'T understand it, they probably could, but they probably DON'T have that understanding today, and it surely effects their responses in message board posts.
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Feb 16, '02
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GC on the Official Forums
seanh_race posted: but peopole who aren't actually developers (of big projects with hundreds of people) don't really understand all of the things that are going on. as i sit here, watching a 1.5 hour build plod along, hoping it will succeed so i can start the 45 minute check-in test process, while i'm integrating code changes dozens of people have made to the "live" code branch into the "next release" code branch, i have a good understanding of how much effort goes into a seemingly simple change like "make the font for this title smaller". much less a change request like "make hunters better". people that haven't chosen to work for a big software company probably don't have that knowledge/understanding. not that they COULDN'T understand it, they probably could, but they probably DON'T have that understanding today, and it surely effects their responses in message board posts.
You are talking about coding, not design. Other than the mindboggling fact that Blizzard doesn't know which buffs from pre-Cataclysm are still invisibly active (by their own admission), most people don't question Blizzard's coding, just their design.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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GC on the Official Forums
seanh_race posted:
Broken_Kayfabe posted: Dums is absolutely correct. Some people around here need to realize that just because someone doesn't make a career out of something doesn't mean they don't understand it or couldn't do it.
but peopole who aren't actually developers (of big projects with hundreds of people) don't really understand all of the things that are going on. as i sit here, watching a 1.5 hour build plod along, hoping it will succeed so i can start the 45 minute check-in test process, while i'm integrating code changes dozens of people have made to the "live" code branch into the "next release" code branch, i have a good understanding of how much effort goes into a seemingly simple change like "make the font for this title smaller". much less a change request like "make hunters better". people that haven't chosen to work for a big software company probably don't have that knowledge/understanding. not that they COULDN'T understand it, they probably could, but they probably DON'T have that understanding today, and it surely effects their responses in message board posts.
I'll agree with your logic to a point but the current situation isn't new. The thing is, people weren't expecting groundbreaking changes. Everyone thought they were going to get some new content, new classes/races, some 80-85 talents/abilities, some slight modifications to scaling along with some new (and maybe even a bit crazy) gear-flation in 4.0. Instead, we get completely new talent trees, gutted/revamped base mechanics and other dramatic changes that the README docs didn't even get right. If you can't even document the changes you just made correctly, what in the wide, wide world of sports made you think you were going to get the code right? As for the characterization of the customer feedback we've been seeing on the forums, you'll note it usually comes in two flavors (aside from the obvious flyers): empirical, logged evidence of a broken/incorrectly-tweaked mechanic, or subjective "this class/dungeon just doesn't play in a fun manner at all any more." There have been quite a number of the first kind and a plethora of the latter, indicating that not only are they managing to break things in the purest sense, they're managing to make things unfun for a fair portion of the fan base. I don't think you can point to anyone saying they have _all_ the answers, but some things tend to be rather obvious. At that point, you're only arguing over the timeframe in which you expect to see a fix in lieu of notable defections of the population, and then your argument does fully apply.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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I was going to post a long post about the number of times I have cited Blizzard's lack of observable professionalism over the last 6 years, (from someone who was a professional in the software industry for decades, working on far more complex systems.)
Decided it was not worth waving that banner again.
It's sad to see Blizzard continuing to not comprehend its customers' experiences.
2 subscriptions left, will run out at the end of next month. All others cancelled. Usually cancelled with an eye to returning.
That possibility is evaporating; the situation is no longer just sad, it's getting old.
I always thought it would be a new game with better "gameplay" that would draw me and my guild away, even knowing how badly Blizzard has behaved over the years, even taking into account our perception that it would Blizzard itself that would take out their own game. Perhaps that one still holds. Just not the way we thought.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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GC on the Official Forums
The_Korrigan posted:
Sprawl-zero1eye- posted: Doesn't mean you don't humbly listen to feedback, even if you end up ignoring it. Getting defensive, it is just bad for business.
Oh, you are right, and Blizzard definitely needs an humility lesson. Sadly, it won't be Trion giving them that either. Let's hope Bioware can, and as I said ages ago already, I still firmly believe it's the only existing company that can finally give Blizzard a run for their money.
There are two things I agree with you guys (those who manage to argue without resorting to childish insults):
1) Team B is definitely not as good as Team A. You can feel it's not the same people in charge, and the quality, while still remaining good (and sadly better than most other MMORPGs), dropped. We get more recycled content too, and less innovation.
2) GC is arrogant. He definitely is. That doesn't stop armchair devs who never touched something as complex as a MMORPG and who pretend they would do better to be ridiculous too.
Anyway, the best way to send Blizzard a message if you think they deserve one is to stop pay to play. I already said it several times, that's the only kind of message that kind of company listens to. Sadly, a small minority canceling accounts won't have a big enough impact on them to teach them humility. So the market definitely needs a game GOOD ENOUGH to significantly dent WoW's player population. Sadly, such a game is not that easy to make, because even with the drop of quality due to Team B, WoW is still miles above any competition. I will be the first to applause the developer who managed to achieve such a feat, though.
Good post. I don't really like GC, but I'll be honest I have mixed feelings about worrying whether a lead designer is good at PR or not. I think GC's problems are that he appears to be part of Team B, so not as good as Team A but at least as arrogant.
I also don't think it's easy wading on official forums and trying to have intelligent dialogue.
They have made a lot of improvements to the game, quality of life, etc., but overall while I thought Wotlk rocked (even with too many vehicles), the phasing overdoing is much worse and I find I hate being in phased zones.
Also from above, my feeling was people *complained* about WotLK but not as many un-subbed, that was my perception then, and is now. Where now perhaps more are leaving. And I agree people leaving is what will make Blizzard really listen. But people quit for different reasons too.
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 14,357
User ID: 639,081
GC on the Official Forums
Broken_Kayfabe posted: Dums is absolutely correct. Some people around here need to realize that just because someone doesn't make a career out of something doesn't mean they don't understand it or couldn't do it.
It doesn't mean they can.
And it's more likely that they can't.
And I don't mean people that make suggestions, I mean people delusional enough to think it's easy to be a lead designer of a big game. That's naivete, ignorance, or maybe just plain hubris. To use smaller words, most of them are wrong and silly.
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Title: Caveat Lector
Feb 2, '05
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GC on the Official Forums
kyrv posted:
Broken_Kayfabe posted: Dums is absolutely correct. Some people around here need to realize that just because someone doesn't make a career out of something doesn't mean they don't understand it or couldn't do it.
It doesn't mean they can. And it's more likely that they can't. And I don't mean people that make suggestions, I mean people delusional enough to think it's easy to be a lead designer of a big game. That's naivete, ignorance, or maybe just plain hubris. To use smaller words, most of them are wrong and silly.
As opposed to the Devs, who are wrong and arrogant.
SWTOR, Maybe in a year. Back to WoW for now. With a lil f2p CoH.
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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User ID: 689,383
GC on the Official Forums
Meh. I had a big comment typed up on observations of their forum behavior but the bottom line remains: no matter how much complaining happens in the forums, WoW ain't gonna change until and unless they start seeing drastic declines in numbers. /shrug
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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GC on the Official Forums
-Peo- posted:
As opposed to the Devs, who are wrong and arrogant.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 8,717
User ID: 752,779
GC on the Official Forums
Ugh_Lancelot posted: Meh. I had a big comment typed up on observations of their forum behavior but the bottom line remains: no matter how much complaining happens in the forums, WoW ain't gonna change until and unless they start seeing drastic declines in numbers. /shrug
Well then, I guess I can feel good about our guild helping "the cause".
What my husband keeps saying is that Blizz needs to move quickly to establish "classic" servers because Mythic waited too long for them to retain customers.
I keep telling him, it's not going to happen.
I also don't think WoW is in even remotely that kind of decline.
However, as my son says, the next game that comes out with an expansion starting with "Cat" better beware.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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