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Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 0 User ID: 0
Subject:Can't get Where's Goldmine Quest
I am totally frustrated. I finished the first part of Deepholm, got the first fragment. But now there are no new quests. The next one is supposed to be "Where's Goldmine" but I'm not being offered that quest. So I'm completely stuck. I've flown around Deepholm and there are no quests to pick up. Not sure what to do.
the_great_intex Title:This is what cool looks like Posts:30,622 Registered:Jun 27, '02
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 27,363 User ID: 692,453
Subject:Can't get Where's Goldmine Quest
Have you tried taking out the disc?
Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity The only thing in life achieved without effort is failure Time Circuits... On. Flux Capacitor.... fluxxing.
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 853 User ID: 1,343,922
Subject:Can't get Where's Goldmine Quest
donald_s posted:I am totally frustrated. I finished the first part of Deepholm, got the first fragment. But now there are no new quests. The next one is supposed to be "Where's Goldmine" but I'm not being offered that quest. So I'm completely stuck. I've flown around Deepholm and there are no quests to pick up. Not sure what to do.