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Topic: Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Title: 0110011010 Be Nice to Me I'm a Bot
Oct 18, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 42,467
User ID: 1,086,234
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Zarhym posted:
Table of Contents
- Classes
- Dungeons & Raids
- Guilds
- Items
- Professions
- PvP
- Races
- User Interface
Important: These patch notes are not final. Additional updates will be made, and all existing changes are subject to revision during the course of the testing process. More information regarding patch 4.1 can be found here. Visit our Public Test Realm forum for more information about the testing process.
Classes: General
- All non-damaging interrupts off the global cooldown will now always hit the target. This includes Pummel, Shield Bash, Kick, Mind Freeze, Rebuke, Skull Bash, Counterspell, Wind Shear, Solar Beam, Silencing Shot, and related player pet abilities.
Death Knights
- Dark Simulacrum now works on numerous additional spells in dungeon encounters.
- Talent Specializations
- Blood
- Death Strike self-healing no longer generates threat.
- Frost
- Blood of the North (passive) now permanently converts both Blood Runes into Death Runes. There is no longer any proc interaction with Blood Strike required to activate Death Runes.
- Efflorescence has a new spell effect.
- Talent Specializations
- Balance
- Solar Beam is now more responsive when enemies move into or out of it.
- Explosive Trap now has a new spell effect.
- Master's Call now has a new spell effect.
- Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter's level, rather than 5 levels below.
- Talent Specializations
- Fire
- Ignite is no longer triggered from periodic critical effects.
- Word of Glory now has a 20-second cooldown.
- Talent Specializations
- Holy
- Walk in the Light (passive) removes the cooldown of Word of Glory.
- Protection
- Divine Guardian cooldown is now 3 minutes, up from 2.
- Retribution
- Divine Storm now generates 1 point of Holy Power if it hits (i.e. successfully lands on) 4 or more targets.
- Sacred Shield's internal cooldown has been increased to 60 seconds, up from 30.
- Divine Aegis duration has been increased to 15 seconds, up from 12.
- Dispel Magic can only be used on the casting priest as a baseline effect.
- Holy Word: Sanctuary has a new spell effect.
- Power Word: Shield duration has been reduced to 15 seconds, down from 30.
- Talent Specializations
- Discipline
- Absolution (new passive) enables priests to use Dispel Magic on up to 2 harmful effects on friendly targets.
- Holy
- Absolution (new passive) enables priests to use Dispel Magic on up to 2 harmful effects on friendly targets.
- Recuperate base effect now heals 3% per tick, up from 2%.
- Stealth base cooldown has been reduced to 4 seconds, down from 10, and the movement penalty from being in Stealth has been removed.
- Tricks of the Trade now has a 100-yard range, up from 20.
- Talent Specializations
- Combat
- Improved Recuperate now adds 0.5%/1% to the health restoration effect of Recuperate, down from 1%/2%.
- Subtlety
- Nightstalker now reduces the cooldown of Stealth by 2/4 seconds, and instead of negating the movement penalty from Stealth, it adds a 5/10% movement speed bonus (stacking with other effects) while Stealthed.
- Fire Nova has been redesigned and decoupled from shaman Fire totems. Instead, it now pulses that same area-of-effect from each target that is afflicted by the shaman's own Flame Shock debuff. It now damages all enemies except the target hit by Flame Shock. The ability's cooldown has been reduced from 4 seconds, down from 10.
- Magma Totem now lasts for 60 seconds, up from 21.
- Stoneclaw Totem's area-of-effect threat pulse no longer affects critters.
- Talent Specializations
- Elemental Combat
- Earthquake is no longer a channeled spell. It now has a 2-second cast time, lasts for 10 seconds, and has a 10-second cooldown. Its damage has been reduced by 40% from its channeled version.
- Enhancement
- Improved Fire Nova has been redesigned and replaced by a talent called Seasoned Winds. When an enemy spell cast is successfully prevented with Wind Shear or Grounding Totem, the shaman gains magical resistance (in an amount equal to what a protection totem/aura would grant, stacking with such buffs) to the spell school(s) of the interrupted spell (except for Holy spells), lasting 10 seconds.
- Charge and Intercept no longer have diminishing returns on their stun effects.
- Colossus Smash now ignores 70% of an opponent's armor, down from 100%.
- Inner Rage is now available at level 56.
- Intercept now has a 1.5-second stun, down from 3 seconds.
- Overpower damage has been increased to 140% weapon damage, up from 125%.
- Rallying Cry (new ability) is available from trainers at level 83. It temporarily grants the warrior and all party or raid members within 30 yards 20% of maximum health for 10 seconds. After the effect expires, the health is lost. It has no cost, no stance requirements, and is not on the global cooldown. It has a 3-minute cooldown, but also shares a cooldown with Last Stand.
- Whirlwind now has its cooldown reduced by 6 seconds when it deals damage to 4 or more targets. The Whirlwind effect caused by Bladestorm remains unchanged.
- Talent Specializations
- Arms
- Improved Hamstring now reduces the global cooldown on Hamstring by 0.5/1 seconds in addition to its current effects.
- Improved Slam increases Slam damage by 20/40%, up from 10/20%.
- Juggernaut no longer adds 2 seconds to the Charge stun, but instead lowers the cooldown of Charge by 3 seconds (to 12 seconds total).
- Mortal Strike damage has been increased to 175% weapon damage, up from 150%.
- Fury
- Raging Blow damage has been increased back up to 120% weapon damage (up from 100%).
Dungeons & Raids
- New dungeons available for partial testing.
- Zul'Aman has returned as a level-85 5-player Heroic dungeon featuring a revamp of the original dungeon and improved loot!
- Zul'Gurub has returned as a level-85 5-player Heroic dungeon featuring all-new encounters, achievements, and improved loot!
- Both dungeons will be in a new Dungeon Finder difficulty tier above the current level-85 Heroic dungeons and offer epic-quality item level 353 loot.
- These dungeons may only partially be available for testing at this time. Stay tuned for additional updates.
- Blackwing Descent
- Flash Bomb (Golem Sentry ability) now has a more clear warning visual.
- Magmaw now triggers a raid emote when summoning Lava Parasites.
- Further improvements have been made in the Maloriak encounter to avoid Flash Freeze targeting the tanks.
- The Guild Perk, Cash Flow, no longer prints out text to the Chat Log. Instead, the daily amount deposited is shown in the Guild Vault Money Log. In addition, players can view the weekly contribution in a new window at the bottom of the Money Log.
- We have added two new custom guild tabards as Guild Rewards. The tabards are account bound and offer a bonus to gaining guild reputation.
- The PvP Horde and Alliance trinkets have a new spell effect.
- All major cities will now have every type of profession trainer and their associated trade supply vendors.
- Battlegrounds
- Twin Peaks
- Graveyard Changes
- Players will now only spawn at their base graveyard when they die in the enemy base.
- Defending players will respawn at the middle graveyard.
- Midfield players will respawn at the middle graveyard.
- Attacking players will respawn at their base graveyard.
- The gnomish racial ability, Escape Artist, is no longer affected by the global cooldowns triggered by other abilities.
- The human racial ability, Every Man for Himself, has a new spell effect.
User Interface
- Work has begun on a new Looking for Guild system. Further details will be provided when we are ready for feedback.
- Spells bound to a key now start to be cast when the button is pressed down by default, instead of waiting for the key to go up. This is an option that can be turned off in the Interface menu under Combat. Mouse clicking has not changed and operates on mouse click up.
Posted from WoW Vault
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Title: International Man of Mythery
Jan 6, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 11,989
User ID: 61,530
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
"# Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter's level, rather than 5 levels below." That only took 6 effing years.
Tongue-tied and twisted. Just an earthbound misfit; I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mythphisto- Hunter; Too many alts to list.
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 52,657
User ID: 692,733
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Wow! Tricks of the Trade now has a 100-yard range, up from 20.
Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired) AC Frostfell, Clan Z - Lvl 239 Grief Dagger (Retired) WoW Lightbringer Alliance, Z Guild - Lvl 85 Combat Rogue (Retired) Making iOS Apps these days at http://zsprawl.com/iOS
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Nov 29, '04
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Real Post Cnt: 527
User ID: 999,387
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
"Power Word: Shield duration has been reduced to 15 seconds, down from 30." Ducky, another PvP nerf for PvE. Blizzard really needs to split PvP spell effects from PvE.
Acao Freestar OSS Master Smuggler, Master Pistoleer, Retired Cell phones are a lot like religion. Give an arsehole a phone or a god, and they ruin your day.
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Jun 18, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 3,773
User ID: 813,347
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
lol... oh boy ZG yay
Get armed
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Dec 8, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 402
User ID: 1,378,656
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
posted: ?Retribution
¦Divine Storm now generates 1 point of Holy Power if it hits (i.e. successfully lands on) 4 or more targets.
They sure are trying to force Ret players to use something the almost never use, it must be another one of those things where they want you to play the way they want you to play.
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May 13, '08
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Real Post Cnt: 285
User ID: 1,296,786
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
-Mythril- posted: "# Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter's level, rather than 5 levels below." That only took 6 effing years.
Agree. This would have had an influence on whether I kept playing or not. Unfortunately for Blizz, they are no longer getting my money.
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Jan 7, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 853
User ID: 1,343,922
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
-Mythril- posted: "# Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter's level, rather than 5 levels below."
That only took 6 effing years.
I've never tamed anythign that far below until last night. I wanted a particular raptor and it went from level 2 to 11...still below my level 14 obviously but it was nice to know that I didn't have to go around needlessly leveling this pet.
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Sep 28, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 13,151
User ID: 419,410
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
So when do we get Scarlet Monastery : The Raid Edition - 4 Wings of Recycled Goodness? +650 Stam trinkets???? Figure by end of Cat we will have +999?
. . . For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven . Cows go moo, Dogs go woof and MMO players go ''PVP is imbalanced'' . "I’m as horny as the hat rack at a Viking bar.", Ann Coulter
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
After all blizzard's complete bull(#*$ about "leveling hunter pets are a staple of the class", they finally change it to equal the hunter's level, after 6 years. WoW. Talk about major backpedaling and getting desperate.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: VNBoard Admin
Mar 1, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 56,880
User ID: 13,156
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Did they make Heroic's a tad easier? No? Don't care then. /e back to Rift.
I survived to the end and got nothing out of it, but hey.
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Nov 8, '08
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Real Post Cnt: 3,300
User ID: 1,336,124
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter's level, rather than 5 levels below. I thought the current difference was only 3 levels... not 5. This is a good change, but I wonder how much they know about their own game.
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Jul 20, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 127
User ID: 1,364,192
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
-Mithan- posted: Did they make Heroic's a tad easier?
Don't care then.
/e back to Rift.
Pretty much my thought.Great 2 new heroics of recycled content that I won't be able to use rfd on.
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Mar 12, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 8,255
User ID: 73,152
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
-Mithan- posted: Did they make Heroic's a tad easier?
Don't care then.
/e back to Rift.
Heroics are already easy. Too easy. You can faceroll them idiot/northrend style with a heroic geared group with a clue. IMO they should make them HARDER, like give mobs 25% dmg increase for each mob on a target to get rid of the facerollers.
I don't see how any seasoned MMO player could find the cata heroics to be difficult - unless you are an antisocial soloist with no friends or guild stuck pugging all the time, but that's a choice and poor way to approach a social game.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that - George Carlin
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Title: I has title now!
Sep 10, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 9,208
User ID: 837,259
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Voqar posted:
-Mithan- posted: Did they make Heroic's a tad easier? No? Don't care then. /e back to Rift.
Heroics are already easy. Too easy. You can faceroll them idiot/northrend style with a heroic geared group with a clue. IMO they should make them HARDER, like give mobs 25% dmg increase for each mob on a target to get rid of the facerollers. I don't see how any seasoned MMO player could find the cata heroics to be difficult - unless you are an antisocial soloist with no friends or guild stuck pugging all the time, but that's a choice and poor way to approach a social game.
time consuming is NOT difficult... its good to hear its faceroll again but that doesn't interest me I am all for hard content but not stuff that takes 2 hours to clear like pre-nerf Deadmines
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Jun 30, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 4,485
User ID: 818,115
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Worth to be bashed Blizzard posted:
Paladins * Word of Glory now has a 20-second cooldown.
/ranty somewhat Damn it... Why do they always take the hot ones? Good gracious. This has got to be some nerf caused by pvp. If that crap come true, then this is goodbye to several solo farming spots that require intensive WoG works. I am ranting due to the fact that I finally found a way to actually farm productively with a tank pally but that chance will utterly screw it. PvP/anti pally Trolls will feel happy as usual, but this is yet another wacky move by Blizzard because if they were so worried about WoG being overused, they would have nerfed it with a cooldown like this long before it was released. And even it were vice versa regarding nerf-reason caused by pve instead, it all leads to the desire that Pve and PvP needs to be split. And Rogue changes till now are somewhat idiotic at best. Just as in 4.0.6. Less energy on Garotte but 0.5sec less on silence. Who the frankfurt is in charge of rogue input O_o? Okay, great, now rogues are (most likely) all fast in stealth. It is most likely redundant and late to say that "specialization" between players no longer exist. Now I am really tempting to try Rift since there appears to be more freedom and diversity. Hmm Tricks of Trade 100yards. I dunno - should have been done long before. Nothing was more annoying than hitting the button 1000x just to figure you are out of range by 21yards. Buddy told me about these PTR notes yesterday and we almost had the feeling that marketing experts are screwing with us (now more than ever) - in particular with factional racial abilities. First Horde side gets buffage > some x% switch sides -then Ally racials get buffed -> expect another x% switching back. I am never a fan of marketing conspiracy but god, it sure is getting silly. I am not a hunterplayer but hearing that "6 years to fix the pet level", ouch. Yet, I was a Daoc Hunter player and the pet lvl thing was similar, though. I cannot recall how many years it took until Mythic finally looked into Hunter but even if it was like 2 or 3 years == ETERNITY, and that to the power of 23879723 with all the lackluster/buggy stuff of Mid Hunters at that time (before the excessive dark age of buttbot-a-lot).
DaoC, WoW (retired, inactive); WAR (semi active), EVE (active) "Ye'know, com'on! Giimmeee di Ke$$$HHHHHH!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OADJl-CVDo0
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Dec 8, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 402
User ID: 1,378,656
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Spookysheep posted: After all blizzard's complete bull(#*$ about "leveling hunter pets are a staple of the class", they finally change it to equal the hunter's level, after 6 years.
Talk about major backpedaling and getting desperate.
Makes since, just should have been done in BC when they normalized Hunter pets so they do the same dps as all other class pets yet were always the same level as the other class players.
I expect they make them auto-level with the Hunter and they will put vendors in the game with every tameable pet so Hunters can just go buy one for gold next.
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Back in the pre-BC days, hunter pets' abilities were based on a sort of talent point type system. The point system was based on the pet's level and the loyalty level (also now absent from the game). When a hunter tamed a pet that was low level, the pet would have no points to be spent on things like growl. The whole dumb loyalty level thing was particularly stupid - the pet had 6 loyalty levels with the first taking the longest to obtain - you tamed the pet at loyalty level 1. Due to the pet point system, you had no points to spend until the pet reached loyalty level 2. This meant that your pet could not growl until it reached loyalty level 2 since you needed points to purchase growl like you might purchase a talent point ability. The formula for loyalty involved time spent at happiness level and was modified by experience gained in that if the pet was gaining experience (by fighting mobs that were not gray to the hunter and so it was based on the hunter level) it would get to loyalty level 2 faster. However, the big kicker with that was that it would sometimes take hours of fighting at least green con mobs while keeping the pet well fed and happy before you'd be able to even teach the pet to growl. You could just hang around the AH and feed your pet for several hours without fighting and see it eventually sort of spontaneously reach loyalty level 2, but that took much much longer. Back then hunters didn't have good tools for escape and melee was pathetic - traps had to be placed while out of combat, it all sucked for close range combat. Combine that with the prospect of leveling a pet that may have been many levels beneath the hunter that can't even growl to hope to hold aggro, let alone hit the target to do any additive damage. Meleeing a green-con mob back then for a hunter would pretty much cost you 1/3rd to 1/2 of your health. I remember illustrating this to Rosaria once in game (if she reads this she may remember) while I meleed one of those yetis in winterspring as a level 60 hunter - so the yetis were yellow con to me - by the end of the 100% melee fight, I was at less than 1/8th of my health. There were all manner of BS experiments and crap by players trying to find the formula for loyalty gain time and in the end, it all seemed pretty random. There were pets that seemed bugged and took hours and hours to gain loyalty level 2 or never gained it at all and had to be abandoned. Usually you could count on loyalty level 2 by the time you'd gained your pet about a level worth of experience. Oh and pet XP back then was much higher per level than it is now, like 1/4th of the hunter's required or something - i.e. significant. So there you were, maybe a level 60 hunter with a level 34 or so Broken Tooth pet, trying to level it and you had to kill mobs of no less than green con – so like 52 or something. One shot, the mob would be charging you (and your shots didn’t do anywhere near the kind of damage they do now relative to mobs’ health) and even though your pet would also charge the mob, it could not growl, and could not even hit the mob because of the miss code so it didn’t hold aggro at all and you wound up in melee with the mob for 20 or 30 seconds to kill it. You could do annoying crap like wingclip and kite to distance but back then arcane shot did like 200 damage and was your only instant non-DoT attack, or you could snare trap the mob, but again, you’d be kiting and in the end, it wound up taking as much time or more, or you had to risk running into more mobs while you did it… eventually, say after killing 30 to 60 mobs of green con level your pet might ding loyalty level 2 at which point it could growl – and growl would miss of course. If it landed, your pet would get killed every 3rd or 4th mob because of the level disparity, if you tried to heal the mob in combat (back then it was a channeled heal) you invariably pulled aggro too because most of the pet’s attacks would miss, including followup growls. All in all, it was a system that went right beyond immersion and into the realm of sadistic “pound of flesh†design. All of these issues were brought up with devs time and time again over the years. Comparisons to Warlock pets were made which dinged with the warlock, later, mage pets were compared and still the devs insisted that they wanted it this way for hunter pets. So yeah… this change, while welcome, is a slap in the face and if anything, makes me believe more that whichever dev or devs that really had it in for hunters (class bias has been obvious through the years on the part of the dev staff) is now on to other projects. I guess this change is nice, but really it’s actually kind of insulting to see it come around finally. Anyway, pardon the walk down the memory lane from WoW Hell, I don't know how many of you will remember that ugly volume (not merely a chapter) of Hunter history in this game, but there you go.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Nov 6, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 4,545
User ID: 1,091,587
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Voqar posted:
I don't see how any seasoned MMO player could find the cata heroics to be difficult - unless you are an antisocial soloist with no friends or guild stuck pugging all the time, but that's a choice and poor way to approach a social game.
As a seasoned MMO player, I have played many MMO's that did not require "groups" in order to see content. As a seasoned MMO player, I remember that the Blizzard model is not the only model to have ever existed, and therefore laugh my arse off at your comment. As a seasoned MMO player, I find ways around the "group required" mentality of Blizzard, and still succeed. Is it more difficult that way? Sure it is. Does it take more time? Sure it does. Guilds are a crutch for the weak, and any seasoned MMO player knows this.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 18,423
User ID: 497,588
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Voqar posted: You can faceroll them idiot/northrend style with a heroic geared group with a clue.
So once you have all the gear from them they are too easy... Do you people even listen to yourselves? --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Apr 7, '02
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User ID: 666,051
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
slythetove posted:
Voqar posted: You can faceroll them idiot/northrend style with a heroic geared group with a clue.
So once you have all the gear from them they are too easy... Do you people even listen to yourselves?
There really is no reason to bother with heroics if you find them too hard or whatever. Just stick with normals, gain JP and buy 359 loot come 4.1
Then, once you are overgeared, faceroll the heroic versions for even faster JP. . .
Really, WoW isn't hard or that time consuming . . it just is'nt quite the epic dispensing candy machine that it was towards the end of WotLK.
I need a new hobby . . Ten level 85's (one of each class) in WoW Back to try out the Feb patch in AC
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Jul 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 10,803
User ID: 697,832
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
My hunter didn't make it past level 11, largely due to the pet issues being so ridiculous even for that one level I had a pet tamed.
Shelendil - Serinde - Vexatious
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Nov 6, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 4,545
User ID: 1,091,587
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
So, you were unable to tame a level 11 pet? There is a video about you in another thread..
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Feb 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 9,010
User ID: 646,295
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Elaok posted: time consuming is NOT difficult...
He didn't say anything about being time consuming. L2R.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Jun 12, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 3,597
User ID: 28,960
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
-Mithan- posted: Did they make Heroic's a tad easier? No? Don't care then. /e back to Rift.
Yeah because Rift isn't going have end-game balance issues. *snicker*
"You may have graduated from Cambridge but I am an honorary graduate from Starfleet Academy!" ~ Sheldon
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Jun 30, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 4,485
User ID: 818,115
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
This addon really has cataclysm in it
DaoC, WoW (retired, inactive); WAR (semi active), EVE (active) "Ye'know, com'on! Giimmeee di Ke$$$HHHHHH!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OADJl-CVDo0
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Jul 20, '08
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Real Post Cnt: 1,251
User ID: 1,310,012
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Cawlin posted: Back in the pre-BC days, hunter pets' abilities were based on a sort of talent point type system. The point system was based on the pet's level and the loyalty level (also now absent from the game). When a hunter tamed a pet that was low level, the pet would have no points to be spent on things like growl. The whole dumb loyalty level thing was particularly stupid - the pet had 6 loyalty levels with the first taking the longest to obtain - you tamed the pet at loyalty level 1. Due to the pet point system, you had no points to spend until the pet reached loyalty level 2. This meant that your pet could not growl until it reached loyalty level 2 since you needed points to purchase growl like you might purchase a talent point ability. The formula for loyalty involved time spent at happiness level and was modified by experience gained in that if the pet was gaining experience (by fighting mobs that were not gray to the hunter and so it was based on the hunter level) it would get to loyalty level 2 faster. However, the big kicker with that was that it would sometimes take hours of fighting at least green con mobs while keeping the pet well fed and happy before you'd be able to even teach the pet to growl. You could just hang around the AH and feed your pet for several hours without fighting and see it eventually sort of spontaneously reach loyalty level 2, but that took much much longer. Back then hunters didn't have good tools for escape and melee was pathetic - traps had to be placed while out of combat, it all sucked for close range combat. Combine that with the prospect of leveling a pet that may have been many levels beneath the hunter that can't even growl to hope to hold aggro, let alone hit the target to do any additive damage. Meleeing a green-con mob back then for a hunter would pretty much cost you 1/3rd to 1/2 of your health. I remember illustrating this to Rosaria once in game (if she reads this she may remember) while I meleed one of those yetis in winterspring as a level 60 hunter - so the yetis were yellow con to me - by the end of the 100% melee fight, I was at less than 1/8th of my health. There were all manner of BS experiments and crap by players trying to find the formula for loyalty gain time and in the end, it all seemed pretty random. There were pets that seemed bugged and took hours and hours to gain loyalty level 2 or never gained it at all and had to be abandoned. Usually you could count on loyalty level 2 by the time you'd gained your pet about a level worth of experience. Oh and pet XP back then was much higher per level than it is now, like 1/4th of the hunter's required or something - i.e. significant. So there you were, maybe a level 60 hunter with a level 34 or so Broken Tooth pet, trying to level it and you had to kill mobs of no less than green con – so like 52 or something. One shot, the mob would be charging you (and your shots didn’t do anywhere near the kind of damage they do now relative to mobs’ health) and even though your pet would also charge the mob, it could not growl, and could not even hit the mob because of the miss code so it didn’t hold aggro at all and you wound up in melee with the mob for 20 or 30 seconds to kill it. You could do annoying crap like wingclip and kite to distance but back then arcane shot did like 200 damage and was your only instant non-DoT attack, or you could snare trap the mob, but again, you’d be kiting and in the end, it wound up taking as much time or more, or you had to risk running into more mobs while you did it… eventually, say after killing 30 to 60 mobs of green con level your pet might ding loyalty level 2 at which point it could growl – and growl would miss of course. If it landed, your pet would get killed every 3rd or 4th mob because of the level disparity, if you tried to heal the mob in combat (back then it was a channeled heal) you invariably pulled aggro too because most of the pet’s attacks would miss, including followup growls. All in all, it was a system that went right beyond immersion and into the realm of sadistic “pound of flesh†design. All of these issues were brought up with devs time and time again over the years. Comparisons to Warlock pets were made which dinged with the warlock, later, mage pets were compared and still the devs insisted that they wanted it this way for hunter pets. So yeah… this change, while welcome, is a slap in the face and if anything, makes me believe more that whichever dev or devs that really had it in for hunters (class bias has been obvious through the years on the part of the dev staff) is now on to other projects. I guess this change is nice, but really it’s actually kind of insulting to see it come around finally. Anyway, pardon the walk down the memory lane from WoW Hell, I don't know how many of you will remember that ugly volume (not merely a chapter) of Hunter history in this game, but there you go.
Quite a history lesson you typed up there. Of course you could of just said. A team screwed the pooch on hunter pets and B team fixed it. Credit where is credit is due.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 33,674
User ID: 633,598
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
I can't wait until Cata turns 'candy machine' and you all come back here whining about welfare epics again as if you had no clue it was going to happen.
PvPing since 1977
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Feb 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 9,010
User ID: 646,295
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Apparently it never occurred to Cawlin to level the pet in groups in dungeons, where it leveled stupidly fast with virtually no loss to group dps. I give no credit to the B team whatsoever; eliminating game elements rather than fixing them (if it even needed fixing) simply makes for a shallower game.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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User ID: 689,383
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Broken_Kayfabe posted: Apparently it never occurred to Cawlin to level the pet in groups in dungeons, where it leveled stupidly fast with virtually no loss to group dps.
Just LFD for a group and git r dun, right? Wait, this was back before LFD was even on the drawing boards. I'm sorry, what was your point again? NukeMage posted: There really is no reason to bother with heroics if you find them too hard or whatever. Just stick with normals, gain JP and buy 359 loot come 4.1 Then, once you are overgeared, faceroll the heroic versions for even faster JP. . . Really, WoW isn't hard or that time consuming . . it just is'nt quite the epic dispensing candy machine that it was towards the end of WotLK.
I...but you just said...oh why bother. You kids made up your minds a looooong time ago.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Jun 20, '02
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User ID: 690,437
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Yay... A few minutes ago i ended up in a group for hc stonecore. It was a run in progress, i should have known better and just left. The tank was so damn dumb. 4 wipes on Ozruk. Amazing. We went through the simple procedure over and over again and tank said "okay" every time. Epic failure. Yes, they are too bloody hard for a pug because a pug consists of players you're never going to see again.
Some runs are smooth as hell while others are a nightmare. Yes, it is blizzards fault for making them harder than their "average" player can handle.
Maybe 2-3 content patches from now we're back at "wotlk" but yeah, that would be for the better compared to the crap going on right now. The queue times are just insane i mean come on, that would be like a big red light blinking one might think. But oh no. Just ignore it blizzard.
Its just so fun to have spent 40 minutes in a queue, end up in a "in progress" group and you know the group is going to fail and you're getting nothing but hefty repair bill.
Remove durability hits when doing 85 heroics pugs might be a thing they should consider. That might make a few people actually stay in the group, even if its bound to fail.
"Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant *****' Mark Twain ****. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone."
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Feb 16, '02
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User ID: 646,295
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Ugh_Lancelot posted: Just LFD for a group and git r dun, right? Wait, this was back before LFD was even on the drawing boards. I'm sorry, what was your point again?
To level it in a group in a dungeon. I wasn't aware that it was a difficult concept to parse. Not all of us were so socially inept and functionally retarded as to not be able to get a dungeon group before the LFD tool was put in to help you mouthbreathers learn to tie your own shoes.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Jul 20, '09
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User ID: 1,364,192
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Again with a good team of ppl who know how to play there class then no heroics are not hard but for ppl you know who work,have kids,or any sorta social life and can only play for short time periods it is very hard not to have to reply on the lfd after all thats what it was put in for to begin with remember? Problem is you get 1-2 bad players in your group its like ramming your heard into the comp monitor. Too those who say well get a guild or team with only guild not that easy either if your time is limited to begin with they cannot be expected to be on when you can or drop what they are doing just because your on. For all of you who feel raids content in cata is faceroll thats great but for the rest of us who are at the mercy of the lfd tool it isn't so much fun.
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Jul 20, '09
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User ID: 1,364,192
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
Ugh_Lancelot posted: Just LFD for a group and git r dun, right? Wait, this was back before LFD was even on the drawing boards. I'm sorry, what was your point again?
To level it in a group in a dungeon. I wasn't aware that it was a difficult concept to parse. Not all of us were so socially inept and functionally retarded as to not be able to get a dungeon group before the LFD tool was put in to help you mouthbreathers learn to tie your own shoes.
Dude do you really wanna hurl insults at people calling them social inepts when your play WoW like it is your life? This is like the highlight of your life WoW and how great in your mind you are in a game that has no bearing whatsoever in life other than to you and the tards like you.Throw some more Eq quotes in your profile and continue to strive to live our your accomplishments in a game that you dream about while your working the drive thru at mcdonalds and getting your ass kicked after leaving the annual Trek convention.
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Feb 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 9,010
User ID: 646,295
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
croaks35 posted: Dude do you really wanna hurl insults at people calling them social inepts when your play WoW like it is your life? This is like the highlight of your life WoW and how great in your mind you are in a game that has no bearing whatsoever in life other than to you and the tards like you.Throw some more Eq quotes in your profile and continue to strive to live our your accomplishments in a game that you dream about while your working the drive thru at mcdonalds and getting your ass kicked after leaving the annual Trek convention.
Wow it's like a monkey somehow managed to get online and found the VNBoards... Here, just for you:
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Jul 7, '10
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Real Post Cnt: 365
User ID: 1,397,686
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
Ugh_Lancelot posted: Just LFD for a group and git r dun, right? Wait, this was back before LFD was even on the drawing boards. I'm sorry, what was your point again?
To level it in a group in a dungeon. I wasn't aware that it was a difficult concept to parse. Not all of us were so socially inept and functionally retarded as to not be able to get a dungeon group before the LFD tool was put in to help you mouthbreathers learn to tie your own shoes.
The irony of a third rate troll calling other people socially inept made me chuckle, thanks for this post.
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Feb 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 9,010
User ID: 646,295
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
TruthyID posted:
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
Ugh_Lancelot posted: Just LFD for a group and git r dun, right? Wait, this was back before LFD was even on the drawing boards. I'm sorry, what was your point again?
To level it in a group in a dungeon. I wasn't aware that it was a difficult concept to parse. Not all of us were so socially inept and functionally retarded as to not be able to get a dungeon group before the LFD tool was put in to help you mouthbreathers learn to tie your own shoes.
The irony of a third rate troll calling other people socially inept made me chuckle, thanks for this post.
Terrible. 0/10, would not read again.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Broken_Kayfabe posted: Apparently it never occurred to Cawlin to level the pet in groups in dungeons, where it leveled stupidly fast with virtually no loss to group dps.
Well for most of vanilla WoW, the following were raid "dungeons": LBRS, UBRS, Scholomance, Stratholme, BRD - pets would get virtually zero experience in raids - you could run some of them as 5-mans for the completion of quests and whatnot, but when you were doing that most people expected a group that was "running on all cylinders" so to speak and so it was less likely you'd get folks to run them with you just to level your pet. That left left the following for 5-man-only dungeons at level 60: Dire Maul - which wasn't even released in the beginning of vanilla WoW - and which, for the first several months after release, people weren't willing to take hunters into, fearing lack of utility or damage from hunters. Only guilded hunters got invites to DM from their own guild members in those first few months. Here's a little timeline for you - I went and looked up the patches and such. November 2004 - WoW released in the US March 2005 - Dire Maul Released April 2006 - Scholo, Strat, BRD reduced to 5 players max, LBRS, UBRS reduced to 10 players max Dec 2006 - pre-BC patch released Jan 2007 - BC released So for the majority of classic WoW - over 16 months out of the just over 25 months of its duration there was one "5-man-only" dungeon option widely available for max level characters. Further, here's a little flashback to pre-BC WoW: I started a warrior back then because even though I was guilded for about 2/3rds of pre-BC WoW, I could never find a tank to run a dungeon. Remember how warriors were the only tank back then? Yeah well that meant that any warrior that wanted to, and could reasonably play a tank, was guilded. It also meant that said tank didn't really have to run 5-mans because they were guaranteed a raid spot. This created a massive tank shortage in PuGland - remember how Paladins and Druids were finally rendered capable of being reasonable tanks right after BC to help ease the tank shortage? Yeah... PuG dungeon runs were hard to come by, and were typically done as raids for most of classic wow. Further, it's kind of absurd to say: "Well all that crap that you had to deal with with the stupid pet paradigm was no big deal for a hunter because if you just were willing to rely on a group, you could then develop a key fundamental aspect of your class - unlike every other class which didn't rely on groups for fundamental aspects of their class." (and no, a mount is not a fundamental aspect of your class lol)
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Nov 6, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 4,545
User ID: 1,091,587
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
Cawlin, I would like to add, for those who don't "remember" coughcough...that to even GET abilities on your pets we had to go to insane places, train some useless pet, and level it until you as the Hunter "learned" that skill. Which you could then finally teach to your "real" pet... Then add that many of these "skills" were only available on rare spawns, and with half of those being in enemy territory..
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
GutterSludge posted: Cawlin, I would like to add, for those who don't "remember" coughcough...that to even GET abilities on your pets we had to go to insane places, train some useless pet, and level it until you as the Hunter "learned" that skill. Which you could then finally teach to your "real" pet... Then add that many of these "skills" were only available on rare spawns, and with half of those being in enemy territory..
HOLY CRAP! Haha, I forgot entirely about that man! I don't remember skills on rare spawns so much, but I do now remember having to train a certain wolf to get the highest rank of bite and whatnot. Thanks for reminding me about this crap!
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Nov 6, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 4,545
User ID: 1,091,587
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
The worst for me was getting charge(i think), from that pig in alliance territory.."goretusk?"" It wasn't that he was hard to tame, but with my playing on a PVP realm, getting to that area with a non-epic land mount, and surviving the guards, players, and everything else,, was an all day affair!! No other class has ever had to jump through so many hoops, lol.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
GutterSludge posted: The worst for me was getting charge(i think), from that pig in alliance territory.."goretusk?"" It wasn't that he was hard to tame, but with my playing on a PVP realm, getting to that area with a non-epic land mount, and surviving the guards, players, and everything else,, was an all day affair!! No other class has ever had to jump through so many hoops, lol.
You know, I sort of liked *SOME* of the hoops - but there were just too many, or the ones that weren't awful in concept were made horrendous by overly "pound of flesh" oriented thinking.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Nov 6, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 4,545
User ID: 1,091,587
Patch 4.1 PTR Notes
I actually enjoyed doing all of this, because If you were the hunter that DID do all of these things, you would perform at a level unattainable by those who didn't. Particularly in PVP. Then I rolled my warlock, had an insta level damage pet, and just had to buy those "grimoires" from the trainer when they leveled.. I fully expected to have to go tame all sorts of demons for those skills!!! The part I never did like (started with BC) was when the devs would change the way pets worked, which prompted us to take advantage, and "required" the training of a new pet. The more this happened, (over time) the less I enjoyed the pet leveling process, knowing full well that my warlock had to do none of these things.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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