Author Topic: Tell Management Utility
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Registered: Apr 30, '09
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Subject: Tell Management Utility
I run a few accounts simultaneously and use them to hunt in groups. I can't tell if any of my accounts are gettings Tells from friends as I may not be on any one of them actively at the time the tell is sent. Is there any utility that I can setup to sound an alarm if I get a Tell?


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Subject: Tell Management Utility
The original version of VCS allowed you to do this, and I had planned for VCS5 to do it eventually as well. Perhaps I will update it.

However, if what you are looking for is really a sound when an ENVOY sends you a tell, you will be out of luck. Envoy messages are sent with a special flag that prevents them from being picked up by the regular chat functions in Decal.


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Posts: 142
Registered: Apr 30, '09
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User ID: 1,355,942
Subject: Tell Management Utility
Virindi-Inquisitor posted:
The original version of VCS allowed you to do this, and I had planned for VCS5 to do it eventually as well. Perhaps I will update it.

However, if what you are looking for is really a sound when an ENVOY sends you a tell, you will be out of luck. Envoy messages are sent with a special flag that prevents them from being picked up by the regular chat functions in Decal.

Thanks for your note, understand the concerns. Looking forward to your update. Thank You.


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