Author Topic: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Part of the problem is that the DPS queues are getting ridiculously long so there's not much of a chance to do heroics outside of guild. But this entire week has been populated by under geared toons played by people that have no idea about the dungeon, most can't even seem to find the instance door after the wipe.

Please, if you don't know fights, go practice in regulars. Or practice with your guildies who have the patience to explain the fight. Or better yet, do the community a favor and unsubscribe.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
lol...predictable outcome was predictable.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
WoW is too hard yo. You know you play a good game when waiting for something to do you either do repetitive tasks over n over, or do other games on the side... or a few other things wink


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Alpha_Swift posted:
Part of the problem is that the DPS queues are getting ridiculously long so there's not much of a chance to do heroics outside of guild. But this entire week has been populated by under geared toons played by people that have no idea about the dungeon, most can't even seem to find the instance door after the wipe.

Please, if you don't know fights, go practice in regulars. Or practice with your guildies who have the patience to explain the fight. Or better yet, do the community a favor and unsubscribe.

Blizz said I could do a heroic so you best be pulling me through!


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Title: Old Fart
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
It's a PUG .. you get what you get. Sometimes you can't get past the first set of trash. Sometimes you blast through the dungeon so fast you go .. holy crap!

I had my troubles, and caused a few wipes, as I learned the dungeons. I think everyone does. But more and more people are getting better gear and learning their roles.

Dungeons are getting easier and PUG's, in general, are more successful. That's not to say you get some real losers from time to time. The other day Recount showed 11 people had come and gone in the PUG trying to get past one boss and we never did.

Yeah, there are a lot of rage/quitters out there and a few that probably shouldn't even be in the dungeon due to gear or stupidity. Most of the time ignorance can be cured and a little patience will prevail. If you don't have the time for eaither, then maybe you don't belong there.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Alpha_Swift posted:
Part of the problem is that the DPS queues are getting ridiculously long so there's not much of a chance to do heroics outside of guild. But this entire week has been populated by under geared toons played by people that have no idea about the dungeon, most can't even seem to find the instance door after the wipe.

Please, if you don't know fights, go practice in regulars. Or practice with your guildies who have the patience to explain the fight. Or better yet, do the community a favor and unsubscribe.


Dec 7th...
Jan 7th...
Feb 8th....(today)

Two months into the expac, and everyone should have heroics mastered, to the point that if they don't players should unsub?

Two months ago, YOU didn't know the fights either...yet YOU didn't "do the community a favor" by unsubbing..

I notice you aren't playing a tank or heals either (since you mention only DPS queues), and I hereby declare that you, as a DPS only "scrub" are part of the problem, and demand that you unsub immediately.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
I suppose PuGs aren't dominating Cataclysm yet after all eh?


If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips.
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Cawlin posted:
I suppose PuGs aren't dominating Cataclysm yet after all eh?
Yeah, I wonder where all those people who were claiming that are now... grin


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
The_Korrigan posted:
Cawlin posted:
I suppose PuGs aren't dominating Cataclysm yet after all eh?
Yeah, I wonder where all those people who were claiming that are now... grin

I fully pug with random guildies each night and dominate! Just gnore the fact we raid together and have cleared current content. The guildies in my groups each night are truly random!


Daoc - Forever #1
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Alpha_Swift posted:
Part of the problem is that the DPS queues are getting ridiculously long so there's not much of a chance to do heroics outside of guild. But this entire week has been populated by under geared toons played by people that have no idea about the dungeon, most can't even seem to find the instance door after the wipe.

Please, if you don't know fights, go practice in regulars. Or practice with your guildies who have the patience to explain the fight. Or better yet, do the community a favor and unsubscribe.

Man... there is just so much to take apart in these five sentences it is amazing. But it really does sum up the state of the player base of this game.

I do agree that they should "practice" in regulars, but that will only take them so far. So many mobs in the regulars is trival, in the heroics they will curb stomp you.

PUGS are still PUGS, no matter how much technology is used to streamline the process, PUGS are still PUGS and they have all the hell imaginable.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week

I know I've queued random and sometimes you get a new dungeon you haven't done. I've asked what do I need to know
and the "Experts" say nothing. So who's fault is the wipe.
As a mage, I try to CC one of the mobs only to have someone break it, who's fault is that?
Instead of marking the mobs, the tank runs in and aggros everything including the patrol he wasn't watching for
and of course, he didn't wait for the mana to be rechanged on the healer......who's fault is that?

You can't play these new dungeons like you played over the last year.... maybe a few wipes will teach you that.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
I have seen a LOT of posts/threads about how Heroics are hard on PUGs and should be easier/more forgiving.

I do not see very many posts by people who run them with guilds complaining; In fact, I see most of the people who say they do guilded runs are saying that the instances are good/ok/acceptable.

Things should be continually tweeked, and some of the really cheesy mechanics in some fights should be adjusted (A number of bosses are getting changes today). The Luck of the Draw buff is getting a major boost.

Hopefully this strikes a decent balance between difficulty and chance of success for PUGs.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Alpha_Swift posted:
Part of the problem is that the DPS queues are getting ridiculously long so there's not much of a chance to do heroics outside of guild. But this entire week has been populated by under geared toons played by people that have no idea about the dungeon, most can't even seem to find the instance door after the wipe.

Please, if you don't know fights, go practice in regulars. Or practice with your guildies who have the patience to explain the fight. Or better yet, do the community a favor and unsubscribe.

congratulations on now not only being a douchebag in game, but also in public for everyone to see.

you are most likely one of the people that make others want to reach through the computer and the internet and bang yer head on yer desk.....

do us all a favor and get a dictionary and look up uranus!

oh and unsub while yer at it...


i bet you dont even craft...or contribute other than your leet dps...


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
I don't mind if people don't know the content. I teach people heroics all the time - that's no biggie. I can type fast and summarize bosses quickly.

But if you've made it to 85 you *should* know how to play your class well enough to do basic stuff, like do enough DPS to contribute. I seriously don't see how people can be so bad as to do less than 5k dps at 85 even in subpar gear. You almost have to go out of your way to be terrible for this to happen. In some cases 5k would be refreshing to see. The all too common 4k or less dpsers at 85 should really delete or stick to acheology (or trying to stay within the lines in coloring books).

Elitist would be more like, you should be doing 10k single target minimum....exceeding 5k is aiming pretty low. Anybody who's run regulars to gear up for heroics, got a few rep pieces, maybe some crafted - should easily crush 5k.

The redesigned talents make it nearly impossible to have a bad build. Idiot proof? Not for WoW players!

I also wish they'd alter the itm level thing to not include pvp gear, it's rated too high to begin with and leads to some of the worst terribads in pugs.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Alpha_Swift posted:
Part of the problem is that the DPS queues are getting ridiculously long so there's not much of a chance to do heroics outside of guild. But this entire week has been populated by under geared toons played by people that have no idea about the dungeon, most can't even seem to find the instance door after the wipe.

Please, if you don't know fights, go practice in regulars. Or practice with your guildies who have the patience to explain the fight. Or better yet, do the community a favor and unsubscribe.

I think many have tried, got frustrated and either quit or are now leveling alts until it gets better, so you have a constant flow of of rookies trying them and forgetting them so getting a full team that knows all the fights, can do the needed DPS etc... would be rare.

I mean it is like hitting a wall right now, full of fails & bails, hopefully the dungeon buff and some of the changes in 4.06 will make it better.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
I still think queueing for a heroics based purely on ilvl is dumb. At least at the requirment to have finished it on regular first.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
PallyDog posted:
I still think queueing for a heroics based purely on ilvl is dumb. At least at the requirment to have finished it on regular first.

Didn't they add that this patch? I thought I saw something about this...


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
PallyDog posted:
I still think queueing for a heroics based purely on ilvl is dumb. At least at the requirment to have finished it on regular first.

That's reasonable. I think completing the dungeon on normal AND meeting a minimum item level would be a good way to go.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
There are so many things they could have / should have done to make LFD workable.

1) Requiring you to complete a normal version before you can queue heroic, however Cata made this difficult because quite a few people like myself didn't realize you were locked out at 84+ from the early instances (you had to go there)

2) Allow no penalty booting people who AFK enough to be Away or stay outside the instance for a small period of time. Coming up through LFD this was one of the biggest problems I had. People who didn't want to be in THAT instance or such and would just sit there or port out.

3) Not permitting kicks where 3 or more people are from the same server who are voting. Been a victim of that one more than once. Clear the trashes and bosses up to the one either one of them wants the loot for or someone from their guild who is not on the run wants.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
If they really wanted to fix difficulty, they could just scale the dungeon difficulty (dmg out, HPs, special abilities) to fit the iLevel average of the team. But then, that would mean people in uber gear would have to pay attention instead of grinding their badges/gems in speed runs. I can only imagine the hue and cry that would cause.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
The_Korrigan posted:
Cawlin posted:
I suppose PuGs aren't dominating Cataclysm yet after all eh?
Yeah, I wonder where all those people who were claiming that are now... grin

As far as I know, it was just me.

For every pug that you hear "bad things" about here on these boards, there are 10, 20..30 or more that went off without a hitch.

Total number of pug heroics completed daily >> number of "guild only" runs..

Pugs dominate Cataclysm.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
NukeMage posted:
I do not see very many posts by people who run them with guilds complaining; In fact, I see most of the people who say they do guilded runs are saying that the instances are good/ok/acceptable.

Realistically, the challenge for PUGs is to beat the heroic content; the challenge for guild groups is to get the Glory of the Cataclysm Hero achievement. I haven't finished that one yet since I don't spend as many hours gaming as a lot of my guildmates, but since three weeks ago a bunch of them have finished it, and the general consensus is that it was much better balanced than WotLK's Glory of the Hero achievement. I don't think that there are any achieves in there that require real class stacking (although some are a lot easier with two tanks or two healers), and certainly none that require you to far outgear the content - they're mostly just down to execution.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
st0rmie posted:
NukeMage posted:
I do not see very many posts by people who run them with guilds complaining; In fact, I see most of the people who say they do guilded runs are saying that the instances are good/ok/acceptable.

Realistically, the challenge for PUGs is to beat the heroic content; the challenge for guild groups is to get the Glory of the Cataclysm Hero achievement. I haven't finished that one yet since I don't spend as many hours gaming as a lot of my guildmates, but since three weeks ago a bunch of them have finished it, and the general consensus is that it was much better balanced than WotLK's Glory of the Hero achievement. I don't think that there are any achieves in there that require real class stacking (although some are a lot easier with two tanks or two healers), and certainly none that require you to far outgear the content - they're mostly just down to execution.

Seems like a lot of the achieves in Cata are also easier to get at this point in time, compared to when WotLK first came out. Maybe it only seems that way to me due my bad memory lol.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Alpha_Swift posted:
...toons played by people that have no idea about the dungeon, most can't even seem to find the instance door after the wipe.

Please, if you don't know fights, go practice in regulars. Or practice with your guildies who have the patience to explain the fight. Or better yet, do the community a favor and unsubscribe.

Hm, I guess that's 1:0 for finding certain dungeons instances first before queue'ing after all.

PopGoesTheWeasel posted:

I know I've queued random and sometimes you get a new dungeon you haven't done. I've asked what do I need to know and the "Experts" say nothing. So who's fault is the wipe.
As a mage, I try to CC one of the mobs only to have someone break it, who's fault is that?
Instead of marking the mobs, the tank runs in and aggros everything including the patrol he wasn't watching for
and of course, he didn't wait for the mana to be rechanged on the healer......who's fault is that?

That is something I indirectly noticed in another thread and afterwards when finally getting into the heroics. Aside to idiot tanks like the ones you mentioned, I´ve noticed the lack of talkative people in heroics, too. It feels like we`re playing with some hired NPC mercs from Diablo 2 or any other game.

Strangely, people talked more and acted normal back when BC showed up with heroics. I`ve not the slightest clue yet why specific players still come with this unnecessarily "douchery" mode ever since but I suppose that reason equals that of the average mass of trolls on all forums: because they can.

PUG or not, you better "BAF". happy

Voqar posted:
I also wish they'd alter the itm level thing to not include pvp gear, it's rated too high to begin with and leads to some of the worst terribads in pugs.

I didn´t have the honor yet to bump into that, but that is worth QFT ^^.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
PallyDog posted:
I still think queueing for a heroics based purely on ilvl is dumb. At least at the requirment to have finished it on regular first.

There is a gear requirement.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Diskent posted:
PallyDog posted:
I still think queueing for a heroics based purely on ilvl is dumb. At least at the requirment to have finished it on regular first.

There is a gear requirement.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
PallyDog posted:
I still think queueing for a heroics based purely on ilvl is dumb. At least at the requirment to have finished it on regular first.
I totally agree here. Along with the gear level requirement, you should have to finish the dungeon in normal mode before you can access heroic mode. Just like raids, actually.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
What is DUMB is the idea that there are no locks.

TBC had locks, and they worked excellent, because they kept unqualified people out of instances until they were ready (most of the time).


I survived to the end and got nothing out of it, but hey.
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
The_Korrigan posted:
I totally agree here. Along with the gear level requirement, you should have to finish the dungeon in normal mode before you can access heroic mode. Just like raids, actually.

Yeah I'm boggled that we saw this simple and obvious system in Magister's Terrace, and then it vanished, never to be heard from again. Especially now that we have the dungeonfinder, so getting a normal-mode group shouldn't be too onerous, even for a new alt a year down the track.


Banquetto <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 85 Dwarf Priest / Daggerspine
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
-Mithan- posted:
What is DUMB is the idea that there are no locks.

TBC had locks, and they worked excellent, because they kept unqualified people out of instances until they were ready (most of the time). 

The problem there though, was back in TBC, grinding rep was a real pain. You did not have tabbards to help in dungeons and it just became tedious. At least it wasn't bad when they reduced it to honored from revered, but it was still annoying that I may have grinded up HFP faction, and a guild mate grinded up Cenarion faction, and we cant go into the same dungeons because we worked on different faction.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Nakal posted:
-Mithan- posted:
What is DUMB is the idea that there are no locks.

TBC had locks, and they worked excellent, because they kept unqualified people out of instances until they were ready (most of the time). 

The problem there though, was back in TBC, grinding rep was a real pain. You did not have tabbards to help in dungeons and it just became tedious. At least it wasn't bad when they reduced it to honored from revered, but it was still annoying that I may have grinded up HFP faction, and a guild mate grinded up Cenarion faction, and we cant go into the same dungeons because we worked on different faction.

I doubt he means a lock exactly like TBC (maybe he does), but something is better than nothing. It's asinine to have access to a 'hard-mode' of something, without prior experience/completion in 'easy-mode'.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
-Mithan- posted:
What is DUMB is the idea that there are no locks.

TBC had locks, and they worked excellent, because they kept unqualified people out of instances until they were ready (most of the time). 
What I personally would have done if I was in charge is to make people complete every normal mode of all the new dungeons before they even had access to any heroic modes. In addition to the gear check, of course.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
I still think they need to add some training quests. Quests to teach tanks some tanking basics, teach dps how to CC and not break it and how to interrupt, etc.

Completing the normal dungeons is good first step in that it teaches people where those dungeons are and at least the very basics of the dungeon, but it really won't help for a lot of issues that will come up in heroics...


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Malachi256 posted:
I still think they need to add some training quests. Quests to teach tanks some tanking basics, teach dps how to CC and not break it and how to interrupt, etc.

Completing the normal dungeons is good first step in that it teaches people where those dungeons are and at least the very basics of the dungeon, but it really won't help for a lot of issues that will come up in heroics...

That's actually a really good idea.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
It's both a very good idea and a very sad statement at the same time.

Good idea, because it is necessary for today's average player.
Sad statement..... because it is necessary for today's average player.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
You should have to kill 5,000 people in world pvp before being able to queue for bg's.



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
The_Korrigan posted:
-Mithan- posted:
What is DUMB is the idea that there are no locks.

TBC had locks, and they worked excellent, because they kept unqualified people out of instances until they were ready (most of the time). 
What I personally would have done if I was in charge is to make people complete every normal mode of all the new dungeons before they even had access to any heroic modes. In addition to the gear check, of course.

Hopefully this would be redundant, as doing all the normals should gear you appropriately for heroics.



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
NukeMage posted:
I have seen a LOT of posts/threads about how Heroics are hard on PUGs and should be easier/more forgiving.

I do not see very many posts by people who run them with guilds complaining; In fact, I see most of the people who say they do guilded runs are saying that the instances are good/ok/acceptable.

Things should be continually tweeked, and some of the really cheesy mechanics in some fights should be adjusted (A number of bosses are getting changes today). The Luck of the Draw buff is getting a major boost.

Hopefully this strikes a decent balance between difficulty and chance of success for PUGs.

I don't play as much anymore, but I still enjoy listening to a number of podcasts. They've all said that they enjoy the heroics and I trust those opinions.

As for PuGs, I once had my car towed at 1am in the morning. When I went to retrieve it from the tow lot at 2am, do you know what I found? The tow truck driver sitting on the floor, in the office, with a laptop, drunk and playing WoW. That's basically who I think of now when people talk about PuGs. Is that the person you want to be grouping with?

The game really does cater to the lowest common denominator and that's unfortunate, but the society we live in.

-Mithan- posted:
What is DUMB is the idea that there are no locks.

TBC had locks, and they worked excellent, because they kept unqualified people out of instances until they were ready (most of the time).

Yes, skipping raid content is a problem, but hard gates and other arbitrary blocks aren't the solution. Many smart players can complete harder content with lesser gear. I say, let them have at it. The real issue is the token system for gear where after a couple of patches, people can gear up for the 3rd or final tier of raiding by doing heroics.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
TinMan52 posted:
NukeMage posted:
I have seen a LOT of posts/threads about how Heroics are hard on PUGs and should be easier/more forgiving.

I do not see very many posts by people who run them with guilds complaining; In fact, I see most of the people who say they do guilded runs are saying that the instances are good/ok/acceptable.

Things should be continually tweeked, and some of the really cheesy mechanics in some fights should be adjusted (A number of bosses are getting changes today). The Luck of the Draw buff is getting a major boost.

Hopefully this strikes a decent balance between difficulty and chance of success for PUGs.

I don't play as much anymore, but I still enjoy listening to a number of podcasts. They've all said that they enjoy the heroics and I trust those opinions.

As for PuGs, I once had my car towed at 1am in the morning. When I went to retrieve it from the tow lot at 2am, do you know what I found? The tow truck driver sitting on the floor, in the office, with a laptop, drunk and playing WoW. That's basically who I think of now when people talk about PuGs. Is that the person you want to be grouping with?

The game really does cater to the lowest common denominator and that's unfortunate, but the society we live in.

I think this is one instance where having that type of person in a PUG is a good thing . . at least he wasn't drunk towing your car around still! shock


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
lol...predictable outcome was predictable.

Ugh. Worst meme ever. Counting the days till it dies.

But, yeah. I've given up on pugs for the most part. Group fail percentage is way too high and no one has a sense of humor or even seems to be having fun anymore.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Xorcha posted:
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
lol...predictable outcome was predictable.

Ugh. I have no taste whatsoever. Counting the days till I die.



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Malachi256 posted:
I still think they need to add some training quests. Quests to teach tanks some tanking basics, teach dps how to CC and not break it and how to interrupt, etc.

Great idea!


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Sprawl-zero1eye- posted:
Malachi256 posted:
I still think they need to add some training quests. Quests to teach tanks some tanking basics, teach dps how to CC and not break it and how to interrupt, etc.

Great idea!


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Sprawl-zero1eye- posted:
Malachi256 posted:
I still think they need to add some training quests. Quests to teach tanks some tanking basics, teach dps how to CC and not break it and how to interrupt, etc.

Great idea!

This has been a common suggestion for a while. They're at least toying with the idea, as there are several 'training' type quests in Azshara now - although they appear to be geared more towards teaching people to 'stay out of the fire' / develop awareness skills. The quests even have achievements.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
If you want to really learn your character...PVP.

And I don't mean dueling in Goldshire. I mean go to enemy territory, outside a capital city, and start jumping flagged 85's as they are coming and going.

If you play on a PVE server, then you are hopeless to begin with, and will never truly be a master with your toon.

Sure, you can youtube some dungeon encounter, and stand in the right place, and claim to be "awesome"...but this does nothing to help you learn abilities, learn keyboard dexterity, develop key/finger memory, or think on the fly...


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Maybe its because your not playing with me sir lol <<<Hoggy but im on a different server =)


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i love selling queues and then leaving dungeons.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
GutterSludge posted:
If you want to really learn your character...PVP.

And I don't mean dueling in Goldshire. I mean go to enemy territory, outside a capital city, and start jumping flagged 85's as they are coming and going.

If you play on a PVE server, then you are hopeless to begin with, and will never truly be a master with your toon.

Sure, you can youtube some dungeon encounter, and stand in the right place, and claim to be "awesome"...but this does nothing to help you learn abilities, learn keyboard dexterity, develop key/finger memory, or think on the fly...

Dude, this statement is so adsurd, it defies... human existance.

You need to write your statement down, stick it in a book and forget about it. When you find it ten years later you will just laugh at yourself.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
GutterSludge posted:
If you want to really learn your character...PVP.

And I don't mean dueling in Goldshire. I mean go to enemy territory, outside a capital city, and start jumping flagged 85's as they are coming and going.

If you play on a PVE server, then you are hopeless to begin with, and will never truly be a master with your toon.

Sure, you can youtube some dungeon encounter, and stand in the right place, and claim to be "awesome"...but this does nothing to help you learn abilities, learn keyboard dexterity, develop key/finger memory, or think on the fly...

You are a Moron. I can tell from this post you have barely, if at all, run any serious raid or even dungeon content.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Diskent posted:
GutterSludge posted:
If you want to really learn your character...PVP.

And I don't mean dueling in Goldshire. I mean go to enemy territory, outside a capital city, and start jumping flagged 85's as they are coming and going.

If you play on a PVE server, then you are hopeless to begin with, and will never truly be a master with your toon.

Sure, you can youtube some dungeon encounter, and stand in the right place, and claim to be "awesome"...but this does nothing to help you learn abilities, learn keyboard dexterity, develop key/finger memory, or think on the fly...

Dude, this statement is so adsurd, it defies... human existance.

You need to write your statement down, stick it in a book and forget about it. When you find it ten years later you will just laugh at yourself.

You can't even spell properly (or even utilize a spell checker!)..and you expect me to believe you can think on the fly?

I laugh at you, right now..and 10 years from now I will still be laughing.

Stick that in a book.


People just can't handle the truth.
NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.."
njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
RyanR100 posted:
GutterSludge posted:
If you want to really learn your character...PVP.

And I don't mean dueling in Goldshire. I mean go to enemy territory, outside a capital city, and start jumping flagged 85's as they are coming and going.

If you play on a PVE server, then you are hopeless to begin with, and will never truly be a master with your toon.

Sure, you can youtube some dungeon encounter, and stand in the right place, and claim to be "awesome"...but this does nothing to help you learn abilities, learn keyboard dexterity, develop key/finger memory, or think on the fly...

You are a Moron. I can tell from this post you have barely, if at all, run any serious raid or even dungeon content.

We can always tell when a statement hits its mark, as the personal attacks begin to fly.

You could not be any more WRONG..with your statement, which makes the combination of the two proof positive that you are exactly the person I was talking about in my post.

You can do it, as long as every little step is laid out for you...but anything "not in the scripted encounter" will melt your melon.

Thanks for volunteering the fact that you fit the mold, and strengthening my position.


People just can't handle the truth.
NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.."
njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
If I wanted a lot of "challenge" in my MMO's, I would quit them and go play real life even more.


I survived to the end and got nothing out of it, but hey.
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
-Mithan- posted:
If I wanted a lot of "challenge" in my MMO's, I would quit them and go play real life even more.
Heh, that sentiment definitely stirs up the "WoW is faceroll. Buff everything, plz. IF you think it's hard you're a retard." crowd here. wink


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
-Mithan- posted:
If I wanted a lot of "challenge" in my MMO's, I would quit them and go play real life even more.



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
-Mithan- posted:
If I wanted a lot of "challenge" in my MMO's, I would quit them and go play real life even more.

I guess I've always just thought that there was already an enormous amount of faceroll content in WoW - you can level all sorts of classes on horde or alliance side, you can join BGs and just play badly and decide to not care about the team goals, you can do normal dungeons, grind daily quests, gather mats, play the AH, fiddle with tradeskills, etc.

Having a few activities that actually require you to apply yourself isn't an unreasonable request for a game. Before computers, for most of human history, every game (at least that I can think of) has been something to challenge 2 or more people in a pvp sort of environment. Chess, checkers, mancala, etc etc.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Malachi256 posted:
-Mithan- posted:
If I wanted a lot of "challenge" in my MMO's, I would quit them and go play real life even more.

I guess I've always just thought that there was already an enormous amount of faceroll content in WoW - you can level all sorts of classes on horde or alliance side, you can join BGs and just play badly and decide to not care about the team goals, you can do normal dungeons, grind daily quests, gather mats, play the AH, fiddle with tradeskills, etc.

Having a few activities that actually require you to apply yourself isn't an unreasonable request for a game. Before computers, for most of human history, every game (at least that I can think of) has been something to challenge 2 or more people in a pvp sort of environment. Chess, checkers, mancala, etc etc.

Well now we are just getting into the semantics of "challenge". I don't think Mithan is saying he wants to hit one button and everything dies.

But if you are playing WoW and need to feel some sort of personal validation from the game, it's become more than what it is- just an MMO. Look around, there are plenty of those types of players that post here. You will notice them for their use of words like "entitled", "scrubs", "welfare epics", and "earned" (when referring to... pixels!).


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
siujoey posted:
Well now we are just getting into the semantics of "challenge". I don't think Mithan is saying he wants to hit one button and everything dies.

But if you are playing WoW and need to feel some sort of personal validation from the game, it's become more than what it is- just an MMO. Look around, there are plenty of those types of players that post here. You will notice them for their use of words like "entitled", "scrubs", "welfare epics", and "earned" (when referring to... pixels!).

While 'personal validation' is probably a small part of the equation, I think most people like challenge mostly because it's stimulating. That's definitely a big reason why I play games - I enjoy the challenge of figuring the game out and beating it. And you could easily reverse your argument - why do people who find the heroic situation unacceptable even need to do heroics in the first place? Raids are certainly at least as challenging, and that's the only thing you could need the gear for.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Malachi256 posted:
Having a few activities that actually require you to apply yourself isn't an unreasonable request for a game.
And it has nothing to do with personal validation or whatever. The problem is not coming from neither the real "casual" players nor from the "hardcore" players, but from a specific type of players between them which is very loud and whines expecting everything is dumbed down to their level. I'd call that category "self entitlement driven casuals", or "scrubs", yes. They don't ruin (or attempt to ruin) only PvE, it's the type you also find on PvP forums whining and asking for nerfs as soon as they lost a duel against <insert random class name here except their own>. In the mind of those people, it's not possible that they suck at playing the game, if they lose in PvE or PvP, it can only be the developers fault, not theirs, even if a vast majority is doing exactly the same content just fine.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Don't confuse challenge with tedium.

There is a huge difference.

No one would care if the dungeons were super hard, if queues were instant.

Waiting an hour, in the hopes that no one drops, resulting in waiting another hour is what pisses people off.

Waiting is not difficult. It is not challenging. It is just tedious.


People just can't handle the truth.
NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.."
njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
GutterSludge posted:
Don't confuse challenge with tedium.

There is a huge difference.

No one would care if the dungeons were super hard, if queues were instant.

Waiting an hour, in the hopes that no one drops, resulting in waiting another hour is what pisses people off.

Waiting is not difficult. It is not challenging. It is just tedious.



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
GutterSludge posted:
No one would care if the dungeons were super hard, if queues were instant.

The simple fact that ANYONE can play a tank class and therefore have instant queues seems to invalidate your argument. Clearly lots of people don't want to deal with the challenge of tanking heroics.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
The_Korrigan posted:
Malachi256 posted:
Having a few activities that actually require you to apply yourself isn't an unreasonable request for a game.
And it has nothing to do with personal validation or whatever. The problem is not coming from neither the real "casual" players nor from the "hardcore" players, but from a specific type of players between them which is very loud and whines expecting everything is dumbed down to their level. I'd call that category "self entitlement driven casuals", or "scrubs", yes. They don't ruin (or attempt to ruin) only PvE, it's the type you also find on PvP forums whining and asking for nerfs as soon as they lost a duel against <insert random class name here except their own>. In the mind of those people, it's not possible that they suck at playing the game, if they lose in PvE or PvP, it can only be the developers fault, not theirs, even if a vast majority is doing exactly the same content just fine.

LMFAO, not only do you spend 99% of your time here 'validating' yourself through your PvE accomplishments, the rest of your post after the bolded part does nothing BUT try to apply some form of self validation.

Get over yourself, the French haven't done anything worth validation since creating the chocolate eclair.



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Maybe he does, but his post is 100% correct.

And challenge is not an unreasonable thing to ask for in a mmorpg, regardless of what some might say about "real life". And yes, IMO those who complain that games shouldn't have challenge are the sort that think they should win every fight - ie, people who play games in godmode.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Arcilite_I posted:
LMFAO, not only do you spend 99% of your time here 'validating' yourself through your PvE accomplishments, the rest of your post after the bolded part does nothing BUT try to apply some form of self validation.

Get over yourself, the French haven't done anything worth validation since creating the chocolate eclair.

I am so sick of your personal attacks on Korrigan and other posters. You degrade this whole forum every time you hit the post button.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
No he isn't correct. He's making generalizations from atop a pedestal he put himself on. It's hard to see reality when your head is in the clouds, or in his case, up his own ass.



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Malachi256 posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
LMFAO, not only do you spend 99% of your time here 'validating' yourself through your PvE accomplishments, the rest of your post after the bolded part does nothing BUT try to apply some form of self validation.

Get over yourself, the French haven't done anything worth validation since creating the chocolate eclair.

I am so sick of your personal attacks on Korrigan and other posters. You degrade this whole forum every time you hit the post button.

Cry all you want about it, if people say stupid things I'm going to tell them so. Untwist your panties, Francis.



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Arcilite's interventions are even more pathetic when they are tainted with racist connotations.
Just ignore the guy.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Humans are a race, French is a nationality.



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
This thread is a gift that keeps on giving.

On topic however: Gutter is right. The way I see it, there are lots of people frustrated with heroics. I guess I should not have equated "challenging" with "difficult", as they can be 2 different things. Challenging is fine, difficult is just frustrating. There are many people who want their games to be so challenging that they get a real sense of accomplishment by succeeding. Maybe I am a "scrub" or a "baddie", but I will quit long before that happens. I am frustrated by my day job more than enough to fill that quota. And thank you for yet another classic self-centered reply Korrigan. Somehow, you seem to be annoyingly arrogant even when I genuinely think you weren't meaning to be. Simply amazing.


I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
That's the difference between you and me, siujoey. I do what I can in what is only a video game, and am always happy to have a challenge I can't take because it means I have always something to look forward to.
I never killed Lich King heroic before Cataclysm hit the shelves (at 85 is was cake). Why? Me (and my group) obviously weren't good enough for that encounter, even though we tried hard. Did you see my whine a single time here, saying I'm a casual with a real life and I think it's unfair LK heroic is so hard I can't do it? Nope, you didn't. Because I accept there can be things in the game for people who play better than me. You can't seem to accept that, and insult anyone actually better than you (at the game, of course, we ONLY talk about the game as usual) and try to get everything dumbed down to stupid level.
Always having something harder than you can do (right now) = always something to look forward to.
The problem with the self entitlement generation is that they don't want anything hard - they want their meat ground and easy to chew just like at McDonald's.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
In WotLK you could log on for 45 minutes and actually accomplish something. Whether it was running a standalone raid boss or running a heroic. In Cataclysm, it takes 3 hours or so to get something accomplished as a dps. Basically, they're asking dps to spend 4 times as much of their personal time to get the same payoff.

It's not so much the difficulty that bothers me as it is the massive increase in the endgame time sinks.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
There are several different things going on right now with the whole RFD and Heroics situation, and I think both Gutter and Korrigan are right about some things.

1.) The people who rely on RDF to always group are having a hard time dealing with the long queues combined with the high failure rate.

How to help fix this? Why are there proportionally less tanks now than what were in WotLK? Is this like how it was at the beginning of WotLK? (I missed out on the first 4 months of Wrath so I do not know the answer to this).

2.) Having some challenging (NOT tedious) content is fine, and should be expected.

Most of WoW is ridiculously easy. Wanting some sets of encounters/instances for those who like a higher difficulty does NOT make those people wrong/bad, especially if said content in no way affects the other 95% of the game.

There is still a lot of work that needs to be done to find a balance with the Heroics and their difficulty/cheesiness on some encounters. Plus keep in mind that once 4.1 hits in 3-5 months the gear inflation will make heroics easy enough regardless.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Malachi256 posted:
GutterSludge posted:
No one would care if the dungeons were super hard, if queues were instant.

The simple fact that ANYONE can play a tank class and therefore have instant queues seems to invalidate your argument. Clearly lots of people don't want to deal with the challenge of tanking heroics.

Malachi, I play 2 85's that tank.(one of which can heal) (Pally, DK)

I also play 4 85's that are DPS, and one that can heal or DPS.(Rogue, Mage, Lock, Hunter, Priest)

So, what you are saying, is that I should never play my other 5 chars that cannot that I get instant queues?

Mal, that is some of the most ignorant crap I have ever seen on these boards. You are better than that. Stop already.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
GutterSludge posted:
Malachi256 posted:
GutterSludge posted:
No one would care if the dungeons were super hard, if queues were instant.

The simple fact that ANYONE can play a tank class and therefore have instant queues seems to invalidate your argument. Clearly lots of people don't want to deal with the challenge of tanking heroics.

Malachi, I play 2 85's that tank.(one of which can heal) (Pally, DK)

I also play 4 85's that are DPS, and one that can heal or DPS.(Rogue, Mage, Lock, Hunter, Priest)

So, what you are saying, is that I should never play my other 5 chars that cannot that I get instant queues?

Mal, that is some of the most ignorant crap I have ever seen on these boards. You are better than that. Stop already.

Not really, it's basically hiS/her MO.



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
The_Korrigan posted:
That's the difference between you and me, siujoey. I do what I can in what is only a video game, and am always happy to have a challenge I can't take because it means I have always something to look forward to.
I never killed Lich King heroic before Cataclysm hit the shelves (at 85 is was cake). Why? Me (and my group) obviously weren't good enough for that encounter, even though we tried hard. Did you see my whine a single time here, saying I'm a casual with a real life and I think it's unfair LK heroic is so hard I can't do it? Nope, you didn't. Because I accept there can be things in the game for people who play better than me. You can't seem to accept that, and insult anyone actually better than you (at the game, of course, we ONLY talk about the game as usual) and try to get everything dumbed down to stupid level.
Always having something harder than you can do (right now) = always something to look forward to.
The problem with the self entitlement generation is that they don't want anything hard - they want their meat ground and easy to chew just like at McDonald's.

Hold on, now. Are you really equating 5-man heroic difficulty and heroic 10/25 raids? Since when was anyone saying anything about heroic _raids_ being too hard? Did you just throw that in there to stir things up or are you being purposefully obtuse?

And lol @ you re: insulting people. I dare say that if we did stat counts on who used derogatory terms in posts, you'd win that one by a mile. grin


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
Hold on, now. Are you really equating 5-man heroic difficulty and heroic 10/25 raids? Since when was anyone saying anything about heroic _raids_ being too hard? Did you just throw that in there to stir things up or are you being purposefully obtuse?
Let's ignore the point made and throw some more out of topic insults around.
If you make HEROIC (I insist on the word, HEROIC) dungeons too easy, what will the people who aren't raiding at all look forward to once they gone through them a few times? I don't talk about the scrubs who don't want any challenge but only purple gear to pose on the mailbox, but those, the vast majority, who enjoy having something remotely difficult in their dungeons.

Ugh_Lancelot posted:
And lol @ you re: insulting people. I dare say that if we did stat counts on who used derogatory terms in posts, you'd win that one by a mile. grin
I only treat people like they treat me. I'm not Jesus, I don't hold the other cheek. Don't like it? Don't start it.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
The_Korrigan posted:
That's the difference between you and me, siujoey. I need to feel superior at something, even if it is a game monkeys could master.



I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
siujoey posted:
Another childish quote modification, of course totally ignoring the point made in the quoted post since it would be impossible to counter intelligently...
Ok, let's go for it.

So you pretend some people who play are actually worse than monkeys since they can't seem to play it correctly?
Nice way to defend your cause wink


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
The_Korrigan posted:
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
Hold on, now. Are you really equating 5-man heroic difficulty and heroic 10/25 raids? Since when was anyone saying anything about heroic _raids_ being too hard? Did you just throw that in there to stir things up or are you being purposefully obtuse?
Let's ignore the point made and throw some more out of topic insults around.
Nah. You're just being obtuse. You're using LK heroic as an example of how you enjoyed having something hard that you couldn't do, when the whole discussion of difficult here since Cata has been about 5-mans. You're purposefully moving the discussion into your own strawman's patch so you can justify your bashing of everyone who disagrees with you.

As for doing unto others the way they've done unto you, it is amusing to no end to see you respond like a child to disagreement and then try to explain yourself as the poor, trod-upon victim of meanies from the dark side of the playground. If people calling you obtuse or a pot-stirrer is something you consider insulting then maybe you oughta bone up on what those terms imply about your communications skills. wink


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
The_Korrigan posted:
siujoey posted:
Another childish quote modification, of course totally ignoring the point made in the quoted post since it would be impossible to counter intelligently...
Ok, let's go for it.

So you pretend some people who play are actually worse than monkeys since they can't seem to play it correctly?
Nice way to defend your cause wink

No I am saying most people don't..... (gasp) take it as seriously as you do. There are people out there that can look themselves in the mirror without striving to reach their all important WoW potential.


I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
siujoey posted:
No I am saying most people don't..... (gasp) take it as seriously as you do. There are people out there that can look themselves in the mirror without striving to reach their all important WoW potential.
And some people still apparently didn't get it that on a video game forum, people will talk about playing that video game, achievements completed in that video game, techniques to play that video game, but it has nothing to do with anything else than the video game, and definitely not with any importance given to said video game.

When I want to talk about serious things, it's not here I come to post. Definitely not. And I don't talk about video games.

If anything, your own insistence to confuse a video game (and its fan forum) and "real life" is actually worrying. I make the difference just fine, maybe you should try too. Or are you posting your crap just to make some snide personal attack on my "real life", even though it's totally out of topic here, because you don't have any better answer to offer, which would be on topic? That's my guess. Be my guest then, you're only helping my point.

@Ugh_Lancelot: you once again ignore the point made (by cutting out the major part of my post and only quoting one sentence) to throw more cheap insults (and mocking my communication skills, which is HILARIOUS in this context of selective quoting), obviously because you don't know any better, so your post is simply ignored. Read this one though, you may learn something too, who knows.


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
The_Korrigan posted:
siujoey posted:
No I am saying most people don't..... (gasp) take it as seriously as you do. There are people out there that can look themselves in the mirror without striving to reach their all important WoW potential.
And some people still apparently didn't get it that on a video game forum, people will talk about playing that video game, achievements completed in that video game, techniques to play that video game, but it has nothing to do with anything else than the video game, and definitely not with any importance given to said video game.

When I want to talk about serious things, it's not here I come to post. Definitely not. And I don't talk about video games.

If anything, your own insistence to confuse a video game (and its fan forum) and "real life" is actually worrying. I make the difference just fine, maybe you should try too. Or are you posting your crap just to make some snide personal attack on my "real life", even though it's totally out of topic here, because you don't have any better answer to offer, which would be on topic? That's my guess. Be my guest then, you're only helping my point.

@Ugh_Lancelot: you once again ignore the point made (by cutting out the major part of my post and only quoting one sentence) to throw more cheap insults (and mocking my communication skills, which is HILARIOUS in this context of selective quoting), obviously because you don't know any better, so your post is simply ignored. Read this one though, you may learn something too, who knows.

I would have expected a reply that made sense, since you needed 3 edits to produce it. It's not like I am saying anything that isn't blatantly obvious to everyone anyway. People talk about accomplishments here all the time. You, on the other hand, talk about how much better you are than everyone else. See the difference?

And yes..... I am the one who has trouble separating real life and WoW. I am the one whose self esteem seems to hinge precariously on my ability to out-dps/tank/heal the "scrubs", because I am the "scrub-buster". BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Thanks for confirming what I was saying in my previous post - I expect more personal attacks towards my "real life" in your next post. Happy trolling to you - I think my point was made far beyond what I had hoped thanks to you happy


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Man, you really are one dense m'fer Korrigan. He isn't insulting your r/l in any way, he's commenting on your inability to not be a condescending douchebag when posting here.

I know your reply too, blah blah childish insults blah's it feel to get a taste of your medicine? You don't like it do you lol



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Jealousy often spawns that kind of reactions, even about something as trivial as a video game.
Yes, I've done more things in this specific game in PvE than most of you, that's a fact. Yes I don't whine about heroics because I have the basic skills required to play the PvE content of this game, not stand in fire, know when to move, pay attention, something some of you apparently don't have.
No need to be bitter about it though, it's only a game...



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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
The_Korrigan posted:
Jealousy often spawns that kind of reactions, even about something as trivial as a video game.
Yes, I've done more things in this specific game in PvE than most of you, that's a fact. Yes I don't whine about heroics because I have the basic skills required to play the PvE content of this game, not stand in fire, know when to move, pay attention, something some of you apparently don't have.
No need to be bitter about it though, it's only a game...

You really are constitutionally incapable of arguing something on the merits. If you have a good argument, just argue the point. It will stand on its own. Not that we're telling you to stop trying to put-down other people -- every forum needs comic relief. grin


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Subject: Heroic PUGs: 0 for the week
Nice try kid, but my arguments have already been posted in this thread - and you knew nothing better than to quote specific sentences out of context, ignoring the main points made, obviously because you didn't know how to intelligently counter them. Pot, kettle, etc...
But I'm done with my boring paperwork and therefore with troll feeding - have a nice Sunday evening wink


SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation).
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