Author Topic: Running out of memory quicker with new decal?
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Subject: Running out of memory quicker with new decal?
It's been about a year since I've run a trade bot, and that was obv on the old decal.

With the new decal, running only mule it trade it plugin, all other plugins disabled (including VView service), I just went for 2.5 days before AC ended up using 1.5 gigs of RAM and crashing because it couldn't allocate any more.

Is 2.5 days a reasonable duration for a trade bot? I swore I used to run my trade bot a year ago for a week+.

Any client I run tends to get to that 1.5 gig mark much quicker now than before, not sure why. When a client hits 1.5GB usage, it crashes.

My system couldn't be any better:
Windows 7 x64
Intel Extreme SSD
Intel i7 960
ATI 5870


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Subject: Running out of memory quicker with new decal?
More likely it's because during that year, Turbine increased the minimum resolution of the game textures. So, AC itself takes significantly more memory now.


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Subject: Running out of memory quicker with new decal?
Well, AC starts up at around 250MB.

I recall that's about what it started up as before.

I run my AC in the lowest possible resolution, with the lowest possible gfx settings.


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Subject: Running out of memory quicker with new decal?
Lowest possible settings right now are equivalent to something like 'medium' settings before. sad


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Subject: Running out of memory quicker with new decal?
yes can lower the settings, also helps if you go to overhead view(keypad 5) once the bot is into postion as less of an area is visible and doesn't require as much graphics.


Ag Nar
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Subject: Running out of memory quicker with new decal?
That's one hell of a system.



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Subject: Running out of memory quicker with new decal?
agnari posted:
yes can lower the settings, also helps if you go to overhead view(keypad 5) once the bot is into postion as less of an area is visible and doesn't require as much graphics.

I did some testing over the last day and a half and switching to overhead view seems to make no difference. I have to believe that AC will cache all gfx in the area even if you can't see them. Otherwise there would be stutter when you simply turn your character.

My next test will be disabling decal views. I suspect this will make no difference.

I will then test narrowing the FOV, which I suspect will also make no difference.

I will then disable my VView HUD's. I have no hypothesis on what the result will be.


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Subject: Running out of memory quicker with new decal?
The new Decal does handle WF object caching slightly differently, but 99.999998% of the code is the same



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