Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Mar 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 11,153
User ID: 658,468
This will be a first for me.
Usually I cancel my WoW subscription due to boredom. After being away for a few months, I'm energized for the game again and resubscribe. This cancellation will be the first time I leave because of a class change/nerf. I'm actually still interested in the game but my favorite class (arms warrior) is having a nerf (acceptable) and a playstyle change (unacceptable charge/intercept change). I've tried a couple alts. I keep thinking about my warrior and how fun it would be to play him without that ridiculous change. I can't wash it away. I'm trying to drown my memory of the fun with other characters but it isn't working.
Normally I'd say I'd be back in a few months once my head clears. This time I hope I'm wrong. I hope Rift does it right.
I wish you all the best. I'll see some of you in Rift. Let me know what server you pick
PvPing since 1975
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May 13, '08
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This will be a first for me.
Harrow for the Beta going on this week. Will have to wait for live to see where I end up.
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Jan 24, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 6,691
User ID: 64,608
This will be a first for me.
I must have missed something...what exactly did they change with charge/intercept? Not played my warrior lately so have not noticed anything. And is it only for arms spec or all?
War does not determine who is right, war determines who is left. For there is much in life to love. To leave it without sampling the full flavor of life, would be a tragedy.
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Title: Anonymous Entity
Dec 11, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,660
User ID: 747,548
This will be a first for me.
Quitting over the Arms Charge/Intercept merged cooldown? Really? Jesus christ PvPers are a buncha whiners.
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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Mar 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 11,153
User ID: 658,468
This will be a first for me.
LordHalcyon posted: I must have missed something...what exactly did they change with charge/intercept? Not played my warrior lately so have not noticed anything. And is it only for arms spec or all?
Charge and intercept are on the same cooldown. It is a meaningless change to the PvE crowd (as you can tell from a certain poster in this thread) but it is huge for people who enjoy pvp on their warriors in this game. Jumping charges always leave us a good 5-10 feet outside of melee range which requires us to use intercept just to close the initial gap. I won't even comment on what it does for classes with snares and other CC.
I'm not the only warrior changing. Most are going fury for pvp as it offers more mobility now. Others are giving up on pvp and just raiding. Others are rolling alts and shelving the warrior for now. We all have our own ways of dealing with the changes. I don't enjoy fury, raiding is tiresome after the third clear, I don't enjoy the other classes atm. My only option was to look elsewhere for fun.
PvPing since 1975
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Title: Anonymous Entity
Dec 11, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,660
User ID: 747,548
This will be a first for me.
Warriors have been a top PvP class for close to 5 years. More than most classes can say about being in the spotlight for that long. Even IF this change is going to absolutely destroy Warriors in PvP (Which it won't), they kinda had it coming. Charge, Intercept, Throwdown. 8 seconds of stun.
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Title: Board Manager Anime Aikousha
Dec 21, '01
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User ID: 567,005
This will be a first for me.
i realize its on a minute cooldown in arms spec but doesn't heroic leap help offset this a bit? i mean it does add a completely new type of mobility talent to the arsenal that wasn't there before.
MyAnimeList - - Chaotic Neutral - El Psy Congroo
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Apr 20, '05
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Hilarity will definitely ensue when Trion makes a negative change to whichever soul combo Trigeminal chooses.
Banquetto <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 85 Dwarf Priest / Daggerspine Beliandra <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Human Rogue / Daggerspine Beliarchia <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Draenei Shaman / Daggerspine
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Jul 14, '06
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GrimTempest posted: i realize its on a minute cooldown in arms spec but doesn't heroic leap help offset this a bit? i mean it does add a completely new type of mobility talent to the arsenal that wasn't there before.
I think the damage to anything within 8 yards is a drawback if there are any enemies CC near. I mean it is an added mobility option, it just comes with that caveat. Although,I dont find the merged cooldown to be a deal breaker to be honest.
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Jun 30, '03
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This will be a first for me.
From a different point of view, I was frequently stunlocked by the frequent spam of just about every possible "jump/charge" feature of warrior. However, I am not surprised to see this fix due to the fact that Blizzard does tend to toss over long-lasting features and tag a "live with it" sticker on the change. I know what you mean about that annoying feeling due to the change. Yet, it`s an "everyday feature" on rogue (and there were TONS of such changes alike this one). I also recall my buddy who enjoyed using a specific ability in the DK Frost Tree due to a seemingly awesome but nimble Glyph (and it wasn`t even overpowered) -- yet some day Blizztard just nerfed that Glyph for entirely different reasons and the entire gameplay fun was literally raped - and again, this is something that been happening to Rogues for the longest, in that style . He is intending to get back on the DK wagon though, due to the changes that could actually make DKs a good Mage killer; he is really pissed off about frost mages whose mobility got way out of hand over the time (and goblin`s rocket jump puts the icing on the cake, no pun intended) I don`t seen nothing wrong with changing or cancelling. Taking a break from WoW is the best thing to do because a) you save cash, and b) Blizz dont get that cash for the month ^^. I still suggest you putting a short constructive critism writeup in their "wai u leavin, dawg?" tool when cancelling and perhaps on the forums too. It will attract trolls but you are free to write up what you like. Just keep it intelligeble and you`ll smash any troll ;D The same stuff happens here on VN too. edit Just remember that RIFT will also have its craptacular moment. It`s a MMORPG law About me, dunno if we can play on the same server because I am in YUROP! ;D The only great thing I like about RIFT is the class variety. Although the classes appear to be mirrored like in wow, at least tehre is enough variety so you don`t see the same crap over and over again.
DaoC, WoW (retired, inactive); WAR (semi active), EVE (active) "Ye'know, com'on! Giimmeee di Ke$$$HHHHHH!"
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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Mar 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 11,153
User ID: 658,468
This will be a first for me.
Many warriors have voiced their opinions on the subject on the official forums. They get little/no response from "blue" posters. Warriors want mobility. They want to reach the targets for more than 1 GCD period of time. People think the stuns are OP? - Remove the stun component. People think the damage is too high? - Nerf the damage. I personally don't care anymore. I have my new game already. It isn't released yet I'll keep myself busy playing DCUO/minecraft/Black ops for a month or so. For those of you who have misread, I'm not upset that warriors are being nerfed. I have more /played time than you almost guaranteed. I've played all classes. I've been nerfed before. I shrug them off. It is the way they are changing the playstyle of the warrior that bothers me. The more I tried to understand... the more I just ended up hating Ghostcrawler. I'm going somewhere/anywhere he is not.
PvPing since 1975
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Title: Anonymous Entity
Dec 11, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,660
User ID: 747,548
This will be a first for me.
Merging cooldowns isn't changing the playstyle of Warriors. You want a playstyle change? Go look at Hunters from Wrath to Cataclysm.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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User ID: 601,475
This will be a first for me.
The reality is that warriors suck, period. My DK literally rolls any warrior that dares come up against me, which is a complete reversal from WOTLK, when a DK could not kill a warrior for anything. The tragedy is that all those warriors wised up and now they are all rolling DK's, which overpopulates us even more Even the kings of PVP (mages) don't fare well, now that DK's are truly the anti-mage class. DK's are going to get nerfed to oblivion. You heard it here first. They destroyed paladins, now they've destroyed warriors...apparently some loser at blizzard got butthurt one time too many by a plate class. Long story short, I empathize with your pain Trigeminal. By the way, if any of your patients play a worgen (of any class), would you do me a favor and give them a long, slow, extremely painful root canal? Its like every terribad pvp'er in the world rolled a worgen of some type and they are causing alliance to quit showing up to TB. That'd be great kthx.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Anonymous Entity
Dec 11, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,660
User ID: 747,548
This will be a first for me.
They...destroyed paladins? They're buffing Ret next patch to bring them up into top-10 DPS. Prot is one of the best tanks around right now, and Holy is getting a slight nerf in mana regen next patch. They kinda deserved it.
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May 11, '00
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User ID: 24,262
This will be a first for me.
If you are leaving because you find Rift more enjoyable than WoW, why wouldn't you just say that? Instead you dress up this large post in a complaint about a WoW, but the real reason is that you are having more fun in Rift than you are in WoW. Just say that next time and don't be a douche.
We have not inherited the Earth from our parents, we have borrowed it from our children.
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Jul 14, '06
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User ID: 1,155,204
This will be a first for me.
Eternal_Midnight posted: If you are leaving because you find Rift more enjoyable than WoW, why wouldn't you just say that? Instead you dress up this large post in a complaint about a WoW, but the real reason is that you are having more fun in Rift than you are in WoW. Just say that next time and don't be a douche.
Geez.. take thing personal much? He talked about an aspect of the game that finally pushed him to quit and said he hopes Rift is a good game. Isnt there one final thing that pushes anyone to quit a game that they have slowly been getting tired of? Did Trige poke you with one of those ice picks they stick in your mouth at the dentist, or was he just that one dentist that has THE worst breath in existence when he is doing the exam. (Im sure he runs into more of US with bad breath!)
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Sep 13, '06
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This will be a first for me.
Trigeminal posted: Usually I cancel my WoW subscription due to boredom. After being away for a few months, I'm energized for the game again and resubscribe. This cancellation will be the first time I leave because of a class change/nerf. I'm actually still interested in the game but my favorite class (arms warrior) is having a nerf (acceptable) and a playstyle change (unacceptable charge/intercept change). I've tried a couple alts. I keep thinking about my warrior and how fun it would be to play him without that ridiculous change. I can't wash it away. I'm trying to drown my memory of the fun with other characters but it isn't working. Normally I'd say I'd be back in a few months once my head clears. This time I hope I'm wrong. I hope Rift does it right. I wish you all the best. I'll see some of you in Rift. Let me know what server you pick
This is actually good. If you don't like something, let Blizzard know via the only metric they actually care about ... $$. Personally, I think they've gotten very lazy since the first patch or so into TBC.
"Sometimes new is fun and fun is the point. Will it still be fun once it's not new? I hope so, but I honestly don't know." "Shared danger is a crap load of fun." "Your idea is compelling and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter."
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Feb 16, '02
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User ID: 646,295
This will be a first for me.
Come back to EVE. 62k on the server a couple nights ago and they still managed to keep Jita up.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: They finally recognized greatness.
Jan 6, '09
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This will be a first for me.
Judging from the title, I thought for sure this was going to be about you manning up and paying off your collegiate loans. But no, only about a video game, riveting. Grats, put that on your resume.
Self Appointed Smart Ass - Level 80 If you think my opinion is idiotic, re-read yours. Dont worry I will give my opinion anyways. The PvP MMO is NOT a "niche" market, Mythic is just a "niche" company.
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Title: WoW Vault Staff Teh Pyckles!
Mar 4, '03
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This will be a first for me.
You know my guildie did a break down of this change the other night. He stated allt he charge/intercept/leap skills and how and when they'd be used and how in a specific situation. For pvp it is a fairly hefty nerf. One of his points was not only dealing with the timer but how often it tells you there is no clear path.
I haven't PvP'd on my warrior since the release of Wrath. I just started lvling her Prot and I do more dmg as the tank that I do as pure dps. rotation sucks. Got it.
"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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User ID: 255,861
This will be a first for me.
regulator_cracka posted: Judging from the title, I thought for sure this was going to be about you manning up and paying off your collegiate loans. But no, only about a video game, riveting. Grats, put that on your resume.
Well technically, we are on a video game fan forum... so don't be too surprised if people talk about video games. If you want to talk about collegiate loans, you may want to try other, more serious forums. No no no, don't thank me, I was glad to help. You can put that new knowledge on your resume
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Nov 4, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 209
User ID: 1,375,477
This will be a first for me.
Spookysheep posted: The reality is that warriors suck, period. My DK literally rolls any warrior that dares come up against me, which is a complete reversal from WOTLK, when a DK could not kill a warrior for anything.
The tragedy is that all those warriors wised up and now they are all rolling DK's, which overpopulates us even more
Even the kings of PVP (mages) don't fare well, now that DK's are truly the anti-mage class.
DK's are going to get nerfed to oblivion. You heard it here first.
They destroyed paladins, now they've destroyed warriors...apparently some loser at blizzard got butthurt one time too many by a plate class.
Long story short, I empathize with your pain Trigeminal.
By the way, if any of your patients play a worgen (of any class), would you do me a favor and give them a long, slow, extremely painful root canal? Its like every terribad pvp'er in the world rolled a worgen of some type and they are causing alliance to quit showing up to TB.
That'd be great kthx.
Classes aside, most people in PvP are completely lost.. so the class really doesnt matter. I drop warriors all the time with Warlock, and according to the message boards warriors are the hardest class for me to kill.
I do feel for warriors on this one though, the only chance warriors have is to get within mellee range.
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Mar 15, '06
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This will be a first for me.
This is a pretty big nerf to pvp warriors. You already had to use both charge and intercept to catch anyone competent because of the jump bug with charge. This ranks right up there with not allowing ferals to shift out of roots. Pvp is generally what I do most in game while waiting on resets, and the sweeping nerfs/changes with every patch are getting to be old hat. I'm finding less and less reason to log in.
Daoc - Forever #1
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Mar 12, '01
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This will be a first for me.
PvP in WoW sucks now and always has - they never really get it right since it's an afterthough, and being a largely PvE game it's hard for them to balance PvP without screwing up PvE, and vice versa. Not to mention it's a completx game and balancing PvP in MMOs is always tough.
So I guess what I'm saying is that prioritizing PvP as your play of choice would seem to always lead one to disappointment regularly.
I play all 10 classes and they've all been thoroughly mutilated over the years, especially with cata. OP/"nerf" states come and go and hop around between classes. It's just part of evolution.
In this case, it seems like the change wouldn't be so bad if it was tied to a fix that didn't leave you away from your charge/intercept target.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that - George Carlin
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Nov 4, '09
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Real Post Cnt: 209
User ID: 1,375,477
This will be a first for me.
Voqar posted: PvP in WoW sucks now and always has - they never really get it right since it's an afterthough, and being a largely PvE game it's hard for them to balance PvP without screwing up PvE, and vice versa. Not to mention it's a completx game and balancing PvP in MMOs is always tough.
So I guess what I'm saying is that prioritizing PvP as your play of choice would seem to always lead one to disappointment regularly.
I second this. How many PvE instances are there? How many PvP instances are there? I dont think a one for one matching is a reasonable expectation, but I have been running the same PvP instances for almost five years now.
A while back Blizzzard finally itemized gear and provided an avenue to get PvP gear via PvPing, and that was excellent and Blizzard has done greate job increasing access to PvP, but they need to add more content, or just flipping two of the ones they have might be fun. How about an AV were the two sides flipped?
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Title: Iron Chef Jennifer
Sep 4, '02
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User ID: 711,372
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I honestly think Blizzard is just trolling us with all of these sweeping changes. They are making HUGE sweeping changes like that to several classes... and then the next day they take it back. I'll admit the warrior one has been on the table for a long time now. But they can't possibly let that go live. The way they try and balance is ridiculous. Rather than small little changes to see how it goes they will tilt the entire class over and change 2 major things at once... and then when they find out it's too much they tilt it allll the way back the other way. I swear I hope we wake up and find out the cata as just a dream
I, on the other hand, prefer a command-line system 'cause i'm so hardcore /north /north *You encounter an [Avatar of the god Set]!* /cast sheild *sheild spell unavailable* /csat shield *csat: unknown command* *[Avatar of Set] beheads [Peasant]*
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