Author Topic: Account question ( I cannot find the answer )
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Subject: Account question ( I cannot find the answer )
IF your account status is Frozen, and unsubed..
IF I was to sub the account, I wouldnt be able to log in correct? cause the account has been banned for some reason.

I havent actually played wow for almost two years.. and Im thinking that support is closed now.


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Subject: Account question ( I cannot find the answer )
You would likely have to do something ontop of subbing to be able to log into it, yes.

One of my accounts was frozen(same login), when I re-opened it I had to do the verification process that you have to do when someone logs into it from something other than the "normal" IP address.

But there's obviously other reasons why it would be locked. I would contact Blizzard to find out specifically why it's locked, if you never received and email about it.


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Subject: Account question ( I cannot find the answer )
when you account is unsubbed it also says Frozen, so it might just simply be unsubbed.


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Subject: Account question ( I cannot find the answer )
Mayhem702 posted:
when you account is unsubbed it also says Frozen, so it might just simply be unsubbed.


Frozen just means your paid time has run out.

When you unsub it shows just unsubbed until paid time is up, then it shows frozen.

That's all.


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Subject: Account question ( I cannot find the answer )
Blizzard should use a better word than "Frozen"... I was a little concerned the first time I saw that status as well. "Inactive" doesn't seem so bad.

If your account is banned, I don't think you can even log in to see the account status or change email or anything like that. You'll be completely locked out from the website and forums and your only communication will have to be through email.

There's a lot of spam/phishing going around informing people their account has been banned when it hasn't, so be careful with that as well.


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Subject: Account question ( I cannot find the answer )
There are 3 levels.

"Active"===your sub is active.(playable)

"Cancelled"==Your sub still has time left, but you have hit the "unsub" button.(playable)

"Frozen"==You cannot login and play w/o giving them more money. (not playable)

Since they don't delete old, unused accounts and you haven't resubbed, your account status is "Frozen" in between non existence, and active.

It's a fine choice of words if you ask me.


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