Author Topic: "Must have" add ons
Title: Pastor of Muppets
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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Which add on(s) could you not play without? Right now I'm using Everyquest and Carbonite. They're okay but I'd like to try something better if it's out there. Other than the fairly awesome way Carbonite handles maps and the warehouse feature I'm not really sure it's worth the trouble, though it's been stable.


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Title: VN Sensei
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Subject: "Must have" add ons
i dont think i use many that i couldnt do without, but i really love having bartender4. the ability to customize my interface is priceless..imo.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
I don't use any. Even as a healer. That would probably change going into raid content, for 5 man content I didn't miss them.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Only one I would consider "must have" is dbm. And of course, only for raids.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Bartender 4
Shadowed Unit Frames
Deadly Boss Mods


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
I am an addon nerd. Half the fun of the game for me is the customization and addons. Favorites:

-Bartender 4
-Need to Know
-MetaHUD (Once I started playing with the Arc-type HUD, I must have it...)
-Mapster with some little plugin that I can't remember the name of that provides zone level info on the map. (My cartographer replacement)
-Baud Auction (Once you use this, it is REALLY hard to go back. All auction results on one page.)
-Baud Bag
-Infobar is pretty handy
-And just for fun.... DGKS. Halo-type announcements after PvP killing blows. "UNSTOPPABLE!" :-)

Edit: Forgot about DBM and Vuh'do is amazing for heals.


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Title: VN Sensei
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Subject: "Must have" add ons
siujoey posted:
I am an addon nerd. Half the fun of the game for me is the customization and addons. Favorites:

-Bartender 4
-Need to Know
-MetaHUD (Once I started playing with the Arc-type HUD, I must have it...)
-Mapster with some little plugin that I can't remember the name of that provides zone level info on the map. (My cartographer replacement)
-Baud Auction (Once you use this, it is REALLY hard to go back. All auction results on one page.)
-Baud Bag
-Infobar is pretty handy
-And just for fun.... DGKS. Halo-type announcements after PvP killing blows. "UNSTOPPABLE!" :-)

Edit: Forgot about DBM and Vuh'do is amazing for heals.

this made me laugh..


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Bagnon. One BAG Ftw ( Why after 5 years it still not in game? )
NPCscan. I like to find rares.
Badboy. No gold spam plz.
Deadly Boss Mod. Mandatory.
Titan Panel.
Mail Opener. Self explanatory.

Healbot and decursive and i play my healer.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Atlas Loot/Dungeon

Those first four are my MUST haves. These rest are likes and or used only with specific toons

Titan Panel
Tidy Plates - Threat Plates
Healbot (I try to avoid healing now days)


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
I refuse to play without:

Elkano Buff Bars
Healbot(if playing healer).
Pitbull(used to be ag_unit frames, but unsupported last time I checked).

Others I really like to have, depending on what I'm doing, like Auction Housing:

Mail Opener
Sexy Map


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
I find is unsatisfying to play with the default unit frames, button bars and buff display.

I use Pitbull and VuhDo (for raids) for unit frames; Bartender for button bars; and Satrina for buff/debuff display.

Everything else is fairly optional.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Critical i.e. Can't play without these

X-Perl Unit Frames


Some bag addon
Some postal addon (unless Blizzard fixed this?)

Used to have DoT timers, but I think Blizzard did add this feature.
Certain raiding addons that other's have stated above.

Atlas loot is pretty good, but you should never be in a dungeon if you haven't researched the strategies and loot beforehand.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Atlas loot


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
For healers... Why healbot?

I currently use healium and like the ease of use of it, but how do the 2 compare? I've seen more people use healbot, so just wondering.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
I like Dominos. I rememeber along time ago there was an add on that let you configure every single button individually but I couldnt find one that worked but dominos is the closest thing. Unless this Bartender does?



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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Healbot = click on the name player for a heal, which heal depend on which button you press and which spell you assigned to it.


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Title: WoWVault Priest Captain
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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Healbot is a simple addon that really... kinda sucks. It's easy to set up, easy to use, you just click the name with the appropriate mouseclick + keystroke (shift + left click for example.) and it does whatever heal you set up. Other than that, I think clique is the same thing.


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Title: Voice of Mostly-Reason
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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Bartender functionally should have been added to standard UI options a long time ago. Other than that I could be fine without anything else.


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Title: iMUD
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Subject: "Must have" add ons
I've recently returned so I'm not using anything right now and getting by just fine.

I do remember DBM being a requirement in the guild I used to be in if you wanted to participate in raids, and I found it extremely useful in that situation.

Does nobody use auctioneer anymore? I didn't see a single person mention it. Not that it would be a requirement, but I remember it being extremely common.

Finally, what's the best dps meter these days? I've been doing more instances and it would be nice to have on just to kind of see where I'm at.

At least Blizzard added threat meters, that's nice.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Power Auras has been my favorite addon for over a year now.

Gatherer and Outfitter are two other standards.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
I have

- SpartanUI
- Power Auras so I can easily see things like Holy Power
- Mail name thing for alts. (I don't trust the heavy weight altaholics)
- Tidy Plates: Threat (this is great for tanks)

The only thing I need is a better hud that displays debuffs and dots on the target.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Grid, Bartender4, OmniCC, Pitbull


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
rogue power bars
error filter


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
"Must Have"?

Shadowed Unit Frames
Totem Timers


Atlas Loot

For example:


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Title: iMUD
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Subject: "Must have" add ons
formerly_addicted posted:
rogue power bars
error filter
Woah, I forgot about decursive... that was a must have for my Mage, especially in BG's/Arenas.

I used to use this little super simple addon was pretty flipping sweet, but not a MUST HAVE by any means, just convenience:


It gives you a little floating 2 button hotbar with your trinkets on it, you can resize it and move it around, etc. like any bar mod. The cool thing about it though is when you hovered your mouse over it, another bar popped up with all of the trinkets in your bags on it, and you could swap them out instantly with one click.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
I've been using addons since Vanilla and have actually written a few, though I only released one for general consumption on Curse, a warrior mod that monitored "red text" to switch you to the correct stance when you tried using an ability. Of course this was in Vanilla before they changed a lot of the API.

I'm only going into what I personally consider the basics, not what most consider mandatory like DBM.

1.) Pitbull - I HATE the default unit frames. Sort of a steep learning curve, but once you figure it out, it's cake and does everything you want it to.
2.) Dominos - I HATE the default bar system. I love this mod just because I like putting bars in odd configurations, some with hotkeys, most without.
3.) Clique - This along with Pitbull provides all the functionality of Healbot without the crap, and a little bit more.
4.) ZOMGBuffs - Not so much a required anymore since so many buffs are interchangeable, but still very nice for keeping track of self buffs.
5.) Phanxchat - With all the customization I get from all the above add-ons, this one is a must so the chat frames don't overlap my design.
6.) Chinchilla - It's a minimap add-on, but just fits so well with all the modifications I've done that I simply can't see my custom UI working without it.
7.) ChocolateBar - There are quite a few people that swear by TitanPanel and FuBar. Both of those have a lot of outdated plugins. ChocolateBar is a Broker bar, which means all Broker plugins will work with it, so less worry about out-dated and non-fuctioning plugins (dpsFu is a prime example).
8.) Elkano's Buff Bars - This is probably the main mod I couldn't live without. Having all my buffs and debuffs arrayed and organized in a rational and feasible manner is a God send.

I've got over 100 add-ons installed. Most I could live without if I had to, but some, like the above, I just can't imagine playing the game without. In fact, if I were forced to play without them, I know I would sooner cancel my account.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
yarfkat posted:
Healbot is a simple addon that really... kinda sucks. It's easy to set up, easy to use, you just click the name with the appropriate mouseclick + keystroke (shift + left click for example.) and it does whatever heal you set up. Other than that, I think clique is the same thing.

You say an addon sucks and then list good qualities about it, that's about retarded right there.


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Title: Pastor of Muppets
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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Apparently I'm the only one using Carbonite!


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Heard good things about Carbonite, but that was quite a while ago. And it was in reference to Quest Helper, like "it's better than quest helper!".

And since WoW pretty much has its own built in quest helper now, I don't see much point in it.

It probably has other features though, I'm sure tongue


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Title: Pastor of Muppets
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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Carbonite maps are awesome. It's like Google Earth for WoW. There may be a better map add-on but I haven't seen one personally. Other than that, it's kind of meh.


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Subject: "Must have" add ons
Must haves for all characters...

Bartender4 (must have to manage the placement of all my hotbars)
Deadly Boss Mod (must be reminded what to do, I'm old and senile)
Mapster (must have a map that doesn't cover up the entire screen)
TBag (must have to merge my bags and find stuff)

Class specific must haves...

HealBot Continued (must have for visual cues for healing, don't really click on it much)
Need To Know (must have to see which diseases are up)

And my other can live without, but prefer to have addons...

AlphaMap (better looking map for battlegrounds, can right click and announce incomings easier)
Auctionator (helps with selling and buying stuff)
Fishing Buddy (makes fishing a tad easier)
GatherMate 2/Data (shows me where to find resources)
GearScore (so I can see how bad my gear sucks compared to everyone else)
GoGoMount (this is almost a must have, single button that summons the appropriate mount for the zone or random)
Omen (so I don't piss off the tank)
PingMonitor (to see how terrible my lag is today)
Prat (make chat prettier)
Recount (make sure my DPS doesn't get my kicked out of a random group)
TipTac (lets me place the tooltip where I want and make it larger or smaller)


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