Author Topic: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
Crowd Control duration reduction
Polymorph and many other CC abilities are being reduced to 8-second durations as well. I showed you the latest shaman changes coming in the next round of patch notes. It's important to note though that the next draft of the 4.0.6 patch notes to be posted are double the size of the notes currently on the home page of our website. There are many new notes for virtually every class yet to be posted.


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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
I do.

Getting hexed for ridiculous amounts of time and it not breaking on damage is insane in PvP.



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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
PvP maybe, not PvE for sure.


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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
My warrior approves of this message.


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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
It's been on a slope to non-existence in PvP ever since they introduced diminishing returns. Given trinkets and dispels, it basically won't exist after this goes live.



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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
Hex is out of control. A multiplier must have changed in 4.x, because I always eat the full duration, no matter the damage I take.


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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
PvP always screwing things up for PvE.


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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
I am sure the 8 second duration is for PvP only, it will still be its long length in PvE


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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction

blueposta posted:
There are many new notes for virtually every class yet to be posted.

Whoa ^^.


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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
-Spacelord- posted:
PvP maybe, not PvE for sure.

Agreed. My 3 minute SAP shouldnt go below that!


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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
I absolutely do, for PvP that is -- don't care about PvE.

There's just WAY TOO much CC in PvP, let the players play ffs, between chain fear, hex, sheep, sap, frost effects, stun, ad naseum it's lame. I'd like to see CC in PvP be much more of a defensive ability only, with more diminishing returns.

Before all the usual childish 'umadbro' 'qqmoar' remarks, I have 80-85s of every class so it's not a matter of me having some favorite class getting 'wtfowned', I think taking a player out of combat for so long (especially when fights are so short) takes the fun and challenge out of it.


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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
Hmm, this reminds me of Dark Age of Camelot, where spells had different functions when using them against players, as opposed to just nuking mobs with it.

For example, getting hit with a mez spell (similar to a sleep spell in wow, but taking damage would allow you to move again), would give a player a one minute immunity timer against the same spells, so as to avoid completely shutting players down in PvP, which could sometimes be as short as 5 seconds (I'm sure many of you that played DAOC remember that stupid aoe mez +pbaoe spell that then killed you quickly). It originally wasn't like this, and you could chain cast CC spells to lock players down completely, so eventually they brought this in to make it more balanced.

But when used against monsters, it would give you diminishing returns if you kept repeatedly casting it. For example, you could probably mez a monster for a whole minute the first time, but then the second time you cast it on the same monster, now it only works for 30 seconds, and then 15 seconds, etc.

I think Mythic did a fairly decent job there as far as gameplay. I remember playing a bard, and being able to almost shut down an invasion because they had to go through a chokepoint, and I casted an aoe mez right where they had to go through the chokepoint. My fellow realmmates then took care of killing them. I've also been on the receiving end of this, and it really blows when you're just standing there and can't do anything to help your group as a team of 3-4 tanks just smash your group one at a time.

So yeah, in regards to Wow, I think this is a good change for pvp. It's kind of ridiculous that some CC spells don't break, and can be chain casted on players so that they could essentially have no control whatsoever until they died or someone killed the guy doing that to them.


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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
I never liked that you could be chain CCed in WoW PVP - not just by several different players, but by the same one. Never understood why they didn't have more "break on contact" and immunity timers - that way you actually have to respect mezzes/roots and the player being CCed has a fighting chance. CC would also be used a lot more carefully and tactically that way. Then again, a lot of players in BGs play like clueless thanes who AoE everything and kill nothing.

PVE should be completely separate. They should code it so that the same spell has different results in PVE and PVP (as far as duration, damage, or immunity goes.)


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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
-Spacelord- posted:
PvP maybe, not PvE for sure.

Looks like you missed the first half of the quote that you linked to.

"Hex now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds."


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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction
-MrBean- posted:
PvP always screwing things up for PvE.

This is a PvP specific change.



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Subject: I don't think we need CC duration reduction


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