Author Topic: /sigh
Title: WoW Vault Staff
Teh Pyckles!

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Subject: /sigh
Is it bad that I sorta feel guilty over leaving a grp of lvl 85 newbs? The poor things were clueless about following kill order, not breaking CC and that sad little hunter was like....pulling 2.4k dps. It hurt to watch her. Steady shot, cobra shot. Had strength tirnkets on. The lock was nice and did give out healthstones but he'd send his pet in on the mobs that actually did get ice trapped. Mostly the traps missed the mobs though.

Frankly, I think I've reached a point where I can leave without feelign responsible for their education and save myself the aggravation of toiling through a regular random that's a pain since I'm grp'd with peeps who aren't aware of what they should be doing.

I must remember, I was clueless once. At like....level 45.


"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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Subject: /sigh
Regrets and PUGs can't happen. Bad PUG? I hit leave and queue for more.


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Subject: /sigh
Sometimes I feel like teaching, and sometimes I don't.

Don't feel guilty.


People just can't handle the truth.
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Title: The Anonymous
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Subject: /sigh
Its funny as I read this, I just logged into my guild vent and our tank is like for the love of get on so we can do some heroics, I can't take the pugs anymore.

Doing some earlier today, we had to get creative on some encounters due to group make up. It was really fun to try different things to get encounters done. I couldnt even imagine trying to do that in a PUG.

I really thought I would hate heroics but i am having more fun they I really thought I would. I even healed a heroic blackrock on my shaman last night with my guild. That was more fun then painful, it was shocking to me. But I sure wouldn't do them without my guild.

Edit - incomplete thoughts FTW!


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Title: Lord Logicus
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Subject: /sigh
Well I don't blame you for feeling bad, I would too, *but*, the norm is that most people don't want to be taught. And four people teaching one, well, okay, but one person teaching more than one person is a bit much really. It's not really practical.

Now, I can see some people not looking up precise min/maxing skill rotations, but stuff like CC and your important stats should be known, well as you said by level 45.

Ebay accounts maybe? Playing on a friend's account? I don't know, but you were kind of in a no win situation. Even if they had asked for help, it's tough going in the middle of a dungeon teaching multiple people.


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Subject: /sigh
This is the easiest game there is to hit end game and be clueless. Tis why there's so many tools running around.



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Subject: /sigh
Arcilite_I posted:
This is the easiest game there is to hit end game and be clueless. Tis why there's so many tools running around.


I also don't remember TBC being this bad, but we were just happy back then when Blizzard added the system to mark targets I guess. I still miss Arc ... the instance.


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Subject: /sigh
Nothing wrong with leaving a pug mid-dungeon, as long as it isn't done in a way that purposefully screws over the team. (i.e.: "Yeah, go pull...I'll catch up in a sec. *snicker*")


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Title: WoW Vault Staff
Teh Pyckles!

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Subject: /sigh
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
Nothing wrong with leaving a pug mid-dungeon, as long as it isn't done in a way that purposefully screws over the team. (i.e.: "Yeah, go pull...I'll catch up in a sec. *snicker*")


I would never do such a thing! batting

Nah, I jsut gave them a few pointers and then left the group. The healer had already dropped. He wasn't one of the clueless ones.


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Subject: /sigh
as a healer i sit and heal through a couple pulls it is getting easier to tell if i should bail or not just to save me some gold for that night

but really i just don't solo queue anymore i've gotten everything i can out of heroics and am just doing it every day to get my Justice Point cap which i actually almost hit this week


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Title: Lord Logicus
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Subject: /sigh
Arcilite_I posted:
This is the easiest game there is to hit end game and be clueless. Tis why there's so many tools running around.

It really is. In other games I've played usually the issue is they don't know grouping mechanics, but typically they know their class and by necessity have appropriate stats.

I mean I guess there are kind of noobs and ebayers in every game, but seems like in other games it's more likely you just need to tell someone, okay in a group use this and this, don't use this. Of course that's anecdotal but it's super duper easy now to solo to level in fact this is a rare game that duoing (especially non-rested) is way slower than soloing for most classes.

I guess that's the long winded version of plus one.


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Subject: /sigh
You did the right thing. It is every persons job to make sure the wow community stays a crappy one. Keep up the good work!


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Subject: /sigh
There is NO community in WoW. WHen you accept that, it's easier to enjoy the game.


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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: /sigh
Some people have guilds that carry them and they call that a community.


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Subject: /sigh
Spookysheep posted:
Some people have guilds that carry them and they call that a community.

sums up the game quite simply. Raiders NON STOP complain about casual gamers, and our 'welfare epic' bs... but we're not being spoonfed by guild groups to get geared up for raid night.

I will never forget the night our raiding guild went to 10 man UBRS, and got wiped over and over and over again. These people have this higher than thou attitude, but cant think on the fly w/o a walkthrough and a mod.

I know there are a lot of skilled raiders, but I would say 75% of raiders cant change their clothes without a raid leader to give them instructions.


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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
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Subject: /sigh
The hardest part about raiding is coordinating the group. One or two fail-players can wipe a raid sometimes. Most boss encounters come down to memorizing 2-3 mechanics about the boss and executing the somewhat simple plan. The problem is you can't do it solo. Hopefully you can find 24 others with similar ability to read recipes to run with you.


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Subject: /sigh
Trigeminal posted:
The hardest part about raiding is coordinating the group. One or two fail-players can wipe a raid sometimes. Most boss encounters come down to memorizing 2-3 mechanics about the boss and executing the somewhat simple plan. The problem is you can't do it solo. Hopefully you can find 24 others with similar ability to read recipes to run with you.

The hardest part about heroics is coordinating the group. One or two fail-players can wipe a group sometimes. Most boss encounters come down to memorizing 1-2 mechanics about the boss and executing the somewhat simple plan. The problem is you can't do it solo. Hopefully you can find 4 others with similar ability to read recipes to run with you.


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Title: Orderly Randomizer
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Subject: /sigh
I'm usually willing to be patient with n00b players so long as they're not making huge mistakes, and then not correcting them. For instance, one group I was with in Stratholme with my lowbie druid trying out boomkin, and there was a pally tanking. I noticed she didn't seem to be able to hold aggro since mobs often attacked me or other peeps in our group. I looked at her buffs and saw that she didn't have Righteous Fury up.

I asked her repeatedly why she didn't have it up and to please put it on. After about the 7th time, she flat out said no, and other peeps in the group said "WTF", and after a "..." I responded "you know, I'm feral spec too, I could tank the dungeon". I immediately got a kick vote for the paladin, and they promptly removed her, and replaced her with a DPS while I switched over to feral gear/spec. The rest of the dungeon run went fine.

Since I understand that people make mistakes, I'm usually pretty forgiving if they fix the problem. But due to RDF and the way it works, I probably will never see those people again, and won't be afraid to leave the group if need be. So that's why you sometimes see people sticking it out, while others just /ragequit at the first death.


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Title: straightface
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Subject: /sigh
Urk_VN posted:
I'm usually willing to be patient with n00b players so long as they're not making huge mistakes, and then not correcting them. For instance, one group I was with in Stratholme with my lowbie druid trying out boomkin, and there was a pally tanking. I noticed she didn't seem to be able to hold aggro since mobs often attacked me or other peeps in our group. I looked at her buffs and saw that she didn't have Righteous Fury up.

I asked her repeatedly why she didn't have it up and to please put it on. After about the 7th time, she flat out said no, and other peeps in the group said "WTF", and after a "..." I responded "you know, I'm feral spec too, I could tank the dungeon". I immediately got a kick vote for the paladin, and they promptly removed her, and replaced her with a DPS while I switched over to feral gear/spec. The rest of the dungeon run went fine.

Since I understand that people make mistakes, I'm usually pretty forgiving if they fix the problem. But due to RDF and the way it works, I probably will never see those people again, and won't be afraid to leave the group if need be. So that's why you sometimes see people sticking it out, while others just /ragequit at the first death.


I have been in PuGs where the tank was new to the instance and didn't know the specifics of the encounters. The tank was willing to take input and the rest of the folks were willing to take it a little slow, and those were enjoyable and relatively smooth instance runs.

A PuG where someone doesn't know the basics of their class? As a tank? They usually get booted fairly quickly without anyone saying a word.

(There's a difference between "oops, I forgot my RF" and point blank refusing to put it on.)

In a case where multiple DPS is messing up? And not willing to listen / follow a competent tank? You get to make a personal decision about what you're willing to put with, how much patience you have and whether or not you're a charity.

And you get to do that guilt-free. It's a PuG.


There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank.
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