Author Topic: Phasing has its issues. So does my spelling
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Subject: Phasing has its issues. So does my spelling
So im lvl 85 and in a zone where another fellow alliance was complaining about being ganked by this horde. I told him to group me and ill come help. Im not exactly sure why but I was in the same spot as him and I couldnt see him or the horde who was ganking even though I could see his health dropping. Only thing I can figure is he was on a quest that I already finished and he was lower level.

So in some ways Phasing is good to keep higher lvl people from running lower lvl people through hard quests but its bad if I cant protect fellow Alliance peeps from gankers.


Bobbahunter lvl 50 ML10 CL10 RR11
Im not running im Kiting !!!
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Title: WoW Vault Staff
Teh Pyckles!

Posts: 13,429
Registered: Mar 4, '03
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Subject: Phasing has its issues. So does my spelling
Uh yeah....and my spelling is just fine btw. It's my typing that sucks.

We have horde who camp Hyjal. Like tons. They'll stick tos pecific areas though, and it makes it tough to help folks out.


"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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