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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I've been digging around these forums for a different MMO to play becauase after 6 years of playing WoW, it has turned into the nightmare I thougt it would be when WotLK was announced. In vanilla we ground out those levels on murloc camps because quests didn't give you enough exp to level up, our PvP was in graveyards because the embalances in classes made the BG's unplayable for 90% of players and when we did do BG's it was an 8 hour tour of duty with little honor to gain. Raiding was a nightmare with half the population on dial-up and 40 man raiding was like watching an early 20th century flicker show. I stay playing WoW. It was challenging and fun, not because of the developement; but because of the shear willpower it took to get all of the players to do the right thing when needed. Burning Crusades was a breath of fresh air. No longer did we need to grind out mobs for months to achieve a certain amount of coinage to purchase that awsome new shiney we wanted, we could do dailies and farm the rep to do the new fangled herioc modes of instances. The raids felt like what a raid should have been in vanilla. Most if not all the player base was on DSL or higher and the 25 instead of 40 people to get and coordinate was fantastic. Recieving an epic item in almost every run instead of every other 4 runs, gear scaling for PvE was amazing. It felt like WoW was finally moving in the correct pve direction. Some changes to the PvP system and rework on BG's made them more enjoyable. OP classes still being a problem but not as bad there was 5 to 6 OP classes throughout all of BC. Awsome days, probably the golden age. WotLK came and dumbed down the game. Okay I get it. Lot's of the players at that point couldn't play 8 hours a day. I understand that. After some time I came to agree with good ole blizzard and liked the new heroic system. Grinding just changed from murlocks to rep to heroics. They push a little further by giving us a way to 'queue' for heroics even. No longer standing in 'what ever major city' and spaming trade chat giving trolls more freedom to upset the community. Then the tournament came. I was heartbroken, even less work for your endgame gear for the people that only could play one hour a week. Awsome blizzard you gave the game an easy mode, I quit for about 6 months to cool off and come back and see how bad it had gotten. At which point the opening of the final area to ICC was only a few days away. I spent 4 to 5 RL days and geared up for my ICC runs with my guild, got my 264's then finally my 277's (almost I was missing a few 277's by cat release.) and amped up for Cat, a 'we're going back to basics'. Cataclysm pushed me to the breaking point. WoW went from decent to a great casual game to an even better casual freindly game; to the less then 1% of wow one hour a week casual game to, Cataclysm the 'If you don't have 92 hours a week to play our game you lose". Also my choice of only playing healing toons being apperently the wrong thing to do for cataclysm has made this game unbearable. I extended on what I had put in the 500 words or less unsubscribe box for you guys, and ask: You leaving WoW also? Where to you think you'll end up? SW:ToR? Sorry first post and probaly will get banned and thread deleted but those that get to read this and flame me, I've heard it all already, thanks for the time to read it atleast. Locked, necro
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Jun 18, '03
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Yeah everyone in my guild has at least 3 or 4 alts it was fun raiding on all our alts in wotlk it was very easy too keep up with the end game. Most in my guild were hoping for the same thing in cata but it's not looking that way... You can say that things were hard when wotlk first came out but still you were able to finish a instance in a reasonable amount of time.
You're not alone in feeling this way there is a lot of people both coming and going right now.
Get armed
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Title: Sith Lord
Dec 17, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
dendizner posted: Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
The question really for Blizzard is if all the new subs outweigh the ones leaving... I'm gonna guess, yes.
Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired) AC Frostfell, Clan Z - Lvl 239 Grief Dagger (Retired) WoW Lightbringer Alliance, Z Guild - Lvl 85 Combat Rogue (Retired) Making iOS Apps these days at
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Feb 28, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I stopped reading after the second paragraph.
May the best MMORPG win. VNBoards: Where user speculation and opinion are always facts.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
The question is which of the usual "zomg the game sux I quit" trolls made a new account to post this.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Old Fart
Feb 21, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
"Cataclysm pushed me to the breaking point. WoW went from decent to a great casual game to an even better casual freindly game; to the less then 1% of wow one hour a week casual game to, Cataclysm the 'If you don't have 92 hours a week to play our game you lose".
Not sure I understand. I should like you are saying if you don't have alot of time to play, you are not going to advance in the game and thus ... you are PO'ed.
If that is the case ... I have to disagree. There are those that seem to have unlimited play time or perhaps share an account with a couple of friends that keep a character playing almost 7/24. I am seeing some characters decked out in nearly all new epic Cata items already. Unfortunatally, that is the way of the game.
Does this mean that players that can't keep their characters on line "92 hours a week" or more will not be able to advance? No .. I think not. It will just take you longer is all. I am a pretty casual player and have regeared since Cata like everyone else. At this point I am mostly in blues with about a 7k gear score. I am now able to do OK in random heroics if I stay focused and pay attention. That means drops and currency are just a matter of time before those blues turn into epics. The play time is not real short but managable for someone that has a life outside of WoW. I spend 20-40 minutes in que and then about and hour running the heoric dungeon. I can usually do this almost every day. I did say I was casual, and as a nurse/paramedic ... I do have a real life.
I can not say what kind of time sink future dungeons will be but for the time being, anyone that has a couple of hours a day to spend in WoW can be what ever they want to be in the game. True, it will take you longer than someone that has unlimited time to play but thats a personal limitation, no a game limitiation.
Right now I am perfectally satisfied that personal playing time has little to do with holding back player advancement. If you can't afford a couple hours a day, a few times a week, then you probalby don't need to be playing n online game.
AC and WoW: Tired and Retired Paramedic, Swift Water Rescue, Public Safety Diver Registered Nurse Viet Nam Vet 1972-73
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
_Kewk_ posted:
dendizner posted: Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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Title: Ok, who did this?
Oct 30, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
you know.. i too play a healer.. and up until yesterday, i was getting ready to bail too.. but the weirdest thing happened. I actually got into a fantastic pug, got several of the achievements in SFK on heroic. yes we wiped prob 4-6 times in total, but amazingly everyone in this pug was of a mind to not run from a wipe. then today..almost same thing in stonecore... blew me away. i may stay a couple more and spending a couple hours perusing the EJ forums/compendiums on the spec i was trying to play was very enlightening. I finally started getting a much better understanding of how the chakra thing works, and spent a couple hours testing. i could actually get through a trash pull and not go oom.. don't get too discouraged and keep your chin up. yes there are a ton of jerks. but there are still a few cool people left too. except teasin...
"Dr. Happy Harry Cox, reminding you that, everything you know is wrong" Hey idiot, if you pull your pants up it wont look like you $hit them, and you wont have to walk like you have a broom shoved up yer ass!
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Short response:
Our guild kicked the idea around a bit.
We've done it before and come back. Multiple times. We've long since given up on any pretense of customer loyalty to games devs who don't understand their customers' experience, or worse, devs who set a 'tone' by dissing customers for not playing the way the dev wants.
Some of us have started researching RIFT, waiting for more info. If it looks promising, we'll seriously consider it.
Bottom line:
All of us don't like the new changes to the leveling process / zones. The instances have been fun so far.
I've always said, fun is what you make it. We're gonna give it a shot, understanding tweaks will probably be coming down the road.
So, we are sticking with it at the moment and taking it very S-L-O-W-L-Y. Rolled a new group to level to offset getting to 85 too quickly.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Dec 8, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
no. WoW has always had crap dynamics in my eyes from day 1. very different than the mmo that got me into mmos, daoc (back then at least...daoc nowadays is crap). i have always had to pick and choose which parts of the game to play, and i still have to do that today. however there just is no other option for a mmo that does not suck all around. so even though i had 100 things to complain about in WoW 2 years ago, the dozen or so new things to complain about are not enough to make me quit completely.
i will continue to play off and on and only do the things i like in game for a long time.
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Title: VNBoard Admin
Mar 1, '00
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I will keep playing WoW, but I expect I will cancel my accounts for a while (until more content comes) sometime around the end of January.
I want to catch up on other games anyways.
I survived to the end and got nothing out of it, but hey.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Not yet.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Jan 29, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I've been waiting for something better to play since somewhere near the end of BC. That's when they started dumbing it down too much for me. Vanilla and most of BC I enjoyed, a lot. A few "difficult" instances aren't going to keep me playing. The whole game has become fairly ridiculous to me. I loved PvP in WoW because of the character control/combat system, which has remained pretty much the same. But the Battlegrounds/Arenas and gearing system has pretty much ruined PvP for me. Hopefully Guild Wars 2 or The Old Republic will give me something decent to play. Right now my "playing" of WoW consists of making money on the AH and playing a Healer or Tank combo with a friend.
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Apr 7, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I have been playing WoW off and on (mostly off) since the first public beta. I get into the game for a while, and each time I "come back" I tend to do something a little different. In vanilla, I was all about PvP with my rogue. After about four months of that I gave my account away to a friend and stopped playing till BC came out, at which point I started from scratch and leveled up to 69, focused on solo questing and kind of kept to myself. Shortly after WotLK came out, I started playing again. This time around, RL friends of mine got me into running five mans and doing raids. I played for a year straight at this point, and in the end I gave the account away to a good friend of mine. I thought for sure I was never coming back, I was burnt out and had enough of WoW.
Three months back, I get yet another account and eventually upgrade it to Cata. My highest level is a 73 prot pally that I quest with and run 5 mans regularly. With my work schedule (or lack of) I will not be able to participate in scheduled raiding . . but I want to try out the new content. I will probably make it to 85 and then shelve the game once again.
Long story short, even if I do leave WoW at some point in the near future, I will eventually come back, just like most of the people who are quiting now.
I need a new hobby . . Ten level 85's (one of each class) in WoW Back to try out the Feb patch in AC
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Mar 16, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Not yet, but I don't think I'll buy any more expansions. I've got enough to do in WoW for another year probably at the rate I play. After that I'll wait for the next mmorpg that catches my interest.
-----signature----- Rift: Reclaimer-PvP, Guardian Krashkart - cleric: sometimes I heal but don't bet your life on it Myxmo - Bard "Remember kids, VN boards are for entertainment purposes only." - Spookysheep, 12/20/2010
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Jan 22, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Can I have your stuff?
Proud Father and husband If you think that you're successful in a video game than you haven't seen the sun in a while
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Title: Moderator Troll Eradicator
Mar 9, '00
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Nope. And since arbitrary guild reports seem to hold weight, prior to Cat we averaged around 20 online during prime time. After Cat, it is hanging at about 45 during prime as well as several hours either side of prime.
Fare thee well VN, Vini, Vidi, Vici!
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Nov 12, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I've found this expansion to be a total mess. It's not a real Blizzard product - Blizzard releases polished, fleshed-out, excellent games... this thing is still in late beta. It was released for Christmas profits (google 'Bobby Kotick') and then everyone at Bliz took a 2 week break... So I'm rather ticked off at the moment, but I'm going to wait to see how much and how fast they fix all the broken crap. So we'll see. Ultimately, it still gets down to the fact that there's nothing else out there. I'm glad some people are tickled by Rift, but I have no faith that it will be anything more than a 1-2 month distraction. As long as that's the case, I'll probably keep playing WoW, at least on and off.
Explorer / Soloer+Small groups / Some PvP MMOin' since UO beta, still waiting for UO 2.0 done right
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Dec 20, '10
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
After lurking around the forums here (which I just started doing after Blizzard changed to that God awful format),
you have 3 camps: those will defend WoW to their dying breath, those who will curse it to their death bed and a group in between. I consider myself in the group in between.
I played August 2006 to July 2010. I loved the game. I remember my first night in Elynn Forest on my mage, watching people run by and the wonderful, peaceful music. I was hooked in by my co-workers who hounded me into trying it. I balked, "$15 a month for a role playing game? Please!" He gave me a 10 day pass and the rest is history. I went on to create 80s of many classes and created a pocket tank, healer and a DPS class just for running dungeons. When I was bored, I would take my rogue down to Booty Bay and cause a little trouble. WoW is great in that you can distract yourself with many different things.
I enjoyed BC and I enjoyed WoTLK. When news and details of the next expansion came, I was like "meh". All I thought about was making a worgen hunter alt from level 1 and what characters to level first to make the best use of my professions. WoW had become a part-time job: I was running 3 dungeons a night without fail for my frost badges and doing the argent/cooking/fishing/alchemy/jc dailies. Then, the RealID issue came up in July. I read countless messages on the Blizzard forums and I didn't like the tone Blizzard was giving off. I remember distinctly one guy bringing up
the fact that posting personal information was against Blizzard's own TOS. Their response? "Duh, we're making new forums which will of course have new rules". This just struck me as Blizzard having lost touch with their customers, so I unsubscribed.
I just did the 10 day trial last week and I did enjoy the 1-60 experience for the most part. Most LFD groups were pretty good for the most part; others ended with profanity matches over gear or "why didn't you heal me ffs" statements. I think this has been bought up many times before, but grouping with people cross realm has really brought out the jackarses in the game. Something about never seeing the same people ever again seems to bring out the worst in people. I got to Outland and stopped. "I did this 8 times, I'm not doing it a 9th!". I bought 310% flying on my 80 Shaman and flew around the new areas. They looked pretty cool. Did some questing in underwater city for a few hours: hated it.
Logged off on the 7th day of my 10 day trial: still not impressed enough to buy the expansion. Is WoW dying? No, I think it will be around well past 2020, even if 12 million people aren't playing it anymore. If the next expansion looks awesome enough, I will buy it. I just think there isn't enough content for high level characters in this expansion. I tried the Rift beta a few days ago and it was just too crazy: too many explosions, too many talent trees.
The only solution might be to go to the dark side...Scapegaming, say no more!
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Jan 7, '09
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
No. I just got Cata two days ago...would actually like to play it.
The thing is....
If there is an aspect of the game you don't like chances are there is some one who never had the same 'crappy' experience you had. So that person will replace you, have fun, and make thier character work.
I say if you (the general you, no one specific) must leave, then go.
I really don't know if the point of this thread is to troll (90%) or to rally some kinda BS warcry.../shrug.
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Jun 18, '03
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
the problem with Cata is other than raiding pretty much all the new stuff gets old after a week or so.
Get armed
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Oct 6, '03
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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User ID: 752,779
Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Malachi256 posted: I've found this expansion to be a total mess. It's not a real Blizzard product - Blizzard releases polished, fleshed-out, excellent games... this thing is still in late beta. It was released for Christmas profits (google 'Bobby Kotick') and then everyone at Bliz took a 2 week break...
So I'm rather ticked off at the moment, but I'm going to wait to see how much and how fast they fix all the broken crap. So we'll see.
Ultimately, it still gets down to the fact that there's nothing else out there. I'm glad some people are tickled by Rift, but I have no faith that it will be anything more than a 1-2 month distraction. As long as that's the case, I'll probably keep playing WoW, at least on and off.
This is kind of where we are. If we can make another game stretch 6 months or more before we come back to WoW, that's pretty good. I think a lot of the folks here that are looking at RIFT understand what it is at the moment. What it could become, who knows?
Knowing we would end back here, this time we're taking a different approach and just slowing down, rolling new race alts, and planning to enjoy the zones Blizz left alone (TBC/Northrend).
I also agree with the poster above who said there are 3 types of players: those that will defend a game no matter what, those that will abhor it no matter what, and those in the middle with a more balanced and/or seasoned perspective who can enjoy parts while admitting there is room for improvement in other areas.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Ultimately, until competition rises to Blizzard's level, this will continue to be the situation.
People are no longer putting up with half-baked, half-finished, half-thought out MMOs. These games last a half a year at best and less than a month at worse.
Trust me.
We've tried them all and we keep coming back to WoW.
The only competition, real competition, for Blizzard's subscribers is, ironically, another Blizzard product: Diablo III.
Sorry, but Rifts and Star Wars isn't going to do anything to change that. I wish it were otherwise, I really do, but it's not realistic.
Time will tell for certain.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Nov 6, '05
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
The_Korrigan posted: The question is which of the usual "zomg the game sux I quit" trolls made a new account to post this.
I find this question amusing. Why do you ask it, Korrigan? Is it because this is the kind of thing you would do? You have made this accusation quite frequently recently... Is it your guilty conscience coming to the forefront?? Any new poster is always "a troll" making a new account to you..which is ironic, because none of the "trolls" have any problem whatsoever putting you in your place with their normal account. And of course, if this person has one post, and states how awesome the expansion is, well we already know that opinions are fine as long as they are the same as yours. One day you will realize that there are actually people with opinions that differ from yours, and that theirs are just as valid. Until that day, just keep on being you. Ignorant, childish, and completely oblivious to the world around you. Happy new year. To the OP: Welcome to the boards. I personally am not leaving WOW, as I am enjoying the expansion. Nevertheless, thank you for your candid opinion.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Title: They finally recognized greatness.
Jan 6, '09
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I can not stop thinking about anything else but leaving.
Self Appointed Smart Ass - Level 80 If you think my opinion is idiotic, re-read yours. Dont worry I will give my opinion anyways. The PvP MMO is NOT a "niche" market, Mythic is just a "niche" company.
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Title: Board Manager Anime Aikousha
Dec 21, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
honestly i've been pretty impressed with the redone content. the booty bay quests, the plaguelands quests...all very well done. can't comment on the end game yet because i haven't touched it. playing any one game for over 5 years seems like alot to me. i can only think of 3 games that have kept my attention for that long. AC, FFXI and WoW. you can only do so much with a game and eventually you need something different. the problem though is everything that's "new" seems like a wow clone so its kinda hard to find something new even if you are bored of wow. so the only reason i'm not thinking of leaving wow is because i see very few alternatives. this has become something i do to relax and kill time, i don't think i've ever actually felt the excitement i used to in AC and FFXI with WoW. i'd like to come across something that has me excited to play again but for now my gaming just seems to be something i do when i have nothing better to do.
MyAnimeList - - Chaotic Neutral - El Psy Congroo
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I have no intention of leaving anytime soon. This expansion does have me considering other games, though. Oops...can I say I like some parts of WoW and not others and still remain unlabeled? /tremble
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Sep 9, '10
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
its tough to quit
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Yes. For the moment. The reason is simple. Steam sales. I bought over 30 games LOL and now I am going to enjoy them. Wow will always be there. There is absolutely no rush for anything in wow. Only monkeys rush for things in wow.
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Jun 30, '03
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
The short answer: No. The long answer: Yes :P. Personally, I am already "gone", but it is the guild and friends that frequently summon me back. However, I did play seriously in terms of playings with a neutral viewpoint - yet, I am still disappointed of Cata/WoW somewhat. People here already mentioned the woes. I also already wrote something about it in another thread so I don't want to spam with all of text. RIFT does look promising. At least in the aspect of flexible classes. When I saw Cata's Vashj'ir zone, I immediately thought about Daoc's TOA and screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Although I did not play all classes, I know how most of the classes are since I've been PVP'ing them ever since release. Cata was a good idea, especially revamping the old content (and quests) - but as usual, the execution of certain ideas "never fully fulfill" our expections.
DaoC, WoW (retired, inactive); WAR (semi active), EVE (active) "Ye'know, com'on! Giimmeee di Ke$$$HHHHHH!"
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Nov 20, '03
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User ID: 860,145
Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Yes, I am considering quitting WoW. I've been playing off and on since Open Beta. During vanilla I played almost non-stop. For some reason, I still have a soft spot for Scholo, and every time I go there it reminds me of when it was a 10 man raid. In my mind, however, the game has been declining since BC. Yeah, BC had some interesting moments, some good dungeons, and some "OMGWTF" raids. But it's all been downhill since then. WotLK was just a stopover until my guild dropped LK. KT? Been there. Tourny? Really? Pff... Most of that expansion was pretty meh until we killed Arthas. I think that was really the only time I felt any level of accomplishment in WotLK, and even then it wasn't much since everybody and their dog was killing LK within a month of that patches release. I see this expansion being even worse than WotLK. There is very little story, despite how much Blizzard tried to encourage it. So far I have done every quest in every 80 - 85 zone in Cata that I can find (and have all the achievements). Just seems like a bunch of "Well since this happened you should do this and not worry about the rest, because these guys are a bigger problem than Deathwing". Uh... what? Not only that, but everything goes so fast that you could really finish all of the new quests and story lines in a week with heavy play. Then we get into the dungeons... I have nothing against dungeons that are more challenging. In fact, I welcome it. But I'm about tired of the "don't stand in the fire, dispell this debuff on the boss, cleanse these debuffs on the players, kill the adds, DON'T STAND IN THE FIRE, run to that corner or die, look away when this boss does this, run away from the cyclone coming at you, DON'T STAND IN THE FIRE, cross your eyes and count to 10, jump repeatedly for the next 2 minutes, switch to the mob carrying away a player, kill this mob before this one or the other gets a buff, DON'T STAND IN THE FRIGGIN FIRE!" fights. It has become MUCH less about a player knowing their class as opposed to knowing ridiculous mechanics on a fight that you will fail at unless you watch 10 frickin videos about it. And it's only going to get worse. That is obvious after seeing all of the heroic dungeons in this expansion so far. So yes, I will be quitting. It won't be soon though. When Anarchy Online gets its new graphics engine soon, I'll be going back to that until SW:TOR comes out. Hopefully between those 2 games it will keep me busy enough so that I can and will avoid WoW like the plague that it has become.
I'm a lurker and I know it. Post count just means you spend too much time reading and not enough playing. :P
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Jul 31, '03
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User ID: 826,972
Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I've been spending my time between WoW and EQ2 - if they removed about 66% of the skills from each class in EQ2 it would be less of a button meshing spam fest and feel like fights were more strategic and I'd play it more seriously. Sony won't do that, so - I'll be back to WoW as my main until Diablo III comes out.
OMG that will be this year!!!
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Mar 28, '03
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User ID: 784,400
Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I find it sad that its taken you six years to decide you don’t like WoW. Just think of all the money you could have saved if you had found out in the first week ! I must have been playing a different version to you because I have enjoyed all the expansions. Hope you find some fun in whatever you decide to play next. Happy New Year
In the heat and the rain,
With whips and chains,
To see him fly.
So many die.
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Title: VN Sensei
Dec 16, '06
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
im still subscribed, and keep playing my rogue...i thought i would want to PVP full time until i did, its still terrible, and i dont think a rogue can really kill anything one on raiding, my schedule really doesnt allow it, so i have been lvling up a paly. so far so good and the paly is a lot of fun. the community is just the same..i have found a lot of great pug groups. but the community when doing dailies in Tol Barad is just terrible...the rudeness level is at a extreme high! ill be playing SWTOR on day one...and D3 on day one. at that time, my sub to WoW might stay or go away forever..depending on how those games play out. but the OP had a great #1 post...those who call him a troll, i usually dismiss in most posts anyways.
April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft. I'd rather be kicked in the face then be a Patriots fan!
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Thanks for the welcome everyone, and thanks for the 'rift' idea; much appreciated. I created the original wall of text to explain my view of why I was leaving wow. Not to be a troll. Really all I wanted to know was: are you going to keep playing wow or are you looking into another game to play? If your leaving what are you looking at. I really don't have any idea where to start and these boards had quite a few games to look at. Came acrossed it a few days ago and had to ask.
Sorry if you thought I was a troll. Not intended.
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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Mar 17, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I will be tempted to leave when Rift is released. I am in beta and it is super fun so far. Until that day, WoW will get my $15/month.
PvPing since 1975
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I headed that way. I liked the new leveling zones, however, I'm not sure I would like to repeat them twice, or even three or four times with alts since the paths are exactly the same. Now if blizzard would add a new quest zone every month (like Uldum or Hyjal), I would probably play the game indefinitely. But we know all we are going to get are new raids (when most people haven't even done the current ones) and a few new massively tedious 5 mans (even more tedious than the ones we have now). I just don't see any "staying power" for this xpac. I'm looking at Rift (if assassins are done right, I'll play that game a long time probably). Guild Wars 2 is about a year away, so not even looking at that yet. I still think that blizzard will lose enough subscriptions that they will have to wake up make dramatic changes to cata before all is said and done though. New subscribers replacing old ones is no doubt their business model but I think those new subscribers will get to 85 pretty quick and 70% of them will leave (blizzards numbers, not mine). Their market research has already shown that 70% of those who try a new game like easy mode (from their own press release), because they quit before level 10 (hence all the changes to the starter areas).
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Aug 12, '09
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
For a slightly different perspective: I have played WoW since very close to launch. It always did what other MMO's didn't, which was be more enjoyable and rewarding (generally speaking). Now it's not. I toyed around a while back on a friends account when Cata launched. I recently returned in a *sort of* earnest manner when they reactivated my account for the trial. I was very impressed with the early game, the end game is too 2003-ish. It feels like a hassle to progress. WoW's end game now strikes the same chords EQ did back in the day when MMOs were stigmatized: frustrating and punitive. It's not more challenging to limit healers' mana and reduce their options, or make CC more of a prerogative. It's just plain tedious. It's like Ghostcrawler and his current crew developed the game in a vacuum. There was and is precedent, people, why ruin a good thing? I won't be renewing past the trial. I love the new starting experiences and I commend them for it. But thinking rational human beings want to be subjected to the crap that is heroics in 2011? No. Just no.
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Title: Ratt-n-Roll
Jun 26, '00
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Sure, eventually. I have in the past. I just came back about a month before Cata. In a few months i will get bored again and wander off. Probably about the time Dragon Age 2 arrives.....
Many men go fishing their entire lives without knowing it is not fish they are after. ~Thoreau
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Blisteringballs posted: For a slightly different perspective: I have played WoW since very close to launch. It always did what other MMO's didn't, which was be more enjoyable and rewarding (generally speaking). Now it's not.
You obviously forgot how WoW's dungeons were at release then. They were as hard if not harder than the Cataclysm ones. Do you think you could faceroll scholomance or stratholme without crowd control? Then you have long term memory problems. But the more I read, the more I'm comforted in what was my first opinion. Some people don't like challenges. They want to aoe mobs that drop epics like no tomorrow, and will whine like mules when there's actually an effort involved again. If anything, Blizzard's mistake is not Cataclysm. It was WotLK then. Because they gave some people the bad habit of being able to farm purple loot without any kind of effort or skill involved. What's even more funny is that many of those complaining here today were, not so long ago, asking for raid quality boss fights in 5 man dungeons. Now they got them... and it's too hard! How ironic...
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Aug 18, '08
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
WoW probably will hold my attention till end of my current month, then I will take another long break. I've actually been subscribed for 3 months in a row, which is record for me since EQ1 was released. I might play the first month of DCUO, then go back to single player games for a bit. Ultimately, it's just a game, and too many people act like it's a break up when contemplating canceling their subscription. Just quit if you are not having fun, you can always play again later if you choose to.
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Feb 28, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
With WotLK, I could run regulars, then Heroics with the DF or with friends and let it fill in the rest. In the regulars, the loot was garbage, but it at least allowed me to get some points for some of the Tier 10. I was also able to wear the tabards and fill in with vendor stuff. During some heroics, mainly the LK ones, I was able to fill in gear with some drops. After running both I was able to buy pieces and get a decent gear score, enough to run ICC Raids with my guild. Some groups were bad, but many were actually really great. I got lot of achievements, not just the "dungeon complete" ones, but some of the side bosses and little events that happen. I enjoyed this dynamic when it was introduced. I geared up several characters, got several flying mounts and in between did dailies at the Argent Tournament. BTW, the Argent Tournament stuff kept me busy at 80 longer than Cataclysm did! Cataclysm was over in a week and I do the SW dailies and a few others now. Yawn. Anyway, now, we have new dungeons and the wait times are unreal. 45 mins for Heroics. I try to do with some guildies, but I really need to gear up. The dynamic is different than WotLK. I can't just run my 5 mans and gear up on my own. This expansion literally just feels like a content patch. I realize 1-60 was done over, but I'm not starting over. I have 1 85, 3 80's and a few 70's. There's just not enough stuff for players that were at the end game of WotLK to last the next 2 years. I just can't sit in the dungeon finder for 45 mins a pop only to have the group bail after the first wipe because everything is jacked hard. IMHO, this game is kinda ruined and over for me now.
May the best MMORPG win. VNBoards: Where user speculation and opinion are always facts.
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Feb 16, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Skek posted: I've been spending my time between WoW and EQ2 - if they removed about 66% of the skills from each class in EQ2 it would be less of a button meshing spam fest and feel like fights were more strategic and I'd play it more seriously.
LOL yeah it was one of the worst parts of EQ2. Instead of "112311241123" or some similar type of rotation you get from a WoW or whatever, EQ2 was "1234567890!@#$%^&*(", none of which you individually gave a rat's arse about. Very little strategy to the action (some classes were better than others for this), you just used every single ability and then by the end some had come off cooldown and you started it again (though outside of raids few things would live very long through the second pass).
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Feb 16, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
The_Korrigan posted: If anything, Blizzard's mistake is not Cataclysm. It was WotLK then. Because they gave some people the bad habit of being able to farm purple loot without any kind of effort or skill involved.
'Mistake', no. Blizzard made the conscious decision to cater to those people, the ultra-casuals, giving them everything they wanted for minimal risk and effort. Those people liked it that way. Now, they've gone back, at least somewhat (remember the dungeons have already been nerfed at least once), to trying to cater to the much smaller challenge-oriented group. But that group was already disgruntled with WoW anyways and probably didn't return in numbers large enough to justify looking to them as your target. Blizzard apparently believed by delivering such an easy expansion as WotLK they could turn those ultra-casuals into the second group (and therefore raiders). Just an offshoot of their "we want everyone to be raiding eventually" mindset. It hasn't worked. It probably won't work and they'll either nerf the instances or make sure the gear scales so dramatically that the instances become super easy even without a nerf (starting to lean towards this as a preferred way out of their mistake for Blizzard now). The_Korrigan posted: What's even more funny is that many of those complaining here today were, not so long ago, asking for raid quality boss fights in 5 man dungeons. Now they got them... and it's too hard! How ironic...
Could you give an example of a poster who was asking for a raid quality boss fight in a five man and is now complaining about having them?
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Jan 29, '03
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
_Taebo_ posted: With WotLK, I could run regulars, then Heroics with the DF or with friends and let it fill in the rest. In the regulars, the loot was garbage, but it at least allowed me to get some points for some of the Tier 10. I was also able to wear the tabards and fill in with vendor stuff. During some heroics, mainly the LK ones, I was able to fill in gear with some drops. After running both I was able to buy pieces and get a decent gear score, enough to run ICC Raids with my guild. Some groups were bad, but many were actually really great. I got lot of achievements, not just the "dungeon complete" ones, but some of the side bosses and little events that happen. I enjoyed this dynamic when it was introduced. I geared up several characters, got several flying mounts and in between did dailies at the Argent Tournament. BTW, the Argent Tournament stuff kept me busy at 80 longer than Cataclysm did! Cataclysm was over in a week and I do the SW dailies and a few others now. Yawn. Anyway, now, we have new dungeons and the wait times are unreal. 45 mins for Heroics. I try to do with some guildies, but I really need to gear up. The dynamic is different than WotLK. I can't just run my 5 mans and gear up on my own. This expansion literally just feels like a content patch. I realize 1-60 was done over, but I'm not starting over. I have 1 85, 3 80's and a few 70's. There's just not enough stuff for players that were at the end game of WotLK to last the next 2 years. I just can't sit in the dungeon finder for 45 mins a pop only to have the group bail after the first wipe because everything is jacked hard. IMHO, this game is kinda ruined and over for me now.
Exactly. Quoted for truth.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Apr 20, '05
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Broken_Kayfabe posted: LOL yeah it was one of the worst parts of EQ2. Instead of "112311241123" or some similar type of rotation you get from a WoW or whatever, EQ2 was "1234567890!@#$%^&*(", none of which you individually gave a rat's arse about.
That is one of the best descriptions I have seen of EQ2's failings, that's exactly what turned me off the game too.
Banquetto <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 85 Dwarf Priest / Daggerspine Beliandra <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Human Rogue / Daggerspine Beliarchia <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Draenei Shaman / Daggerspine
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Jun 20, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Its just a game. If you dont like it then you quit, but you dont go around whining about how bad the game is when it really isnt. There are more people playing WoW right now than a few months ago. I rest my case.
"Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant *****' Mark Twain ****. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone."
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Jun 18, '03
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
huldu posted: Its just a game. If you dont like it then you quit, but you dont go around whining about how bad the game is when it really isnt. There are more people playing WoW right now than a few months ago. I rest my case.
More people playing because of the holidays and because of new content don't let all the people in the major city fool you those aren't new players they just moved from Dal back to the major city. That was blizzards idea to make new players not feel so alone....
Get armed
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
huldu posted: Its just a game. If you dont like it then you quit, but you dont go around whining about how bad the game is when it really isnt. There are more people playing WoW right now than a few months ago. I rest my case.
Oh, I see. A few of you think this forum should be strictly limited to discussing the great and awesome things about the game and no complaints or negative discussion of any kind is allowed. Good luck with that. And re: "more people playing WoW right now than a few months ago," we'll revisit this theory over the coming months.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Nov 6, '05
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
A few months ago, many had stopped playing, waiting for Cata's release... Of course more are playing now than few months ago, and it hasn't even been a full month since release. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying Cata, but that was one of the most ignorant arguments I have ever seen.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Jun 20, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Preordered DC Universe. But that has nothing to do with WoW or cataclysm. Just looks so damn fun(because its shiny and new!), which is something that seems long lost in todays mmos...
"Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant *****' Mark Twain ****. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone."
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Mar 15, '06
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Keeping my eyes on Rift, and will most likely give it a go.
Daoc - Forever #1
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May 22, '08
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
First what I like: -The redone zones are amazing. -The redone starter zones and story refreshes are amazing. -Flying in 'Old' World is great! -The new Cata released zones I think are all very interesting. -I like the gear check that is in place to get into heroics. -I like that tanking/healing is a challenge again. -I like the rated BGs as its another option to arenas -I like the new BGs -I like that the PVP tiles are back -Archeology is fantastic for lore people and to gather more BOAs -The guild leveling system, as gutted as it ended up being, is still nice What I don't like: -They gutted the guild leveling/talent tree system. -Path of the Titans is gone. I don't plan on quitting the game any time soon but I have changed up my play style. For the past couple expansions I have been been of the mindset raid raid raid, and that is all. This expansion I have really felt the urge to try some classes that I have never played on, mostly due to the extra XP from the guild and the BOAs we now have. It has been a blast playing outside my comfort zone and seeing different classes so I imagine that I will be playing them for a bit. I probably won't start raiding too much until tier 12 at this point - other then BH. My main is ilvl 350 so I can jump into anything but I don't really choose to sink all my time into him now. EDIT: As far as a few others that are saying that they want to try the new starwars I may still be down for that. Do we know of a release date yet? I to am looking into RIFT, and isn't there tera also? Starwars seems like it will be nice and comfortable (tank/dps/heal) but I am a little burnt on starwars themed products... time will tell.
"Shhhhh... do you smell that?" So... Agent skully... funny running into you here
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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User ID: 633,598
Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Mortal Online is on sale for 23 Euros atm, so I picked that up to eat up some time in between RIFT beta events
PvPing since 1977
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Sep 13, '06
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I look back at WoW and remember the funs things now. However, the game has a way of creating burnout, which isn't good and can cause a lot of frustration. Having had some time to reflect, I think WoW has a single problem. The primary motivation factor in playing the game isn't the fun, but instead the reward. For example, the leveling process rewards you for playing through the game and having fun completing quests. Dailies and reputation grinds force you to play in order to be rewarded and are the worst offenders of good game design. Also, the 1800 honor for TB is also the latest example of Blizzard creating a bandaid over a serious problem by rewarding people to play bad content (which was hot fixed out, but the original problem still remains 1 month later and many months after beta testing). I'm also anti-micro transactions, so that is another negative that keeps me away from the game. I'd rather see the monthly subscription price raised and the micro-transaction features such as race changes and servers xfers made free and put on a cool down timer instead. As I've said before, Blizzard makes great business decisions and questionable game design decisions. When in doubt, they make a decision based on business metrics even if the result is detrimental to the overall fun of the game.
"Sometimes new is fun and fun is the point. Will it still be fun once it's not new? I hope so, but I honestly don't know." "Shared danger is a crap load of fun." "Your idea is compelling and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter."
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
TinMan52 posted: I look back at WoW and remember the funs things now. However, the game has a way of creating burnout, which isn't good and can cause a lot of frustration.
Having had some time to reflect, I think WoW has a single problem. The primary motivation factor in playing the game isn't the fun, but instead the reward. For example, the leveling process rewards you for playing through the game and having fun completing quests. Dailies and reputation grinds force you to play in order to be rewarded and are the worst offenders of good game design. Also, the 1800 honor for TB is also the latest example of Blizzard creating a bandaid over a serious problem by rewarding people to play bad content (which was hot fixed out, but the original problem still remains 1 month later and many months after beta testing).
I'm also anti-micro transactions, so that is another negative that keeps me away from the game. I'd rather see the monthly subscription price raised and the micro-transaction features such as race changes and servers xfers made free and put on a cool down timer instead.
As I've said before, Blizzard makes great business decisions and questionable game design decisions. When in doubt, they make a decision based on business metrics even if the result is detrimental to the overall fun of the game.
Well said.
A business is only as good as the thing it measures as "success". Depends entirely what metrics Blizz uses.
I've always said they lose track of the customer experience. (That's a occupational hazard for game devs.)
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Feb 26, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
There is an easy solution to what I've seen to be the biggest problem with the X-pac. Two server types. One with the new* raiding type. One with the WoTLK easy mode model. This would be great for a lot of players. Hardcore raiders would have their home and casuals could have theirs. Those who consider themselves in between would be able to log into that scheduled guild raid on Tuesday night, and also log in for half an hour on Wednesday on the easy mode servers and feel like it was still worth it. The biggest problem with WoW though isn't the X-pac, or any real changes in gameplay, but simply age. Most people get tired of the same old same old after a while. The best thing WoW has going for it is the lack of decent competition. Many people have been saying for the last three years "If there were a decent alternative..." When I was playing WoW I tried every other game out there that came out to find a replacement for what I consider to be a very vanilla, boring, simple game. Unfortunately the only game that even remotely caught my interest for more then a week was VG. I still think if it had another 6 months to a year of development it could have been a contender. * not really new, more like old-new.
meh No matter what I said in my post, I actually do, according to VN policy, agree with everything anyone else has said in this thread. QQing without highspeed internet.
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Jun 18, '03
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Raiding type servers wouldn't work out because only a small amount of people raid on each server and some of those raiding folks would rather not raid but only do it because they have time and want to progress their character. If you gave them the option they wouldn't play on a raiding sever.
Get armed
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
The dual server thing wouldn't work for the simple reason the raiders wouldn't have non raiders to condescend and show their gear off to. A hen house isn't nearly as fun when it's filled with roosters.
PvPing since 1977
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
chaddlock posted: First what I like: -The redone zones are amazing. -The redone starter zones and story refreshes are amazing. -Flying in 'Old' World is great! -The new Cata released zones I think are all very interesting. -I like the gear check that is in place to get into heroics. -I like that tanking/healing is a challenge again. -I like the rated BGs as its another option to arenas -I like the new BGs -I like that the PVP tiles are back -Archeology is fantastic for lore people and to gather more BOAs -The guild leveling system, as gutted as it ended up being, is still nice
Agreed on everything but the PvP which I couldn't care less about. chaddlock posted: What I don't like: -They gutted the guild leveling/talent tree system.
Disagreed. I think the new system is better. Guild talent trees would only have lead to whining if the guild leader and officers had decided to take a talent some kind of minority didn't want. The actual system leaves no room for whining. chaddlock posted: -Path of the Titans is gone.
Heh, that's sad. chaddlock posted: As far as a few others that are saying that they want to try the new starwars I may still be down for that. Do we know of a release date yet? I to am looking into RIFT, and isn't there tera also? Starwars seems like it will be nice and comfortable (tank/dps/heal) but I am a little burnt on starwars themed products... time will tell.
I won't touch Rift with a ten foot pole now that I've been in several beta events, it's just another sub-par WoW clone tentative, but I'm also eagerly waiting for SW:TOR and also Guild Wars 2. Looks like GW2 will try to create a more dynamic world, with unexpected events happening, and I'm looking forward to that, while SW:TOR is a Bioware product, so it will most likely be high quality and worth trying and getting some chars through the story to max level even if it reveals not being a keeper after a few months. I expect SW:TOR to be similar LOTRO, but with better mechanics and even better story due to the Bioware Brand on it. Hopefully neither SW:TOR not GW2 will screw up the combat mechanics and dynamism, and make it as dynamic as WoW. By the way - the people who didn't like the way the new zones in WoW:Cata work probably won't like Rift either. Rift is totally linear. It sadly also lacks the creativity and variety of WoW's quests. ___________________________________ PS: The idea of "easy mode WotLK" servers is hilarious. I thought WOW was easy, and everybody could faceroll it? Truth is, as soon as presented with a challenge, most people retract into their "whiny casual" shell instead of trying to beat it. I suggest The Sims or Hello Kitty Online.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Phexx posted: There is an easy solution to what I've seen to be the biggest problem with the X-pac. Two server types. One with the new* raiding type. One with the WoTLK easy mode model. This would be great for a lot of players. Hardcore raiders would have their home and casuals could have theirs. Those who consider themselves in between would be able to log into that scheduled guild raid on Tuesday night, and also log in for half an hour on Wednesday on the easy mode servers and feel like it was still worth it.
Nah, wouldn't work. Those of us in i245+ gear that carried pug nubs through our 15-minute frost runs wouldn't be there to carry them through Cata content. So, none of the folks on that server would ever gear up. Of course, if they did gear up, it would give the lie to the folks who claim everyone but them is a scrub. Might be interesting just to see that happen. The_Korrigan posted: I thought WOW was easy, and everybody could faceroll it? Truth is, as soon as presented with a challenge, most people retract into their "whiny casual" shell instead of trying to beat it. I suggest The Sims or Hello Kitty Online. (and others) trot out this false dichotomy every time you get the chance, conveniently omitting any other explanation or context. As amusing as it is to see a few folks get butthurt by that, can't you come up with anything better?
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Feb 16, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
The_Korrigan posted:
Truth is, as soon as presented with a challenge, most people retract into their "whiny casual" shell instead of trying to beat it. I suggest The Sims or Hello Kitty Online.
Post proof of your Sim with eight babies from eight different fathers or retract.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Random, Crazy, Mental....
Feb 19, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Quit long before Cata came out. No time to play and was not going to pay for it especially since LotRO is F2P and I was still having fun in that with the 3 hours/week I have to play any game.
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Feb 26, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
jojo263 posted: Raiding type servers wouldn't work out because only a small amount of people raid on each server and some of those raiding folks would rather not raid but only do it because they have time and want to progress their character. If you gave them the option they wouldn't play on a raiding sever.
Well then start off with one or two "raiding" servers and go from there. I'm not sure I made it clear what the differences would be. Basically Easy Mode (Pre-Cata, Post-WoTLK) servers would be your norm. Post-Cata, Original WOW Raiding would be your new server type. you know, with the mana changes, actually needing to CC and think your way through a raid dungeon instead of AoE everything and rarely worry about dying. At the very least, if this were put into play we'd all find out who the "real" raiders and the wannabes are
meh No matter what I said in my post, I actually do, according to VN policy, agree with everything anyone else has said in this thread. QQing without highspeed internet.
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Aug 21, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I've dialed back a bit. I've actually had a little more fun replaying the old zones than I have bringing up my 85s. I've started a fresh reroll on a new server with no resources, just to try the experience anew, but I'm also the kind of player who likes leveling more than anything else, part of the reason (the other being a stunningly superior loot/tinkering system) that AC will always hold a place near and dear. I'm mostly curious to see how quickly they patch additional content. I know it's not like guilds have heroic on farm yet, but it still feels content light to me (in terms of life at 85, of course). I'm guessing they're probably going to be pushing new stuff quicker than we're used to, which could be nice (or, you know, it could be a slow march towards facerolling and sadness).
AC - Hokkaido Disco, Flesh Wound - retired EQ/EQ2 - Straylight - retired UO, DAOC, AoC, AO, CoH, EVE - retired WoW - retired Help me SW:TOR, you're my only hope
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Title: Pastor of Muppets
Jan 15, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Spookysheep posted: I still think that blizzard will lose enough subscriptions that they will have to wake up make dramatic changes to cata before all is said and done though. New subscribers replacing old ones is no doubt their business model but I think those new subscribers will get to 85 pretty quick and 70% of them will leave (blizzards numbers, not mine). Their market research has already shown that 70% of those who try a new game like easy mode (from their own press release), because they quit before level 10 (hence all the changes to the starter areas).
I'd like to see the numbers on new subscribers. Anecdotally, at least on my server, I'm not seeing new subs. Outland and Northrend are invariably underpopulated. I went an entire 5-hour play session in Howling Fjord the other night and I saw exactly two other players in the zone.
I had a dream. It was an incredible dream. When I awoke, I had a huge mess to clean up.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Newsflash: less than two months after the release of a new expansion, people are doing the new content and no longer the older content they've been doing during the previous two years. You've read it here first.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Pastor of Muppets
Jan 15, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Where are people leveling up from 58-80 in the "new content?" I have several toons in those level ranges and I'd love to experience some of this new content.
I had a dream. It was an incredible dream. When I awoke, I had a huge mess to clean up.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Second newsflash: all the potential new players of WoW should be in Outland and Northrend. It's impossible that they are actually enjoying the new content of Old Azeroth. You've also read it here first.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Pastor of Muppets
Jan 15, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Holy crap are you really this stupid? Again: Where is the new 58-80 content? In Azeroth? In your head? As easy as leveling is now, it stands to reason that we'd be seeing an influx of toons in Outland and Northrend if there were new subs leveling up. Or are all these new subs simply leveling via the dungeon finder? Or maybe they're all rolling new toons at level 60? Or maybe there aren't many new subs? I'm not sure how to make it any easier to understand sans crayons and construction paper.
I had a dream. It was an incredible dream. When I awoke, I had a huge mess to clean up.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Well . . . I'm in Outland now. Being that I only played Horde side, and now am Alliance again, all the Outland content is new to me.
Also, never played Wrath either, so that will definitely be new too. Well, again, to me.
Does that count?
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Dec 26, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
TinMan52 posted: As I've said before, Blizzard makes great business decisions and questionable game design decisions. When in doubt, they make a decision based on business metrics even if the result is detrimental to the overall fun of the game.
Ummmmm, duh? Show me a company that does the opposite and I will show you a company that won't be around for as long as WoW has.
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Dec 26, '01
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Ashmaele posted: Holy crap are you really this stupid? Again: Where is the new 58-80 content? In Azeroth? In your head? As easy as leveling is now, it stands to reason that we'd be seeing an influx of toons in Outland and Northrend if there were new subs leveling up. Or are all these new subs simply leveling via the dungeon finder? Or maybe they're all rolling new toons at level 60? Or maybe there aren't many new subs? I'm not sure how to make it any easier to understand sans crayons and construction paper.
It actually physically pains me to agree with Korrigan, but you are expecting brand new players to reach 58 in 3 weeks? Leveling is easy, but nowhere close to that easy. I would be shocked if the percentage of truly brand new players (no prior knowledge of the quests/zones/game mechanics/etc.) that raced through to BC content inside of 3 weeks is greater than 1%.
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Title: iMUD
Jan 24, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
No. I just came back, and I started over on a new server to join a friend, however, so I am not dealing with the new Cata end game stuff. I'm just leveling in the revamped old zones...
Having a lot of fun right now, but that may change. I always get worn out and leave for a while only to come back later.
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Title: iMUD
Jan 24, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
siujoey posted:
Ashmaele posted: Holy crap are you really this stupid?
Again: Where is the new 58-80 content? In Azeroth? In your head?
As easy as leveling is now, it stands to reason that we'd be seeing an influx of toons in Outland and Northrend if there were new subs leveling up. Or are all these new subs simply leveling via the dungeon finder? Or maybe they're all rolling new toons at level 60? Or maybe there aren't many new subs?
I'm not sure how to make it any easier to understand sans crayons and construction paper.
It actually physically pains me to agree with Korrigan, but you are expecting brand new players to reach 58 in 3 weeks? Leveling is easy, but nowhere close to that easy. I would be shocked if the percentage of truly brand new players (no prior knowledge of the quests/zones/game mechanics/etc.) that raced through to BC content inside of 3 weeks is greater than 1%.
This is me. My friend and I recently came back, just before Xmas, and we're only in our 40s so far. We'll be in Outland/Northrend soon though. Maybe you'll see an influx in February?
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Jan 23, '05
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
i stopped reading after the 2nd line, cliff notes please.
Corsair H50 SAPPHIRE, Vapor-X 5870 1GB PS3 60gb, updated to 320gb.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
DragonKeeperofThi posted: i stopped reading after the 2nd line, cliff notes please.
Cliff Note: The end game sucks too much of my life to play. Don't have the time.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Title: iMUD
Jan 24, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Ardenwolfe posted:
DragonKeeperofThi posted: i stopped reading after the 2nd line, Listos please.
Listos: The end game sucks too much of my life to play. Don't have the time.
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Apr 9, '11
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
I was a healer in WoW, too. Found healing more interesting than tanking/dps. After the cata changes, it was not fun at all. I kept getting frustrated every time I logged on. Not able to raid due to RL schedule, so I did not renew my subscription. There will always be a lot of players loyal to Blizz and new ppl signing up for subscriptions, so my leaving won't affect anything. I love my guild, but if I'm not having fun in a game anymore, it doesn't make sense to continue playing it. We still keep in touch through Facebook. Friend suggested looking into Guild Wars 2, which looks amazing and game play looks intriguing as well. Looking forward to a new and fun gaming experience. It's been an awesome run with WoW, but I'm ready to move on.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Are you thinking of leaving WoW also?
Gave up on healing when I kept getting LFD Pug's with tanks who had green dps gear, and then they pissed and moaned about me not being able to keep them alive.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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