Author Topic: It's like they know....
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Subject: It's like they know....
Just unsubbed, got a REALLY good lol at the following:

locked, thread has run its course



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Subject: It's like they know....
What, exactly, are you so unhappy with your mage about that makes you leave the game? I just recently started playing my level 80 mage (he's 85 now)a few days ago and am having a blast. I'm curious to see how our experiences could be so different.


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Subject: It's like they know....
I only chose Mage changes because they didn't have a "This game has gone to [tos_profanity]" option.



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Subject: It's like they know....
Ahh I see. Well I disagree. I'm having a lot of fun.


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Subject: It's like they know....
You disagree, how surprising. rolling_eyes



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Subject: It's like they know....
Yup, someone is enjoying a game you hate. Care to say WHAT you hate so much or is this a huge waste of time?


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Subject: It's like they know....
"The changes in Burning Crusade"...

I'm assuming they just haven't updated their text?

Or are these screenies of you rage-quitting 3 years ago?


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Subject: It's like they know....


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Subject: It's like they know....
JaredKorry posted:
Yup, someone is enjoying a game you hate. Care to say WHAT you hate so much or is this a huge waste of time?

LOL, find a post of me saying I hate this game and I'll never post here again. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Malachi256 posted:
"The changes in Burning Crusade"...

I'm assuming they just haven't updated their text?

Or are these screenies of you rage-quitting 3 years ago?

Those pics were from no more than 30 minutes ago. lol @ rage-quitting



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Subject: It's like they know....
It says, "The changes in the Burning Crusade.."

Is that what we are laughing at?


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Subject: It's like they know....
I was laughing at "Expansion" being the very first reason to give for why you're quitting. The second category being extremely specific reasons, most of which are being bitched about by many at this point, was another good laugh.

The TBC text just put the icing on the cake. Fine example of how concerned they are with the opinions of those who refuse to fork any more money over.



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Subject: It's like they know....
I am in the same boat, I canceled today, reactivated Dec 13th to check out Cata, and just really felt my class(Rogue) wasn't even viable anymore. Feel that there is no real need for a pure DPS class in this game when a Druid will have a 10x easier time getting into dungeons, and getting geared then we ever will. Unless you can Tank or Heal in your offspec, the queues are garbage. Not to mention I can spec for Dps or Dps, and some class that can Tank, Heal, or DPS can put up similar DPS numbers. Granted in ICC I was usually at the top on boss fights, there is a lot of working even getting to that stages, and other classes have it a lot easier to get there.

I commend Blizzard, I think they did well, it is a working model for them, and as a shareholder of ATVI, play on!

I find Angry Birds a bit more challenging, and rewarding these days then this treadmill.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
JaredKorry posted:
Yup, someone is enjoying a game you hate. Care to say WHAT you hate so much or is this a huge waste of time?

LOL, find a post of me saying I hate this game and I'll never post here again. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Malachi256 posted:
"The changes in Burning Crusade"...

I'm assuming they just haven't updated their text?

Or are these screenies of you rage-quitting 3 years ago?

Those pics were from no more than 30 minutes ago. lol @ rage-quitting

Don't even waste my time playing the semantics game. talk_hand


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Subject: It's like they know....
JaredKorry posted:

Don't even waste my time playing the semantics game. talk_hand

Oh, so you can put words in my mouth, but when I call you out I'm wasting your time? You're either the best troll to ever hit this board or you're a dunce beyond measure.



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Subject: It's like they know....
Angry Birds ftw omfg!



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Subject: It's like they know....
Guess I'll mark this thread down as a waste of time. You don't show the slightest interest in answering my simple question about what you hate about the game so much that makes you quit. You only seem interested in attempting to draw me into an argument over semantics. Oh well.


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Subject: It's like they know....
JaredKorry posted:
Guess I'll mark this thread down as a waste of time. You don't seem the slightest interest in answering my simple question about what you hate about the game so much that makes you quit. You only seem interested in attempting to draw me into an argument over semantics. Oh well.

I don't hate anything about this game, why is that so hard for you to understand?

Why MUST I hate things about this game to quit? Why can't I just be unhappy/unfulfilled by the experience offered? Is that too simple a concept for you? Should I explain it across 5 paragraphs so it's easier for you to relate to?



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Subject: It's like they know....
If Korrigan were a pirate, you would be the parrot on his shoulder.



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Subject: It's like they know....
Jared, where did you gooooooooooo.....I was only just getting starteddddddddd.



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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
If Korrigan were a pirate, you would be the parrot on his shoulder.

Almost made it to my Sig. lol.

Jared piss off, you're just turning another thread into a flame fest.

I'm not surprised at you unsubbing Arc, I've been loosing interest myself. I don't hate anything either but I have no pull to play this game anymore. I've been playing the old ModernWarfare 2 again, and I just bought Mass Effect 2 on sale for $15.

I'm not at the UnSub point yet. I'm still liking my Pally which I am just leveling off of rested every couple days by running dungeon finder, I think I may give him a chance at the end game content and If I like tanking end game my playing may pick up. Something tells me though I won't make it that far.


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Subject: It's like they know....
--Syrus-- posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
If Korrigan were a pirate, you would be the parrot on his shoulder.

Almost made it to my Sig. lol.

Jared piss off, you're just turning another thread into a flame fest.

I'm not surprised at you unsubbing Arc, I've been loosing interest myself. I don't hate anything either but I have no pull to play this game anymore. I've been playing the old ModernWarfare 2 again, and I just bought Mass Effect 2 on sale for $15.

I'm not at the UnSub point yet. I'm still liking my Pally which I am just leveling off of rested every couple days by running dungeon finder, I think I may give him a chance at the end game content and If I like tanking end game my playing may pick up. Something tells me though I won't make it that far.

Yeah man, I took the priest to 82 and Vash killed my motivation to level her. I moved to the mage, got him to 85 (skipping Vash altogether), started doing Heroics and got bored extremely fast because nothing in there is new. I logged in on the Druid(80), Rogue(80), Hunter(74), Paly(62), Warlock(48) and Shaman(45) and speced them all. Took them all for a test run and just not feeling it.

This expansion is a bigger bait and switch than the DK, and to be honest I didn't think that would ever get topped.



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Subject: It's like they know....
I really like the game, but I am having trouble getting around that 'same old' feeling. Even with a great guild to play with. I think maybe 5+ years is just too long to play the same game, lol.


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Subject: It's like they know....
/agree with Arc and Syrus on all points. I really love this game, and it was with me since classic beta. (Ahhh, the good old days when Priests had "sleep" !!!)

Unsubbed this week, and it runs out 1/11/11. <-- Awesome date.

Changed my priest to a Draenei today to see if I can get a different feeling for him. Wound up going back and getting BC heroics done for the achievement, and it's the most fun I've had in over a week.

Did a couple of heroics tonight and it was a ho-hum snorefest. Unfun, gimpy, repetitive, and just laaaame.

Please Note: This is not a "I HATE WOW AND I'M GONNA POST ABOUT IT" reply. This is a "This game is near and dear to my heart and it absolutely sucks that I am bored playing it in its current state" reply.

That is all.


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Subject: It's like they know....
I'm doing everything I can to try and like WoW. I'm usually on the side of the fanboi if not quite as extreme. I was so excited to come back for Cata.

I am thinking I might have just burned out a bit after racing my Shammy to 80 before the expansion hit and then not being to happy with them. That was kind of discouraging. I really do like the Pally, but I just don't have the urge to log on..

*Shrug* We'll see. I do have an itchy unsub finger though..


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Subject: It's like they know....
I know 4 people who already hit 85 and closed their accounts but they were pretty much ready to close them when the class changes first came out before the xpac.

Sadly my guild went from 20+ online the first week of cata to maybe 3 to 5 people on at a time now.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Ahhh, the good ol' pick an arbitrary reason for leaving and we will ignore your input unsub window. Haven't seen that since August '08. <straightface>

We always pick "other" and explain we are sadly going to another game which gives us a text window which is way too small (for what we really want to say.. constructively.)

You heading to RIFT?


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Subject: It's like they know....
I headed the same direction. Sub ends in January and just not "feeling it" this time. The dungeons are completely meh, and there the Tol Barad debacle is the biggest joke in the game's history.

And for some reason this thread took a strange turn and made me think of the term "butt pirates."



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Subject: It's like they know....
Auenwing posted:

You heading to RIFT?

It's looking that way happy



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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
I only chose Mage changes because they didn't have a "This game has gone to [tos_profanity]" option.

I'm deeply sorry that you are quitting.

On that note, don't let the door hit you on the way out, if you need me, I'll be having a blast raiding, pvping, and taking occasional breaks to play SC2. The game isnt screwed up right now, in fact, it is better than ever. You actually have to not faceroll to clear dungeons, raiding is difficult for all sides, not just the healers/tanks, and pvp is more or less balanced for once with resilience finally kicking in


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Subject: It's like they know....


Thanks, but it's been fun
Five more minutes then I'm done!
I've been saying that to myself since
- from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Subject: It's like they know....
Broken_Kayfabe posted:


Well played, sir.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
It's like they know....

It's called "Risk Assessment". It's nothing new, strange, or unusual. It is expected of any good producer and his team. You may learn this when you make it out into the real world... or get a real job. Whatever comes first.

The really sad part about you canceling is you will still be here posting long after you have stopped playing.


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Subject: It's like they know....
_Kewk_ posted:
The really sad part about you canceling is you will still be here posting long after you have stopped playing.

Why? It's the exact same mechanic that keeps people playing games they no longer really find fun in the first place - they enjoy the community.

You aren't going to change that so sniveling about it isn't going to accomplish much. If you want a board that only allows active subscribers, I believe you will find the main WoW boards right up your alley.

Enjoy the anal jokes.



Thanks, but it's been fun
Five more minutes then I'm done!
I've been saying that to myself since
- from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Subject: It's like they know....
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
_Kewk_ posted:
The really sad part about you canceling is you will still be here posting long after you have stopped playing.

Why? It's the exact same mechanic that keeps people playing games they no longer really find fun in the first place - they enjoy the community.

You aren't going to change that so sniveling about it isn't going to accomplish much. If you want a board that only allows active subscribers, I believe you will find the main WoW boards right up your alley.

Enjoy the anal jokes.


^5 and then some. As ridiculous as these forums are the official subscriber only forums are far far far and my god far worse.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
_Kewk_ posted:
The really sad part about you canceling is you will still be here posting long after you have stopped playing.

Why? It's the exact same mechanic that keeps people playing games they no longer really find fun in the first place - they enjoy the community.

You aren't going to change that so sniveling about it isn't going to accomplish much. If you want a board that only allows active subscribers, I believe you will find the main WoW boards right up your alley.

Enjoy the anal jokes.


lol yeah that may be true for a lot of people... but Arcilite_I ? Yeah f'ing right. He/she enjoys trolling and thats bout it.


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Subject: It's like they know....
_Kewk_ posted:
lol yeah that may be true for a lot of people... but Arcilite_I ? Yeah f'ing right. He/she enjoys trolling and thats bout it.

Coyotes always get a bum rap. sad


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Subject: It's like they know....
I wish Rift was out today Arc. I'd be in the same boat as you. Enjoying the beta weekends.


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Subject: It's like they know....
_Kewk_ posted:
lol yeah that may be true for a lot of people... but Arcilite_I ? Yeah f'ing right. He/she enjoys trolling and thats bout it.
At least the people of his server got rid of a jerk. That's always a good point.


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Subject: It's like they know....
I will be playing RIFT when it comes out. But I can already see the shiny penny factor. I think the MMO genre itself is going no where fast. Rift makes some good moves, but it is WoW with a new wrapper (graphics upgrade).

That is probably good enough for me right now. One thing I have learned with MMOs is that we have run out of green grass on the other side of the fence.

WoW still provides me some enjoyment for now.


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Subject: It's like they know....
--Syrus-- posted:
I really like the game, but I am having trouble getting around that 'same old' feeling. Even with a great guild to play with. I think maybe 5+ years is just too long to play the same game, lol.

Ok, I really enjoyed the game until I hit 85, after about two days, I had to work to stretch it out. They could have at least made it last a week. Now there are lots of new fun things in the questing, being a giant ball burning thousands of gnomes, all the Indianna Jones jokes, a few puzzle solving quests, camel racing in dungeons....but...actual solid content is very low. After grinding regularlas, I am not terribly intersted in grinding heroics for points for gear to raid. Hit a few of the raids already. Kind of cool with intersting and variable situations (think drake combo changes weekly with Halfus for example) but I'm not intested in grinding my butt off to gear up agian jsut to get bored with raids.

Now I started my worgen yesterday. I LOVE the questlines, the starting area and so forth the Worgen, but that's only going to last me until lvl 15. Battlegrounds, same boring thing. Tol Barad, can't get 5 Allies to go teh same direction let alone work together to win. Oh honor, the horde is gonna lose on purpose. Right forgot that part.

I had my doubts about the whole "death of hte game" thing but it's certainly starting to feel stale already. /sigh Not even as many enw zones ot explore as TBC or WLK. You didn't get scared going in any new zones as a lowbie either. Some of hte starter zones had some fun changes and I'm now able to fly over the dam in Loch Modan but that fluff only lasts so long.


And yeah....the whole quit screen? Burning Crusade? Laughable. Beyond pathetic.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Grimlik's icon makes me laugh. laugh


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Subject: It's like they know....
PallyDog posted:
Some of hte starter zones had some fun changes and I'm now able to fly over the dam in Loch Modan but that fluff only lasts so long.
That's hilarious. I remember looking over that thing when I was leveling in vanilla and almost getting dizzy...


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Subject: It's like they know....
What I don't get is that there ae people actually offended that someone doesn't like their pet game. Why is that? Denial? They feel it's a personal smirch on their honor? Why? Eh?


"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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Subject: It's like they know....
PallyDog posted:
What I don't get is that there ae people actually offended that someone doesn't like their pet game. Why is that? Denial? They feel it's a personal smirch on their honor? Why? Eh?

They have an e-crush on me, and instead of saying so they would rather try and dip my pigtails in ink.



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Subject: It's like they know....
I really dont think anyone hates the game. I think a lot of people are dissatisfied because they expected something different and new with the expansion - especially coming from Blizzard who brought us TBC and WoTLK (to a lesser extent). The expansion isnt horrible, its just that its not any different (aside from flying in the old areas) then logging in pre 12/7/2010. Its that simple.

We have heroics that are challenging now because a lot of the player base hasnt even gone through them. In a few months they will be old hat. Players will find them boring just like the WoTLK 5 mans. Tol Brand is no different then the other PvP zones. So what are we really left with? Archaeology? OK...

If my sub was up any sooner then April, I wouldnt be playing either. Heroics arent keeping me here, Im basically just working the AH to see how much money I can make in the next few months. Im still logging in because I have nothing else to play right now.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Well hurry up and break your slate over thier heads. Sheeesh! What's taking you so long?

And who said it was all about you anyway? tongue


"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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Subject: It's like they know....
PallyDog posted:
What I don't get is that there ae people actually offended that someone doesn't like their pet game. Why is that? Denial? They feel it's a personal smirch on their honor? Why? Eh?

I'm not about to read the whole thread but I have serious doubts anyone in the thread hated on Arcilite because he/she is leaving the game or doesn't like WoW. I certainly did not.


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Subject: It's like they know....
_Kewk_ posted:
PallyDog posted:
What I don't get is that there ae people actually offended that someone doesn't like their pet game. Why is that? Denial? They feel it's a personal smirch on their honor? Why? Eh?

I'm not about to read the whole thread but I have serious doubts anyone in the thread hated on Arcilite because he/she is leaving the game or doesn't like WoW. I certainly did not.

So you basically made a statement without any clue of what you were talking about. Wow, there's a new trick we haven't seen here before. applause



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Subject: It's like they know....
PallyDog posted:
Well hurry up and break your slate over thier heads. Sheeesh! What's taking you so long?

And who said it was all about you anyway? tongue

I get banned when I bring out the slate for head cracking. When is it NOT about should know this by now tongue



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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
_Kewk_ posted:
PallyDog posted:
What I don't get is that there ae people actually offended that someone doesn't like their pet game. Why is that? Denial? They feel it's a personal smirch on their honor? Why? Eh?

I'm not about to read the whole thread but I have serious doubts anyone in the thread hated on Arcilite because he/she is leaving the game or doesn't like WoW. I certainly did not.

So you basically made a statement without any clue of what you were talking about. Wow, there's a new trick we haven't seen here before. applause

Statement made under logical assumption without the need to waste my time to prove it otherwise.


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Subject: It's like they know....
_Kewk_ posted:
Arcilite_I posted:

So you basically made a statement without any clue of what you were talking about. Wow, there's a new trick we haven't seen here before. applause

Statement made under logical assumption without the need to waste my time to prove it otherwise.

Thanks for repeating what I said in a different way.



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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
_Kewk_ posted:
Arcilite_I posted:

So you basically made a statement without any clue of what you were talking about. Wow, there's a new trick we haven't seen here before. applause

Statement made under logical assumption without the need to waste my time to prove it otherwise.

Thanks for repeating what I said in a different way.

Actually, no. Learn to read.


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Subject: It's like they know....
I agree with OP and the rest who have un-subbed. My account was down on the 26th and I simply haven't felt the urge to bother re-subbing and won't until they fix healing.

And I am not "rage-quitting" or anything. I love WoW and enjoyed it all the way up until 85. But at 85 the game is just stale, boring, and underpowered. And getting better gear just makes it more boring cause the more gear you get the less "challenging" the content is. Just doesn't "feel" right anymore.

And I wonder that too guys. Why do people take this so personally? It is just a video game. I am passionate about it too but I can at least keep it in context. I don't get butt-hurt when others say they are loving the changes. I just disagree with them.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Bremen_Gaheris posted:

And I wonder that too guys. Why do people take this so personally? It is just a video game. I am passionate about it too but I can at least keep it in context. I don't get butt-hurt when others say they are loving the changes. I just disagree with them.

Self esteem, or the lack thereof.



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Subject: It's like they know....
_Kewk_ posted:
I'm not about to read the whole thread but I have serious doubts anyone in the thread hated on Arcilite because he/she is leaving the game or doesn't like WoW. I certainly did not.

I'll clarify for you, Arc.

The people are hating on you not because you are leaving 'their' game. They are hating on you because you're a troll who adds nothing to the boards other than drama, flames, and baiting.

It drives people from VN.

While I'm certain your supporters will come rallying to your side from this response, the truth is you add nothing positive to nearly every discussion on the boards.

Yes, yes, we need thicker skin. But, why is it every time someone responds or criticizes you, you show the thinnest skin of all?

I can say I'm sorry you don't find the expansion to your liking, and I also say I hope you find the right game for you, but I'm not sorry to say I hope you stop posting here since you're quitting the game.

This is what Kewk means.

And he's not alone.


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Its just people who can't imagine any opinion other then their own being valid. They can't imagine how you could be unhappy with something they are happy with and your concerns be legitimate.

If you don't like something they do, there must be something wrong with you. You're either an idiot, or stupid, or you need to learn to play, ect, ect.

I'm actually one of the players over the years who has not been to critical of WoW. Class inbalance didn't bother me, I knew it would equal out downt he road, even this latest healing folly didn't bother me. If I didn't like it I'd just stop healing for a while, or I would just heal through it to say that I did. Not a big deal.

When I loose the urge to log in however, there is a problem.


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I cannot speak for everyone else, but I can say I find that untrue for me. I expect to quit the game once I reach 85 in about a month or less.

I know it's just a game.

And I'll find something else to entertainment and relax me between work. I don't expect the game to become my life or whatever other nonsense people expect a game to give them.

I expect entertainment and Blizzard delivered for the money I paid.

There's no other agenda there.

If people feel that tied to a video game, they need to seek help.

But that's another topic.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Ardenwolfe posted:
_Kewk_ posted:
I'm not about to read the whole thread but I have serious doubts anyone in the thread hated on Arcilite because he/she is leaving the game or doesn't like WoW. I certainly did not.

I'll clarify for you, Arc.

The people are hating on you not because you are leaving 'their' game. They are hating on you because you're a troll who adds nothing to the boards other than drama, flames, and baiting.

It drives people from VN.

While I'm certain your supporters will come rallying to your side from this response, the truth is you add nothing positive to nearly every discussion on the boards.

Yes, yes, we need thicker skin. But, why is it every time someone responds or criticizes you, you show the thinnest skin of all?

I can say I'm sorry you don't find the expansion to your liking, and I also say I hope you find the right game for you, but I'm not sorry to say I hope you stop posting here since you're quitting the game.

This is what Kewk means.

And he's not alone.

I think it's funny how you call people with the same opinions as me 'supporters'of my trolling but everyone who shares yours are acceptable and welcomed here.

Sure says a lot about your ethics irl



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Subject: It's like they know....
No Arc.

For example, I believe Syrus is also a friend of yours and a supporter. The difference is I respect him because he responds in a mature and clear manner. I have disagreed with him and also switched opinions and agreed with him as well.

Another example, Broken and I butted heads over the years. I also believe he supports your trolling because it amuses him. But, and this will floor him, I respect him as well because he does give solid opinions based on facts. He will also agree or disagree in a manner with respect to his fellow posters generally speaking.

You do not.

I wish you well, and I hope you find Rifts to your liking.


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But Arden, I have no personal affiliation with Arc, and so I do not 'support' him unconditionally. If I disagree with him, he'll know it, but I also don't take his trolling seriously enough to come down on him for it. Hense why he doesn't often troll me.

In fact I have tried on a few ocasions to troll him.. he doesn't take the bait. Usually just turns it back on me.


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And this is another reason I respect you . . . moderation and maturity.

No one can seriously look over these boards over the last month or more and not see the damage done.

Everyone knows, everyone knows, what is happening on VN. We see it drive new posters away.

How many more people need to say this before Arc realizes it's not us?

It's him.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Ardenwolfe posted:
No Arc.

For example, I believe Syrus is also a friend of yours and a supporter. The difference is I respect him because he responds in a mature and clear manner. I have disagreed with him and also switched opinions and agreed with him as well.

Another example, Broken and I butted heads over the years. I also believe he supports your trolling because it amuses him. But, and this will floor him, I respect him as well because he does give solid opinions based on facts. He will also agree or disagree in a manner with respect to his fellow posters generally speaking.

You do not.

I wish you well, and I hope you find Rifts to your liking.

I see what your problem is now. You actually think I care about whether you respect me or not.

Let me clarify for you, I don't lol

Get over yourself.

As far as Syrus goes, we only began to engage in personal convos (brief through PM's mostly) a couple months ago. We hardly know each other, though we do share some r/l ideals and that has helped us become friendly.

The reason why him and I get along and you and I don't is because we both possess the ability to see things from different angles. With you it's your way or the cry way.



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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
With you it's your way or the cry way.

The ironic part is you projected yourself there.

Allow me to clarify: You said I only respected those whose opinion I agree with or support. But, then you turn around and did this yourself.

In other words, you only respect those who agree with you or are amused with your trolling or antics. For those who dislike or disagree with your behavior, you mock, taunt, bait, and follow around to continue to attempt more flames.

In fact, it's your way or no way. As I said before, I've changed my mind on opinion I found to be valid from a differing point of view. A point of view I originally disagreed with and found valid after a strong, supporting argument. More to the point, one of these examples was an opinion you started about leveling being too fast.

Let me be clear on this: I changed my mind and agreed with your opinion.

So, your attempted assumption and insult becomes nullified based on something in your own post history.

But, it doesn't matter anymore.

Good luck in Rifts.


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Subject: It's like they know....
PallyDog posted:
What I don't get is that there ae people actually offended that someone doesn't like their pet game. Why is that? Denial? They feel it's a personal smirch on their honor? Why? Eh?

Same could be said for those who have to post such threads in the first place? This thread fits the pure definition of trolling down to the last vowel and verb. Strange thing is I canceled one of my accounts just this morning as I sort out payment issues. I didn't see the TBC option.

WoW has definite issues and challenges it needs to overcome. Either way everyone is an armchair developer, even if the best thing they ever do is flip a burger. Those in the industry know it isn't that simple.

Or it could simply be that for those of us who have been playing for the last 5 years have simply burned out on it. There is nothing wrong at all with the latest expansion. Vets of the game are just tired of having to adjust to another lead designers vision. Even more tired of waiting for the eventual about face.

So its time to move on so we can get tired of another lead designers vision.

That simple really.


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Your posts read like a nerd who insists on talking until the other side gives up.

I'm not going anywhere, hero.

EDIT: Obviously meant for Arden.



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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
I got utterly owned by Arden, but I'm staying here because in tardland, people like me are kings and there's nothing you can do na na na na!
We noticed.


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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
I got utterly owned by Arden, but I'm staying here because in tardland, people like me are kings and there's nothing you can do na na na na!
We noticed.

Another fine example of maturity (hypocrisy) from Korrigan! applause



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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
The_Korrigan posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
I got utterly owned by Arden, but I'm staying here because in tardland, people like me are kings and there's nothing you can do na na na na!
We noticed.

Another fine example of maturity (hypocrisy) from Korrigan! applause

Not liking the taste of that heaping dose of your own medicine?


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Subject: It's like they know....
JaredKorry posted:

Not liking the taste of that heaping dose of your own medicine?




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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:
_Kewk_ posted:
lol yeah that may be true for a lot of people... but Arcilite_I ? Yeah f'ing right. He/she enjoys trolling and thats bout it.
At least the people of his server got rid of a jerk. That's always a good point.

Just noticed this. ANOTHER example of maturity, keep it up brah!



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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
JaredKorry posted:

Not liking the taste of that heaping dose of your own medicine?


Hey that's a good line! I will use that for when you, Gutter, Spooky, and the rest of your scooby crew start circle jerking each other.


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Subject: It's like they know....
JaredKorry posted:

Hey that's a good line! I will use that for when you, Gutter, Spooky, and the rest of your scooby crew start circle jerking each other.

Of course you will, because you're unoriginal and incapable of your own thoughts.

This is not news.



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Subject: It's like they know....
I've already told you all, Jared and Korrigan are the same person, two accounts, so he can agree with himself and pretend someone else on this planet is messed up enough to think just like him happy


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Subject: It's like they know....
I have to say, Korr, Jared, Arden, for all of the maturity you claim to possess, you sure are putting in a whole lot of effort to trying and make Arc feel "owned."

Saying things like;

"Getting rid of a jerk."

"How is that for a taste of your own medicine."

Korr, you mention playground bullying? Take a step back and look at you three.

Now to be fair, Arden is the closest here to actually being as mature as he claims, you do remain civil and respectful for the most part, however you are still putting way to much thought and effort trying to convince Arc of his own wrong doing. What really do you hope to accomplish by communicating this to him?

As for Korr and and Jared, you are acting like the same fiecies slinging monkeys you claim to hate. The resident trolls find this endlessly amusing, to me though it confuses me because I'm not sure how a person with at least average intellegence couldn't see the irony you two are displaying.

*Shrug* Maybe I have been truly fooled and you're both just intentionally trolling. If that is the case concider the eggs on my face.


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It's so much fun to treat the usual trolls the same way they treat people, and see them get all mad about it and whine like mules about our posts. As I said several time, serving them their own medicine is fun, and it's the only thing left to do on this forum, unless moderation decides to put it back on track and apply the rules again.

So yeah, I'm having fun. And seeing the supposed "kewl dudes" react is priceless.


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You don't grasp that in order to give them a taste of their own medicine you become one of them?


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See how they react. Just like they like their victims to react so they can mock them. They whine like mules about other people's posts.


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Subject: It's like they know.... need help. Psychological help.



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Subject: It's like they know....
If you really think them so bad, don't you realise by acting the way you do, you only bring youself down to their level? You look just as petty as they when you follow them around from thread to thread and troll the trolls. What makes it worse is you think you are doing the community a favor, but all you are doing is turning every thread they post in into a flame fest.

You are making the issues of trolls much bigger then it is with out your influence.


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Subject: It's like they know....
--Syrus-- posted:
If you really think them so bad, don't you realise by acting the way you do, you only bring youself down to their level? You look just as petty as they when you follow them around from thread to thread and troll the trolls. What makes it worse is you think you are doing the community a favor, but all you are doing is turning every thread they post in into a flame fest.

You are making the issues of trolls much bigger then it is with out your influence.

Yep, too bad this boarded isn't modded anymore. It is ripe.


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Subject: It's like they know....
--Syrus-- posted:
If you really think them so bad, don't you realise by acting the way you do, you only bring youself down to their level? You look just as petty as they when you follow them around from thread to thread and troll the trolls. What makes it worse is you think you are doing the community a favor, but all you are doing is turning every thread they post in into a flame fest.

You are making the issues of trolls much bigger then it is with out your influence.

I think one of the most important facts about this whole thing is this stuff almost always happens on threads I make. It's the same people, every single time, on my threads trying to tell me how much of a troll I am. Hence, if you don't like my posting style, stop opening my threads and to a further extent, just stop responding to me at all.

I get it, you don't like me, I don't care.



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Subject: It's like they know....
_Warlucky_ posted:
--Syrus-- posted:
If you really think them so bad, don't you realise by acting the way you do, you only bring youself down to their level? You look just as petty as they when you follow them around from thread to thread and troll the trolls. What makes it worse is you think you are doing the community a favor, but all you are doing is turning every thread they post in into a flame fest.

You are making the issues of trolls much bigger then it is with out your influence.

Yep, too bad this boarded isn't modded anymore. It is ripe.

That's a joke right? Can a mod PLEASE share my moderator notes for JUST this board? I've been banned and edited plenty...



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Subject: It's like they know....
Well it has got to the point now that you don't even have to troll anymore. They are following you around and just trolling your threads. Look at the dungeon finder thread for example. All you did was post something perfectly normal and korr came in right after to troll you, turning yet another thread into a flame fest.

That is the problem when a non-troll tries to troll. No subtlty at all.


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Subject: It's like they know....
_Warlucky_ posted:
Yep, too bad this boarded isn't modded anymore. It is ripe.
Would the board be moderated, I would never have done this. The trolls would have been moderated and banned ages ago.
This board became a joke years ago already. It's only getting worse. Not like it's going anywhere better.


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Subject: It's like they know....
--Syrus-- posted:
Well it has got to the point now that you don't even have to troll anymore. They are following you around and just trolling your threads. Look at the dungeon finder thread for example. All you did was post something perfectly normal and korr came in right after to troll you, turning yet another thread into a flame fest.

That is the problem when a non-troll tries to troll. No subtlty at all.

Have I achieved self-sustaining trollage? Could we convert this into some form of energy for practical use?



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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:
_Warlucky_ posted:
Yep, too bad this boarded isn't modded anymore. It is ripe.
Would the board be moderated, I would never have done this. The trolls would have been moderated and banned ages ago.
This board became a joke years ago already. It's only getting worse. Not like it's going anywhere better.

All you do is bitch about how bad this board is....gtfo and all your problems are solved.



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/peeks in



^^^^ is trolling.

Helping someone, stating an opinion about the game (often dead-on), participating in discussions, offering insight is not trolling.

The "trolls" out here are also doing all of the above.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
The_Korrigan posted:
_Warlucky_ posted:
Yep, too bad this boarded isn't modded anymore. It is ripe.
Would the board be moderated, I would never have done this. The trolls would have been moderated and banned ages ago.
This board became a joke years ago already. It's only getting worse. Not like it's going anywhere better.

All you do is bitch about how bad this board is....gtfo and all your problems are solved.
I will definitely not "gtfo". But keep on dreaming. I remember this forum when it was a useful source of information among players of the same game sharing info, and not a kindergarten courtyard polluted by a minority of immature brats who for most don't even play the game anymore.


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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
The_Korrigan posted:
[quote=_Warlucky_]Yep, too bad this boarded isn't modded anymore. It is ripe.
Would the board be moderated, I would never have done this. The trolls would have been moderated and banned ages ago.
This board became a joke years ago already. It's only getting worse. Not like it's going anywhere better.

All you do is bitch about how bad this board is....gtfo and all your problems are solved.
Definitely not. But keep on dreaming. I remember this forum when it was a useful source of information among players of the same game. Pricks like you ruined it.

If that is true it was only accomplished with your help. Do you imagine that you are improving the atmosphere? You have already admitted to being some self-proclaimed mod in a place where there is no moderation.

Do you deny that if a mod scaned through even a few threads on this forum and decided to enforce the trolling/harrasment rule you wouldn't be banned right along with the rest of the trolls?


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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:
I will definitely not "gtfo". But keep on dreaming. I remember this forum when it was a useful source of information among players of the same game sharing info, and not a kindergarten courtyard polluted by a minority of immature brats who for most don't even play the game anymore.

LMFAO, so you would rather stay here and continue bitching about how unhappy you are than to change your environment to one that suits you better.

Do you even understand the definition of the word 'mature'? I reeeeeeeeally have a hard time accepting that you do.



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Subject: It's like they know....
That's your problem, you think I'm "bitching" to quote your words. I'm not. I'm getting entertained.
Just like some of your kid-friends seem to think they "drive me/us mad". No you don't. All you get is smiles and pity.
But one thing is sure. You and your friends are bitching quite well though, and you don't need to be prodded much. One post and one gets 10 answers of your little hero band. So much honor you make us insignificant worms, really happy


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Subject: It's like they know....
Seek help.



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Subject: It's like they know....
This place is starting to stink like a urinal with the pissing contest you two are having. rolling_eyes


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Subject: It's like they know....
Korrigan I see you are convienently avoiding my question. I will take your avoidence as assent. If they modded this board right now for trolls, you sir would have a couple day vacation just like the rest of us.

You are what you hate.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
Seek help.
Definitely what you should do if the main pleasure in your life is to get kicks out of mocking people playing a game you don't even play anymore. There are doctors for that. Or even better - there's something called "real life", with pubs, friends, drinks, fun - way more fun than pretending to be a virtual bully hero of a virtual forum kindergarten.


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Subject: It's like they know....
--Syrus-- posted:
Korrigan I see you are convienently avoiding my question. I will take your avoidence as assent. If they modded this board right now for trolls, you sir would have a couple day vacation just like the rest of us.

You are what you hate.

There are few things worse than a self loathing troll...



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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
Seek help.
Definitely what you should do if the main pleasure in your life is to get kicks out of mocking people playing a game you don't even play anymore. There are doctors for that. Or even better - there's something called "real life", with pubs, friends, drinks, fun - way more fun than pretending to be a virtual bully hero of a virtual forum kindergarten.

The reason I tell you to seek help is because you consistently bitch about the exact same stuff you do need help because you don't realize you're doing it.



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Subject: It's like they know....
--Syrus-- posted:
Korrigan I see you are convienently avoiding my question. I will take your avoidence as assent. If they modded this board right now for trolls, you sir would have a couple day vacation just like the rest of us.

You are what you hate.
That's where you are wrong. If the forum was moderated, the trolls would have been banned way before I (and others) even started to serve them their own medicine.
Don't try to turn the situation in your friend's favor by trying to victimize the culprits.

EDIT and PS: note that I don't blame the actual moderators. They got orders about this to "let it be". I know several moderators just as frustrated as users about the actual situation.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Maybe there should be a dedicated trolling thread, kind of like the scroll of ressurection thread. If we can agree to keep all trolling to one thread and leave all other threads troll free.... ha! Like that would happen.

Ok ok ok, I have a solution..

I hereby volunteer to moderate this thread for trolling. Please submit your personal appeal to -Mithan- for this to happen and explain what a paragon of wisdom I am, and why you think I should be the offical Anti-Troll Moderator. I promise to be fair and just. I will be the Batman is this forum is Gothom city.

Vote --Syrus-- for your moderator today!

As an added bonus I will also enforce the previously promised but never delivered offer from -Mithan- to bad all those that call the Hub a subway.

You're welcome.


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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:
--Syrus-- posted:
Korrigan I see you are convienently avoiding my question. I will take your avoidence as assent. If they modded this board right now for trolls, you sir would have a couple day vacation just like the rest of us.

You are what you hate.
That's where you are wrong. If the forum was moderated, the trolls would have been banned way before I (and others) even started to serve them their own medicine.
Don't try to turn the situation in your friend's favor by trying to victimize the culprits.

lol, you actually think you're doing something important.....holy crap



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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
lol, you actually think you're doing something important.....holy crap
Nope - I'm just getting amusement the same way you and your little band ruined the forum. I'm mocking you - and you dance to my tune like well greased puppets.


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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
lol, you actually think you're doing something important.....holy crap
Nope - I'm just getting amusement the same way you and your little band ruined the forum. I'm mocking you - and you dance to my tune like well greased puppets.

Right, right. Mocking us by slinging constant insults and calling us immature. You're obviously a wizard of some sort, because only magic could make you be this delusional.



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Subject: It's like they know....
Korrigan, you are completely out of line.

Please moderate yourself.

I'm tired of seeing threads devolve into name calling, trolling and all the things that violate the VN Board ToS.

Once again, please abide by the rules and moderate your own posts.

Thank you.


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Subject: It's like they know....

I hope it's a clear enough answer for you.
Female trolls aren't classified higher than males in my book.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Puppets are greased?


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Subject: It's like they know....
Lol omg, he called Auen a troll...


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Subject: It's like they know....
--Syrus-- posted:
Lol omg, he called Auen a troll...

I think he was saying that since Arc is allowed/encouraged to troll to her heart's content, he is allowed to troll to his heart's content. The ole "if you can't beat em, join em" strategy.


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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:
_Warlucky_ posted:
Yep, too bad this boarded isn't modded anymore. It is ripe.
Would the board be moderated, I would never have done this. The trolls would have been moderated and banned ages ago.
This board became a joke years ago already. It's only getting worse. Not like it's going anywhere better.

Ahhh, the broken window theory. If one window is broke why not just break them all.

Still though it is too bad that this has become the norm and that the mods don't do anything and sometimes even join in.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Arc is male, Auen is female. I thought he was calling Auen a troll since I am pretty sure Kor knows Arc is male. Auen is the furthest from a Troll you can get. She is sugar and spice and everything nice. If he thinks she is a troll, he anti-troll fanaticism has truly got to a delusional state.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Arc is female. Or so he/she has said several times.


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Subject: It's like they know....
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no, male for sure, should I start a poll?


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Subject: It's like they know....
I could be wrong or completely off base, but I'm pretty sure I remember her/him making a point of saying he/she is female several times. If I remember correctly, that pic he/she uses as an icon is supposed to be her. Hell, for all I know, it could just be another one of his/her troll stunts.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Arc I demand you reveal your true gender at once.


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Subject: It's like they know....
JaredKorry posted:
Arc is female. Or so he/she has said several times.

You aren't getting away with this one, go find one of the 'several' posts I've made stating I'm female.

Until you find said post, you will be considered a liar.



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Subject: It's like they know....
Yes, I am all man. Apparently much more man than these sissies can handle laugh



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Subject: It's like they know....
Come to think of it, didn't we have a discussion about you being a player and Korrigan trying to tell us how little action you got?


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Subject: It's like they know....
Arcilite_I posted:
JaredKorry posted:
Arc is female. Or so he/she has said several times.

You aren't getting away with this one, go find one of the 'several' posts I've made stating I'm female.

Until you find said post, you will be considered a liar.

Getting away with being wrong? The horror! Just out of sheer curiousity, and since I have so much time to kill between queues, I will browse through my post history to find out why I remember you saying you were female.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Found it, you claimed to get more ass then a toilet seat at Grand Central Station..


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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:

I hope it's a clear enough answer for you.
Female trolls aren't classified higher than males in my book.

You have stated your position.

/brushes attempt at personal attack aside as irrelevant

Which leads to the question I have wondered all along...

Korrigan, what is your definition of a troll?

Because by my observation over the last month, (sample) you have done barely anything but try to incite other posters, post personal attacks and have not significantly added to any discussion on the VN board in a constructive manner, and I don't believe I have ever seen you help anyone out here.

I am curious.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Auenwing posted:
Korrigan, what is your definition of a troll?

Because by my observation over the last month, (sample) you have done barely anything but try to incite other posters, post personal attacks and have not significantly added to any discussion on the VN board in a constructive manner, and I don't believe I have ever seen you help anyone out here.

I am curious.
You mean I've been doing the same all your little schoolyard friends have been doing the last years?
Yep, I've been doing that.
And you eat the bait more eagerly than any of your victims. That's the fun part I'm enjoying quite a bit.
I hope I satisfied your biased curiosity.


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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:
Auenwing posted:
Korrigan, what is your definition of a troll?

Because by my observation over the last month, (sample) you have done barely anything but try to incite other posters, post personal attacks and have not significantly added to any discussion on the VN board in a constructive manner, and I don't believe I have ever seen you help anyone out here.

I am curious.
You mean I've been doing the same all your little schoolyard friends have been doing the last years?
Yep, I've been doing that.
And you eat the bait more eagerly than any of your victims. That's the fun part I'm enjoying quite a bit.
I hope I satisfied your biased curiosity.

Thank you for your response. Please note I posted the above before your PM.

I see you apparently care to continue personal attacks and make assumptions.

Enjoy your time on the VN board and I hope you continue to enjoy the game.


There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank.
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Subject: It's like they know....
JaredKorry posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
JaredKorry posted:
Arc is female. Or so he/she has said several times.

You aren't getting away with this one, go find one of the 'several' posts I've made stating I'm female.

Until you find said post, you will be considered a liar.

Getting away with being wrong? The horror! Just out of sheer curiousity, and since I have so much time to kill between queues, I will browse through my post history to find out why I remember you saying you were female.

Saying 2+2=3 is being wrong. What you did was make a factual statement putting words in my mouth 'several' times. What you did is blatantly lie.



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Subject: It's like they know....
I think Korrigan has flipped his lid. Or he thinks he is talking to Arc and doesn't realize he is talking to Auen.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Lol he is in a blind rage.


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Subject: It's like they know....
JaredKorry posted:
I think Korrigan has flipped his lid. Or he thinks he is talking to Arc and doesn't realize he is talking to Auen.
Nice game you're playing now, but if you didn't realize Auen is in the same pack than the kindergarten troll crowd, you may want to check her post history a few times more before posting again wink


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Subject: It's like they know....
Yup, blind rage. I've never seen Auen be anything but nice. /shrug


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Subject: It's like they know....
JaredKorry posted:
Yup, blind rage. I've never seen Auen be anything but nice. /shrug

Classic meltdown.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Elkabong08 posted:
JaredKorry posted:
Yup, blind rage. I've never seen Auen be anything but nice. /shrug

Classic meltdown.
Heh. I was really thinking he had a stronger spine. Broke so easily - sad.


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Subject: It's like they know....
You have gone from raging on Auen to not making any sense at all. Care to explain how me saying I've never seen Auen be anything but nice constitutes a meltdown or has anything to do with how strong or weak my spine is?


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Subject: It's like they know....
The_Korrigan posted:
Elkabong08 posted:
JaredKorry posted:
Yup, blind rage. I've never seen Auen be anything but nice. /shrug

Classic meltdown.
Heh. I was really thinking he had a stronger spine. Broke so easily - sad.

Nothing wrong with my spine princess. It's not that hard to tell when someone has gone off the rails.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Ok I am so totally lost now. Who is speaking to/insulting who? confused


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Subject: It's like they know....
I won't sugarcoat this letter. This is a very bitter letter. Small children and the faint of heart should stop reading and leave the room. First things first: Korrigan has remarked that he answers to no one. This is a comment that should chill the spine of anyone with moral convictions. To make sure you understand I'll spell it out for you. For starters, the acid test for Korrigan's "kinder, gentler" new ethics should be, "Do they still dig a grave in which to bury liberty and freedom?" If the answer is yes then we can conclude that I used to contend that Korrigan was a footling, unsavory power broker. However, after seeing how he wants to impact public policy for years to come, I now have an even lower opinion of him. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say that we are at a crossroads. One road leads into the light of a bright, shining future in which saturnine trolls like Korrigan are thoroughly absent. The other road leads into the darkness of tribalism. The question, therefore, is: Who's driving the bus? This isn't such an easy question to answer, but let me take a stab at it: Korrigan is willing to promote truth and justice when it's convenient. But when it threatens his creature comforts, Korrigan throws principle to the wind.

Korrigan wants us to believe that he's an expert on everything from aardvarks to zymurgy. How stupid does he think we are? To help answer that question I will offer a single anecdote. A few weeks ago, I overheard some pertinacious, arrogant know-it-all tell everyone who passed by that Korrigan has his moral compass in tact. Astounded, I asked this person if he realized that Korrigan's hirelings argue, against a steady accretion of facts of already mountainous proportions, that we'd all be better off if they'd just encourage ribald personæ non gratæ to see themselves as victims and, therefore, live by alibis rather than by honest effort. Not only was his answer "no", but it was also news to him that Korrigan may abandon the idea of universal principles and focus illegitimately on the particular right after he reads this letter. Let him. Sometime soon, I will look into the future and consider what will happen if we let Korrigan pooh-pooh the concerns of others.

In public, Korrigan promises that he'd never alter laws, language, and customs in the service of regulating social relations. In private, however, he secretly tells his yes-men that he'll do exactly that. I think we've seen this movie before: It's called Business as Usual for Korrigan. In closing, I ask that you swear in the holy sanctuary of your soul that you will never stop clarifying and correcting some of the inaccuracies present in Korrigan's equivocations. That's how I live my life, and that's how you should consider living yours.


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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: It's like they know....
LMAO!!! We have seen Korrigan meltdown like this several times the last few years, but I think this one may end up topping them all!

He's always been quite butthurt that he is not a mod, but this goes far beyond that. He is actually having a mental break over it.

WoW, just... wow LOL.


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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
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Subject: It's like they know....
You should try harder.

This said, does someone want to ask a moderator to lock this travesty or should I?


Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
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Subject: It's like they know....
Ardenwolfe posted:
You should try harder.

This said, does someone want to ask a moderator to lock this travesty or should I?

I'm sure the mods here just await your assistance with bated breath on a daily basis.


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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
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Subject: It's like they know....

Me it is then.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Hey, Korrigan...

Thanks for this thread.


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Subject: It's like they know....
Remorz posted:
I am in the same boat, I canceled today, reactivated Dec 13th to check out Cata, and just really felt my class(Rogue) wasn't even viable anymore. Feel that there is no real need for a pure DPS class in this game when a Druid will have a 10x easier time getting into dungeons, and getting geared then we ever will. Unless you can Tank or Heal in your offspec, the queues are garbage.

Man, I saw that writing on the wall a long time ago. Even before the dungeon finder. As soon as they fixed the vanilla issues of hybrids being useless, it became clear there was no point playing pure DPS. I perservered through TBC on my rogue, but probably shouldn't have. Come WotLK I levelled my priest alt first, called it my main, and have never looked back.


Banquetto <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 85 Dwarf Priest / Daggerspine
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Subject: It's like they know....
I have cancelled as well but my reasoning was just "I don't have time to play", which really isn't true.

I just lost it this time around for this game. I don't like this expansion, it's quite underwhelming. I think it's on purpose to turn over the user base.

I have a VIP Beta key for Rift and they are running it now until Friday. It's a good game, but it's really nothing new. However, I do enjoy it more than WoW at this point.


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