Title: I has title now!
Sep 10, '03
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/1829962#blog it was depressing reading his latest blog Healers working as intended... i lol'd Druids and Shaman could really use some love and seriously? raid encounters? we were lied to about raid encounters they are doable yeah but the aoe damage from WOTLK raids stayed while healers got changed i'm finding it to be harder and harder to deal with it all healing that is required for the Magmaw encounter it is the most frustrating fight for me right now and Halfus with the primordial behemoth up is as well It makes me want to choke the raid designers
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Feb 16, '02
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User ID: 646,295
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Don't you see? By implementing these 130 fixes to the classes they will be so much better balanced and everything will be skittles and rainbows! Just like the other two dozen times they've patched "class balance".
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Mar 24, '04
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User ID: 907,325
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
/facepalm at all the planned changes. I don't know why, maybe it's just burn out, but I'm tired of all this ping-pong.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 33,674
User ID: 633,598
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
I miss the early days of WoW, when the devs played and had a f*cking clue. This is...ugh
PvPing since 1977
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
I will be honest: Whenever I read about "class changes" I look first at what's going to happen to hunters, then to prot warriors, then to priests. After that I look at what's going on with other classes that I feel are in need of a nerf/buff. I can't really speak for anything but the hunter changes mentioned in this and I will speak with happiness about the following: Ghostcrawler posted: We’re happy with damage overall... Still, we see Survival hunters and Unholy DKs on top of a lot of single target fights. Arcane, Marksman, and Beastmaster damage is too low... On fights where there is a lot of area damage, Demonology warlocks, Frost DKs and possibly Survival hunters are all too high.
It's good to hear him say that a couple hunter specs are TOO LOW rather than the one spec that is performing well is TOO HIGH. The reverse has been the pattern for hunters for years now and it's good to see him finally acting in a manner that seems palatable. Survival is indeed in a good place for hunters per the discussions I've been having with other trusted hunters in game. Survival AOE is probably too high, but is easily remedied without impacting much. My hope is that they address it in baby steps rather than sweeping changes - perhaps the issue is with Survival's mastery applying to AOE effects (explosive trap and the serpent sting from multi-shot effect) or with the scaling of the mastery effect to those effects. Either way, there are (to me at least) some clear ways to handle Survival hunter AOE in small tuning steps rather than class gutting steps. The fact that Survival is the de facto pve spec right now is more a result of BM and Marks being UNDERpowered than Survival being OVERpowered - apparently the dev whose GF dumped him for the hunter guy that was banging her in closed beta has left the team or finally got over it. Hunters do still blow chunks in PvP though by all accounts, it is no surprise to see that not mentioned though - the number of times devs have spoken to hunter PvP issues since the 2.0.1 nerfs can be counted on one hand with fingers left over. I don't give a sh*t about PvP anyway so as far as I'm concerned, so what. Ghostcrawler posted: • As part of the Marks and Beastmaster buffs, we’re buffing Aimed Shot, Kill Shot, Chimera Shot, and Kill Command.
This is good news though I think that Aimed Shot is just not a good skill right now, it will have to get a hell of a buff to make it useful. The whole skill could use an overhaul imo - having it have a long cast time again is just not going to cut it - it becomes only useful to one spec and then it's on a long proc which makes it useful only on boss fights - lame. I also like this: Ghostcrawler posted: We also want to make sure the epic PvP gear isn’t too easy for just anyone to obtain, given that the PvE endgame content is more challenging than it was in Lich King. We don’t want the player base to just migrate to the most efficient epic delivery mechanism; we want you to participate in what you find most enjoyable.
Though I recognize that for many of the people on this board at least, much of the game isn't enjoyable at all which brings the last clause of this quote into question, but in the end, it's the right approach for the game.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Title: VN Sensei
Dec 16, '06
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Figured I'd see some nice healing changes, but I guess they would like to see more reg. runs then H runs. I was surprised about the sub. rogue comment. Not sure why at this point you would run that spec in PVE...not enough data, because the spec sucks.
April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft. I'd rather be kicked in the face then be a Patriots fan!
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Unstruck posted: /facepalm at all the planned changes. I don't know why, maybe it's just burn out, but I'm tired of all this ping-pong.
Arcilite_I posted: I miss the early days of WoW, when the devs played and had a f*cking clue. This is...ugh
It's somewhat funny, somewhat cathartic to see posts like this in this thread. Hunter players have said the same thing since pretty much vanilla and have witnessed the schadenfreude from everyone else when we complained. I won't rub it in too much, but yeah...
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Mar 24, '04
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User ID: 907,325
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Cawlin posted: The fact that Survival is the de facto pve spec right now is more a result of BM and Marks being UNDERpowered than Survival being OVERpowered - apparently the dev whose GF dumped him for the hunter guy that was banging her in closed beta has left the team or finally got over it.
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Apr 12, '10
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Wow. Im sure throwing in "they should have tested these things in beta" will rile some of the readers/posters up but honestly, these things SHOULD have been tested in beta.
AoE in Cata Heroics - Non issue. Ive been running with a guild group with a Shaman (myself), Shadow Priest and Ret Paladin. We have zero issues with AoE DPS, even with a Paladin tank who isnt even in full 333 or higher gear. Maybe Paladin threat generation is just to high for us to pull threat off of him or maybe the whole idea that AoEing in Cata Heroics is "challenging" isnt true. Who knows.
Class Changes - I'll agree. I never liked Ping Pong either.
Healing in Cata 5 Mans - Not an issue at all IF you change your group makeup and bring a hybrid DPS/Healer class along with your two "pure" DPS. This has been discussed in another thread. A few decent secondary heals here can make a huge difference in mana management for the main healer.
http://www.immortal-guild.com/ Deepstrike Server Milkman - Guardian Bard
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Dec 8, '09
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
GC posted: We’ll make a pass to make stats that aren’t attractive (but are supposed to be) more attractive. For example, we don’t want Assassination rogues to dismiss crit or Feral tanks to dismiss haste. We are considering making some physical attacks such as Lacerate, Steady Shot, and Slam scale with haste.
This will make haste even more inportant to stack and mastery even more usless. But then there is the fact that you can only reforge 40 percent of it and most gear is laden with it which will make it hard if not impossible to get much out of those changes anyway.
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 18,423
User ID: 497,588
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Kriegprojekt posted:
Healing in Cata 5 Mans - Not an issue at all IF you change your group makeup and bring a hybrid DPS/Healer class along with your two "pure" DPS. This has been discussed in another thread. A few decent secondary heals here can make a huge difference in mana management for the main healer.
So in your estimation it's a "non-issue" if a class specced and geared to perform a role in a 5 man isn't adequate in itself to perform the role? That's unreal. --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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User ID: 497,588
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
BlizzardDude posted: Priests are a little weak in PvP, especially at mobile healing.
Gee... ya think?! It takes less than 5 minutes in a BG to figure this out. How it ever went live in this state is beyond me. Healing priests are a free kill in PvP, and it's obvious. BlizzardDude posted: Arms warrior burst damage might still be too high in PvP...We also might nerf warrior stuns.
Again... DUH. Warriors stunlock better than rogues. Takes less than 1 BG to see this. I honestly believe Activision is rushing the development. --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Apr 12, '10
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
slythetove posted:
Kriegprojekt posted:
Healing in Cata 5 Mans - Not an issue at all IF you change your group makeup and bring a hybrid DPS/Healer class along with your two "pure" DPS. This has been discussed in another thread. A few decent secondary heals here can make a huge difference in mana management for the main healer.
So in your estimation it's a "non-issue" if a class specced and geared to perform a role in a 5 man isn't adequate in itself to perform the role? That's unreal.
Not really. I dont believe anyone ever said a single healer was all that was needed in a 5-man going forward into Cata, did they?. I think thats the general concensus based on WoTLK 5-mans though and has been ingrained in everyones mind. Not to sound to Ghostcrawlerish but maybe going forward, players need to adapt to a new playstyle. I dunno about that and I dont know if this is what the devs wanted players to do. It is working for us though.
Maybe a single healer is all that is needed if they are in 346 gear. Maybe the devs want everyone to run regulars until they can farm enough JP to get a full set of 346 gear and then move on to heroics. Who really knows what they are thinking behind the closed doors over there.
Its a non issue for our guild group because - we play together everynight, communicate and know each others strengths and weaknesses. Granted, its very hard to get 1/2 of that done (communicate) with most people if you que for a DF heroic. Getting through a heroic will be a lot more difficult on everyone, especially a healer in a DF group I think.
What I do know is that we were having a lot of issues WITHOUT using a secondary healer. We dont now. Regardless of if this is how we are "supposed to play", I dont really care. All I know is that it works for us much better then just relying on one person healing. We are doing the dungeons more efficiently with almost no downtime now.
http://www.immortal-guild.com/ Deepstrike Server Milkman - Guardian Bard
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
slythetove posted: I honestly believe Activision is rushing the development. --Sly
Probably correct. WoW's QA efforts were already pretty weak. However, MMO subscribers have set the bar for this because we don't demand better.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 18,423
User ID: 497,588
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Kriegprojekt posted:
slythetove posted:
Kriegprojekt posted:
Healing in Cata 5 Mans - Not an issue at all IF you change your group makeup and bring a hybrid DPS/Healer class along with your two "pure" DPS. This has been discussed in another thread. A few decent secondary heals here can make a huge difference in mana management for the main healer.
So in your estimation it's a "non-issue" if a class specced and geared to perform a role in a 5 man isn't adequate in itself to perform the role? That's unreal. --Sly
Not really. I dont believe anyone ever said a single healer was all that was needed in a 5-man going forward into Cata, did they?. I think thats the general concensus based on WoTLK 5-mans though and has been ingrained in everyones mind. Not to sound to Ghostcrawlerish but maybe going forward, players need to adapt to a new playstyle. I dunno about that and I dont know if this is what the devs wanted players to do. It is working for us though. Maybe a single healer is all that is needed if they are in 346 gear. Maybe the devs want everyone to run regulars until they can farm enough JP to get a full set of 346 gear and then move on to heroics. Who really knows what they are thinking behind the closed doors over there. Its a non issue for our guild group because - we play together everynight, communicate and know each others strengths and weaknesses. Granted, its very hard to get 1/2 of that done (communicate) with most people if you que for a DF heroic. Getting through a heroic will be a lot more difficult on everyone, especially a healer in a DF group I think. What I do know is that we were having a lot of issues WITHOUT using a secondary healer. We dont now. Regardless of if this is how we are "supposed to play", I dont really care. All I know is that it works for us much better then just relying on one person healing. We are doing the dungeons more efficiently with almost no downtime now.
I'm glad you are making it work, but ... just think about what you are saying. If you think about the idea that you feel you "need" to bring an "off healer", if that's ok with you, that's insane. Do you bring an offtank for a 5 man? Why on earth would you be ok with the fact that a player dedicating their character to performing the role of healing isn't sufficient to do the job? If you think about that for a second you start to see just how marginalized healing has become. They've broken the role, and taken the fun out of it in five short levels. Yes, dungeons can be completed. I did heroics on my priest over the weekend. However, it's still boring and not fun. Spam Heal or be punished. Terrible. WoW was the first MMO to make healing enjoyable, and it had more healers per capita than any prior MMO by a mile. In this xpac they've gone backwards 10 years to EQ garbage. --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Feb 22, '05
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
slythetove posted: If you think about the idea that you feel you "need" to bring an "off healer", if that's ok with you, that's insane. Do you bring an offtank for a 5 man?
Just pointing out that this (bold section) was indeed a strategy used by some in early BC when trying to do the hellfire ramparts heroic that was part of the hand of adal key quest process.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Mar 17, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
I guess my theory about "warriors don't have CC but they make up for it with damage" was wrong. I'll need to rethink my next theory.
PvPing since 1975
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Jan 29, '03
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Elaok posted: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/1829962#blog it was depressing reading his latest blog Healers working as intended... i lol'd Druids and Shaman could really use some love and seriously? raid encounters? we were lied to about raid encounters they are doable yeah but the aoe damage from WOTLK raids stayed while healers got changed i'm finding it to be harder and harder to deal with it all healing that is required for the Magmaw encounter it is the most frustrating fight for me right now and Halfus with the primordial behemoth up is as well It makes me want to choke the raid designers
I read it elsewhere on here, sorry can't give proper credit. But basically this is just bait and switch to stretch out the expansion because there really isn't that much in this one. It is kinda surprising they couldn't do better but I think a lot of it is staff being poached from WoW for other projects. Or maybe not and this is the B Team (or D, E, F, whatever) getting their turn at bat and running the train off the tracks. I am just not impressed with any of their new philosophies frankly. They did a 180 and are now pressing a totally different type of "fun" on the players and if they gradually eased into it maybe it would have worked better. But all at once switching the fundamental concept of "fun" from fast paced, break neck dungeon blasts with decently challenging Raid content for the 10% of players that bother to hardcore, brutal mechanics and old school mentality is fail in my opinion.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Mar 24, '04
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User ID: 907,325
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Sly, I see your point entirely. When I made my "disc DPS at level 85" thread, I noted how much fun it was to heal AND DPS at the same time. The whole Tank, 2.5 DPS and 1.5 Healer make up seemed like a great idea. What I did not take into consideration, was how even more bored our dedicated Paladin healer was during the run. By having to take an extra healer, the main healer's role becomes more trivialized. You're right in that at its core, the fundamental problem is that healing, in its current "spam heal" state, is NOT fun. That's what made me even try the DPS as Disc spec, which in turn made it not fun for our other healer, too. The whole "adapt or move on" mentality applies to this game with every sweeping change they make every other effin patch. I'm tired of the ping pong, tired of the drastic changes in gameplay, and tired of having to reconfigure crap out every two weeks. Just give me a fun game to play with my friends, and stop changing the meaning of "fun" just cause Bob from Blizzard accounting was bored on his disc priest. In the meantime, I'm moving on. Thankfully, many of my gaming friends feel the same way, so we'll be migrating together.
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Jan 29, '03
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User ID: 764,499
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
slythetove posted: Why on earth would you be ok with the fact that a player dedicating their character to performing the role of healing isn't sufficient to do the job? If you think about that for a second you start to see just how marginalized healing has become. They've broken the role, and taken the fun out of it in five short levels. Yes, dungeons can be completed. I did heroics on my priest over the weekend. However, it's still boring and not fun. Spam Heal or be punished. Terrible. WoW was the first MMO to make healing enjoyable, and it had more healers per capita than any prior MMO by a mile. In this xpac they've gone backwards 10 years to EQ garbage. --Sly
Apparently, if you use CC religiously and the tank is only handling one or two mobs at a time a dedicated healer is flat out not needed. A Smite Priest healing with DPS or an Elemental Shammy tossing occasional spot heals is sufficient. But if you don't play the "correct" way, then you have a healer stressed to the max and unable to do their job of healing the group. Does that seem right to anyone?
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Infallible
Dec 28, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Before you dive down into the meat below (not really a pleasant image, that), be advised that we’re still early in the preliminary stages. The patch isn’t coming out tomorrow.
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Apr 12, '10
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Sly - Absolutely, positively I agree with what you are saying. Blizzard, in their own wisdom, created the cookie cutter roles of DPS/Heal/Tank. Each class, talented to whatever role they want, should perform 100% in each role. In Cata, their role types arent 100% efficient and it shows, especially in healers. Is this because of the way the healer mechanics work? I dunno. Maybe its just gear? I have no idea this early in the expansion.
What Im saying is the heroics can be done more efficiently (for us and at this time), with a secondary healer, then with just DPS, DPS, DPS, TANK, HEAL. In a few weeks/months, when EVERYONE is in 346 - 359 gear, our way may be inefficient because the healer may be able to do everything they need to do, without the help of a secondary healer. It then becomes, how much DPS can the group throw out there to kill everything super fast, which would probably get us through the dungeon even faster then with a secondary healer.
With this expansion, did Blizzard want us to utilize all of our class abilities in a group? Shaman, Paladins, Priests, Druids can all secondary heal in a group if there is a need. Did they plan on us doing this? Or is it just that everyone in a group needs to be geared in 346 gear to make each cookie cutter role the most efficient?
I dunno. I will say, I am loving secondary healing in a group now. Personally, it is so much more fun to drop specific totems when needed, throw out some ST heals or my healing rain. It makes everyones job easier and thats how I roll in real life. BTW, I dont have healing rain in real life...
http://www.immortal-guild.com/ Deepstrike Server Milkman - Guardian Bard
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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User ID: 497,588
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Unstruck posted: Sly, I see your point entirely. When I made my "disc DPS at level 85" thread, I noted how much fun it was to heal AND DPS at the same time. The whole Tank, 2.5 DPS and 1.5 Healer make up seemed like a great idea. What I did not take into consideration, was how even more bored our dedicated Paladin healer was during the run. By having to take an extra healer, the main healer's role becomes more trivialized. You're right in that at its core, the fundamental problem is that healing, in its current "spam heal" state, is NOT fun. That's what made me even try the DPS as Disc spec, which in turn made it not fun for our other healer, too. The whole "adapt or move on" mentality applies to this game with every sweeping change they make every other effin patch. I'm tired of the ping pong, tired of the drastic changes in gameplay, and tired of having to reconfigure crap out every two weeks. Just give me a fun game to play with my friends, and stop changing the meaning of "fun" just cause Bob from Blizzard accounting was bored on his disc priest. In the meantime, I'm moving on. Thankfully, many of my gaming friends feel the same way, so we'll be migrating together.
Yeah reading your thread reminded me of how much fun I had late in Wrath healing as a smite Disc priest. I was so impressed that they had found yet another way to make healing interesting. I really enjoyed healing 5 mans that way. Then they blew it in 5 levels. I thought for sure they screwed up some coefficients somewhere, but this latest post saying healing is basically working like they want makes me very very sad. They WANT this. I can only shake my head and ask "why?" --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 33,674
User ID: 633,598
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Cawlin posted:
Unstruck posted: /facepalm at all the planned changes. I don't know why, maybe it's just burn out, but I'm tired of all this ping-pong.
Arcilite_I posted: I miss the early days of WoW, when the devs played and had a f*cking clue. This is...ugh
It's somewhat funny, somewhat cathartic to see posts like this in this thread. Hunter players have said the same thing since pretty much vanilla and have witnessed the schadenfreude from everyone else when we complained. I won't rub it in too much, but yeah...
My first ever character was a hunter. I played him solely for the first two years of WoW. PvP, raids, etc The difference between you and me is I never made myself a martyr over it.
PvPing since 1977
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Title: Not a War Criminal
Nov 15, '04
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User ID: 991,592
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
The healing and tanking changes is why I have pretty much quit WoW. I did enjoy healing (shammy/Druid) and tanking (Pally/Druid/DK) then they decided to make it more "FUN" and killed it all for me.
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Title: VNBoard Admin
Mar 1, '00
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User ID: 13,156
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Just leave my Death Knight alone. They killed my Blood Spec already and that was enough damage.
I survived to the end and got nothing out of it, but hey.
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Arcilite_I posted:
Cawlin posted:
Unstruck posted: /facepalm at all the planned changes. I don't know why, maybe it's just burn out, but I'm tired of all this ping-pong.
Arcilite_I posted: I miss the early days of WoW, when the devs played and had a f*cking clue. This is...ugh
It's somewhat funny, somewhat cathartic to see posts like this in this thread. Hunter players have said the same thing since pretty much vanilla and have witnessed the schadenfreude from everyone else when we complained. I won't rub it in too much, but yeah...
My first ever character was a hunter. I played him solely for the first two years of WoW. PvP, raids, etc The difference between you and me is I never made myself a martyr over it.
Correct, you chose to martyr yourself over the rest of the game instead lol.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 33,674
User ID: 633,598
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
How so? I have yet to stick with a single aspect of this game I was unhappy with. Unlike you, I know how to move on. Seriously, here you are 6 years later STILL bitching about hunters.
PvPing since 1977
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Feb 22, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 20,667
User ID: 1,030,445
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
The whining is DELISSSSSHUSSSS!!
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 33,674
User ID: 633,598
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Cawlin posted: The whining is DELISSSSSHUSSSS!!
So that's why you continue to do it, you enjoy it. Carry on.
PvPing since 1977
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
To help settle the Sly/Kriegprojekt debate- Does the DF always add a hybrid dps/healer for the 3rd dps role? If not, and the DF can throw together 3 "pure casters" for DPS, than that answers the question.
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Title: The Anonymous
Nov 3, '03
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
-Myk- posted: The healing and tanking changes is why I have pretty much quit WoW. I did enjoy healing (shammy/Druid) and tanking (Pally/Druid/DK) then they decided to make it more "FUN" and killed it all for me.
This pretty much sums up how I feel. Just don't really enjoy playing my Shaman or Paladin anymore.
I am leveling a Worgen Druid thru the new 1-60 then I will probably hang it up for a while and see how the game evolves. As it is now, its in a form that I do not enjoy at all. I see my guild struggling thru heroics and stuff, and I just don't have the kind of patience it takes to deal with constant wipes and whatnot.
"Let's agree to respect each others views, no matter how wrong yours may be" "I may not agree with what you say, but I respect your right to be punished for it."
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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User ID: 752,779
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Healing in PvE is working out pretty much as intended. There are some Heroic dungeon bosses that are probably tougher than the required item level average permits. In general, you might have a tough time upon zoning into a Heroic dungeon with a bunch of strangers as soon as Dungeon Finder permits, especially if your group isn’t willing to communicate and work together. We want Heroics to be challenging -- if you want to zerg the content, stick to normal dungeons
When they run the numbers in 6 months and figure out no one is playing a healing priest anymore, they might pay attention. Maybe. Perhaps. Because it appears that Blizz is continuing their "tradition" of (what seems to be) allowing devs to put their personal prejudices into the game (Kaplan vs paladins, Chilton vs mages, GC vs healing priests.)
Glad I don't read CG's comments on a regular basis. I find them sadly ill-informed and condescending.
I know, I know, standard MMO Dev attitude - especially one who is not in touch with the real customer experience.
Focus Groups Blizz, Focus Groups.
edit for things better left unsaid.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
- We have healing priests in my guild. - They do pretty well. => learn to play?
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Korrigan I honestly don't know if you are just trying to be a jerk or not, but for the off chance that you aren't: It's not that the class doesn't work in PvE (although it really didn't before the massive buffs 1 week in). It's that it is boring boring boring. The healing play "vision" this guy has is boring. His stated goal was to make it more fun, and have more variety than spam 1 button. The reality is he's made it far far less fun. As for healing priest PvP ... well it just doesn't work. See also GC statements that they recognize it's not working. --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Dec 8, '09
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Unstruck posted:
Cawlin posted: The fact that Survival is the de facto pve spec right now is more a result of BM and Marks being UNDERpowered than Survival being OVERpowered - apparently the dev whose GF dumped him for the hunter guy that was banging her in closed beta has left the team or finally got over it.
Actually from what I understand and this goes back to before BC was released, is GC hated the guy who created and introduced the Hunter class because of how successful it was and all the adulation he got for it. Which why when he (GC) became lead dog for BC he started neutering, normalizing and otherwise beating down the Hunter class. Which Hunters as a result have been for the most part underpowered PVP fodder ever since and are currently in the worst shape that class has ever been since it's inception, particularly for PVP.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
The_Korrigan posted: - We have healing priests in my guild.
- They do pretty well.
=> learn to play?
We have developers in Blizz.
-They apparently do not fully comprehend the customer experience
=> Learn to code?
(Seriously, Korrigan, sweetheart, there are other hardcore players out here. That are raiders. That have raided. That have led raids. In multiple games. WoW is not hard. Being elite in WoW is a joke. This isn't a L2P issue.)
Thanks for the laugh.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Auenwing posted:
(Seriously, Korrigan, sweetheart, there are other hardcore players out here. That are raiders. That have raided. That have led raids. In multiple games. WoW is not hard. Being elite in WoW is a joke. This isn't a L2P issue.) Thanks for the laugh.
Just because it bears repeating. Not that you made a dent in Korrigan's egoarmor, but yeah, words have never been more true.
PvPing since 1977
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Mar 9, '04
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User ID: 902,543
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Auenwing posted:
We have developers in Blizz. -They apparently do not fully comprehend the customer experience => Learn to code? (Seriously, Korrigan, sweetheart, there are other hardcore players out here. That are raiders. That have raided. That have led raids. In multiple games. WoW is not hard. Being elite in WoW is a joke. This isn't a L2P issue.) Thanks for the laugh.
Technically this is a design issue, has nothing to do with coding. Once a design and development has been settled upon coding and implementing it is just the next step. Some would say that the coding and implementation of any project is the easiest part.
Grimlik Amberdrake Current game: Real Life Patch 2.0 Sheep Slayer Waiting for something new and inventive and fun
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Dec 26, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Arcilite_I posted:
Auenwing posted:
(Seriously, Korrigan, sweetheart, there are other hardcore players out here. That are raiders. That have raided. That have led raids. In multiple games. WoW is not hard. Being elite in WoW is a joke. This isn't a L2P issue.) Thanks for the laugh.
Just because it bears repeating. Not that you made a dent in Korrigan's egoarmor, but yeah, words have never been more true.
Just because it bears repeating.... again. For the record, Korrigan's egoarmor is not purple- it's orange. And item level infinity.
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Jan 29, '03
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Unstruck posted: Just give me a fun game to play with my friends, and stop changing the meaning of "fun" just cause Bob from Blizzard accounting was bored on his disc priest. In the meantime, I'm moving on. Thankfully, many of my gaming friends feel the same way, so we'll be migrating together.
My thoughts...and actions, exactly. Why was it fun before and just plain boring and "vanilla" now? And how is the new philosophy supposed to be "fun"? slythetove posted: Yeah reading your thread reminded me of how much fun I had late in Wrath healing as a smite Disc priest. I was so impressed that they had found yet another way to make healing interesting. I really enjoyed healing 5 mans that way. Then they blew it in 5 levels. I thought for sure they screwed up some coefficients somewhere, but this latest post saying healing is basically working like they want makes me very very sad. They WANT this. I can only shake my head and ask "why?" --Sly
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Jul 16, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
"To reduce mage control, we are discussing reducing the duration of Frost Nova and Ring of Frost." Hey Blizz, we wear cloth....we need control to avoid death.
- - - Can someone please answer Fermi's Paradox?
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Jan 29, '03
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Alpha_Swift posted: "To reduce mage control, we are discussing reducing the duration of Frost Nova and Ring of Frost." Hey Blizz, we wear cloth....we need control to avoid death.
I am sorry Alpha_Swift, that is not in their "vision" for cloth casters to survive. It is more "fun" for them to be insta-gib fodder. Learn to play sir and adapt. /sarcasm (of course)
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Dec 26, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
I don't care what anyone says, WotLK expansion was fun. It suited my play style perfectly. - LFG was introduced. Fantastic, I pug everything. - Small 5 mans, and a good number of them. 5 mans can be run in 30 minutes or less. Since I rarely, if ever have 1.5+ hours at a time to play, this is perfect. - Healing on my priest, shaman, and druid made me really enjoy healing, which I never thought I would. - Brought BG experience. I am a BG junkie, I love this change. Cataclysm, by comparison: - I have heard the dungeons all take FAR longer than WotLK. Not cool. - Healing is no longer fun. My healing gear is collecting dust. - Vash'jir was fun. The first time. The 4th time through is making me want to punch things and I don't know that I can just skip it without some permanent repercussions due to phasing. (Stormwind portal, etc.?) WotLK was easy, I will concede that point. But it was FUN. Challenging doesn't necessarily make it fun. We should remember though, in the beginning the WotLK dungeons weren't the facerolls they are now. H Oculus whipped me a bunch of times before we got it down. I was always part of the group that thought everyone was overreacting and Cataclysm would be great. But now- I like rated BG's, flying everywhere, and the new low level additions and that is about it. Unfortunately, it seems like they broke everything else I loved about WotLK. It almost feels like they think they made some huge mistakes in WotLK that they are over-compensating for in the opposite direction now. I still think it is a good expansion and worth the money, but I am disappointed. I wanted them to expand on the direction it was going, which was a direction that catered to my playstyle. (Call it casual, scrub, baddie, whatever) I play when I want for as long as I can, and the new expansion just seems to make that harder to do.
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Dec 26, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Alpha_Swift posted: "To reduce mage control, we are discussing reducing the duration of Frost Nova and Ring of Frost." Hey Blizz, we wear cloth....we need control to avoid death.
I was expecting worse. My mage feels damn near invincible.
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Apr 12, '10
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Tatundra posted: To help settle the Sly/Kriegprojekt debate-
Does the DF always add a hybrid dps/healer for the 3rd dps role? If not, and the DF can throw together 3 "pure casters" for DPS, than that answers the question.
Yeah. I was going to bring this up too. I have to say, in all of my DF groups there always is a DPS/Healer...
http://www.immortal-guild.com/ Deepstrike Server Milkman - Guardian Bard
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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User ID: 601,475
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
siujoey posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
Auenwing posted:
(Seriously, Korrigan, sweetheart, there are other hardcore players out here. That are raiders. That have raided. That have led raids. In multiple games. WoW is not hard. Being elite in WoW is a joke. This isn't a L2P issue.) Thanks for the laugh.
Just because it bears repeating. Not that you made a dent in Korrigan's egoarmor, but yeah, words have never been more true.
Just because it bears repeating.... again. For the record, Korrigan's egoarmor is not purple- it's orange. And item level infinity.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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User ID: 752,779
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Grimlik posted:
Technically this is a design issue, has nothing to do with coding. Once a design and development has been settled upon coding and implementing it is just the next step. Some would say that the coding and implementation of any project is the easiest part.
Yes, you are correct.
Technically, this is subset of the design issue which could have been taken care of with an industry standard Focus Group test. Trust me, I understand the difference between design and implementation. "Coding" is the generic word I use. Agree that coding is the easiest part. Design should be 80% (minimum) with coding 20%. THEN we can talk about usability testing, QA, etcetera.
Feels like a lot of the design for WoW is determined internally via politics (not unusual).
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Blizzard cant win.. First the game was getting to easy. Now it seems the game might offer a challenge and people dont like it.
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Aug 18, '08
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
It was laughably easy.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
SlyLoK posted: Blizzard cant win.. First the game was getting to easy. Now it seems the game might offer a challenge and people dont like it.
I think we need to be careful not to confuse "challenge" with class changes that have left the classes worse off (not enjoyable) in the name of 'fun'.
Challenge at a group level, going through instances, I'm excited! For the moment, it IS fun! For the first time EVER in WoW, I am actually enjoying instances more as a leveling technique than ever in 6 years. I am not, however, playing a priest anymore. When I need to heal, I'm using a druid. Also taking my DK and pally through and have not found any issues there that limit me to a one-button-pushing playstyle, either in tank or DPS mode.
Speaking for my guild, we enjoying doing instances with us at or just below level with just 4 of us. We will probably enjoy our new "5-man raiding" (as one of my guildmates dubbed them) when we hit heroics.
It's about what appears to be a total lack of understanding on the developer's part about what exactly constitutes "fun" as a class, and specifically for many, as a healer (priest).
If they end up tweaking the mage into more of an old-school "glass cannon" concept of caster, well, I will test that and see whether it's "fun" or if they have limited anything there.
PS: and yes, it's an MMO, the dev is never gonna have all of the customers happy at any one time. ESPECIALLY WoW, which has so many diverse playstyles.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Foojo posted: It was laughably easy.
Pray tell, why do you think this was?
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Jul 15, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Cawlin posted:
slythetove posted: I honestly believe Activision is rushing the development. --Sly
Probably correct. WoW's QA efforts were already pretty weak. However, MMO subscribers have set the bar for this because we don't demand better.
The hell we don't. Those of us who do get ridiculed as trolls for pointing out glaring issues.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Festus_Stundagin posted:
Cawlin posted:
slythetove posted: I honestly believe Activision is rushing the development. --Sly
Probably correct. WoW's QA efforts were already pretty weak. However, MMO subscribers have set the bar for this because we don't demand better.
The hell we don't. Those of us who do get ridiculed as trolls for pointing out glaring issues.
But its always the same four morons calling us trolls, and we've been laughing at them for years. That's what makes VN such a diamond in the rough, they provide the much needed comedy relief during boring workdays and such
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Blizzard posted: For example, the Retribution mastery, Hand of Light, is fun, but it doesn’t contribute enough damage. To make it contribute enough damage, the proc would need a very high chance, which then can cause paladins to devalue other sources of Holy Power. Instead, we are redesigning Retribution mastery to add a percentage of the damage of Templar’s Verdict, Crusader Strike, and Divine Storm as Holy damage (which also plays better with Inqusition).
This, I like. I'm interested in seeing how they try to clarify "healing in PVE is pretty much working as intended."
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Mar 17, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Almost done downloading Rift beta updates... oh wait... this was a thread about how warcraft sucks. My bad.
PvPing since 1975
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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User ID: 639,081
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
[quote]We also want to make sure the epic PvP gear isn’t too easy for just anyone to obtain, given that the PvE endgame content is more challenging than it was in Lich King. We don’t want the player base to just migrate to the most efficient epic delivery mechanism; we want you to participate in what you find most enjoyable.[/quote]
No you don't.
You want them in raids and/or arenas.
As the kids say, bad liar is bad.
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Dec 8, '09
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Auenwing posted: [quote=SlyLoK]Blizzard cant win.. First the game was getting to easy. Now it seems the game might offer a challenge and people dont like it.
I think we need to be careful not to confuse "challenge" with class changes that have left the classes worse off (not enjoyable) in the name of 'fun'.
Challenge at a group level, going through instances, I'm excited! For the moment, it IS fun! For the first time EVER in WoW, I am actually enjoying instances more as a leveling technique than ever in 6 years. I am not, however, playing a priest anymore. When I need to heal, I'm using a druid. Also taking my DK and pally through and have not found any issues there that limit me to a one-button-pushing playstyle, either in tank or DPS mode.
Speaking for my guild, we enjoying doing instances with us at or just below level with just 4 of us. We will probably enjoy our new "5-man raiding" (as one of my guildmates dubbed them) when we hit heroics.
It's about what appears to be a total lack of understanding on the developer's part about what exactly constitutes "fun" as a class, and specifically for many, as a healer (priest).
If they end up tweaking the mage into more of an old-school "glass cannon" concept of caster, well, I will test that and see whether it's "fun" or if they have limited anything there.
PS: and yes, it's an MMO, the dev is never gonna have all of the customers happy at any one time. ESPECIALLY WoW, which has so many diverse playstyles.[/quote]
True but they seem too consistently, at least since BC was released, have far more unhappy than happy and that is never a good thing.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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User ID: 752,779
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Sociop posted:
Auenwing posted: PS: and yes, it's an MMO, the dev is never gonna have all of the customers happy at any one time. ESPECIALLY WoW, which has so many diverse playstyles.
True but they seem too consistently, at least since BC was released, have far more unhappy than happy and that is never a good thing.
Well, if they are following the EQ model of new subscribers = attrition, which they apparently basically indicated they were planning to do (see: Cataclysms), then they will be fine.
Trigeminal posted: Almost done downloading Rift beta updates... oh wait... this was a thread about how warcraft sucks. My bad.
LOL! You go, er, guy!
Ugh_Lancelot posted: I'm interested in seeing how they try to clarify "healing in PVE is pretty much working as intended."
/closes eyes
/has painful flashback to DAoC Catacombs expansion and posting on VN Board I never want to hear "working as intended" again.
/continues suspicions from pre-Cataclysms-leaked-info-timeframe that ex-Mythic employees were working at Blizz....
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: WoW Vault Staff Teh Pyckles!
Mar 4, '03
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User ID: 776,236
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
[quote]Threat seems to be in a good place -- good tanks don’t have much of a problem, but they can’t “phone it in†either. [/quote]
Bologne. Absolute bologne. Threat freakign sucks, I am spec'd and glyphed ofr it and I have to fight for it every step of the way. When I use RD on my healer two times in a row, and BoP him and he's still go agro from a mob I've taunted....there's a problem. When you've nerfed HoR and mobs resist RD repeatedly....how is threat in a good place? When I consistently have to salv DPS and repeatedly taunt taunt taunt (which gets resists about 40% of the time) how is threat in a good place? Oh wait, maybe I'm not a good tank? Aahh the disclaimer! And seems to be in a good place. Can't forget the keyword.
Yeah, I'm holding judgement for now. Sometiems it's a bunch fos moke with little fire...sometimes.... And totally revamping classes doesn't always = fun. /sigh
"Pallys are simply self healing rocks." - IndridCole
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Nov 12, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
My initial impression when I read over the changes was that they all looked reasonable, based on my time soloing, 5-man normals, a few heroics, and some BG / TB pvp. edit: It's worth noting, my wife has done the holy priest thing since BC, and she's one of the many unhappy people with cataclysm. It's funny because from my perspective (dps, group leader to some extent), she's been doing fine, and the fights have been fun and interesting... but apparently she's rather unhappy with the whole experience. "Frustrating" is the most commonly used word.
Explorer / Soloer+Small groups / Some PvP MMOin' since UO beta, still waiting for UO 2.0 done right
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Title: Moderator Bad Moogle
Jul 9, '02
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User ID: 695,821
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Man, my priest is on deck to go to 85... you are all making me cry LOL...
Currently in the MMO unemployment line. Can I get $15/month for not playing them?
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Jul 15, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Malachi256 posted: My initial impression when I read over the changes was that they all looked reasonable, based on my time soloing, 5-man normals, a few heroics, and some BG / TB pvp. edit: It's worth noting, my wife has done the holy priest thing since BC, and she's one of the many unhappy people with cataclysm. It's funny because from my perspective (dps, group leader to some extent), she's been doing fine, and the fights have been fun and interesting... but apparently she's rather unhappy with the whole experience. "Frustrating" is the most commonly used word.
Of course she may appear to 'be doing fine'. If she's like any of us who are good at their classes, we can make the best of crappy situations... however having to work (read not have fun) to achieve those same results isn't enjoyable or fun at all.
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Nov 12, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Festus_Stundagin posted:
Malachi256 posted: My initial impression when I read over the changes was that they all looked reasonable, based on my time soloing, 5-man normals, a few heroics, and some BG / TB pvp. edit: It's worth noting, my wife has done the holy priest thing since BC, and she's one of the many unhappy people with cataclysm. It's funny because from my perspective (dps, group leader to some extent), she's been doing fine, and the fights have been fun and interesting... but apparently she's rather unhappy with the whole experience. "Frustrating" is the most commonly used word.
Of course she may appear to 'be doing fine'. If she's like any of us who are good at their classes, we can make the best of crappy situations... however having to work (read not have fun) to achieve those same results isn't enjoyable or fun at all.
Yup, that was my point. From my perspective the content has been going well, but she's definitely not enjoying it. She's saying many of the same things that other healers are saying.
Explorer / Soloer+Small groups / Some PvP MMOin' since UO beta, still waiting for UO 2.0 done right
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
PallyDog posted: good stuff
I'm glad you chimed in Pally, you're an incredible tank. It isn't you at all, it's the game design.
PvPing since 1977
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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User ID: 255,861
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
SlyLoK posted: Blizzard cant win.. First the game was getting to easy. Now it seems the game might offer a challenge and people dont like it.
This. And the trolls are just as easy to troll as everybody else Sociop posted: True but they seem too consistently, at least since BC was released, have far more unhappy than happy and that is never a good thing.
Do you have official numbers, or do you base this on the few people whining on various forums?
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Nov 25, '03
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User ID: 861,644
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Ugh_Lancelot posted: I'm interested in seeing how they try to clarify "healing in PVE is pretty much working as intended."
I bet the devs also felt that ToA and NGE were also working as intended. I just hope their feelings change to align again more to my preferences, because so shortly after the xpack came out, I find myself not caring to log in. In BC I played like mad until real life interrupted it, and in WotLK I lasted well over 4 months.
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Malachi256 posted: My initial impression when I read over the changes was that they all looked reasonable, based on my time soloing, 5-man normals, a few heroics, and some BG / TB pvp. edit: It's worth noting, my wife has done the holy priest thing since BC, and she's one of the many unhappy people with cataclysm. It's funny because from my perspective (dps, group leader to some extent), she's been doing fine, and the fights have been fun and interesting... but apparently she's rather unhappy with the whole experience. "Frustrating" is the most commonly used word.
I share her pain. It's just so weird. I watched the guys level their DPS class (mage, rogue, rogue, feral druid) and they are telling me how much fun they are having. Meanwhile, for the first time in 6 years I feel like I'm running uphill, against the wind, in the snow... naked. --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Title: Infallible
Dec 28, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Sociop posted:
True but they seem too consistently, at least since BC was released, have far more unhappy than happy and that is never a good thing.
And yet their subscription numbers have stayed about the same over the past 3+ years. How can that be if there are so many more people unhappy with the game than there are happy?
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Mar 24, '04
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
slythetove posted: Meanwhile, for the first time in 6 years I feel like I'm running uphill, against the wind, in the snow... naked. --Sly
I dunno Sly, I'm having an amazing time with my disc priest, ya know, running BC content for achievements. The cataclysm extension has been a lot of fun for me this week.... running old world content.
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Thanks for that laugh! I kill critters on my priest, so there's that! --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Jul 15, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Boone-Eldar posted:
Sociop posted:
True but they seem too consistently, at least since BC was released, have far more unhappy than happy and that is never a good thing.
And yet their subscription numbers have stayed about the same over the past 3+ years. How can that be if there are so many more people unhappy with the game than there are happy?
To my knowledge they have never released a history of active subscribers, just a number of how many subscribers they have had. if you have a source that gives the actual data on it, that'd be nice to see.
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Feb 16, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
According to the best numbers anyone has outside of Blizzard offices, WoW was in a slow decline for the last two years before Cataclysm released. Of course, box sales were still quite brisk. Lots of people were quitting, but nearly as many were also coming into the game (especially in Asia). This is not an unusual situation for a successful six year old game by any stretch of the imagination. This expansion IS going to be received pretty poorly by mmorpg veterans because it has nothing new. But it is also going to be well received by the noobies for exactly the same reason - they aren't as bored with the same old same old. WoW will continue to hold its population number, or near to it, after the expansion jump wears down of course. But it will continue to get harder and harder to find players who have actually been around since "the good old days" as the staleness grows. In EVE they're called "bitter old vets" but it's just as applicable to WoW.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Jul 15, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Yes but that's my point. No one has the actual numbers, and as far as I know I have yet to see any kind of statement of how many active subs they maintain. All I can recall them ever releasing hard data on is total subs. So everyone is just guessing at what things are, but given the lack of life on many realms that have a huge population disparity it would appear telling enough.
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Title: Infallible
Dec 28, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Festus_Stundagin posted:
To my knowledge they have never released a history of active subscribers, just a number of how many subscribers they have had. if you have a source that gives the actual data on it, that'd be nice to see.
They claim over 12 million subscribers. Somehow I don't think they are making it up. World of Warcraft's Subscriber Definition World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees’ territories are defined along the same rules.
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Title: Infallible
Dec 28, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Broken_Kayfabe posted: According to the best numbers anyone has outside of Blizzard offices, WoW was in a slow decline for the last two years before Cataclysm released.
Reference? Broken_Kayfabe posted: This is not an unusual situation for a successful six year old game by any stretch of the imagination.
How many MMO's have been successful into their 6th year? None. Hell most are lucky to make through a year or two these days before going FTP.
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Jul 15, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Boone-Eldar posted:
Festus_Stundagin posted:
To my knowledge they have never released a history of active subscribers, just a number of how many subscribers they have had. if you have a source that gives the actual data on it, that'd be nice to see.
They claim over 12 million subscribers. Somehow I don't think they are making it up. World of Warcraft's Subscriber Definition World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees’ territories are defined along the same rules.
Right, that's the same info we're all privy to in the press releases they occasionally make regarding subscriber base. I've always wanted to know how they come to this number with a breakdown by country. The way they count 'game room' subscriptions is something I've never understood as they are a different payment model and are widely used in asia where the population is astronomical. Seeing a monthly result of subs would be cool to see but we'll likely never see that.
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Title: Infallible
Dec 28, '01
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User ID: 580,486
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Festus_Stundagin posted:
Boone-Eldar posted:
Festus_Stundagin posted:
To my knowledge they have never released a history of active subscribers, just a number of how many subscribers they have had. if you have a source that gives the actual data on it, that'd be nice to see.
They claim over 12 million subscribers. Somehow I don't think they are making it up. World of Warcraft's Subscriber Definition World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees’ territories are defined along the same rules.
Right, that's the same info we're all privy to in the press releases they occasionally make regarding subscriber base. I've always wanted to know how they come to this number with a breakdown by country. The way they count 'game room' subscriptions is something I've never understood as they are a different payment model and are widely used in asia where the population is astronomical. Seeing a monthly result of subs would be cool to see but we'll likely never see that.
Does it really matter? They have maintained over 12 million subscribers for years under the same subscriber definition which clearly shows the game's subscriber base is not declining. If you were to say it had stopped growing or become stagnant, well I could not argue that as there is no evidence one way or the other whether it has or has not.
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Jan 7, '09
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
•Even after we fixed their mastery, Feral druid bleeds still do a lot of damage and are undispellable. We plan to shift some of that damage back to main attacks. They are also a little too hard to control. Given that they are already hard to root, snare, or polymorph, we think the fear immunity from Berserk is too much.
I really liked having two fear dispells.
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Jan 7, '09
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
•We’re buffing Wild Mushroom. It’s a cool spell that isn’t getting enough play.
I think this is just funny. What this says to me is.."There is a dev member who is crying because a cool spell he/she thought up no one uses."
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
IndridCole posted: •We’re buffing Wild Mushroom. It’s a cool spell that isn’t getting enough play. I think this is just funny. What this says to me is.."There is a dev member who is crying because a cool spell he/she thought up no one uses." LOL!
My exact thought too. Shouldn't the players be choosing what's cool and what isn't? If the spell wasn't being used it's because it's garbage lol
PvPing since 1977
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Apr 20, '05
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
slythetove posted: Korrigan I honestly don't know if you are just trying to be a jerk or not, but for the off chance that you aren't: It's not that the class doesn't work in PvE (although it really didn't before the massive buffs 1 week in). It's that it is boring boring boring. The healing play "vision" this guy has is boring. His stated goal was to make it more fun, and have more variety than spam 1 button. The reality is he's made it far far less fun.
I press more buttons healing on my priest now than I have at any other stage of the game's history.
Banquetto <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 85 Dwarf Priest / Daggerspine Beliandra <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Human Rogue / Daggerspine Beliarchia <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Draenei Shaman / Daggerspine
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Feb 16, '02
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Boone-Eldar posted:
Broken_Kayfabe posted: According to the best numbers anyone has outside of Blizzard offices, WoW was in a slow decline for the last two years before Cataclysm released.
http://www.mmodata.net/ It doesn't have a raging egomaniac with an utter inability to be objective running it like mmogchart.com did. (and because I know Sir_Bruce is so full of himself he routinely googles his own name, dropping it here just to toy with him a bit more ) Boone-Eldar posted:
Broken_Kayfabe posted: This is not an unusual situation for a successful six year old game by any stretch of the imagination.
How many MMO's have been successful into their 6th year? None. Hell most are lucky to make through a year or two these days before going FTP.
Actually there have been a number of mmos successful to their sixth year, UO, EQ, FFXI, and Eve all being examples. WoW level success? No, definitely not. But making significant money and holding their subscriber numbers for sure. But I was not knocking WoW, I was saying that it's not unusual to see any mmorpg numbers starting to slide by the sixth year and WoW was no exception.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Dec 26, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Arcilite_I posted:
IndridCole posted: •We’re buffing Wild Mushroom. It’s a cool spell that isn’t getting enough play. I think this is just funny. What this says to me is.."There is a dev member who is crying because a cool spell he/she thought up no one uses." LOL!
My exact thought too. Shouldn't the players be choosing what's cool and what isn't? If the spell wasn't being used it's because it's garbage lol
Which is why they are giving players another choice by making it NOT garbage? I am guessing they didn't put it in under the assumption that it was garbage and no one would see the use in it...
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Jan 29, '03
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Arcilite_I posted:
IndridCole posted: •We’re buffing Wild Mushroom. It’s a cool spell that isn’t getting enough play. I think this is just funny. What this says to me is.."There is a dev member who is crying because a cool spell he/she thought up no one uses." LOL!
My exact thought too. Shouldn't the players be choosing what's cool and what isn't? If the spell wasn't being used it's because it's garbage lol
This arrogance blows me away. It just wasn't there pre-expac. Where did this 180 twist of philosophy come from? And what is with all the DAOC references in this expansion? Shroom abilities like Animists in DAOC? TOA like zone layouts in Cata expac? They must have hired a bunch of laid off Devs from Warhammer's failure when EA/Mythic started mass layoffs.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Jan 29, '03
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
st0rmie posted:
slythetove posted: Korrigan I honestly don't know if you are just trying to be a jerk or not, but for the off chance that you aren't: It's not that the class doesn't work in PvE (although it really didn't before the massive buffs 1 week in). It's that it is boring boring boring. The healing play "vision" this guy has is boring. His stated goal was to make it more fun, and have more variety than spam 1 button. The reality is he's made it far far less fun.
I press more buttons healing on my priest now than I have at any other stage of the game's history.
I hear this alot and frankly I think only the terrible players, scrubs, bads, whatever you want to call them were the ones spamming on heal spell over and over again in WOTLK. If I spammed one spell over and over, even at 5.2k GS, I was going to lose people in groups. I used every spell in my arsenal. The only things I didn't use, or only rarely, was my mana regen abilities. Mana regen was over the top. If they had fixed that and left throughput alone I think it would be fine right now.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
A MMORPG whose dev think the players are always right is bound to failure. Part of success is definitely to know when to tell your players to shut the hell up, and do the changes even if they don't like them. Shall I remind you all the DAoC nerf rounds which came from the most vocal whining class back then?
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Jan 29, '03
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
The_Korrigan posted: A MMORPG whose dev think the players are always right is bound to failure. Part of success is definitely to know when to tell your players to shut the hell up, and do the changes even if they don't like them. Shall I remind you all the DAoC nerf rounds which came from the most vocal whining class back then?
Interesting that you bring that up. I think what killed DAOC the worst was the fact they just would NOT stop fiddling with the game/classes. They kept tinkering at some perceived imbalances which were based mostly on player whines. The problem with this expansion is their model before was working, or at least appeared to be to me and a lot of other players. And they tinkered with something that wasn't really broken. Change is good but too much too fast is not good. As you said, DAOC found that out the hard way.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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User ID: 255,861
Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Considering your forum nickname, it's safe to assume you're an (ex) DAoC fan. You forget a very important factor in your reasoning... Most if not all nerfs/boost in DAoC were made after whines for nerfs/boost on the forums. A class was perceived as overpowered? The devs would not even look at their own numbers (my guess is that they had none anyway), they would just nerf it into oblivion the next patchG In WoW, it's very different. Good or bad? Not always. But better than listening to whiny player? Definitely. I prefer having the developer team take their responsibilities than to be dependent of the amount of whining that is done against my class on the forums personally. No matter how much people bleat about Ghostcrawler here, I still trust him way more than <insert random wow forum troll number 129393 pretending to do better than the devs> on some fansite. There is nothing worse for a MMORPG balance that to start listening to the player whining and use it as the base for class changing patches.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Nov 6, '05
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
The_Korrigan posted:
There is nothing worse for a MMORPG balance that to start listening to the player whining and use it as the base for class changing patches.
You mean like the Raiders whining during TBC about the PVP gear and weapons? I agree with you 100%
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Jan 29, '03
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
The_Korrigan posted: Considering your forum nickname, it's safe to assume you're an (ex) DAoC fan. You forget a very important factor in your reasoning... Most if not all nerfs/boost in DAoC were made after whines for nerfs/boost on the forums. A class was perceived as overpowered? The devs would not even look at their own numbers (my guess is that they had none anyway), they would just nerf it into oblivion the next patchG In WoW, it's very different. Good or bad? Not always. But better than listening to whiny player? Definitely. I prefer having the developer team take their responsibilities than to be dependent of the amount of whining that is done against my class on the forums personally. No matter how much people bleat about Ghostcrawler here, I still trust him way more than <insert random wow forum troll number 129393 pretending to do better than the devs> on some fansite. There is nothing worse for a MMORPG balance that to start listening to the player whining and use it as the base for class changing patches.
Yes, and I agree with your stance. But you have to listen to your customers sometimes, right? DAOC felt like they were behind the customers making changes. WoW is making their changes and just dragging the players along, slinging them off as they go. I guess we will see which is right. 6 months from now if they are doing well with the new model then they were right and I will just be out of a game I have enjoyed for a long time. Oh well.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Nov 5, '10
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Buffing the Wild Mushroom will make you go blind......
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Mar 12, '01
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Liquid741 posted: Figured I'd see some nice healing changes, but I guess they would like to see more reg. runs then H runs. I was surprised about the sub. rogue comment. Not sure why at this point you would run that spec in PVE...not enough data, because the spec sucks.
There's nothing wrong with healing. Bliz can't fix stupid. Play less stupid, and healing isn't such an issue.
Healing is a group responsibility now. Healer needs to be efficient instead of spamming stupidly selected spells. Use the right spell for the moment. Think. Your dps need to be smarter. Get out of puddles doing fatal damage after 2 seconds. Interrupt stuff. Move if you're taking damage and don't have threat. Tank needs to be more considerate of healer - use those cooldowns (most are way shorter CDs now), use those trinkets, spec to mitigate/reduce damage as much as possible. Use CC, focus fire, minimize incoming damage.
Healers I run with almost never have to dump their bars, because we play smart, and we still blaze thru any and all heroics. You actually move faster if you play smart and manage damage better, because you're spending less time watching the healer sitting on their arse drinking. I rip our dps, especially melees, if they're failingto interrupt and/or standing around taking boatloads of dmg when they could be moving and/or paying attention.
Any healer that actually gives a crap, isn't a whiner, and wants to learn how to play refines their spec, refines their approach, and adapts.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that - George Carlin
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Jan 29, '03
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Incoming class changes! ... not so great
Voqar posted:
Liquid741 posted: Figured I'd see some nice healing changes, but I guess they would like to see more reg. runs then H runs. I was surprised about the sub. rogue comment. Not sure why at this point you would run that spec in PVE...not enough data, because the spec sucks.
There's nothing wrong with healing. Bliz can't fix stupid. Play less stupid, and healing isn't such an issue. Healing is a group responsibility now. Healer needs to be efficient instead of spamming stupidly selected spells. Use the right spell for the moment. Think. Your dps need to be smarter. Get out of puddles doing fatal damage after 2 seconds. Interrupt stuff. Move if you're taking damage and don't have threat. Tank needs to be more considerate of healer - use those cooldowns (most are way shorter CDs now), use those trinkets, spec to mitigate/reduce damage as much as possible. Use CC, focus fire, minimize incoming damage. Healers I run with almost never have to dump their bars, because we play smart, and we still blaze thru any and all heroics. You actually move faster if you play smart and manage damage better, because you're spending less time watching the healer sitting on their arse drinking. I rip our dps, especially melees, if they're failingto interrupt and/or standing around taking boatloads of dmg when they could be moving and/or paying attention. Any healer that actually gives a crap, isn't a whiner, and wants to learn how to play refines their spec, refines their approach, and adapts.
So, Tanking is a tank's job right? DPS is the damage dealer's job right? Healer's job is everyone's job now? So, what do the healers do now? You see, you just illuminated the whole problem that most have with healing and are QQing about. Healing is friggin BORING now. If everyone does the healer's job by not getting hurt or healing themselves, the healer's job is boring and easy. If they don't? Healer is frazzled and stressed and feeling inadequate at their job. Why is this so hard for some people to understand?
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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