Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ironic isn't it. Unless things start becoming a lot more in depth and entertaining, I don't see people paying 2yrs worth of subs for this expansion so far.
PvPing since 1977
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Well what do you think they meant by Cataclysm Arc?
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Nov 5, '10
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
For me, RL will most likely be the WoW killer. My gaming "career" has been on life support for a while now....
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Title: Druid Power
Mar 4, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted: Ironic isn't it. Unless things start becoming a lot more in depth and entertaining, I don't see people paying 2yrs worth of subs for this expansion so far.
I don't know about you, but I am thoroughly enjoying cata right now pvp is fun, raiding is great and requires dps to be less retarded than they already are(i got al'akir, conclave of winds, omnitron, magmaw, and valiona done. got the potion dragon dude in blackwing to like 15% and halfen or w/e first boss in bastion to 20%, tho they killed it this week without meh) the heroics require attention from all, and leveling is better than ever what is going to drive people away from wow? actually having to pay attention and not OMG AOE TRASH
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 33,674
User ID: 633,598
Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
-Kurasis- posted:
Arcilite_I posted: Ironic isn't it. Unless things start becoming a lot more in depth and entertaining, I don't see people paying 2yrs worth of subs for this expansion so far.
I don't know about you, but I am thoroughly enjoying cata right now pvp is fun, raiding is great and requires dps to be less retarded than they already are(i got al'akir, conclave of winds, omnitron, magmaw, and valiona done. got the potion dragon dude in blackwing to like 15% and halfen or w/e first boss in bastion to 20%, tho they killed it this week without meh) the heroics require attention from all, and leveling is better than ever what is going to drive people away from wow? actually having to pay attention and not OMG AOE TRASH
Yeah, you've done ALL that and the expansion has been out for two weeks....put some thought into it hero
PvPing since 1977
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Title: Druid Power
Mar 4, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
and people WERENT doing that 2 weeks after wotlk? im not a casual, i play to DO stuff. considering my progression is with the #2 progressed guild on my server, i expect to get stuff done regardless, its not like im in heroic raids yet, as that will be tragic the casuals/average people out there though are still going to not have finished any raid other than argaloth a month from now, and I doubt they will complain.. depending on what you AIM to do is what is going to factor in how happy you are with what you accomplish/have done thus far. If you are bored with it already, then surely you are in the top 100 guilds in the world and are on heroics now and are bored. I however, am having a blast experiencing the fights, pvping, leveling in the new quests(havnt done any cata quests until cata release.. did my paladin to 80 from 4.0 to release in dungeons)
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
This could be the beginning of the end. Not for all the new players starting, but for huge numbers that have been around since vanilla. This just doesn't feel like an expansion at all, it feels like a $40 update patch. The leveling is nothing new at all, in any way whatsoever. The dungeons, same. Not sure about raids but I just don't see how raids can be any different (just longer, more boring versions of 5 mans). PVP, no changes whatsoever. I'm just not seeing much "expansion" to this expansion. I imagine that for every old school player that finally calls it quits there will be one or two new players replacing them though, at least for a couple of years.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Feb 28, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Wow is a good game, but after this one, I have decided to move on. There is no way this is going to last me or anyone I know until 2012.
May the best MMORPG win. VNBoards: Where user speculation and opinion are always facts.
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Never mind.
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Spookysheep posted: This could be the beginning of the end. Not for all the new players starting, but for huge numbers that have been around since vanilla.
This just doesn't feel like an expansion at all, it feels like a $40 update patch. The leveling is nothing new at all, in any way whatsoever.
The dungeons, same. Not sure about raids but I just don't see how raids can be any different (just longer, more boring versions of 5 mans).
PVP, no changes whatsoever.
I'm just not seeing much "expansion" to this expansion.
I imagine that for every old school player that finally calls it quits there will be one or two new players replacing them though, at least for a couple of years.
They'll be okay. Shouldn't really be a huge decision to stop playing. Or worry if you want to play it in one year. I play mostly off, sometimes on, and enjoy it while I play. But my decision doesn't affect the millions that continue and will continue to play.
The things you are discovering now, that you've done it all before and many times, some people realized a long time ago. The game keeps going though. /shrug
There are some titles coming up this year (we say that most years), but if WoW loses half their subs this coming year they are still the king. And with their cross server stuff they are built in to not have to merge servers immediately when the population starts to go down, whenver that happens down the road.
I'm just curious Spooky - are you pretty much a continal WoW player? I was until a bit after BC then come back here and there, I would say if I play 4 months out of a given year that's a hefty amount.
I may play more now actually, I don't enjoy the end game, the end game is a problem for most games and there are a lot of things to do in WoW, but I enjoy leveling more so CAT in that regard helps people who like alts.
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Title: Smoke em if ya got em
Sep 28, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I'm a serious altaholic when it comes to WoW and I have been since day one. With having the ability to log in and just level, work on getting a trade up, or out collected mats, I always have something to do if I choose to log in. But this is the first time in 6 years that I have been wanting to call it quits. I'm not sure if it's the game that has run its course for me or I'm just getting older and realizing I've been playing too long, lol. I am having fun when I am playing still, but at the end of the nights session, that thought of the repetitiveness of the game keeps coming up and it never has before. I like the expansion but as many have posted before, it does seem very easy now and just not much of a challenge. Getting to 85 is fairly simple time wise as is leveling from 1. I started my 1 worgen last week and even w/ no heirlooms he hit 50 today. ToA was my DAoC killer, and I can see Cata doing it here for me. I guess time will tell.
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
" Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting "
I don't think WoW will be killed, I think at some point, in time, the numbers will go down. They have such a long way to go before it stops being profitable that I'm surprised to hear gaming vets even bring up the term WoW-killer.
CAT obviously won't kill WoW. Their churn will keep going. Again they can lose a butt load of subs and still be, by far, the king of the hill.
Now, if/when the numbers start to go down, would they address things like the arenas and afk'ing (seriously address them)? I'm thinking no.
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Mar 24, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Cataclysm isn't an expansion, it's an extension -- an extension of the same stuff all over again.
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Unstruck posted: Cataclysm isn't an expansion, it's an extension -- an extension of the same stuff all over again.
It really seems like a hybrid. I mean it is an expansion, they did expand the game, but I agree it doesn't have the same look and feel as previous expansions to me.
Okay so above I was a little curt, basically, doing the same dungeons over and over - there are a lot of things to do in WoW, but there are a lot of things to do not in WoW, not limited but including other games.
Arc I think you took a break from WoW before, I would say maybe try that again, especially when another game comes out that, while maybe not as good, is new and a little different.
And the WoW churn continues to go. I'm surprised by it, I assumed more people would feel like I did, but that's a common mistake many of us make.
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Mar 17, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Turbo tanks in Strand of the Ancients = brilliant idea /sarcasm off
PvPing since 1975
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Dec 8, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
i want to have something fun to do on my lev 85 so bad but its so sad that i am right where i was during wotlk.
i wish at least you could queue for a dungeon while in a battleground or in a group or something. i want to do heroic dungeons but i have to wait for 40 minutes....during which i cannot group with anyone, do a battleground, log out for a sec to mail something from my alt, etc. or else it will take me out of the queue. so lame. and most of the groups end prematurely so its not even worth a 40 min wait just to break up quickly.
world of waitcraft. there is nothing to do while in queue except stand around like an idiot or archaeology, which is so boring.
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Shenron_ posted: i want to have something fun to do on my lev 85 so bad but its so sad that i am right where i was during wotlk.
i wish at least you could queue for a dungeon while in a battleground or in a group or something. i want to do heroic dungeons but i have to wait for 40 minutes....during which i cannot group with anyone, do a battleground, log out for a sec to mail something from my alt, etc. or else it will take me out of the queue. so lame. and most of the groups end prematurely so its not even worth a 40 min wait just to break up quickly.
world of waitcraft
Wow, you can't help someone with a quest? It's not like the pvp thing where it just pulls you in by yourself?
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Dec 8, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
i guess you could help them without being in their group. but if you enter a group while in dungeon queue as a solo, it removes you from the queue. no warning or anything either...just removes you and your screwed if you didn't know about it.
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Nov 12, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I am enjoying it, but I'm thinking I won't last very long this time around. It's just more of the same, and more friends have left, so even doing "the same" is getting harder.
Explorer / Soloer+Small groups / Some PvP MMOin' since UO beta, still waiting for UO 2.0 done right
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Nov 12, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Trigeminal posted: Turbo tanks in Strand of the Ancients = brilliant idea /sarcasm off
I find SotA far more exciting and interesting now that the tanks can actually move, but also be snared/rooted.
Explorer / Soloer+Small groups / Some PvP MMOin' since UO beta, still waiting for UO 2.0 done right
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Feb 16, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Shenron_ posted: i wish at least you could queue for a dungeon while in a battleground or in a group or something.
And screw over the people who are in the BG for the actual BG when your queue pops and you unceremoniously dumped? You were the kind of person PvPers DESPISED, and were a big part of wrecking BGs.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
shoobzie posted: I'm a serious altaholic when it comes to WoW and I have been since day one. With having the ability to log in and just level, work on getting a trade up, or out collected mats, I always have something to do if I choose to log in. But this is the first time in 6 years that I have been wanting to call it quits.
I'm not sure if it's the game that has run its course for me or I'm just getting older and realizing I've been playing too long, lol. I am having fun when I am playing still, but at the end of the nights session, that thought of the repetitiveness of the game keeps coming up and it never has before.
I like the expansion but as many have posted before, it does seem very easy now and just not much of a challenge. Getting to 85 is fairly simple time wise as is leveling from 1. I started my 1 worgen last week and even w/ no heirlooms he hit 50 today. ToA was my DAoC killer, and I can see Cata doing it here for me. I guess time will tell.
shoobzie, you hit the nail on the head for me. When Cata first came out, the thought of leveling anymore alts to go back through the gear grind again, more leveling of professions, more gathering... same old same old.... I didn't bother loging on for almost a week, and only then because my guildmates wanted to check things out.
Which leads me to... bascially the only reason I play: guildmates.
And they along with me, as I said in another thread, are concerned that Cata will be WoW's "ToA".
And yes, we had fun in the first couple of instances. I have a guildmate who is insisting we take it slow because she knows once we hit 85 and start grinding, she will be overwhelmingly bored.
Which leads to:
Unstruck posted: Cataclysm isn't an expansion, it's an extension -- an extension of the same stuff all over again.
For all the changes, the new (overdone) phasing, new races, redone zones....
...this is exactly how it feels!
Bottom line for me:
WoW is easier to walk away from today than it has ever been.
And I said I would withhold judgement until much later. I'm still trying...
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Jan 3, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I'm personally not enjoying the extremely long heroics.. most end up being at least 2 hours long.. I don't like spendin 2 hours in a bloody dungeon.
Terravos - RR11L2 Valkyrie Merlin Server - Skullthrone Destruction Badlands Order RIP Dr. Tiller
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Dec 8, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
MinionX-DW posted: I'm personally not enjoying the extremely long heroics..
most end up being at least 2 hours long..
I don't like spendin 2 hours in a bloody dungeon.
Add to it the fact that you will have to do it daily for the next 6 months or so to get enough Val points to get a full set of Epic gear.
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Nov 12, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Sociop posted:
MinionX-DW posted: I'm personally not enjoying the extremely long heroics.. most end up being at least 2 hours long.. I don't like spendin 2 hours in a bloody dungeon.
Add to it the fact that you will have to do it daily for the next 6 months or so to get enough Val points to get a full set of Epic gear.
Heroics will rapidly get better (already happening) as the truly poor players just give up, and everyone else gets better.
Explorer / Soloer+Small groups / Some PvP MMOin' since UO beta, still waiting for UO 2.0 done right
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Feb 28, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I have never really wanted to walk away from this game before, but after I hit 85, ran a few dungeons and just sat around in SW, I felt like that was it for me. I had no desire to bring 3 other 80's through the Cataclysm zones again. Zero re-playability and limited choices due to the on-rails game-play that's even more on rails than it ever was. It does feel like a regular patch and just an extension, not an expansion. I wonder if it's due to Kaplan not being involved as he was from launch until WotLK. It's just so weird to me, it's like someone flipped a switch and I feel no desire for the game any longer. My buddy felt the same way and we are just baffled what happened. We were die hards. We both cancelled and don't miss it at all.
May the best MMORPG win. VNBoards: Where user speculation and opinion are always facts.
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Title: Smoke em if ya got em
Sep 28, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Auenwing posted:
shoobzie posted: I'm a serious altaholic when it comes to WoW and I have been since day one. With having the ability to log in and just level, work on getting a trade up, or out collected mats, I always have something to do if I choose to log in. But this is the first time in 6 years that I have been wanting to call it quits. I'm not sure if it's the game that has run its course for me or I'm just getting older and realizing I've been playing too long, lol. I am having fun when I am playing still, but at the end of the nights session, that thought of the repetitiveness of the game keeps coming up and it never has before. I like the expansion but as many have posted before, it does seem very easy now and just not much of a challenge. Getting to 85 is fairly simple time wise as is leveling from 1. I started my 1 worgen last week and even w/ no heirlooms he hit 50 today. ToA was my DAoC killer, and I can see Cata doing it here for me. I guess time will tell.
shoobzie, you hit the nail on the head for me. When Cata first came out, the thought of leveling anymore alts to go back through the gear grind again, more leveling of professions, more gathering... same old same old.... I didn't bother loging on for almost a week, and only then because my guildmates wanted to check things out. Which leads me to... bascially the only reason I play: guildmates. And they along with me, as I said in another thread, are concerned that Cata will be WoW's "ToA". And yes, we had fun in the first couple of instances. I have a guildmate who is insisting we take it slow because she knows once we hit 85 and start grinding, she will be overwhelmingly bored. Which leads to: Unstruck posted: Cataclysm isn't an expansion, it's an extension -- an extension of the same stuff all over again.
For all the changes, the new (overdone) phasing, new races, redone zones.... ...this is exactly how it feels! Bottom line for me: WoW is easier to walk away from today than it has ever been. And I said I would withhold judgement until much later. I'm still trying...
Yeah, it's not that's it's boring, but just the same thing. I'm not sure it's Cata that would cause me to leave, but there just isn't anything really new with it. Everyone will leave at some point and time I'm sure, and this may just be the "extension" that does it. But as someone said about 1 person leaving and 2 subscribing, that will most likely happen. Also until something else comes out that can at least pull 1 million people to it, the game will go on. But this statement is just about right on... WoW is easier to walk away from today than it has ever been Exactly how I see it. I mean what is next, getting to level 100? Professions raised to 600? I'm not sure what they could add to make us all happy so it will come down to how the player themselves wants to play, or when to leave. I'm OK for now, but I don't think I would be that heart broken to walk away if I made the decision.
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Jun 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Spookysheep posted: This could be the beginning of the end. Not for all the new players starting, but for huge numbers that have been around since vanilla.
This just doesn't feel like an expansion at all, it feels like a $40 update patch. The leveling is nothing new at all, in any way whatsoever.
The dungeons, same. Not sure about raids but I just don't see how raids can be any different (just longer, more boring versions of 5 mans).
PVP, no changes whatsoever.
I'm just not seeing much "expansion" to this expansion.
I imagine that for every old school player that finally calls it quits there will be one or two new players replacing them though, at least for a couple of years.
i think i completely agree.
here's the thing.. i like most everything they did.... not everything as i hate vash'jir zone, and the new pvp area is totally fubard, etc. etc.
but for a "CATACLYSM" the world sure is just the same old same old.
take a formula for their expansions and yeah it gets all the check marks.. it just didn't seem to do it this time.
1. new race/class - check on new races.. kinda on new class with the new race/class combos
2. more levels - big let down on how fast it went but check this off too. 5 levels instead of 10 and they went really fast....not twice as fast as 10 levels but even faster honestly.
3. new raids/dungeons - check... they also don't feel too original for a lot of them. personally i enjoy 2 or 3 of them.. don't care at all for the remade ones either.
4. new pvp zone/BG's - check again... new bg's are unoriginal and the new pvp zone is so broken what's the point? you can't fly there(yet) and one side seems to dominate it even worse than WG was ever dominated by one side.
5. new profession - archeology.. check. i like this one, i consider it a success but i've heard complaints about how hard it can be to get what you want for it.
so yeah.. everything is there... why did the AQ gate opening or the coming of naxx feel more epic than "THE CATACLYSM" then? i really don't know. but unless they have a lot more stuff planned soon i don't know why i'd stay with wow for 2 years for the next expansion. Maybe it was just me but the LK/Arthas storyline WAS wow. i mean... thats the point of wow really. now they're done with it and nothing else seems as cool.
"...and they'll say "Hey, Look at him!, I'll never live that way". And that's ok they couldn't anyway..."
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Apr 12, '10
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Spookysheep posted: This could be the beginning of the end. Not for all the new players starting, but for huge numbers that have been around since vanilla.
This just doesn't feel like an expansion at all, it feels like a $40 update patch. The leveling is nothing new at all, in any way whatsoever.
The dungeons, same. Not sure about raids but I just don't see how raids can be any different (just longer, more boring versions of 5 mans).
PVP, no changes whatsoever.
I'm just not seeing much "expansion" to this expansion.
I imagine that for every old school player that finally calls it quits there will be one or two new players replacing them though, at least for a couple of years.
I have to agree with all of this. I really dont feel like this was an expansion. I really thought 4.0/4.0.3 were more "expansion" like then the actual expansion. Once my sub runs out in April, I probably wont reup again for some time.
-----signature----- Deepstrike Server Milkman - Guardian Bard
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Title: Smoke em if ya got em
Sep 28, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
2. more levels - big let down on how fast it went but check this off too. 5 levels instead of 10 and they went really fast....not twice as fast as 10 levels but even faster honestly.
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Jun 18, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Yeah like I already said soon enough you will see the subscription plans like eq 2 this whole xpac is set up for it.
This was not something that was made for people who have been playing since release almost everyone I have played with since the game came out had about 7 or 8 chars at level 80 when the xpac came out, 1-60 stuff is pretty much pointless for 90% of my guild.
Get armed
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Title: Smoke em if ya got em
Sep 28, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Also the new questing system... If you follow the "quest exclamation marks" on the boards as you level, it will lead you from zone to zone pretty much. During this process if you complete the zone you are in, and continue to the next one, you just get dragged along. I can't imagine how many old places, new players are missing doing it this way.
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Title: Sith Lord
Dec 17, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
_Taebo_ posted: I have never really wanted to walk away from this game before, but after I hit 85, ran a few dungeons and just sat around in SW, I felt like that was it for me. I had no desire to bring 3 other 80's through the Cataclysm zones again. Zero re-playability and limited choices due to the on-rails game-play that's even more on rails than it ever was. It does feel like a regular patch and just an extension, not an expansion. I wonder if it's due to Kaplan not being involved as he was from launch until WotLK. It's just so weird to me, it's like someone flipped a switch and I feel no desire for the game any longer. My buddy felt the same way and we are just baffled what happened. We were die hards. We both cancelled and don't miss it at all.
I felt EXACTLY the same Taebo as soon as I hit 85 on my Priest and realized how badly they gimped up healing. I quit already, account is up on the 26th and I haven't logged into game in over a week. Just absolutely 0 interest which is surreal since I just paid out all that money for the expac and was so excited for Cata to release.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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May 11, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I probably will cancel in January. I don't see anything keeping me beyond that point. Heroics I can do now, but as someone else said, they take so much time to complete I generally don't join them at this point. I just don't have the attention span to commit to something like that. Again, as somone else said, it really feel's like a patch worth of content for the high level people. That was the risk Blizzard took with this patch, that the new people joining would outweigh the old people leaving.
We have not inherited the Earth from our parents, we have borrowed it from our children.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
A few bored trolls on the VN boards say they may eventually cancel their accounts. The game is obviously doomed.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Sith Lord
Dec 17, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: A few bored trolls on the VN boards say they may eventually cancel their accounts. The game is obviously doomed.
The funny thing about that is years after their accounts have been canceled they will still be posting on wow forums... >_<
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Our guild isn't threatening to quit. Just noticing they've made it a LOT easier if we decide to. Hope it doesn't get to that (again).
We are however, trying to put our finger on with what feels off just like a lot of other posters on this thread.
As I said in another thread:
Fun is in learning and attempted mastery.
And we've all mastered Blizz's process... the fast leveling, the grind through instances, then heroics, etc.
Will the current new content be enough?
Some of the things we've been tossing around (and have not reached conclusions on):
Cata didn't really advance anything gameplay-wise. Other than archeology. And phasing, which may not have been a good thing in the end.
The lore does not feel as "rich" or as "epic" (opinion) as the Arthas arc (finished in LK).
The ease of leveling to get everyone back at endgame quickly feels more like planned obsolescence of a product (letting new players flow in quickly/easily as older players attrit, following the EQ model where attrition = new subscribers at their peak.)
Feeling like WoW "peaked" with LK.
Missing the openworld feel - sense of exploration and freedom of choice. (Especially the ability to self-optimize questing. That was a fun "subgame".)
Wondering if the Cata team or the management value has shifted away from MMO design to Campaign-driven design (see: railcar questing/training for endgame encounters, etc). - pure speculation
And in line with that, which team and are they just moving on to other projects? (see planned obsolescence above) -again, pure speculation
Wondering if they actually did external Focus Testing (concept testing) for the new expansion.
Pondering the age old "intuitive change - complex system worse off" adage.
Concerned that for all the cataclysmic changes that were promoted, it feels awfully flat.
These are all valid concerns about a game we care about.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Feb 16, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
_Kewk_ posted:
The_Korrigan posted: A few bored trolls on the VN boards say they may eventually cancel their accounts. The game is obviously doomed.
The funny thing about that is years after their accounts have been canceled they will still be posting on wow forums... >_<
Even funnier, the fanboys will still be butthurt about it.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Jan 27, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I dont think there was enough new features that made you go WOW! like a lot of other games expansions did. It was more of the same with better polish which wasnt a bad thing. BC brought flying mounts and new zones finally and with better quest system. Wotlk took these zones and made it even better and introduced friendly heroics, raids and pvp to the game. Cata took all of these and attempted to make it better but nothing new introduced.
WoW - Archimonde - Ner'Zhul All people have evil thoughts, its those that act on these thoughts, that make them evil I can accept failure. What I cannot accept is not trying.
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Jul 16, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted: Ironic isn't it. Unless things start becoming a lot more in depth and entertaining, I don't see people paying 2yrs worth of subs for this expansion so far.
Neither do I, but Blizzard didn't get here by being stupid. There will be patches out the wazoo. This game isn't going anywhere.
- - - Can someone please answer Fermi's Paradox?
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Jul 14, '06
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The thing that really bothers me is that with the new starting zones and the 80-85 zones. I feel completely claustrophobic. I would much rather gather up a basketful of quests and be set on my way to decided what order and where I would like to go...and heck..maybe even run into a hub by surprise here and there. I cant see taking more 80s through the process. In WOTLK and before, I could skip some stuff I didnt quite care for. In the xpac.. i WILL be doing quest 1-24 because Blizz wont let me deviate from that path. It literally feels like Im on the "Its a small world" ride at Disneyland. (with better music) Will keep at it.. but its not all that I had hoped for. ...and no, Im not mad I am not trashing your beloved game (love it too for the most part), and I dont care how much you love it or hate it.. this is MY opinion.. dont let it affect you so much. PS (The "you and your" in this post is not dont take it so personally and dont PM me)
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
_Kewk_ posted:
The_Korrigan posted: A few bored trolls on the VN boards say they may eventually cancel their accounts. The game is obviously doomed.
The funny thing about that is years after their accounts have been canceled they will still be posting on wow forums... >_<
Even funnier, the fanboys will still be butthurt about it.
This is the thing that always cracks me up the most. Fanbois froth at the mouth no matter how legitimate and civilized the criticisms are discussed. Notice how this entire thread was completely about game issues until Korrigan showed up as usual choking on his mouthful of blizzard, THEN it became about the posters. I have to wonder, all the critiques we are seeing here are right on the money, and I see the same ones by the thousands on the official boards. So if the fanbois are perfectly happy with cataclysm, I have to wonder if they are possibly intellectually or socially retarded in some way, where spinning on the same hamster wheel really does make them clap their hands excitedly and continues to be fun? /ponders
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
In the past I could rank up there with any of the banboi's. I still think the game is great, it is fun. I've liked the expansion, I have not seen it all yet, but from what I have seen I think they did a great job, espcially with the old world, but I only say tha because that is what I have seen the most.
That being said I just don't feel the same pull as I used to. Now is this a change in me, or is it a change in the game? Who knows. Fact is though I was playing Settlers of Catan online the other night rather then WoW. For those of you that don't know, that is an online board game.
I want to re state the fact that I really have nothing but good things to say about WoW content and game wise, I just don't feel the need to play it anymore. I'm not cancelling my sub, however I think for once, I'm truly casual.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Jan 7, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted: Ironic isn't it. Unless things start becoming a lot more in depth and entertaining, I don't see people paying 2yrs worth of subs for this expansion so far.
Don't speak too soon. It's a casual market. For those who only play an hour or two a day, double that on Saturdays, and are looking to get thier guild to 25, plus leveling alts...this could take a while. able to actually do some raiding withing the next 6 major patches coming out every (what) 3 months or so....there is plenty to do.
For casual players.
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Jan 7, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The problem, as I see it, guys play too much.
I mean...the expansion has been out 3 weeks...and some people are raiding....WTF???
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Jan 7, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
_Taebo_ posted: Wow is a good game, but after this one, I have decided to move on.
There is no way this is going to last me or anyone I know until 2012.
<raises hand>...I'll be here.
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Jan 3, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I saw DC Universe online is going to have a life time subscription option, I think i'll get that.. it worked real well with Lotro.
Terravos - RR11L2 Valkyrie Merlin Server - Skullthrone Destruction Badlands Order RIP Dr. Tiller
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Alpha_Swift posted:
Arcilite_I posted: Ironic isn't it. Unless things start becoming a lot more in depth and entertaining, I don't see people paying 2yrs worth of subs for this expansion so far.
Neither do I, but Blizzard didn't get here by being stupid. There will be patches out the wazoo. This game isn't going anywhere.
I agree Alpha and I will be back as soon as they pull their heads out of their rears and fix the mechanics at top level. Also, to the guys giving crap about "I quit" posts, look at my post history. Pretty easy since I don't post all that often. I don't have a single "I quit" post anywhere before the Cataclysm expansion. I have quit playing maybe 3 times the whole time I have been playing WoW (since 2006) and each time was due to lack of internet access or money when I was in college. I am not ragequitting, more quitting until they fix things. Messing with Blizzard's money is the only way to get their attention that something is wrong so I am working that angle.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
IndridCole posted:
Arcilite_I posted: Ironic isn't it. Unless things start becoming a lot more in depth and entertaining, I don't see people paying 2yrs worth of subs for this expansion so far.
Don't speak too soon. It's a casual market. For those who only play an hour or two a day, double that on Saturdays, and are looking to get thier guild to 25, plus leveling alts...this could take a while. able to actually do some raiding withing the next 6 major patches coming out every (what) 3 months or so....there is plenty to do. For casual players.
The problem is once casuals get to level 85 and feel like they are weak as a kitten, the casuals will feel punished. You simply cannot play the way you used to in WOTLK and just have fun. Your idea of fun has to change. You have to start reading spreadsheets, parsing logs, perusing WoWhead and Elitist Jerks for upgrades to gear and strategies on bosses, learning to CC, practicing running out of fires, and doing 2+ hour dungeons to get the loot needed to hit Heroics and get anything accomplished. Frankly, I think Blizzard lost their minds and they should have done this gradually, not all at once with the ramped up difficulty. IndridCole posted: The problem, as I see it, guys play too much. I mean...the expansion has been out 3 weeks...and some people are raiding....WTF???
I started playing Cata on launch day. I didn't take any days off work or even leave early. I played in the afternoons for around 4-5 hours at a time and cracked out 12+ hours Sat/Sun on weekend after Cata launched. I leveled a new Worgen Drood to level 15, and leveled my 80 Priest to 85. I got to revered in almost all the reputations and did about 5 Normals and that was all I could stomach. I read every quest all the way through as well and did Mount Hyjal, Deepholme, some of Vashjir, and Uldum. Just poked my head into Twilight Highlands. This took just over a week. There just isn't that much there. It is not "people playing too much". It took me over 3 weeks to do the same thing when WOTLK came out and I was in between assignments in the field and had 3 whole weeks off work for the expac last time!
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Jan 7, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
shoobzie posted: Also the new questing system...
If you follow the "quest exclamation marks" on the boards as you level, it will lead you from zone to zone pretty much. During this process if you complete the zone you are in, and continue to the next one, you just get dragged along. I can't imagine how many old places new places are missing doing it this way.
Wait a minute. Not too long ago there was a conversation about streamlining the quests so there wasn't so much running back to quest givers. Now they've implemented it and there are still complaints?
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Jan 7, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bremen_Gaheris posted:
The problem is once casuals get to level 85 and feel like they are weak as a kitten, the casuals will feel punished. You simply cannot play the way you used to in WOTLK and just have fun. Your idea of fun has to change.
You have to start reading spreadsheets, parsing logs, perusing WoWhead and Elitist Jerks for upgrades to gear and strategies on bosses, learning to CC, practicing running out of fires, and doing 2+ hour dungeons to get the loot needed to hit Heroics and get anything accomplished.
Frankly, I think Blizzard lost their minds and they should have done this gradually, not all at once with the ramped up difficulty.
I started playing Cata on launch day. I didn't take any days off work or even leave early. I played in the afternoons for around 4-5 hours at a time and cracked out 12+ hours Sat/Sun on weekend after Cata launched. I leveled a new Worgen Drood to level 15, and leveled my 80 Priest to 85.
I got to revered in almost all the reputations and did about 5 Normals and that was all I could stomach. I read every quest all the way through as well and did Mount Hyjal, Deepholme, some of Vashjir, and Uldum. Just poked my head into Twilight Highlands. This took just over a week.
There just isn't that much there. It is not "people playing too much". It took me over 3 weeks to do the same thing when WOTLK came out and I was in between assignments in the field and had 3 whole weeks off work for the expac last time!
What about proffesions? LOL! J/K
I'm not worried about dungeon difficulty because as a tank I've got que time on my side. And I don't have a problem with challenges like what some are talking about. 2hr dungeons? I'll save thaose for a Saturday evening. I've finally got a mage above 50 (heck above 25 was an accomplishment.) and I'm looking forward to a new DK and Lock. Speak for myslef I think I've got enough to keep me chugging for quite a while. Plus I still have ot go get exhalted with the rest of the TBC factions I left behind.
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Jan 7, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bremen_Gaheris posted:
The problem is once casuals get to level 85 and feel like they are weak as a kitten, the casuals will feel punished. You simply cannot play the way you used to in WOTLK and just have fun. Your idea of fun has to change.
You have to start reading spreadsheets, parsing logs, perusing WoWhead and Elitist Jerks for upgrades to gear and strategies on bosses, learning to CC, practicing running out of fires, and doing 2+ hour dungeons to get the loot needed to hit Heroics and get anything accomplished.
Frankly, I think Blizzard lost their minds and they should have done this gradually, not all at once with the ramped up difficulty.
I do this already. I realize a loooong time ago that if you're not visiting WoWhead or some forum ona basis you are behind the curve. I feel bad for those who want it all but won't in th etime to do the things they need.
I know this person ingame who thinks it's neat to have the BoAs from AT..but doesn't want to put in the time needed to work his way up to 'Crusader'. He fels conflicted jumping from alt to alt to alt. I'm like why aren't you leveling your druid to 85? He's not 'feeling it' he says. Okay.
People think I'm insane for having the faction reps I do, or the amount of BoAs. Or that I try to get all my alts to th ehighest in all proffesions...even secondary.
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
IndridCole posted: What about proffesions? LOL! J/K I'm not worried about dungeon difficulty because as a tank I've got que time on my side. And I don't have a problem with challenges like what some are talking about. 2hr dungeons? I'll save thaose for a Saturday evening. I've finally got a mage above 50 (heck above 25 was an accomplishment.) and I'm looking forward to a new DK and Lock. Speak for myslef I think I've got enough to keep me chugging for quite a while. Plus I still have ot go get exhalted with the rest of the TBC factions I left behind.
Awesome! Have as much fun as you can in the lower levels. It is still a blast and if I weren't so irritated I would maybe try to build a new lowbie. Only problem is I have so danged many toons already I am out of new, fresh classes to level. So, my advice, take your time to get to 85. Go as slow as you can and maybe before you make it there Bliz will have fixed the high level issues. They are game breaking in my opinion. It feels like we are back in 2005 doing Old School WoW and frankly the game was NOT better in those days, imho.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
IndridCole posted: I do this already. I realize a loooong time ago that if you're not visiting WoWhead or some forum ona basis you are behind the curve. I feel bad for those who want it all but won't in th etime to do the things they need. I know this person ingame who thinks it's neat to have the BoAs from AT..but doesn't want to put in the time needed to work his way up to 'Crusader'. He fels conflicted jumping from alt to alt to alt. I'm like why aren't you leveling your druid to 85? He's not 'feeling it' he says. Okay. People think I'm insane for having the faction reps I do, or the amount of BoAs. Or that I try to get all my alts to th ehighest in all proffesions...even secondary.
If you are having fun, that is all that counts but I can tell you exactly why your friend says he's not 'feeling it'. It is because the scaling is screwed up past 80. The higher level you get the weaker you feel. 85 in quested blues/greens feels crippled and boring. You have 4k SP, 100k hps, 60k mana, and 4% crit, and 4% haste. Totally lame, again, imho.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Apr 12, '10
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bremen_Gaheris posted: [quote=IndridCole]I do this already. I realize a loooong time ago that if you're not visiting WoWhead or some forum ona basis you are behind the curve. I feel bad for those who want it all but won't in th etime to do the things they need.
I know this person ingame who thinks it's neat to have the BoAs from AT..but doesn't want to put in the time needed to work his way up to 'Crusader'. He fels conflicted jumping from alt to alt to alt. I'm like why aren't you leveling your druid to 85? He's not 'feeling it' he says. Okay.
People think I'm insane for having the faction reps I do, or the amount of BoAs. Or that I try to get all my alts to th ehighest in all proffesions...even secondary.
If you are having fun, that is all that counts but I can tell you exactly why your friend says he's not 'feeling it'. It is because the scaling is screwed up past 80. The higher level you get the weaker you feel. 85 in quested blues/greens feels crippled and boring. You have 4k SP, 100k hps, 60k mana, and 4% crit, and 4% haste. Totally lame, again, imho.[/quote]
Yeah I went from a 1.3 second lightning bolt at level 80 on my shaman, to a 1.86 second lightning bolt at 85 with better gear. I still scratch my head on that one.
-----signature----- Deepstrike Server Milkman - Guardian Bard
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Aug 21, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
While I understand what they are trying to do, my solidified opinion after doing a little bit of everything Cata has to offer is that this expansion blows. Oh wells, it happens, though they won't get and retain any new players unless those players stay in the 1-60 range.
AC - Hokkaido Disco, Flesh Wound - retired EQ/EQ2 - Straylight - retired UO, DAOC, AoC, AO, CoH, EVE - retired WoW - retired Help me SW:TOR, you're my only hope
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Jan 7, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bremen_Gaheris posted:
IndridCole posted: I do this already. I realize a loooong time ago that if you're not visiting WoWhead or some forum ona basis you are behind the curve. I feel bad for those who want it all but won't in th etime to do the things they need.
I know this person ingame who thinks it's neat to have the BoAs from AT..but doesn't want to put in the time needed to work his way up to 'Crusader'. He fels conflicted jumping from alt to alt to alt. I'm like why aren't you leveling your druid to 85? He's not 'feeling it' he says. Okay.
People think I'm insane for having the faction reps I do, or the amount of BoAs. Or that I try to get all my alts to th ehighest in all proffesions...even secondary.
If you are having fun, that is all that counts but I can tell you exactly why your friend says he's not 'feeling it'. It is because the scaling is screwed up past 80. The higher level you get the weaker you feel. 85 in quested blues/greens feels crippled and boring. You have 4k SP, 100k hps, 60k mana, and 4% crit, and 4% haste. Totally lame, again, imho.
Thank you for your insight. I really do appreciate it. I probably should have explained more..but...when he said he wasn't 'feeling it' it was because he went ot Hyjal...saw that it as on fire (or something) mentioned it 'burnign his fur' and left. His druid is still stuck at 80. I reccomended Vash but he doesn't care for water quests...I guess. LOL!
If I had to make a wild speculation about Cata. I would say this.
Someone up in corporate saw that there was a percentage of people who did not raid in Wrath. (Such as myself) Probably even saw the amount of progression (overall) by players was slower from 70 to 80 and felt that they would make it 80 to 85 for Cata in order to catter to the casual crowd. I mean if a casual player plays less than 5 hours a week then 80 to 85 is proabably right up the casuals alley. I'm not that bad in my casual play. But I'm in no rush. If I get to a point where I will overshoot the level mark for a dungeon I will move to a toon.
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Title: Pastor of Muppets
Jan 15, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
shoobzie posted: 2. more levels - big let down on how fast it went but check this off too. 5 levels instead of 10 and they went really fast....not twice as fast as 10 levels but even faster honestly.
This is what bugs me the most, and it has bugged me since BC was released. I'm used to the old-style mmo-level-gain abilities-level-do quests-level-craft "grind" (if you will). I actually enjoy it. If I didn't, I wouldn't play MMOs. I thought they did a fantastic job with BC...except for the fact that they shortened the game for non-raiders like myself by only adding 10 additional levels. One could easily get from level 58-68 in Outland essentially without bothering to visit more than two of the zones. I know because I pretty much did just that with my warrior...did all the Hellfire and Nagrand quests then a few in Netherstorm before moving on to Northrend. I picked Nagrand because the last time I did the content years ago I went from Hellfire to Zangarmarsh. Once I hit 70, I quit the game until Wrath came out. Same goes for Northrend and the Wrath content. Borean Tundra is jam-packed with quest content, which you will quickly outlevel. Hit 80 and, unless you're a raider and in a raiding guild for the most part, there's not much left to do other than grind for mounts, rep, or level an alt. They could have easily scaled BC and Wrath for 20 levels given the number of zones and massive amount of content each xpac offered. I wish they had, but even with that complaint both xpacs (I felt) were well worth the money (which was an unheard of $40 both times). Now we're given only 5 more levels until we max out again and, on top of that, we're lead with a carrot and stick through the content? Seriously? I expected much, much more of Blizzard.
I had a dream. It was an incredible dream. When I awoke, I had a huge mess to clean up.
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Mar 16, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bremen_Gaheris posted:
The problem is once casuals get to level 85 and feel like they are weak as a kitten, the casuals will feel punished. You simply cannot play the way you used to in WOTLK and just have fun. Your idea of fun has to change.
You have to start reading spreadsheets, parsing logs, perusing WoWhead and Elitist Jerks for upgrades to gear and strategies on bosses, learning to CC, practicing running out of fires, and doing 2+ hour dungeons to get the loot needed to hit Heroics and get anything accomplished.
Frankly, I think Blizzard lost their minds and they should have done this gradually, not all at once with the ramped up difficulty.
But as Spooky and some others pointed out (I think before CATA even released) Blizzard will dial things back when enough people whine about the jump in "difficulty". We're reaching that point now and in a month or two it will be toned down to the point it isn't such a big change for the casuals. Too late for some but plenty will still be here or come back to try it after the changes.
-----signature----- Rift: Reclaimer-PvP, Guardian Krashkart - cleric: sometimes I heal but don't bet your life on it Myxmo - Bard "Remember kids, VN boards are for entertainment purposes only." - Spookysheep, 12/20/2010
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Jun 20, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Considering i played WoW since launch i dont see why i wouldnt keep playing it. Currently there isnt much competition on the market. The feeling of a polished mmo like WoW, you just dont see it anywhere else.
"Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant *****' Mark Twain ****. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone."
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I love Cataclysm and i think it's a great expansion but the healing changes real irk me, soon as you hit 81 it's all down hill. I've been a healer off and on(mostly on) since release, early WoW healing was challenging. This healing isn't hard it's more tedious then challenging i heal for about the same at 85 as i did at 80 with better gear. I play to make my character better but when you feel worse after each level whats the point? I'm more then willing to resup if they make good changes but for now i can catch up on all the games i bought from the past steam sales and the current one.
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Jul 20, '08
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Malachi256 posted:
Sociop posted:
MinionX-DW posted: I'm personally not enjoying the extremely long heroics.. most end up being at least 2 hours long.. I don't like spendin 2 hours in a bloody dungeon.
Add to it the fact that you will have to do it daily for the next 6 months or so to get enough Val points to get a full set of Epic gear.
Heroics will rapidly get better (already happening) as the truly poor players just give up, and everyone else gets better.
Actually what I am seeing is as players gear up they can still carry the new people to heroics for a bit, same as LK. I left a disaster of a pug to get in with a new one which cake walked the whole dungeon. All due to tank and healer carrying the dps.
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May 24, '08
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
This will fall perfectly into Blizzards plan. Diablo 3 will pick up most, if not all leavers of WoW.
I for one am waiting for D3.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JzeroVN posted: Bremen_Gaheris posted: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem is once casuals get to level 85 and feel like they are weak as a kitten, the casuals will feel punished. You simply cannot play the way you used to in WOTLK and just have fun. Your idea of fun has to change. You have to start reading spreadsheets, parsing logs, perusing WoWhead and Elitist Jerks for upgrades to gear and strategies on bosses, learning to CC, practicing running out of fires, and doing 2+ hour dungeons to get the loot needed to hit Heroics and get anything accomplished. Frankly, I think Blizzard lost their minds and they should have done this gradually, not all at once with the ramped up difficulty. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But as Spooky and some others pointed out (I think before CATA even released) Blizzard will dial things back when enough people whine about the jump in "difficulty". We're reaching that point now and in a month or two it will be toned down to the point it isn't such a big change for the casuals. Too late for some but plenty will still be here or come back to try it after the changes.
Ok, just to clear this up, I am NOT decrying the downfall of WoW. I am not saying they are going to tank like OP is saying. I am just agreeing that they are going to sling off a lot of older players and even some new ones with their less than friendly "new" endgame scaling and setup. Just wish the LFD tool was more useful like it was in WOTLK. That was one of the reasons I kept playing as long as I did even when things were getting old before new expac release.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
huldu posted: Considering i played WoW since launch i dont see why i wouldnt keep playing it. Currently there isnt much competition on the market. The feeling of a polished mmo like WoW, you just dont see it anywhere else.
Agreed, and I will definitely resubscribe as soon as they fix their 85 mechanics to be more PUG LFD friendly.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bremen_Gaheris posted:
JzeroVN posted: Bremen_Gaheris posted:
The problem is once casuals get to level 85 and feel like they are weak as a kitten, the casuals will feel punished. You simply cannot play the way you used to in WOTLK and just have fun. Your idea of fun has to change.
You have to start reading spreadsheets, parsing logs, perusing WoWhead and Elitist Jerks for upgrades to gear and strategies on bosses, learning to CC, practicing running out of fires, and doing 2+ hour dungeons to get the loot needed to hit Heroics and get anything accomplished.
Frankly, I think Blizzard lost their minds and they should have done this gradually, not all at once with the ramped up difficulty.
But as Spooky and some others pointed out (I think before CATA even released) Blizzard will dial things back when enough people whine about the jump in "difficulty". We're reaching that point now and in a month or two it will be toned down to the point it isn't such a big change for the casuals. Too late for some but plenty will still be here or come back to try it after the changes.
Ok, just to clear this up, I am NOT decrying the downfall of WoW. I am not saying they are going to tank like OP is saying. I am just agreeing that they are going to sling off a lot of older players and even some new ones with their less than friendly "new" endgame scaling and setup. Just wish the LFD tool was more useful like it was in WOTLK. That was one of the reasons I kept playing as long as I did even when things were getting old before new expac release.
I was there years ago, but I have to say, the amount of people (vets) kind of not satisfied less than three frickin' weeks after the expansion is pretty insane.
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Apr 20, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Spookysheep posted: This is the thing that always cracks me up the most. Fanbois froth at the mouth no matter how legitimate and civilized the criticisms are discussed.
Actually, after seeing you post constantly on these boards for literally years, without ever showing any sign of ever having enjoyed anything about WoW, my reaction is not so much frothing at the mouth, as shaking my head in amused disbelief. At some point, you're going to come to the conclusion that you spent maybe 5% of your entire life bitching about a game you don't like.
Banquetto <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 85 Dwarf Priest / Daggerspine Beliandra <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Human Rogue / Daggerspine Beliarchia <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Draenei Shaman / Daggerspine
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Nov 6, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
st0rmie posted:
Spookysheep posted: This is the thing that always cracks me up the most. Fanbois froth at the mouth no matter how legitimate and civilized the criticisms are discussed.
Actually, after seeing you post constantly on these boards for literally years, without ever showing any sign of ever having enjoyed anything about WoW, my reaction is not so much frothing at the mouth, as shaking my head in amused disbelief. At some point, you're going to come to the conclusion that you spent maybe 5% of your entire life bitching about a game you don't like.
And you read every one of them, wasting 5% of your life doing so? /chuckle
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Sep 3, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Fascinating use of "title" and "text". I'm not completely certain whether you knew what you were doing there, but I suspect you did.
"Come on baby light my fur"
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
kyrv posted: I was there years ago, but I have to say, the amount of people (vets) kind of not satisfied less than three frickin' weeks after the expansion is pretty insane.
Cataclysm Expansion is like chinese take-out? 3 weeks later you're hungry for more?
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: Druid Power
Mar 4, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bremen_Gaheris posted:
_Taebo_ posted: I have never really wanted to walk away from this game before, but after I hit 85, ran a few dungeons and just sat around in SW, I felt like that was it for me. I had no desire to bring 3 other 80's through the Cataclysm zones again. Zero re-playability and limited choices due to the on-rails game-play that's even more on rails than it ever was. It does feel like a regular patch and just an extension, not an expansion. I wonder if it's due to Kaplan not being involved as he was from launch until WotLK. It's just so weird to me, it's like someone flipped a switch and I feel no desire for the game any longer. My buddy felt the same way and we are just baffled what happened. We were die hards. We both cancelled and don't miss it at all.
I felt EXACTLY the same Taebo as soon as I hit 85 on my Priest and realized how badly they gimped up healing. I quit already, account is up on the 26th and I haven't logged into game in over a week. Just absolutely 0 interest which is surreal since I just paid out all that money for the expac and was so excited for Cata to release.
oh no. you cant just spam circle of healing anymore during instances and win. i cant spam wild growth while jumping in circles anymore and occasionally check my email mid pull man, healing sure is HARD!!! let me tell you! but no really.. If you can't keep up in heroics as a healer now, you are just terrible they gimped healing, sure, but they also made it BETTER for those who can conserve their mana well and use their heals efficiently
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Dec 8, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
i dunno if WoW will take a hit or not, but i think maybe this expansion is the display that they put WoW on cruise control. in other words we can't expect any new game dynamics.
i tried awhile longer on my 85 to find something fun to do but i still couldn't. so i spent my justice points and honor points on heirlooms (thats right...bought my first heirlooms ever this late after they came out) and am going to give WoW one last shot on a new worgen druid. i am NOT an alt person usually, so this will be a true test of whether or not its time to quit the game.
on another note it felt good to spent my points on heirlooms, since they will last such a long time. whenever i buy regular gear with points i feel a little frustrated since i know that after a few weeks it will be worthless.
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Nov 5, '10
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
My main hit 84 today. Leveling does seem to go by awfully fast, and I have really only played on the weekends. Haven't done a single instance either. After all the complaints, I am not looking forward to Heroics, especially since I am currently unguilded. I play with a couple of ex guildies which is certainly more than adequate for leveling, rep grinding, etc. I suppose I will get in a guild and give heroics, and eventually raiding a go again. But yeah, I'm a bit underwhelmed.
Having said all that, I left WoW well before WotLK released and came back about a month before Cata launched. During my WoW hiatus I played at least 5 different MMOs, and look where I ended up. Yup. WoW.
I will level a new alt to see all the new 1-60 content, but I'm not sure how long it will hold my interest. What's my point here? Well....I don't think it's entirely WoW's (or any other MMO's) fault that I am bored. We gamers play these games an awful lot, and sooner or later, we become jaded and it's very difficult for any game to hold our interest. Blizzard most certainly realizes this, and as others have surmised, maybe they are "turning over" the player base.
Oh well, Spring is only three months away, maybe I'll give that "outdoors" game a spin for a while .
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
TL;DR = cata smells funny. I'm bored. QQ. I don't have a problem with increased difficulty. What I have a problem with is gratuitous flogging for the sake of flogging. Sometimes you just want to go beat up some pixels after a long day at work. Hard isn't the same thing as exciting/interesting. Regarding quests, what bugs me about this expansion is the "herding" feel of the quest lines. Kill 5 of those. Oops, you made them mad, now go get me 20 of their eyes. Cool, now go pick up the weapons they dropped. OK, now that really _really_ made them mad so you now have to go back and kill a few of the named guys there. OK, thanks, but you've now pissed off their leader and you need to go back and kill it/them. Rinse, repeat, ad nauseum. It was somewhat that way in BC but you had the option to skip around a bit. In LK, it just got more rote and more "pipelined" and predictable. Cata is just more of the same with so many collection quests that it has effectively killed my alt-itis. It might grow on me but I haven't logged in since Monday, and that was to check AH stuff, and in spite of being off on vacation and having no other obligations this week or next. /shrug It isn't a bad game, and I'm sure it's exciting for newer folks playing through the content the first time but it's getting damned boring these days for me.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
_Kewk_ posted:
The_Korrigan posted: A few bored trolls on the VN boards say they may eventually cancel their accounts. The game is obviously doomed.
The funny thing about that is years after their accounts have been canceled they will still be posting on wow forums... >_<
Oh, no worries, they will be here until WoW closes its servers, may it be in 5, 10 or 15 years, just to say "told you so! It's been 20 years I'm telling you WoW was doomed, and I WAS RIGHT!". They whole life is focused on that moment. Until then, they will just post more crap and some childish insults to make themself feel better... and we can keep on laughing at their pathetic behavior. Merry xmas and happy new year, kindergarten heroes
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Nov 6, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted:
I am the perfect example of a kindergarten hero
People complain, you say "speak with your wallet"... People say they are not resubbing, you call them "doomsayer trolls"... People say they don't like healing reduced to one button, one spell, every time, all the time, and you jump right in with the name calling. Korrigan, you are the most pathetic poster on these boards, but I find it highly entertaining to watch you make such a fool of yourself day in and day out. Don't ever change.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
GutterSludge posted: No, you!
Oh, come on, big boy, you can do better. If you start to be as boring as your apprentice troll friend minionx-dw, you're gonna be fired from the kindergarten elite and join him with the rejects in the dark corner of the courtyard.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
-Kurasis- posted:
Bremen_Gaheris posted: I felt EXACTLY the same Taebo as soon as I hit 85 on my Priest and realized how badly they gimped up healing. I quit already, account is up on the 26th and I haven't logged into game in over a week. Just absolutely 0 interest which is surreal since I just paid out all that money for the expac and was so excited for Cata to release.
oh no. you cant just spam circle of healing anymore during instances and win. i cant spam wild growth while jumping in circles anymore and occasionally check my email mid pull man, healing sure is HARD!!! let me tell you! but no really.. If you can't keep up in heroics as a healer now, you are just terrible they gimped healing, sure, but they also made it BETTER for those who can conserve their mana well and use their heals efficiently
You know, I have a theory about the board warriors on the OF and here. You know, the ones saying that healing is fine, healing is more "challenging" now, and that they are fine and awesome players and everyone who has a problem with it are "bads", "scrubs", and "Wrath babies". You see, my theory is, the ones who love the new healing model of spam base Heal/Nourish/Holy Light/Healing Wave 80% of the time to not go out of mana are the same ones that sucked in all the LFD groups I did in WOTLK. You know, the "healers" that spammed just one spell and still let people die cause they refused to use any of their tools and play well. Now, these guys are so happy that their chosen fail playstyle in WOTLK is now par for the course in Cata. How pathetic? I used FAR more spells and more often in WOTLK and was an awesome PUG healer. I had a lot of fun. Now? Not so much. Good luck "Wrath Baby" with your new "challenging" Cata healing model.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted:
_Kewk_ posted:
The_Korrigan posted: A few bored trolls on the VN boards say they may eventually cancel their accounts. The game is obviously doomed.
The funny thing about that is years after their accounts have been canceled they will still be posting on wow forums... >_<
Oh, no worries, they will be here until WoW closes its servers, may it be in 5, 10 or 15 years, just to say "told you so! It's been 20 years I'm telling you WoW was doomed, and I WAS RIGHT!". They whole life is focused on that moment. Until then, they will just post more crap and some childish insults to make themself feel better... and we can keep on laughing at their pathetic behavior. Merry xmas and happy new year, kindergarten heroes
I apologize if my posting that I am unhappy with the new changes and am not resubbing until they fix their high level healing model makes you uncomfortable Korrigan. I am serious about it and none of my posts are hasty and/or kneejerk. I am just really dissatisfied, and apparently so are a lot of others, with the direction they are heading. I am quitting cause 1. I am not having fun. 2. I am not having fun. 3. I have to exercise the only way to truly show Blizzard you have a problem with the direction their game is going. Don't worry, I am not decrying the downfall of WoW. And me quitting is not going to stop the servers cold and cause them to shut down the game. You can relax. Also, no need to keep up with Minion in the trolling department. It's Christmas, have a great weekend Korrigan and everyone!
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bremen_Gaheris: you aren't here every other day predicting the doom of WoW, or trolling in the name of "another" game, so my posts were obviously not meant for you. But I think you knew that before you even made your last post. Merry xmas
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: Bremen_Gaheris: you aren't here every other day predicting the doom of WoW, or trolling in the name of "another" game, so my posts were obviously not meant for you. But I think you knew that before you even made your last post. Merry xmas
I did but it seemed fun at the time. Plus I read all the trolling and countering in the Rift thread. Good stuff, lol.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: VNBoard Admin
Mar 1, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Personally, I think Cataclysm is a pretty damn good expansion overall. The problem I have is that it is just more of the same and I am really feeling it this time. No, I am not cancelling the game any time soon but the "boredom" factor which usually took me 6-8 months after an expansion, appears to be hitting me 3 weeks after the fact. Not good. I am still slowly leveling one of my alts though and doing the dailies with my main, but I have NO desire to go into Heroics at all, or do much of anything else in the game. That being said, I did hit 200k Gold today Anyways, it doesn't matter. I expect to give Rift a shot when it comes out and SW:TOR should prove interesting as well, even if I just do "drive byes" on those games that last a few weeks or a few months, they will prove to be interesting diversions. I doubt they will be "settle" games for me, where I stay for years... The good news is that there are about 15-20 good single player games I am really interested in playing in 2011, plus 3 or 4 from 2010 I have not touched yet (Gothic 4, Brotherhood, God of War 3, Allan Wake, etc) so I think a new "lul" in WoW is coming at a perfect time. Plus, my life is going to be insane in 2011 too, so... getting bored is probably a good thing I think the major point expansions for Cataclysm will offer a LOT of new content though. .
I survived to the end and got nothing out of it, but hey.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
-Mithan- posted: Personally, I think Cataclysm is a pretty damn good expansion overall. The problem I have is that it is just more of the same and I am really feeling it this time. No, I am not cancelling the game any time soon but the "boredom" factor which usually took me 6-8 months after an expansion, appears to be hitting me 3 weeks after the fact. Not good. I am still slowly leveling one of my alts though and doing the dailies with my main, but I have NO desire to go into Heroics at all, or do much of anything else in the game. That being said, I did hit 200k Gold today Anyways, it doesn't matter. I expect to give Rift a shot when it comes out and SW:TOR should prove interesting as well, even if I just do "drive byes" on those games that last a few weeks or a few months, they will prove to be interesting diversions. I doubt they will be "settle" games for me, where I stay for years... The good news is that there are about 15-20 good single player games I am really interested in playing in 2011, plus 3 or 4 from 2010 I have not touched yet (Gothic 4, Brotherhood, God of War 3, Allan Wake, etc) so I think a new "lul" in WoW is coming at a perfect time. Plus, my life is going to be insane in 2011 too, so... getting bored is probably a good thing I think the major point expansions for Cataclysm will offer a LOT of new content though. .
I am in total agreement on all points including this next year being crazy. I just changed jobs (start on Tuesday) making about 33% more money but with a LOT more travel (6 weeks on 2 weeks off). Luckily it will all be US, Alaska, and Canada instead of North Africa..... SWTOR is what I am really looking forward to this year, if they get it released this year....but Rift is looking really good too. I think I will have to give it a try. Hopefully they will have an open beta of some sort soon.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Aug 18, '08
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
GutterSludge posted:
The_Korrigan posted:
I am the perfect example of a kindergarten hero
People complain, you say "speak with your wallet"... People say they are not resubbing, you call them "doomsayer trolls"... People say they don't like healing reduced to one button, one spell, every time, all the time, and you jump right in with the name calling. Korrigan, you are the most pathetic poster on these boards, but I find it highly entertaining to watch you make such a fool of yourself day in and day out. Don't ever change.
He didn't do any of that in the thread, but it appears that he struck a nerve with you with his one post. You and Arc seem to think you are winning something, but you only end up looking like an *** in yet another thread.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Heh, it's xmas...
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Nothing is going to kill WoW. It's going to die, fat and happy, of old age and natural causes, years and years from now. Edit: I do agree with the comments about the healing issues at level 85. I have no doubt that Blizz will address those issues fairly soon.
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Oct 5, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Cataclysm was half about the current players, and half about getting new ones. Why else would they have redesigned the entire first expansion to make it easier to pick up and play - most certainly not for the hardcore fans who have already leveled up many, many characters. From what I hear, this is going to be a "short" expansion year: expect a full expansion next year. Also expect a lot more content over the coming months. This expansion was thin because it was a reboot of the franchise. I think it's a gyp that they expected us to pay full price for it, and if they expect to keep all of their hardcore faithful, they're mistaken. But I think this is a revolving door strategy: while the hardcore file out of the building in search of adventure and excitement, so will new players come to the game seeking the same thing - and for those players, WoW is a pretty decent prospect.
Long Ranger: back in Dereth again, after a seven-year sleep!
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Title: Moderator Troll Eradicator
Mar 9, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Long_Ranger posted: From what I hear, this is going to be a "short" expansion year: expect a full expansion next year.
Q2 of 2012 if the recently leaked timeline is accurate and they have already confirmed the existence of Titan which lends it a tiny bit of credibility.
Fare thee well VN, Vini, Vidi, Vici!
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
There is so much epic win in this thread, just in time for Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone! Thanks to all those who we knew would not disappoint
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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May 28, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Spookysheep posted: This could be the beginning of the end. Not for all the new players starting, but for huge numbers that have been around since vanilla.
This just doesn't feel like an expansion at all, it feels like a $40 update patch. The leveling is nothing new at all, in any way whatsoever.
The dungeons, same. Not sure about raids but I just don't see how raids can be any different (just longer, more boring versions of 5 mans).
PVP, no changes whatsoever.
I'm just not seeing much "expansion" to this expansion.
I imagine that for every old school player that finally calls it quits there will be one or two new players replacing them though, at least for a couple of years.
Rift - Having fun WoW - Just cant do it anymore... "WAR and AoC also showed that a strong, nerd-attracting IP can only get you so far before the cognitive dissonance starts to wear off" - bOrngamer
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Mar 28, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted: Ironic isn't it. Unless things start becoming a lot more in depth and entertaining, I don't see people paying 2yrs worth of subs for this expansion so far.
Well like us all, you are welcome to your opinion even if time will probably prove you wrong This doesn’t mean things will remain static with the game it never has. The number of posts you make doesn’t mean you have something worthwhile to say, it just means you have lots of free time. Merry Christmas all.
In the heat and the rain,
With whips and chains,
To see him fly.
So many die.
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Mar 4, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Truth be told, I miss the monthly Asheron's Call story arc updates... Kept you interested.
Ideology is not reality. To make good policy, one must consider all ideologies and decide which best solves the reality of the situation. Ideology is afterall, JUST AN IDEA.
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Nov 6, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Foojo posted:
He didn't do any of that in the thread, but it appears that he struck a nerve with you with his one post. You and Arc seem to think you are winning something, but you only end up looking like an *** in yet another thread.
So, this is the only thread you read? Thought so. Try getting the whole picture, before posting about the whole picture..
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Nov 6, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted:
GutterSludge posted: No, you!
Oh, come on, big boy, you can do better. If you start to be as boring as your apprentice troll friend minionx-dw, you're gonna be fired from the kindergarten elite and join him with the rejects in the dark corner of the courtyard.
Typical Korrigan response when faced with the factual truth of it all..denial, deflection, and name calling. Don't ever change!...Your predictability never falters. Even here, in a thread that is 100% opinion based, no one is allowed to have one unless it agrees with yours. /chuckle
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
GutterSludge posted:
The_Korrigan posted:
GutterSludge posted: No, you!
Oh, come on, big boy, you can do better. If you start to be as boring as your apprentice troll friend minionx-dw, you're gonna be fired from the kindergarten elite and join him with the rejects in the dark corner of the courtyard.
Typical Korrigan response when faced with the factual truth of it all..denial, deflection, and name calling. Don't ever change!...Your predictability never falters. Even here, in a thread that is 100% opinion based, no one is allowed to have one unless it agrees with yours. /chuckle
PvPing since 1977
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
@ the last 2 posts
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Aug 18, '08
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
GutterSludge posted:
Foojo posted:
He didn't do any of that in the thread, but it appears that he struck a nerve with you with his one post. You and Arc seem to think you are winning something, but you only end up looking like an *** in yet another thread.
So, this is the only thread you read? Thought so. Try getting the whole picture, before posting about the whole picture..
I do have the whole picture. You're an *** in almost every thread you post to, then the same two posters/cheerleaders come in every time and say how great you are showing whoever up. Rinse and repeat.
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Mar 24, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Foojo posted: You're an *** in almost every thread you post to
Gutter, I think you just got 3 out of 4 stars for your posting. Not too shabby!
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Foojo posted: I do have the whole picture. You're an *** in almost every thread you post to, then the same two posters/cheerleaders come in every time and say how great you are showing whoever up. Rinse and repeat.
So typical that you (and others), instead of looking for the grain of truth in the unpolished mirror, choose only to see the tarnish. Ya know, my grandfather would have given you a heart attack with just his version of "hello." Some of you kids really need to get out of the sissified knitting circles you frequent and see the more interesting side of life every so often. Hell, you might even learn something in the process. Back in the day, we called it a "character-building experience." Nowadays, it's defamatory, offensive, being an ass or politically incorrect. The only change from back then is that the folks who were wimps then are still wimps now, just a lot more vocal. /queue the "kindergarten hero" martyrs whining in 3...2...1...
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: VN Sensei
Dec 16, '06
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft. I'd rather be kicked in the face then be a Patriots fan!
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
You would think the womb some of these people were birthed from was injected with Skin So Soft lotion.
PvPing since 1977
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Apr 7, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted: You would think the womb some of these people were birthed from was injected with Skin So Soft lotion.
At least they do not have to worry about mosquitos!
I need a new hobby . . Ten level 85's (one of each class) in WoW Back to try out the Feb patch in AC
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Typical VN. Egg on the jerkwads and tell people to "get a thicker skin". Sorry, no. I don't find obnoxious, rude behavior as "cool" or as behavior to encourage. You speak of "back in the day". Well, "back in the day", kids wouldn't dare show their asses and be hateful like this.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
Foojo posted: I do have the whole picture. You're an *** in almost every thread you post to, then the same two posters/cheerleaders come in every time and say how great you are showing whoever up. Rinse and repeat.
So typical that you (and others), instead of looking for the grain of truth in the unpolished mirror, choose only to see the tarnish. Ya know, my grandfather would have given you a heart attack with just his version of "hello." Some of you kids really need to get out of the sissified knitting circles you frequent and see the more interesting side of life every so often. Hell, you might even learn something in the process. Back in the day, we called it a "character-building experience." Nowadays, it's defamatory, offensive, being an ass or politically incorrect. /queue the "kindergarten hero" martyrs whining in 3...2...1...
That's quite an hilarious little speech considering we talk about people making asses of themself... on the Internet, hidden behind a computer screen. Oh yeah, talk about a thick skin! Heroes, told you so! Back in the "good old times", they would have had their faces bashed in and their asses beaten so red by their parents that they wouldn't have been able to sit for a full month. That was called education back then. Now they can just go on a random forum and behave like pricks because there are no consequences. So yeah, welcome to the kindergarten hero wannabe club. Keep on flexing your virtual muscles, epeen, and show how bad ass and thick skinned you are in the virtual forum world. We are very impressed by your virtual manhood, really. Ugh_Lancelot posted: The only change from back then is that the folks who were wimps then are still wimps now, just a lot more vocal.
Yep, that's true. Back in time, pricks would have been forced to behave politely since they couldn't hide behind computer screens. Now they can just be rude while safely sitting in a computer chair. You are right, they are more vocal now.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Feb 16, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: So yeah, welcome to the kindergarten hero wannabe club. Keep on flexing your virtual muscles, epeen, and show how bad ass and thick skinned you are in the virtual forum world. We are very impressed by your virtual manhood, really.
This from someone who measures everyone else by how far they've gotten in raids. LOL The_Korrigan posted: Yep, that's true. Back in time, pricks would have been forced to behave politely since they couldn't hide behind computer screens. Now they can just be rude while safely sitting in a computer chair. You are right, they are more vocal now.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Anonymous Entity
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Always cracks me up that any thread that breaks 2 pages on this forum is because of people flaming each other, and never from actual contributions. Not that I'm trying to fix that, this thread is pretty far past that.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
And we have another typical troll reaction: Broken_Kayfabe posted: No, YOU!
Add the usual childish picture and the tentative to digress to a totally unrelated topic and it becomes so predictable it's almost not even funny anymore.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Sounds to me like Korrigan has gotten his ass kicked one time too many IRL so it makes him feel all manly to throw down the gauntlet in practically every thread he posts. Yet he doesn't see the irony at all. Therein lies the true comedy gold
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Spookysheep posted: Sounds to me like Korrigan has gotten his ass kicked one time too many IRL so it makes him feel all manly to throw down the gauntlet in practically every thread he posts. Yet he doesn't see the irony at all. Therein lies the true comedy gold
It's worth a chuckle every.single.time.
PvPing since 1977
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted:
Spookysheep posted: No YOU!
You guys lack variety and unpredictability along with originality. You nicely confirm this though: Foojo posted: I do have the whole picture. You're an *** in almost every thread you post to, then the same two posters/cheerleaders come in every time and say how great you are showing whoever up. Rinse and repeat.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
And I've had to burn with with all his "NO U"s that now all he has left is stealing my material, and yet without the ability to comprehend how to use it in the right context. How very funny, yet sad at the same time. I wonder how many monitors he's gone through?
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Mar 12, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Mmmm. I'm enjoying cata and it's very well done, but for endgame players, there isn't enough of it. Having only 9 dungeons to do when you need to spend 10x more time doing rep and gearing up than you do leveling to 85 (which is so fast and easy it's idiotic) is gonna get old quick.
You're also highly limited in leveling zones for 81-85. To maximize rep gains for rep gear, arcanums, shoulder scripts, etc, you have to repeat the exact same stuff for every alt you level (and after you level since you level so fast you'll do half your questing at 85).
I still don't see cata as being a WoW killer. There are some players who are never happy, who always complain, and who come and go from the game - that won't change no matter what they do.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that - George Carlin
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I'm apparently in the minority of VN posters in that I am thoroughly enjoying Cat. But then again I took a break for over a year & havnt raided anything since Kara. As someone who plays around 10-15 hours a week, I think I'll probably be content for another several months. I do want to start raiding the equivalent of Kara (Is there one?), but will probably never raid the tier set dungeons since having children prevents me from joining a hard-core guild.
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Dec 20, '10
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I was doing some reading last and happened upon this article from last year with an interview with Rob Pardo:
For the next MMO? Obviously, we want to compete with ourselves, and create something bigger than WoW. If there is some cannibalization of the WoW playerbase, that's okay. We know that someone is going to beat WoW one day. Someone is going to make a bigger MMO, it's going to be faster and better, and the WoW audience - some of them, anyway - is going to go to that game. If someone's going to beat WoW, it might as well be us.
Another thought I have is that you have to also remember that the subscriber base of WoW today is not just the one we had when we launched. There's a whole bunch of people who tuned out of WoW two years ago or four years ago, but who really enjoyed it, and when another MMO comes out that tickles their fancy, they'll jump into it. I don't know what the exact number is off-hand, but the total number of subscribers we've had is easily more than double - maybe closer to triple - the current subscriber base. So looking at it logically, if we can get them interested, you could have the same subscriber base without cannibalizing WoW too badly.
So what's interesting is even though Blizzard keeps posting sales of the next expansion were greater than the last expansion, the total number of subscribers is actually decreasing.
And this:
Our research shows that trial players who play World Of Warcraft past level 10 are much more likely to stick with the game for a long time. Currently, only about 30% of our trial players make it past this threshold. So anything we can do to improve the new player experience is a huge opportunity for us
It's clear that most of the time of the expansion was spent on 1-60 and now we know why! Got to boost the subscription numbers. Unforunately, it was done at the expense of vet players.
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Nov 5, '10
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Others have postulated that Blizzard is attempting to turn over the player base. Seems like a very reasonable theory, and probably makes sense from a business standpoint. Those of us who have been playing for years will move on to a new MMO. A lot of us will do so no matter what Blizzard does, we just want something new and different.
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Nov 6, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
The_Korrigan posted: So yeah, welcome to the kindergarten hero wannabe club. Keep on flexing your virtual muscles, epeen, and show how bad ass and thick skinned you are in the virtual forum world. We are very impressed by your virtual manhood, really.
This from someone who measures everyone else by how far they've gotten in raids. LOL
QFT It is absolutely hilarious how much Korrigan described himself in that post.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
GutterSludge posted:
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
The_Korrigan posted: So yeah, welcome to the kindergarten hero wannabe club. Keep on flexing your virtual muscles, epeen, and show how bad ass and thick skinned you are in the virtual forum world. We are very impressed by your virtual manhood, really.
This from someone who measures everyone else by how far they've gotten in raids. LOL
QFT It is absolutely hilarious how much Korrigan described himself in that post.
PvPing since 1977
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ah, we have the four usual suspects doing their "no you" dance now, the kindergarten party is full
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Jan 7, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Talehon69 posted: Always cracks me up that any thread that breaks 2 pages on this forum is because of people flaming each other, and never from actual contributions. Not that I'm trying to fix that, this thread is pretty far past that.
I was thinking the same thing. It's a shame that a really great convo was taking place.....don't mind me I'm simply eating popcorn and enjoying the side show.
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: Ah, we have the four usual suspects doing their "no you" dance now, the kindergarten party is full
You mean the 4 main people who continually call you out on your bullshit? If that makes us kindergarten children, then give me some juice and crackers, I need a nap after flogging you constantly.
PvPing since 1977
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Jun 30, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I almost think we should invent some "tvtropes for WoW - Thread", if somebody had not already done that. Aside to all that has been said, I'm getting more and more irritated of this "Super Badguy" from the lore getting easily owned, which then brings the next "Superbadguy" that also gets owned - leading to the NEXT -- Ye get me drift, ye m8s? Elkabong08 posted: Others have postulated that Blizzard is attempting to turn over the player base.
That, and possibly trying to see "how far we can dumb things down". Sounds more like they are looking for the bottom floor of the bottomless pit. (and we know only chuck norris knows where the bottom of the bottomless pit is) edit invent, not invite lol
DaoC, WoW (retired, inactive); WAR (semi active), EVE (active) "Ye'know, com'on! Giimmeee di Ke$$$HHHHHH!"
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Groooovechampion posted: I almost think we should invite some "tvtropes for WoW - Thread", if somebody had not already done that.
Aside to all that has been said, I'm getting more and more irritated of this "Super Badguy" from the lore getting easily owned, which then brings the next "Superbadguy" that also gets owned - leading to the NEXT --
Ye get me drift, ye m8s?
What do you prepose? And unbeatable boss?
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Jun 30, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The progression is just too fast. Unbeatable boss I wouldn't say; I'd rather say "not a boss at all" - at least for a long, long time. Especially when it came to Arthas and Northrend. WC3 The Frozen Throne really brought the impression that Northrend was truly an icy hell, but WoW makes it look like a joke. Progressing through Northrend could have gone zone-wise, following somewhat the style of the Ahn'Qiraj event. I wouldn't say "gather 10000000 xyz", but have this done like "player factions vs Arthas faction" where guilds/players have to keep some foothold of some sort. I don't want to hijack this thread into some dead horse suggestion thing. I just found it went WAY too fast with Arthas getting owned "just like that". I wouldn't be surprised to see Deathwing owned asap once that dragon is raidable.
DaoC, WoW (retired, inactive); WAR (semi active), EVE (active) "Ye'know, com'on! Giimmeee di Ke$$$HHHHHH!"
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
im a level 16 orc and im trying to fund out how to buy a raptor mount i went to the murchant in sen jin village and he says im not respected or known by him or something like that can you help?
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Groooovechampion posted: The progression is just too fast.
Unbeatable boss I wouldn't say; I'd rather say "not a boss at all" - at least for a long, long time.
Especially when it came to Arthas and Northrend. WC3 The Frozen Throne really brought the impression that Northrend was truly an icy hell, but WoW makes it look like a joke. Progressing through Northrend could have gone zone-wise, following somewhat the style of the Ahn'Qiraj event. I wouldn't say "gather 10000000 xyz", but have this done like "player factions vs Arthas faction" where guilds/players have to keep some foothold of some sort.
I don't want to hijack this thread into some dead horse suggestion thing.
I just found it went WAY too fast with Arthas getting owned "just like that". I wouldn't be surprised to see Deathwing owned asap once that dragon is raidable.
I see where you are coming from, you want the content to be meaningful. It is hard from a lore perspective to see someone like Arthas be taken down by a small group of adventure seekers, however you suggestion wouldn't add meaning, it would only at tedium. I'm on the same page as you, and so to, I think, is Blizzard. However therein lies the gap between theory and execution.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Jul 20, '08
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Internet debating, featuring dumb and dumber.
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Apr 17, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Been awhile since i've been able to do this...IBTL!
DAoC, CoH, WoW, AoC, Warhammer, LoTR. Rift, etc... ..Played one, played them all! . Keeping your knowledge a secret leads to arrogance... ...Sharing your knowledge with others leads to your demise.
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Jan 7, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
millhouse47 posted: im a level 16 orc and im trying to fund out how to buy a raptor mount i went to the murchant in sen jin village and he says im not respected or known by him or something like that can you help?
We interput this thread with your regularly scheduled mind Fu*k.
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Nov 5, '10
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
millhouse47 posted: im a level 16 orc and im trying to fund out how to buy a raptor mount i went to the murchant in sen jin village and he says im not respected or known by him or something like that can you help?
Actually, you can only acquire the Possum mount at level 16, you must capture him with a red noodle.
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Feb 16, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Groooovechampion posted: Especially when it came to Arthas and Northrend. WC3 The Frozen Throne really brought the impression that Northrend was truly an icy hell, but WoW makes it look like a joke. Progressing through Northrend could have gone zone-wise, following somewhat the style of the Ahn'Qiraj event. I wouldn't say "gather 10000000 xyz", but have this done like "player factions vs Arthas faction" where guilds/players have to keep some foothold of some sort.
One of the many world-building things I don't like about WoW is the lack of any actual 'wilds' in the game, which you touch on here. Everywhere is colonized with quest hubs and friendly population. Even Icecrown. Even the castle itself! So you NEVER got the feeling that Arthas was some looming threat to everyone. In fact, if it weren't for the whole undead making more undead thing, Tyrion would come across as more of an obsessed bully who can't let things go than anything else. It's not the undead that are everywhere and pushing further stamping out every corner, it's the argent crusade! But, one shouldn't complain too much about that sort of thing; Blizzard's stumbling and bumbling efforts to create a coherent and interesting storyline via a committee may be awful but it's loads better than none at all. ... As for Korrigan, I take my previous post back - I think his charming personality has probably made him an EXCELLENT fighter in real life.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted:
The_Korrigan posted: Ah, we have the four usual suspects doing their "no you" dance now, the kindergarten party is full
You mean the 4 main people who continually call you out on your bullshit? If that makes us kindergarten children, then give me some juice and crackers, I need a nap after flogging you constantly.
You have zero room to "call" anyone out on anything. You and your crowd are hateful just for the sake of being hateful. You guys do nothing but belittle, insult, and demean others just for shits and giggles. And when YOU guys are called out on it, it's just more of the same. Completely ignoring and avoiding what is said and concentrating only on tossing more inane, juvenile insults and put downs around. I can only guess that it somehow makes you feel powerful or good about yourself to put others down. Feel free to continue your pissing contest amongst yourselves to see who can be the biggest dick and come up with the "best" insult or put down.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
PvPing since 1977
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Nov 6, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted:
Korrigan is hateful just for the sake of being hateful. He does nothing but belittle, insult, and demean others just because they have opinions that differ from his. And when he is called out on it, it's just more of the same. Completely ignoring and avoiding what is said and concentrating only on tossing more inane, juvenile insults and put downs around.
Very well said, Jared. Glad you finally see the truth.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Mar 9, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
To the original topic... WoW as an MMO right now still has more to do at any level than all MMO's currently available. That being said the expansion didn't do much to enhance what was already present. However, this doesn't change the fact that just as much if not more development/level design work went into this expansion that anything previous. You must consider the scope of the changes made. That being said I am questioning Blizzards time frame for additional content in WoW. They are going to have to step it up to keep the subscriber base at a respectable level. In the end though, MMO's in general are on the decline. Console offerings can compete very easily against anything an MMO can offer right now. The genre just isn't moving forward. This is probably due to the enormous investment dollars required as venture capital is guarded these days. I personally am waiting for Rift. Though yes it has many elements taken from WoW, for the time being it promises to add a fresh wrapper on an already stale genre. We will see how long that lasts. In the meantime Cata has proven to be enjoyable and Dungeon running is fun again.
Grimlik Amberdrake Current game: Real Life Patch 2.0 Sheep Slayer Waiting for something new and inventive and fun
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
GutterSludge posted:
JaredKorry posted:
Korrigan is hateful just for the sake of being hateful. He does nothing but belittle, insult, and demean others just because they have opinions that differ from his. And when he is called out on it, it's just more of the same. Completely ignoring and avoiding what is said and concentrating only on tossing more inane, juvenile insults and put downs around.
Very well said, Jared. Glad you finally see the truth.
Another typical "I know you are, but what am I?" response from Gutter.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
The_Korrigan posted: Ah, we have the four usual suspects doing their "no you" dance now, the kindergarten party is full
You mean the 4 main people who continually call you out on your bullshit? If that makes us kindergarten children, then give me some juice and crackers, I need a nap after flogging you constantly.
You have zero room to "call" anyone out on anything. You and your crowd are hateful just for the sake of being hateful. You guys do nothing but belittle, insult, and demean others just for shits and giggles. And when YOU guys are called out on it, it's just more of the same. Completely ignoring and avoiding what is said and concentrating only on tossing more inane, juvenile insults and put downs around. I can only guess that it somehow makes you feel powerful or good about yourself to put others down. Feel free to continue your pissing contest amongst yourselves to see who can be the biggest dick and come up with the "best" insult or put down.
Inane. That is such a great word. I have only really read it in Sci-fi fantasy novels and here on the VNboards though. My only problem with it, however, is I need to find more chances to use it in real life! I just don't find myself in those situations where "inane" can properly be used. Eh, oh well, using it around the kind of oil field guys I work with would probably get me beat up anyway....
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Feb 16, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bremen_Gaheris posted: Inane. That is such a great word. I have only really read it in Sci-fi fantasy novels and here on the VNboards though. My only problem with it, however, is I need to find more chances to use it in real life! I just don't find myself in those situations where "inane" can properly be used. Eh, oh well, using it around the kind of oil field guys I work with would probably get me beat up anyway....
Eh. When I still worked in the oilpatch about half the people were complete geeks and quite a number played WoW (at least one wouldn't talk about anything else). But that was in coil. Maybe the rig side were a little gruntier, I don't know. Not much else to do in those little shiteholes. Other than grab what sleep you can I guess. I certainly don't miss THAT lifestyle.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted:
Another typical "I know you are, but what am I?" response from Gutter.
Another cliche used to continue bitching about something that doesn't require bitching about.
PvPing since 1977
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Jul 14, '06
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
The_Korrigan posted: Ah, we have the four usual suspects doing their "no you" dance now, the kindergarten party is full
You mean the 4 main people who continually call you out on your bullshit? If that makes us kindergarten children, then give me some juice and crackers, I need a nap after flogging you constantly.
You have zero room to "call" anyone out on anything. You and your crowd are hateful just for the sake of being hateful. You guys do nothing but belittle, insult, and demean others just for shits and giggles. And when YOU guys are called out on it, it's just more of the same. Completely ignoring and avoiding what is said and concentrating only on tossing more inane, juvenile insults and put downs around. I can only guess that it somehow makes you feel powerful or good about yourself to put others down. Feel free to continue your pissing contest amongst yourselves to see who can be the biggest dick and come up with the "best" insult or put down.
I am going to just put this out there in case anyone doesnt realize it by now. The "hateful" posters that hang around here are just having fun by being mouthy and sarcastic .. the "anti-hateful" posters are the ones that actually have their panties in a crack. As one without a dog in the fight..I usually get a few minutes of entertainment out of it. If you dont.. there is always other thread/board waiting for you somewhere else.
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Title: Lord of the Fluffy Death Kittys
Mar 30, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
WoW i go away from posting here and following the board drama, and well nothing changes.
Please do not nuzzle the instrument of my vengence-Rok'tar
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Feb 22, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Any hope of resurrecting actual discussion in this thread or is it till a boxing match at the Special Olympics?
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
Bremen_Gaheris posted: Inane. That is such a great word. I have only really read it in Sci-fi fantasy novels and here on the VNboards though. My only problem with it, however, is I need to find more chances to use it in real life! I just don't find myself in those situations where "inane" can properly be used. Eh, oh well, using it around the kind of oil field guys I work with would probably get me beat up anyway....
Eh. When I still worked in the oilpatch about half the people were complete geeks and quite a number played WoW (at least one wouldn't talk about anything else). But that was in coil. Maybe the rig side were a little gruntier, I don't know. Not much else to do in those little shiteholes. Other than grab what sleep you can I guess. I certainly don't miss THAT lifestyle.
Yep, you know the life then. I am doing the Seismic Survey side and my next spot is in North Dakota. Let me tell you, the dump I am headed to is definitely going to be a blast....yeah. And some of the guys I work with are geeky but a lot of them just drink instead of having any geek-style hobbies. The oil business attracts some wierd folks though, let me tell ya. <<<<------Wierd? Yes.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Cawlin posted: Any hope of resurrecting actual discussion in this thread or is it till a boxing match at the Special Olympics?
I doubt it sir.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Cawlin posted: Any hope of resurrecting actual discussion in this thread or is it till a boxing match at the Special Olympics?
I can't think of a better candidate to judge any Special Olympics event. Have a seat, we've been waiting for you.
PvPing since 1977
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
O wow, hey look! another omg WOW is going to end thread! There is one of these after every expansion....and yet wow keeps on chugging along. I look forward to the next "WOW is going to die" thread in 2 years or so when the next Xpac is released.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Erdrickk29 posted: O wow, hey look! another omg WOW is going to end thread! There is one of these after every expansion....and yet wow keeps on chugging along. I look forward to the next "WOW is going to die" thread in 2 years or so when the next Xpac is released.
So basically you post once per expansion to bitch about those who are bitching. Who's worse lol...
PvPing since 1977
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Fedup23 posted: I am going to just put this out there in case anyone doesnt realize it by now. The "hateful" posters that hang around here are just having fun by being mouthy and sarcastic .. the "anti-hateful" posters are the ones that actually have their panties in a crack. As one without a dog in the fight..I usually get a few minutes of entertainment out of it. If you dont.. there is always other thread/board waiting for you somewhere else.
Oh I'm fully aware that they enjoy and get a kick out of being jackasses to other people. I believe I mentioned that in my post, the whole "shits and giggles" thing. I just don't find it amusing in the least to entertain yourself at someone else's expense. I find it rather pathetic and actually feel sorry for them. As for other threads, are you joking? They infect/infest nearly every thread here. It's damn near impossible for someone to post a thread or have a good discussion about the game without them coming in to start their crap.
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Double Post.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted:
Fedup23 posted: I am going to just put this out there in case anyone doesnt realize it by now. The "hateful" posters that hang around here are just having fun by being mouthy and sarcastic .. the "anti-hateful" posters are the ones that actually have their panties in a crack. As one without a dog in the fight..I usually get a few minutes of entertainment out of it. If you dont.. there is always other thread/board waiting for you somewhere else.
Oh I'm fully aware that they enjoy and get a kick out of being jackasses to other people. I believe I mentioned that in my post, the whole "shits and giggles" thing. I just don't find it amusing in the least to entertain yourself by belittling and demeaning others. I find it rather pathetic and actually feel sorry for them.
I'm sure every single one of us lives for your pity. Get over yourself. Better yet, get over us.
PvPing since 1977
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted:
Erdrickk29 posted: O wow, hey look! another omg WOW is going to end thread! There is one of these after every expansion....and yet wow keeps on chugging along. I look forward to the next "WOW is going to die" thread in 2 years or so when the next Xpac is released.
So basically you post once per expansion to bitch about those who are bitching. Who's worse lol...
LOL sounds funny when you put it like that. However this is untrue. This is a second account that I rarely use. I mainly lurk here and take a stab once in a while. I didn't mean anything against you personally. It's just I happen to log on and see this thread and I couldn't resist. I personally am enjoying WOW in it's current state. I find heroics challenging. I myself LOVE to level so the whole +5 level thing kinda pissed me off. Mostly everyone is right thought, it is more of the same old. It's just that I have yet to tire of Wow even playing after 6 years! I expect that the expansion after this one (Emerald Dream?) will be my last. My wife and I are going to start a family and well Family > Wow
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Erdrickk29 posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
Erdrickk29 posted: O wow, hey look! another omg WOW is going to end thread! There is one of these after every expansion....and yet wow keeps on chugging along. I look forward to the next "WOW is going to die" thread in 2 years or so when the next Xpac is released.
So basically you post once per expansion to bitch about those who are bitching. Who's worse lol...
LOL sounds funny when you put it like that. However this is untrue. This is a second account that I rarely use. I mainly lurk here and take a stab once in a while. I didn't mean anything against you personally. It's just I happen to log on and see this thread and I couldn't resist. I personally am enjoying WOW in it's current state. I find heroics challenging. I myself LOVE to level so the whole +5 level thing kinda pissed me off. Mostly everyone is right thought, it is more of the same old. It's just that I have yet to tire of Wow even playing after 6 years! I expect that the expansion after this one (Emerald Dream?) will be my last. My wife and I are going to start a family and well Family > Wow
I like you. You're capable of taking sarcasm and retorting with articulate answers. You should definitely post more often.
PvPing since 1977
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Oh I am over you, Arc. I am so far over you that you aren't even worth the effort of getting angry at. Instead I just feel sorry for and pity you.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted: Oh I am over you, Arc. I am so far over you that you aren't even worth the effort of getting angry at. Instead I just feel sorry for and pity you.
rofl, w/e helps you sleep at night hero
PvPing since 1977
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted:
Erdrickk29 posted: O wow, hey look! another omg WOW is going to end thread! There is one of these after every expansion....and yet wow keeps on chugging along. I look forward to the next "WOW is going to die" thread in 2 years or so when the next Xpac is released.
So basically you post once per expansion to bitch about those who are bitching. Who's worse lol...
Bitching about the bitchers is a double negative & therefore a positive. Personally, I dont get why people who dont like a game stick around to bitch about it --- but it is their right so I just deal with it. Unless we are talking about AC2. That game was so bad even I had to stick around & whine.
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Title: LGM Wordsmith
Oct 11, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I think I missed some of the conversations ... but ... for me. Got my first toon to 85. And another almost there. Along the way I started working on my hunter and druid. They are on two separate accounts so I grouped them for most of the way from 80-84 ... where they are now. Two things about this. Both horde and alliance the quests are almost exactly the same. At least in WoTLK you had some differences in the starter zones. But, more annoying than that, when it comes to me leveling those two toons, is the number of times you get yanked apart as you turn in a quest and one person goes into one phase, and another pops in a bit later. It was annoying for me running two toons, and I would it has been annoying at times when grouped with friends. One sec they are there, then the next, they are "poofed" off to the next phase. Its a gimmick they have done to death in this expansion. I also don't like the fact that its VERY easy to dead-end in a zone. My toon that is 85 still can't finish the quest in Deepholm, even though the above mentioned hunter/druid pair, ended up doing something right and have done many more quests than the other toon. I don't know what I missed and have no way to find out.
It smells like the left wing of the day of judgment. - Herman Melville
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Stonemane2 posted:
Arcilite_I posted:
Erdrickk29 posted: O wow, hey look! another omg WOW is going to end thread! There is one of these after every expansion....and yet wow keeps on chugging along. I look forward to the next "WOW is going to die" thread in 2 years or so when the next Xpac is released.
So basically you post once per expansion to bitch about those who are bitching. Who's worse lol...
Bitching about the bitchers is a double negative & therefore a positive.
Personally, I dont get why people who dont like a game stick around to bitch about it --- but it is their right so I just deal with it. Unless we are talking about AC2. That game was so bad even I had to stick around & whine.
I don't get people who post about posting negative comments on a board designed to post comments both negative and positive about a game. I think that's called discussion, caring about the game being played, and by some wierd chance, hoping the comments bring about changes either in game, improved playstyle, or in perspective.
/scratches head
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Damn it Auen, I've told you repeatedly about using logic here
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Well, while you guys are patting each other on the back and using "logic", I'll be in the game having fun. See you tomorrow.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted: Damn it Auen, I've told you repeatedly about using logic here
/struggles back into chair from rolling on floor laughing
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Dec 19, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Nothing like the Vault for laugh out loud fun.
Resko Deepstrike (PvP) Server - Guardian
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted: Oh I am over you, Arc. I am so far over you that you aren't even worth the effort of getting angry at. Instead I just feel sorry for and pity you.
I think you and Korrigan are the same person. Has anyone ever seen them in a room together??? I believe the mystery has been solved!
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
To the folks whining about the thread's topic: it isn't so much that anyone is saying "Cata will kill WoW! Film at 11!" or something equally melodramatic, it's that there seems to be a rather widely-held feeling (at least hereabouts) of...something just missing from this expansion. Most of the complaints in previous xpacks were about bugs or PVP-vs-PVE class balance, with the "too easy lol" crowd starting up once everyone overgeared all the content. This time, it's about classes feeling both underpowered AND boring at the same time. At least in the past, you could alleviate boredom by playing a niche spec or taking split talents to offer some interesting ability combinations. /shrug Time will tell if this has any negative impact on subscribers or whether we will see fundamental changes in direction. Up or down, it'll surely be an interesting drama to watch develop. The_Korrigan posted: they will just post more crap and some childish insults to make themself feel better... and we can keep on laughing at their pathetic behavior.
The_Korrigan posted: - We have healing priests in my guild. - They do pretty well. => learn to play?
Really? Do people look at you funny when you laugh at (by your own standards) your pathetic behavior? Or do you remain silent in your hypocrisy? I must say, watching you play the rock, the hard place AND the poor sap in the middle is about like questing in Cataclysm 80-85: it's fun the first time but it gets old fast. I guess it might be the ESL thing causing communications/humor issues but Occam's Razor argues against that level of subtlety.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ugh_Lancelot posted: More whining and personal attacks
No worries, I understand your position. It's always easier to side with the bullies and the kindergarten crew, so you don't risk their attacks. I forgive you.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Someone's been getting slapped around since kindergarten and it has apparently had a terrible lasting effect. I've read that they have therapy for that these days though.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted:
Ya know, if you'd rather not get flamed for a fool every time you post, maybe you could head that off at the pass?
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ugh_Lancelot posted:
The_Korrigan posted:
Ya know, if you'd rather not get flamed for a fool every time you post, maybe you could head that off at the pass?
Korrigan only accepts valid points in conversations when they benefit his stance. Always has, always will.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Yeah, because being "flamed" by cool kids posting childish pictures on a video game forum is gonna change my life...
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: Yeah, because being "flamed" by cool kids posting childish pictures on a video game forum is gonna change my life...
Dude, you need help. Serious help.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: Yeah, because being "flamed" by cool kids posting childish pictures on a video game forum is gonna change my life...
Right because feeling the need to respond to all these "childish" flames isn't childish in its own right.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I'm curious about something, Syrus. You don't seem to have any problems at all with the "brat pack" acting like asshats, hell you even defend them. But when it comes to someone giving them a taste of their own medicine, you get all snippy. Why is that?
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
As I've said before, you guys stalk the "trolls" of this board tying to give them a taste of their own medicine, and fail to realise you are become that which you hate. You and Korrigan are becoming the biggest trolls on these forums. Just take a step back and read through Korr's post history and honestly tell me the % of this posts that arn't just putting someone elses opinions or posting styles down.
You do the same thing. You scour these forums just waiting for a "troll" to slip up so you can nail him for it. You're trolling just the same. Can't you see that?
Anyway, I don't care to make every thread into a troll fest like you guys do, even if in your altruistic view, you think you are contributing to the greater good. The trolls at least know what they are doing and they are up front about it. When I make a serious thread I know that I will have to laugh at or ignore a few trolls or flames, that is just the nature of the beast. But to have you do-gooders running around starting fires under every bridge doesn't get rid of the trolls it just creates a lot of smoke.
If you have any questions about me personally, or my posting style, or my affliation with the other posters on this forum I will be happy to answer them in the off topic forum, The Asylum, or in a PM. This line of posting is no where near on topic for this type of forum.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Jul 14, '06
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
--Syrus-- posted: As I've said before, you guys stalk the "trolls" of this board tying to give them a taste of their own medicine, and fail to realise you are become that which you hate. You and Korrigan are becoming the biggest trolls on these forums. Just take a step back and read through Korr's post history and honestly tell me the % of this posts that arn't just putting someone elses opinions or posting styles down. You do the same thing. You scour these forums just waiting for a "troll" to slip up so you can nail him for it. You're trolling just the same. Can't you see that? Anyway, I don't care to make every thread into a troll fest like you guys do, even if in your altruistic view, you think you are contributing to the greater good. The trolls at least know what they are doing and they are up front about it. When I make a serious thread I know that I will have to laugh at or ignore a few trolls or flames, that is just the nature of the beast. But to have you do-gooders running around starting fires under every bridge doesn't get rid of the trolls it just creates a lot of smoke. If you have any questions about me personally, or my posting style, or my affliation with the other posters on this forum I will be happy to answer them in the off topic forum, The Asylum, or in a PM. This line of posting is no where near on topic for this type of forum.
Sums it up perfectly.. Ive said it before even.. 'cept Syrus sais it gooder den I did!!
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Syrus is a wise and perceptive dude, he often says things I wanted to say but couldn't find a nice way to say it lol
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Syrus is just another troll pet. They abound recently. Gonna need more to be impressed
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: Syrus is just another troll pet. They abound recently. Gonna need more to be impressed
Damn, you're just overflowing with maturity. The very trait you insist others project.
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
--Syrus-- posted: As I've said before, you guys stalk the "trolls" of this board tying to give them a taste of their own medicine, and fail to realise you are become that which you hate. You and Korrigan are becoming the biggest trolls on these forums. Just take a step back and read through Korr's post history and honestly tell me the % of this posts that arn't just putting someone elses opinions or posting styles down.
I don't really know Korrigan's history and really have zero desire to read his post history. When he shows his ass, I call him on it just like I do anyone else. I did that just a while ago as a matter of fact. "You do the same thing. You scour these forums just waiting for a "troll" to slip up so you can nail him for it. You're trolling just the same. Can't you see that?" I don't need to "scour" anything. Nearly every single thread posted on these forums gets derailed by the "brat pack" in one fashion or another. If you don't like me speaking up about behavior I disagree with, oh well. "When I make a serious thread I know that I will have to laugh at or ignore a few trolls or flames, that is just the nature of the beast." It shouldn't have to be that way at all. But, sadly, people are more interested in encouraging and egging on the rude behavior then they are in having serious discussions. They continue to be rude and hateful because their behavior is tolerated and encouraged.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted: It shouldn't have to be that way at all. But, sadly, people are more interested in encouraging and egging on the rude behavior then they are in having serious discussions. They continue to be rude and hateful because their behavior is tolerated and encouraged.
Maybe not but it is that way, and filling the thread with anti-troll hate doesn't help the situation at all. If posters were able to just ignore those few 'rude' posts and carry on with the thread, threads wouldn't blow up like this one.
"Calling out a Troll" does nothing but feed them. You're giving them exactly what they are asking for. When you do this they don't feel called out, you arn't giving them a taste of their own medicine, you are proving to them their tactics work.
You guys are all about maturity? I see none in your tactics. Would you find it acceptable for a partent to throw their food back at the disobient child who is thowing his food at their siblings? What do you think that would lead to, more or less food throwing?
You guys are just too stubborn to walk away because you think that would admit defeat.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted:
--Syrus-- posted: As I've said before, you guys stalk the "trolls" of this board tying to give them a taste of their own medicine, and fail to realise you are become that which you hate. You and Korrigan are becoming the biggest trolls on these forums. Just take a step back and read through Korr's post history and honestly tell me the % of this posts that arn't just putting someone elses opinions or posting styles down.
I don't really know Korrigan's history and really have zero desire to read his post history. When he shows his ass, I call him on it just like I do anyone else. I did that just a while ago as a matter of fact. "You do the same thing. You scour these forums just waiting for a "troll" to slip up so you can nail him for it. You're trolling just the same. Can't you see that?" I don't need to "scour" anything. Nearly every single thread posted on these forums gets derailed by the "brat pack" in one fashion or another. If you don't like me speaking up about behavior I disagree with, oh well. "When I make a serious thread I know that I will have to laugh at or ignore a few trolls or flames, that is just the nature of the beast." It shouldn't have to be that way at all. But, sadly, people are more interested in encouraging and egging on the rude behavior then they are in having serious discussions. They continue to be rude and hateful because their behavior is tolerated and encouraged.
Who are you to decide the guidelines of what a serious discussion is? I think that's the point Syrus is trying to drive into your titanium plated skull. I'm perfectly capable of having a serious discussion with professors or sailors, tailoring my responses (not facts) to my audience. Just because you lack the mental capacity to accept that NOT EVERYONE IS JUST LIKE YOU doesn't mean the rest of us are incapable of 'serious discussion'. TL:DR Get over yourself.
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
"You guys are just too stubborn to walk away because you think that would admit defeat." I have refused several times to get drawn into a pointless arguement with them. I've done it with Spooky, Gutter, and Arc. Hell, just yesterday, I made it clear I was writing a thread off as a waste of time rather then argue semantics with Arc.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted: "You guys are just too stubborn to walk away because you think that would admit defeat." I have refused several times to get drawn into a pointless arguement with them. I've done it with Spooky, Gutter, and Arc. Hell, just yesterday, I made it clear I was writing a thread off as a waste of time rather then argue semantics with Arc.
Riiiiight, you wrote the thread off. It had nothing to do with me responding asking you why I MUST hate aspects of this game to quit. Had nothing to do with that at all, I'm sure.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Also, let's be honest only confronted Korrigan for the sake of being able to say you don't agree with him 100% of the time. You're transparent Jared, like thin air.
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Jul 14, '06
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted: "You guys are just too stubborn to walk away because you think that would admit defeat." I have refused several times to get drawn into a pointless arguement with them. I've done it with Spooky, Gutter, and Arc. Hell, just yesterday, I made it clear I was writing a thread off as a waste of time rather then argue semantics with Arc.
Yeah.. but you leave one kool-aid stand and walk right across the street to another. Face it.. you are hooked on the stuff.
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted: Also, let's be honest only confronted Korrigan for the sake of being able to say you don't agree with him 100% of the time. You're transparent Jared, like thin air.
Think whatever you like, Arc. Not like anything I say is going to change your mind. /shrug
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted:
Arcilite_I posted: Also, let's be honest only confronted Korrigan for the sake of being able to say you don't agree with him 100% of the time. You're transparent Jared, like thin air.
Think whatever you like, Arc. Not like anything I say is going to change your mind. /shrug
Exactly, so stop trying to do it.
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Think whatever you like, Arc.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I plan on it...
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Title: iMUD
Jan 24, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Elkabong08 posted: For me, RL will most likely be the WoW killer. My gaming "career" has been on life support for a while now....
This is for me as well...
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Well this expansion definitely killed WoW for me. So apparently I am some sort of prophet!
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Jan 7, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Well I just completed two runs of BRC. The first one was actually a jump in on the last two bosses, one of which was beauty. The second one was a complete run.
I thought it went well, however, I failed to follow my own advice and read up on the boss fights. So we wiped three times on Rom'ogg Bonecrusher. But it wasn't my fault entirely because I didn't know (cause I hadn't read) that the chains were destroyable. On the last run there was only one DPS with me and and we nailed him. (Had to blow all my CDs to do it)
On Karsh Steelbender we only had to do it twice. I was trying to kite him through the fire on first atempt and my timing was off. After downing him we got through the the rest fine.
I'm doing Vash quests to open up AM. And yes I'm reading the boss fights.
Healing didn't seem to be an issue. She never oomed...
So I don't know where the healing problem lies. (Not saying there isn't one, just haven't seen it.)(Yet.)
I found something else by accident. It has become my new passion.
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Feb 8, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I can definitely see an end in sight for me. I'm already bored of it - and raiding til 2 to 5ish am is getting kinda lame too :o
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Sep 3, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Anonymous posted: If only we could get you to quit vn as much as you quit wow. One can dream.
Just out of interest, how do you post as "anonymous"?
Not that it's likely to be much use to me; I'd rather offend people and have the post count.
"Come on baby light my fur"
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Nov 25, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
IndridCole posted: So I don't know where the healing problem lies. (Not saying there isn't one, just haven't seen it.)(Yet.)
- Healing mechanics are boring now. They are not particularly hard (in fact I think they're easier than ever), and healing IS viable or ppl would not be able to complete runs. It's just too spammy, slow and uninteresting.
- Healers are often abused for not healing through the mistakes of others.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Osito_de_Felpa posted:
Anonymous posted: If only we could get you to quit vn as much as you quit wow. One can dream.
Just out of interest, how do you post as "anonymous"? Not that it's likely to be much use to me; I'd rather offend people and have the post count.
The interwebz can tell who has a soul and who doesn't, it assigns 'anonymous' to those without.
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Feb 16, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arcilite_I posted: The interwebz can tell who has a soul and who doesn't, it assigns 'anonymous' to those without.
I'm suspicious that it's a bug that comes from logging between more than one account. Not that we know anyone here who would do that.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
Arcilite_I posted: The interwebz can tell who has a soul and who doesn't, it assigns 'anonymous' to those without.
I'm suspicious that it's a bug that comes from logging between more than one account. Not that we know anyone here who would do that.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Spookysheep posted:
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
Arcilite_I posted: The interwebz can tell who has a soul and who doesn't, it assigns 'anonymous' to those without.
I'm suspicious that it's a bug that comes from logging between more than one account. Not that we know anyone here who would do that.
Lacking the nuts to say what you want to say on your main account coooooould be equated to having no soul.
PvPing since 1977
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I can't believe this thread made it to 8 pages after the morality police showed up.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Mar 24, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Just spent two hours doing a heroic, only downed one boss. One guildie and the rest pugged. Amazing group of players, we all tried really hard. Was nice to meet some intelligent and kind players. First boss dropped leather which no one could wear. Other than meeting three nice strangers, and learning a little more about the mechanics of the 2nd boss, it was a complete waste of time. No loot for anyone, no JP's (since they're rewarded at the end instead of per boss), and a 50+ gold repair bill on top of it all. Everyone says higher difficulty means it feels more rewarding when you do finally win. Total bull. Just makes you look back on the passed 2 hours and wonder wtf was it all for. I didn't want an expansion as easy as LK. The pendulum swung a bit too far the other way, however. My two hours a day of free time will not be spent playing this crap anymore. /rant off
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Sep 13, '06
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Unstruck posted: Just spent two hours doing a heroic, only downed one boss. One guildie and the rest pugged. Amazing group of players, we all tried really hard. Was nice to meet some intelligent and kind players. First boss dropped leather which no one could wear. Other than meeting three nice strangers, and learning a little more about the mechanics of the 2nd boss, it was a complete waste of time. No loot for anyone, no JP's (since they're rewarded at the end instead of per boss), and a 50+ gold repair bill on top of it all. Everyone says higher difficulty means it feels more rewarding when you do finally win. Total bull. Just makes you look back on the passed 2 hours and wonder wtf was it all for. I didn't want an expansion as easy as LK. The pendulum swung a bit too far the other way, however. My two hours a day of free time will not be spent playing this crap anymore. /rant off
I always wonder about these posts when I watch youtube videos of instances being completed by competent players who are correctly geared for the content. I still love the avatar, but I would suggest that you read up on the encounters and correctly gear up for the content. I remember when everyone used to complain about Arc in TBC. That was one of my favorite instances, dropped good gear and didn't take a rocket scientist to complete it in a reasonable amount of time.
"Sometimes new is fun and fun is the point. Will it still be fun once it's not new? I hope so, but I honestly don't know." "Shared danger is a crap load of fun." "Your idea is compelling and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter."
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Jun 30, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Expect heroic difficulty nerf across the board some day. I wonder if the significance of gear would raise again. edit: In future the expansion(s), if they will come that is. But for some reason I figure Blizzard would couple it with extreme raiding requirements again.
DaoC, WoW (retired, inactive); WAR (semi active), EVE (active) "Ye'know, com'on! Giimmeee di Ke$$$HHHHHH!"
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May 28, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
--Syrus-- posted:
JaredKorry posted: It shouldn't have to be that way at all. But, sadly, people are more interested in encouraging and egging on the rude behavior then they are in having serious discussions. They continue to be rude and hateful because their behavior is tolerated and encouraged.
Maybe not but it is that way, and filling the thread with anti-troll hate doesn't help the situation at all. If posters were able to just ignore those few 'rude' posts and carry on with the thread, threads wouldn't blow up like this one. "Calling out a Troll" does nothing but feed them. You're giving them exactly what they are asking for. When you do this they don't feel called out, you arn't giving them a taste of their own medicine, you are proving to them their tactics work. You guys are all about maturity? I see none in your tactics. Would you find it acceptable for a partent to throw their food back at the disobient child who is thowing his food at their siblings? What do you think that would lead to, more or less food throwing? You guys are just too stubborn to walk away because you think that would admit defeat.
You guys are just too stubborn to walk away because you think that would admit defeat.[/quote] ^^ This
Rift - Having fun WoW - Just cant do it anymore... "WAR and AoC also showed that a strong, nerd-attracting IP can only get you so far before the cognitive dissonance starts to wear off" - bOrngamer
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Sep 28, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I just love the L2P folk. Sorry, Cata's instances were made challenging by nerfing the piss out of healer efficiency. Not much else to it, you essentially have a soft enrage called "the healer runs out of mana" because healers no longer can compensate for mistakes that other people make, like a blown CD, not seeing the fire (because it doesn't draw for certain video cards or across certain textures). Please don't tell me they worked hard to make it a challenge. All they did was make healers feel as their characters went backwards, seeing spell efficiency drop from eight and six health point per mana point to two health to one except on the punishing slow and low output efficiency spell. Oh yeah, that really was a great mechanic change, make a major part of your player base feel ineffective.
. . . For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven . Cows go moo, Dogs go woof and MMO players go ''PVP is imbalanced'' . "I’m as horny as the hat rack at a Viking bar.", Ann Coulter
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Feb 16, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Groooovechampion posted: Expect heroic difficulty nerf across the board some day.
It's already happened once, can you imagine what the outcry would have been like if they hadn't changed it near the end of beta?
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Zero_Washu posted: I just love the L2P folk. Sorry, Cata's instances were made challenging by nerfing the piss out of healer efficiency. Not much else to it, you essentially have a soft enrage called "the healer runs out of mana" because healers no longer can compensate for mistakes that other people make, like a blown CD, not seeing the fire (because it doesn't draw for certain video cards or across certain textures). Please don't tell me they worked hard to make it a challenge. All they did was make healers feel as their characters went backwards, seeing spell efficiency drop from eight and six health point per mana point to two health to one except on the punishing slow and low output efficiency spell. Oh yeah, that really was a great mechanic change, make a major part of your player base feel ineffective.
This is exactly correct. You should read some of the company shills on the Healer official forums....It's surreal. People literally saying that everything is A ok. No problems here! This new model sucks, especially if you are trying to heal.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Zero_Washu posted: I just love the L2P folk. Sorry, Cata's instances were made challenging by nerfing the piss out of healer efficiency. Not much else to it, you essentially have a soft enrage called "the healer runs out of mana" because healers no longer can compensate for mistakes that other people make, like a blown CD, not seeing the fire (because it doesn't draw for certain video cards or across certain textures). Please don't tell me they worked hard to make it a challenge. All they did was make healers feel as their characters went backwards, seeing spell efficiency drop from eight and six health point per mana point to two health to one except on the punishing slow and low output efficiency spell. Oh yeah, that really was a great mechanic change, make a major part of your player base feel ineffective.
Your little theory would hold water if everybody was performing the same crappy way. But some people INCLUDING CASUALS do just fine in the new heroics, while others totally screw up. How do you explain that? And don't serve me your video card theory again, please. Could it be that some play better than others?
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Aug 12, '09
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted:
Zero_Washu posted: I just love the L2P folk. Sorry, Cata's instances were made challenging by nerfing the piss out of healer efficiency. Not much else to it, you essentially have a soft enrage called "the healer runs out of mana" because healers no longer can compensate for mistakes that other people make, like a blown CD, not seeing the fire (because it doesn't draw for certain video cards or across certain textures). Please don't tell me they worked hard to make it a challenge. All they did was make healers feel as their characters went backwards, seeing spell efficiency drop from eight and six health point per mana point to two health to one except on the punishing slow and low output efficiency spell. Oh yeah, that really was a great mechanic change, make a major part of your player base feel ineffective.
Your little theory would hold water if everybody was performing the same crappy way. But some people INCLUDING CASUALS do just fine in the new heroics, while others totally screw up. How do you explain that? And don't serve me your video card theory again, please. Could it be that some play better than others?
You live in a fantastic and magical place.
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Mar 24, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Healing heroics is fine if two or more of the following conditions are met: 1. You have enough CC. 2. The tank overgears the run. 3. Everyone performs their jobs perfectly. And... I do mean *perfectly* Using LFD leaves all three of these open to complete randomness. Thus, you need to find people on your own realm who can accomplish these things to the tee. For a casual gamer, this is extremely difficult. That's the issue here, and that's the reason I stopped playing. Fortunately, Doctor Who is providing all the entertaining I need for my two free hours a night.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
4) find a casual guild, or a guild like mine who has raiders and non raiding members - and enjoy the content with good players. Note that you don't need 1, 2 and 3 if you have 4. They will be automatically fulfilled. 5) do normal mode dungeons. It's the same dungeons. You get to see the content you "pay for" just as well. Gear up there. Or of course 6) whine on forums the game is too hard, and hope Blizzard will change it. That's what broken calls the self entitlement casuals, I think. Those who want to keep on facerolling heroics pressing one key and being carried by others like they were doing in WotLK. Or at last 7) take the easy route and give up when facing a challenge, and watch Dr Who instead. Don't forget to still say on forums the game is too hard. The antisocial lone wolves refusing to join guilds only reap what they sow. It may take a few tries before finding your ideal guild, but once there, your game experience will be exponentially enhanced.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Thanks for the tips Korrigan!
PvPing since 1977
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Title: Moderator Bad Moogle
Jul 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Sorry Korrigan, even I have to agree that Heroics are unforgiving. Even if you know the fights, they are unforgiving if you make a mistake. Challenging is one thing, but to wipe entirely on a what appears to only be a minor mistake is just annoying as hell.
Currently in the MMO unemployment line. Can I get $15/month for not playing them?
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Don't make the mistake again. Problem solved. Or are you seriously meaning the content should be dumbed down because of a mistake you made, but that many others don't make? WotLK: "Blizzard, whaaaa! Heroics are too easy! Give us challenge! It's boring!" Cata: "Blizzard, whaaaa! Heroics are too hard! I want to faceroll like I was doing in WotLK!" And if you can't take heroics - as I said, do normals. Join a decent guild. Do your normals with random people, and heroics with at least 3/5 guild members. Problem solved - and it's way more fun than spamming the same button for 20 minutes without any risk. At least for those who like a challenge.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Mar 24, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: 4) find a casual guild, or a guild like mine who has raiders and non raiding members - and enjoy the content with good players. Note that you don't need 1, 2 and 3 if you have 4. They will be automatically fulfilled. 5) do normal mode dungeons. It's the same dungeons. You get to see the content you "pay for" just as well. Gear up there. Or of course 6) whine on forums the game is too hard, and hope Blizzard will change it. That's what broken calls the self entitlement casuals, I think. Those who want to keep on facerolling heroics pressing one key and being carried by others like they were doing in WotLK. Or at last 7) take the easy route and give up when facing a challenge, and watch Dr Who instead. Don't forget to still say on forums the game is too hard. The antisocial lone wolves refusing to join guilds only reap what they sow. It may take a few tries before finding your ideal guild, but once there, your game experience will be exponentially enhanced.
My last post was awesome. Concise, and a well stated opinion of mine. I didn't feel the whine in it, but I can't control how you interpret what you read. I am in a guild, a great guild. Those 2 hours a night I am on, most of them are not. I could find a new one, but I actually have friends in this guild. I don't see why it has to be so black and white. LK heroics were too easy. Cata heroics are too unforgiving. Is there no middle ground? Must the pendulum always swing all the way left or all the way right? I'm not giving up in face of a challenge. I stand up and face more challenges IRL than you could ever possible know. In a video game, when the challenge is fun, I am all over it. When it isn't fun, there is no reason to pursue it. The challenge in heroics is not fun, especially when your group cannot meet 2 of those bullet points I listed. I could spend my entire wow life running regulars ad nauseum, but I wouldn't see my character grow. He has everything he needs from the regular dungeons, and all the crafted and rep gear that I know of. I've learned the fights, I don't mind researching things like that. Again, the problem lies in finding others within my two hours a day I can play the game who have done the same. Since I cannot find that, I've stopped playing the game this week. I've stopped in now and then to talk to guildmates and run old school content until my subscription runs out. Korrigan, I understand you post what you post (and how you post it) because you enjoy the rise you get out of people and find it entertaining. That's fine, we all get our joys in life differently. But don't misjudge my intentions of posting right now: I love this game, I've healed in this game since priests had Sleep in beta. I've done everything in this game (before Cata) and been with it through every patch and hotfix. I have the right to post my concerns about it on these forums, I have soooooo earned it. The fact - for me - is that the unforgiving difficulty settings for healing heroics is making it almost impossible for me (with my schedule) to progress through the content. Since leaving my guild isn't an option, all that is left to do is pursue other things that will give me the same level of joy during my two hours. Right now, one of those is posting here and sharing my experiences with the vault familia. The other is Doctor Who. Have a good night.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
"I have always thought I rocked at WoW but I just discovered that I sucked". Gotcha. The message is clear.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Aug 21, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I, for one, would like to play AND watch Doctor Who, thank you.
AC - Hokkaido Disco, Flesh Wound - retired EQ/EQ2 - Straylight - retired UO, DAOC, AoC, AO, CoH, EVE - retired WoW - retired Help me SW:TOR, you're my only hope
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Unstruck, I've found your posts concise without whining. You've added a lot to the discussions out here.
I'm sorry this expansion isn't what it could have been. A lot of us are frustrated for various reasons, your concerns have just as much merit. And this IS the place to discuss those. Ignore any meaningless attempt to "judge" or dissuade you otherwise, it's already been established that they have forfeited credibility.
Back on topic:
Blizz does have a habit of swinging that pendulum in extremes. Hang in there. I'm still expecting adjustments on an almost weekly basis for the next couple of months. (Pattern recognition).
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Auenwing posted: Unstruck, I've found your posts concise without whining. You've added a lot to the discussions out here. I'm sorry this expansion isn't what it could have been. A lot of us are frustrated for various reasons, your concerns have just as much merit. And this IS the place to discuss those. Ignore any meaningless attempt to "judge" or dissuade you otherwise, it's already been established that they have forfeited credibility. Back on topic: Blizz does have a habit of swinging that pendulum in extremes. Hang in there. I'm still expecting adjustments on an almost weekly basis for the next couple of months. (Pattern recognition).
Well stated. And their "habit" of overnerfing/overbuffing is indeed well established. Hell, even the "A team" did it.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Nov 6, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted:
The antisocial lone wolves refusing to join guilds only reap what they sow.
I am having a blast in Cata, gearing up nicely, doing awesome in heroics, and all without a guild. Yes, I reap what I sow: No drama. No set schedule. No "dependency" on anyone else. No worries whatsoever. My friends lists are packed. I get invited to "guild" runs every single day from friends. They all know why I am not guilded, and they don't care. (but because I refuse to join a guild, I'm anti-social??? ROFL at that one!!) I say take the entire "guild required" mindset and shove it up your arse!! Total: I have a blast. Period. All Korrigan is stating, is that he cannot play without the "crutch" of a guild to brace him up. I take my hat off to those people who pug, who are not dependent on others to have fun, and especially to those who realize that different people enjoy different playstyles. Dogging anyone because of that difference in playstyle is just an uneducated, ignorant, and pathetic attempt at a bait and troll. Yes Korrigan, we know. Your way is the only way, and everyone else is wrong, which in your mind makes you "right". You have repeated this lie to yourself so many times that you actually believe it, which is one of THE funniest things to ever come across these boards IMHO. To everyone: Play the way YOU like, and have fun. (Even you, Korrigan..even though you are a complete arse, I do respect your right to enjoy your own playstyle) If it stops being fun, don't play.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I've been away from this thread doing a little bit of research. I now return with the findings of my scientific experiment. *Waits for the anticipation to build.* Wrath of the Lich King... is to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 AS Cataclysm is to Call of Duty: Black Ops. You're Welcome! *Stomps off*
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Apr 20, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Zero_Washu posted: I just love the L2P folk. Sorry, Cata's instances were made challenging by nerfing the piss out of healer efficiency. Not much else to it, you essentially have a soft enrage called "the healer runs out of mana" because healers no longer can compensate for mistakes that other people make, like a blown CD, not seeing the fire (because it doesn't draw for certain video cards or across certain textures).
I disagree. Most of the fails and wipes I have experienced in heroics have been nothing to do with healers running out of mana, but rather caused by someone (could be anyone) failing to correctly deal with a "do it right or instagib" mechanic. Blizzard talked a lot about "healers will go OOM if people do the wrong thing and take unnecessary damage." But in my experience, doing the wrong thing is far more likely to instantly kill you, than to waste the healer's mana. A particularly gruelling recent Stonecore run I did saw a lot of wipes. On the dragon, we wiped because people stood in the crystal storm or the lava and took far more damage than could ever be healed. On Ozruk, we wiped because people took 150k hits from the rupture because they were standing in the wrong place. On the last boss, we wiped because people took 600k (!) hits because they didn't move out of the firing line of the boulders she throws. I've seen similar mechanics in lots of heroics. You get it wrong, you don't waste the healer's mana. You just die. And if the tank or healer gets it wrong, it's an instant wipe.
Banquetto <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 85 Dwarf Priest / Daggerspine Beliandra <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Human Rogue / Daggerspine Beliarchia <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Draenei Shaman / Daggerspine
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Jul 14, '06
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
--Syrus-- posted: I've been away from this thread doing a little bit of research. I now return with the findings of my scientific experiment. *Waits for the anticipation to build.* Wrath of the Lich King... is to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 AS Cataclysm is to Call of Duty: Black Ops. You're Welcome! *Stomps off*
no no no WOTLK was like Kratos: God of War Cataclysm is like the Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
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Jul 14, '06
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Double Posting DOES make it more true.. so whatever!
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Title: Moderator Bad Moogle
Jul 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
What Stormie said. And what I said earlier, Mistakes should cost you, but it should not insta gib you. Some mistakes are beyond your control. As stated before, lag, computer issues, just a hair out of place because the graphic render is smaller than the effect area etc..
Currently in the MMO unemployment line. Can I get $15/month for not playing them?
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Fedup23 posted:
--Syrus-- posted: I've been away from this thread doing a little bit of research. I now return with the findings of my scientific experiment. *Waits for the anticipation to build.* Wrath of the Lich King... is to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 AS Cataclysm is to Call of Duty: Black Ops. You're Welcome! *Stomps off*
no no no WOTLK was like Kratos: God of War Cataclysm is like the Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Wrong, please don't counter my scientific research with your gibberish, and double posting doesn't make it anymore true. If anyone who actually has some empirical data behind their answers wants to say anything to counter my conclusion it will still be wrong but at least hopefully relevant.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: Don't make the mistake again. Problem solved. Or are you seriously meaning the content should be dumbed down because of a mistake you made, but that many others don't make?
WotLK: "Blizzard, whaaaa! Heroics are too easy! Give us challenge! It's boring!"
Cata: "Blizzard, whaaaa! Heroics are too hard! I want to faceroll like I was doing in WotLK!"
And if you can't take heroics - as I said, do normals. Join a decent guild. Do your normals with random people, and heroics with at least 3/5 guild members.
Problem solved - and it's way more fun than spamming the same button for 20 minutes without any risk. At least for those who like a challenge.
Not sure why this didn't occur to me before, but isn't this correct? Heroics weren't originally intended as an entitlement, as I recall, they were for people that wanted to and could do harder content. When they first came out, I would not have dreamed to PUG them.
Granted, with wotlk I think they gave everyone a sense of entitlement, and I think the gear train progression depends on everybody doing heroics, so not sure what the answer is.
So I think you're right, but I think Blizzard has for the most part created this situation, whatever and to what extent that situation is.
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
kyrv posted: Not sure why this didn't occur to me before, but isn't this correct? Heroics weren't originally intended as an entitlement, as I recall, they were for people that wanted to and could do harder content. When they first came out, I would not have dreamed to PUG them.
One just has to remember the heroics in TBC to know that this is correct And I'd like to add, about the so called "one shot" mechanics like the boulder of the last boss in Stonecore... if you don't like those mechanics, do the dungeon in normal mode. Those mechanics are made so that in heroic, one must actually pay attention and not just faceroll his keyboard to top the damage meter. Yeah, they added raid-like mechanics to 5 man. The good players will deal with it without any problems. The others will have to learn, or... play something else, more easy. This can be normal dungeons in WoW, or another game... *shrug*. And Nakal, please answer the question I asked: do you really think a mechanic should be removed or dumbed down because you, or rather your group, can't handle it, when thousands of other groups deal with it just fine? If yes, then that's what broken called "self entitlement casuals" in one of his posts recently, I think.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Mar 15, '06
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
If cata is considered too hard, then you aren't doing it right. Most dungeons are completely trivial with cc. And if you don't like the RDF not giving you the proper cc options, learn to /2 forming heroic group, need .... It isn't very hard.
Daoc - Forever #1
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Sep 3, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I've only been playing WoW since the first week of December (coaching football [soccer] really has its perks when school is out), and I really haven't found heriocs that difficult. I have no base to compare it to Wrath, but it really hasn't been that bad. For me, the issue hasn't really been about group make-up, or CC or any of these in-game mechanics. The main issue I've always found is communication. Take Stonecore for example. If you use the RDF for Stonecore, you're bound to find a group with people who don't really know what they are doing, or haven't done the heroic many times. If this is the case, you are going to wipe before the first boss, at least twice in the first boss, and probably not even get pass the third. However, if you are willing to communicate, it's not bad. Even when I did them for the first time, I always asked people in my guilds vent to explain the fight to me (even if they weren't in my group), or have people in my party explain it to me. Again using Stonecore as an example, if people pay attention to the fight, and don't stare at the boss/their keyboard, it's really trivial. Hell, during the second boss, I have my camera view aimed to the ground so I can focus on when the spikes + lava come. At least it's a challenge. There is no fun in just being able to completely zerg a zone.
Will fight anyone on VN IRL for mmds I'm sorry if I sound arrogant, but I'm a European Champion and I think I'm the special one Official member of the Hair Club for Men
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Jul 14, '06
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ayadread posted: If cata is considered too hard, then you aren't doing it right. Most dungeons are completely trivial with cc. And if you don't like the RDF not giving you the proper cc options, learn to /2 forming heroic group, need .... It isn't very hard.
This actually works very well.. 1) If the run goes well you get a chance to find players that you can actually group with AGAIN. 2) Those responding are generally better players knowing they arent going to make complete fools of themselves and have to answer to "reputation".
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Jul 14, '06
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
GutterSludge posted:
All Korrigan is stating, is that he cannot play without the "crutch" of a guild to brace him up. I take my hat off to those people who pug, who are not dependent on others to have fun, and especially to those who realize that different people enjoy different playstyles.
That is a good point.. we have people in our guild that couldnt find their ass with two hands, yet they have all the same heroic/raid achievements as everyone else.. why?.. because its a good guild willing to help out those people that are more "challenged" than the others. Lets face it, its just a game and if some people are less attentive and casual/dont give a rip, then why not bring them along for the fun.. after all they are our friends..not business partners in something that is actually important.
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I doubt Cataclysm will be a "WOW-killer" but I do think this expansion will be viewed as the beginning of the end.
I have played since the end of Vanilla. I was just finished my leveling when Burning Crusade was launched, and I had an absolute blast throughout BC and was pretty hardcore about it. Raided regularly as a Combat swords Rogue and killed every boss in the game. We never saw a single Warglaive drop (AAAAHhHHH) but I had me a lovely Dragonspine Trophy among other mad leet purplez that made me happy (in game). I took a nice 6-month hiatus at the end of BC when we had the BT on farm and then came roaring back for WOTLK. Destroyed Naxx in week 2 of the WOTLK launch, then quickly burned out and took another 6 months off the game. Came back for another 6 month strench toward the end of Ulduar and stayed throughout the TOC launch, got my "tribute to mad skill" and then quit again for an entire year. Completely skipped Icecrown.
Anywho, after over a year off I bought Cataclysm and leveled up my Prot/Arms Warrior from 80 to 85. Tanked every regular dungeon along the way and 2 of the heroics, started grinding a few honor pieces, and did all that in just a week of 2-3 hours of play per day. There is not nearly as much content in Cataclysm as the last 2 expansions.
The questing was kind of fun but it's entirely linear, on rails, no choice involved. You can't quest above your level either. Kind of kills replay value. Goblin starting area blows - the quests are written for like 5-year old children. Heroics aren't that hard but they are annoying. I tanked and have played the game forever so I led my PUGs through without many problems but the dungeons take too long and have way too many one-shot mechanics.
The game is certainly not what it was in Burning Crusade, what I now see as the "Golden Age" of WOW. Anyway, my sub expires in a few weeks but I'm not just not interested in logging on. Playing "Dead Space" on my PS3 (BEAUTIFUL game), watching some good movies, and reading books in my leisure time now.
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Dear Korrigan,
D-bags like you are one of the main reason why I left WOW. Back in the day when I was "HARDCORE" I have no doubt I would have Shadowstep pwned you like a fool but eventually I came to realize that no one really cares how leet you are in WOW, not even your fellow hardcores within the game. If and when you get sick of WOW your guildies will easily replace you and forget about you and then you will still be nothing but a discussion board troll IRL. I am sure that you are very purpley leetzor in WOW right now and I truly do hope that it makes you happy even if you are a terrible person. But I really don't care. Bai.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Rabbisaur posted: Dear Korrigan, D-bags like you are one of the main reason why I left WOW. Back in the day when I was "HARDCORE" I have no doubt I would have Shadowstep pwned you like a fool but eventually I came to realize that no one really cares how leet you are in WOW, not even your fellow hardcores within the game. If and when you get sick of WOW your guildies will easily replace you and forget about you and then you will still be nothing but a discussion board troll IRL. I am sure that you are very purpley leetzor in WOW right now and I truly do hope that it makes you happy even if you are a terrible person. But I really don't care. Bai.
Shhhhh! Dude, his entire self worth is wrapped up in his WoW achievements (that he admits he only gets because he has a guild that carries him). Comments like yours are going to further erode his self esteem and he might just off himself one day, then think how awful you would feel. o.0
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Rabbisaur posted: Dear Korrigan, D-bags like you are one of the main reason why I left WOW. <personal attacks, mixing real life with a game, and more silly crap>
If I in any way helped to get rid of people like you in the game, dear rabbisaur "1 post wonder troll account", then I did a good deed. Each scrub leaving the game is one less whiner trying to dumb it down even more than it is. Good riddance!
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Jun 20, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Its not fun to zerg a zone? Well its not fun to do the same crap day in and day out either. Dont matter how you turn this around someone will always complain. Clearly they made it too "hard" for the majority of players in WoW. Why Blizz even bothers i have no idea. Its not like the players got anywhere else to go. WoW is the king and that will never change.
"Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant *****' Mark Twain ****. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone."
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Sep 6, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted:
Rabbisaur posted: Dear Korrigan, D-bags like you are one of the main reason why I left WOW. <personal attacks, mixing real life with a game, and more silly crap>
If I in any way helped to get rid of people like you in the game, dear rabbisaur "1 post wonder troll account", then I did a good deed. Each scrub leaving the game is one less whiner trying to dumb it down even more than it is. Good riddance!
If anyone is looking for an example of why WoW's community is such rubbish, look no further than The_Korrigan.
UO 1997-1999 As good as it gets for MMORPG's "It's a helluva thing....Killin' a man...You take away the only thing he's got....and the only thing he'll ever have "Get busy livin'....or get busy dyin'...."
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
huldu posted: Its not fun to zerg a zone? Well its not fun to do the same crap day in and day out either. Dont matter how you turn this around someone will always complain. Clearly they made it too "hard" for the majority of players in WoW. Why Blizz even bothers i have no idea. Its not like the players got anywhere else to go. WoW is the king and that will never change.
No it's not fun to zerg a dungeon. In WOTLK heroics were undertuned to begin with, Blizz nerfed them anyway, but more importantly they just had massive gear stat inflation over the course of the expansion for some reason. In BC there wasn't nearly as big of a stat difference on T6 BT gear vs. T4 from Kara/Gruul/Mags for instance.
Cata dungeons in general are better than WOTLK, it's just that Blizz went too far in the other direction and made them a bit too long AND insta-gib in a 5-man is just not fun for most players. I didn't have to worry about it as I tanked them, but I would see good DPS howl in frustration after dieing to one small mistake made in the entire dungeon. Annoying. That mechanic was actually rare in Burning Crusade heroics, even on my squishy Rogue back then the only mobs that could one-shot me before I could vanish were those big axe-wielding guys that had a cleave in Hellfire Ramparts (a heroic that could be done in 30 minutes even in T4 gear BTW).
Anyway, dungeon difficulty is probably going to drive away a lot of the masses from WOW which of course does not make a lot of sense from a business perspective. It won't be a problem for super awesome WOW pros like yourself and your butt-buddy Korrigan obviously. I know you are too good to stand in the fire and know how to smash your move rotation like a champ. Mad skillz bro!
The main problem with the expansion is that there is absolutely nothing new in terms of game mechanics and things to do at level cap. The vets of WOW appear to be getting bored of imbalanced PVP gear treadmill and repetative raid gear treadmill. The game has little else to offer despite the fact that it's obviously a heck of a lot of fun for a while.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
nookie989 posted: If anyone is looking for an example of why WoW's community is such rubbish, look no further than The_Korrigan.
If anyone is wondering why MMORPGs get dumbed down more and more since the old days of UO (which you have in your signature), look no further than this forum and the numerous scrubs whining as soon as Blizzard dares to add something a bit more challenging to the game. That's the bane of the community: self entitled "casuals" who think they should get everything in easy mode for whatever bad reasons they always give. What's even more pathetic is that if you give them the choice between easy (normal) and hard (heroic) modes, they will whine in order to have the hard (heroic) mode dumbed down.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Dec 26, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
nookie989 posted:
The_Korrigan posted:
Rabbisaur posted: Dear Korrigan, D-bags like you are one of the main reason why I left WOW. <personal attacks, mixing real life with a game, and more silly crap>
If I in any way helped to get rid of people like you in the game, dear rabbisaur "1 post wonder troll account", then I did a good deed. Each scrub leaving the game is one less whiner trying to dumb it down even more than it is. Good riddance!
If anyone is looking for an example of why WoW's community is such rubbish, look no further than The_Korrigan.
Lol. I just had a serious thought: What is going to happen to Korrigan when WoW really DOES die? His self-worth seems to be almost completely dependent upon his WoW superiority. I tend to think that it will be a Matrix-esque disaster. I believe that when they pull the plug on the very last WoW server, Korrigan's major organs will immediately cease functioning. Edit: (Serious response portion) WoW is a game, but primarily it is a BUSINESS. The experience must be tailored to appeal to as many people as possible. The dungeons must be tuned to the average player. Perhaps that is not the best thing for the game (depending on how "hardcore" you are), but that's how it will be done. They want to make the experience enjoyable for as many people as possible. There is no way they will tune heroics to only be accessible/fun/feasible for the "hardcore" players. It would be idiotic. What Blizzard is aiming for is to make heroics challenging.... for the AVERAGE player in appropriate gear. If you think anything different, you are kidding yourself.
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Always funny when people assume they know your "real" life based on a video game forum, and try to attack it. That's when you know they really have nothing more to say. This show the poor quality of trolls we have around here.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Dec 26, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I call 'em like I see 'em. :-)
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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Nov 8, '08
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted:
nookie989 posted: If anyone is looking for an example of why WoW's community is such rubbish, look no further than The_Korrigan.
If anyone is wondering why MMORPGs get dumbed down more and more since the old days of UO (which you have in your signature), look no further than this forum and the numerous scrubs whining as soon as Blizzard dares to add something a bit more challenging to the game. That's the bane of the community: self entitled "casuals" who think they should get everything in easy mode for whatever bad reasons they always give.
It's a game - it should be fun. If the game is not fun to a majority of players, then it's not a smart business decision by Blizzard. Appeasing a small minority and stroking their ego by allowing them to excel in a "challenging" game at the cost of everyone else is not worth alienating the vast majority of the player base (the "scrubs" as you would call them.) I've never understood why the "elite" get upset over things like welfare epics or things being "dumbed down" so that more people could participate. I can understand wanting a challenge, but you can find that for yourself - go undergeared, go a man down, or go with a less than optimal group. It seems like it's not really the "challenge" that they're looking for, it's being able to be superior to the rest. What does it really matter if baddie #6743 is wearing the same uber leet shoulders you are? It has no effect on your game.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Forum Kindergarten heroes do that, yeah. Instead of shutting the hell up, they make themself look like asshats by attacking unknown people's "real" life. Got used to it, but it never gets old. I think that's why I like this forum. With the average ambient IQ, any normal person looks like Einstein here.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
LadyGodiva. posted: It's a game - it should be fun. If the game is not fun to a majority of players, then it's not a smart business decision by Blizzard. Appeasing a small minority and stroking their ego by allowing them to excel in a "challenging" game at the cost of everyone else is not worth alienating the vast majority of the player base (the "scrubs" as you would call them.)
Don't confuse forum whiners with any kind of majority. That's your big mistake. Some people here seem to think that because them and their close friends are unhappy with the new heroics, everybody is. That's the same kind of flawed logic than the guy saying "dang, all my friends, my family, my dog, my canary bird voted for McCain, how comes Obama has been elected? We were the majority!". LadyGodiva. posted: I've never understood why the "elite" get upset over things like welfare epics or things being "dumbed down" so that more people could participate. I can understand wanting a challenge, but you can find that for yourself - go undergeared, go a man down, or go with a less than optimal group. It seems like it's not really the "challenge" that they're looking for, it's being able to be superior to the rest. What does it really matter if baddie #6743 is wearing the same uber leet shoulders you are? It has no effect on your game.
I never gave a crap about what some scrub near me posing on the mailbox was wearing, and I still don't care. But when they dumb down content I enjoy because of the whiners not able to do it properly, then YES, it affects my game. Again, can't take heroics? Do normals.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
It seems like it's not really the "challenge" that they're looking for, it's being able to be superior to the rest You hit the nail on the head. They could use any of the suggestions you posted if they really wanted a challenge. They don't. They just want to look down their noses at people to make themselves feel better. Korrigan, get over yourself. This gate was built and is designed to appeal to the masses. Yes the very masses you seem to despise and take delight in mocking trying to run out of the game. Enjoy your uber leet "challenges" while they last. I have no doubt Blizz will adjust the heroics so they can be run by the masses. I have no doubt that we will hear you crying like a baby when they do. You remind me of Athene. So arrogant and full of yourself.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted: It seems like it's not really the "challenge" that they're looking for, it's being able to be superior to the rest You hit the nail on the head. They could use any of the suggestions you posted if they really wanted a challenge. They don't. They just want to look down their noses at people to make themselves feel better.
Oh yeah, the good old flawed casual argument "if you want a challenge, do the dungeons naked". It's as old as MMORPGs I think, or even older. It's of course totally silly, but they insist on using it. The answer is simple and is always the same. If you can't take the challenge of heroics, stick to normal dungeons. That's what they are here for. Dang, what the hell were you guys doing in vanilla WoW, when dungeons like Stratholme or Scholomance where as hard if not harder than most heroics of TBC and Cataclysm? Blizzard added normal modes specially for people like you. Use it, abuse it.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Korrigan, get over yourself. This gate was built and is designed to appeal to the masses. Yes the very masses you seem to despise and take delight in mocking trying to run out of the game. Enjoy your uber leet "challenges" while they last. I have no doubt Blizz will adjust the heroics so they can be run by the masses. I have no doubt that we will hear you crying like a baby when they do. You remind me of Athene. So arrogant and full of yourself.
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Nov 6, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: Always funny when people assume they know your "real" life based on a video game forum, and try to attack it. That's when you know they really have nothing more to say. This show the poor quality of trolls we have around here.
Always funny when Korrigan attempts to cut on someone, and fails to realize that his statement applies to him exponentially more than it applies to his intended target.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted: Korrigan, get over yourself. This gate was built and is designed to appeal to the masses. Yes the very masses you seem to despise and take delight in mocking trying to run out of the game. Enjoy your uber leet "challenges" while they last. I have no doubt Blizz will adjust the heroics so they can be run by the masses. I have no doubt that we will hear you crying like a baby when they do. You remind me of Athene. So arrogant and full of yourself.
The only arrogant I see here are the whiners who seem to think they are part of some kind of majority unhappy with the new difficulty of the game. As I said, don't confuse "forum whiner" and "majority". And even worse when it's VN Boards. This place has been a microcosm of scrubs for several years now. There are like 3 or 4 people left who know what they are talking about, all the others stopped posting when the forum moderation stopped and every single thread got infested by the kindergarten hero club.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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As I said, don't confuse "forum whiner" and "majority". Oh I'm not. I'm not even taking what is posted on this board into consideration when discussing the difficulty of heroics in Cata. I'm basing my opinion on the PUGs I run with, the people I talk to in game, and how frequently PUGs give up and fall apart trying to do heroics. The vast majority of people I've encountered, IN GAME and IN THOSE HEROICS, were not and are not having fun. They are very discouraged and frustrated with how making 1 simple mistake, like not moving at exactly the right second or to exactly the right place and so on, means insta death. There is no chance to correct or compensate for these small, simple mistakes. Unless the ENTIRE group does everything almost perfectly, it means a wipe. I've struggled through most of the heroics as a pally healer. There may be 1 or 2 I haven't finished. But I've moved on to farming rep in normal instances and leveling alts because of all the insta death mechanics in the heroics. It's not fun. So keep right on mocking those who disagree with you. It IS fun to watch you make an ass on yourself.
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
No need to rewrite it since I already posted it: The_Korrigan posted: That's the same kind of flawed logic than the guy saying "dang, all my friends, my family, my dog, my canary bird voted for McCain, how comes Obama has been elected? We were the majority!".
So yeah, the bad players or the undergeared scrubs who passed normals to directly go to heroics you met in PUGs suck at heroics. Where's that majority?
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I'd like to see an armory link to check out your gear. I'll even give you my armory link in return. I'm very interested to see what gear you have that enables you to live through a 200K+ hit. Since the insta death mechanics are what we are mainly referring to when "whining" about your beloved heroics.Yes yes, we know. Anyone not as uber leet as you, which means EVERYONE, is a scrub, a baddie, undergeared, etc.
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: Again, can't take heroics? Do normals.
I don't want to get into a pissing match or anything. I am done with my whining about the game's mechanics being not so fun anymore. What I want to point out though is that your suggestion, while making some sense, is seriously flawed. See, there are like 5 normals at 85...if that. Can't remember, been a few weeks since I logged in. But there are like 10+ heroics right? 5 85 dungeons + old dungeon heroics (like DM, Shadowfang, etc). Just saying.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bremen_Gaheris posted:
The_Korrigan posted: Again, can't take heroics? Do normals.
I don't want to get into a pissing match or anything. I am done with my whining about the game's mechanics being not so fun anymore. What I want to point out though is that your suggestion, while making some sense, is seriously flawed. See, there are like 5 normals at 85...if that. Can't remember, been a few weeks since I logged in. But there are like 10+ heroics right? 5 85 dungeons + old dungeon heroics (like DM, Shadowfang, etc). Just saying.
Just saying WHAT!? You are just-saying-what exactly?
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: And Nakal, please answer the question I asked: do you really think a mechanic should be removed or dumbed down because you, or rather your group, can't handle it, when thousands of other groups deal with it just fine?.
I think you're conflating (perhaps purposely?) the argument that "iz too hard, yo" with "death traps and slogs aren't fun." Sure, anyone can learn by dying, but when a pug has people who have real lives outside the game and are limited on time, the 5th or 6th insta-death mechanic just has people reaching for the /quit command. It's not that it's precisely hard, it's just virulently unforgiving of normal folks who haven't studied the strats online already or died enough to know the fight like the back of their hand. It seems like understanding the breadth of gaming experience in the market and having reasonable expectations of where you fit into that strata is a lot harder than completing Cata heroics. Consider as well that castbars are NOT on by default in WoW. The_Korrigan posted: [quote=LadyGodiva.]That's the same kind of flawed logic than the guy saying "dang, all my friends, my family, my dog, my canary bird voted for McCain, how comes Obama has been elected? We were the majority!".
/blink /blink It all makes a tragic sort of sense now. Thanks for clearing up your position with regards to logical, consistent analysis.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Feb 16, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
JaredKorry posted: You hit the nail on the head. They could use any of the suggestions you posted if they really wanted a challenge. They don't. They just want to look down their noses at people to make themselves feel better.
This was in response to someone saying that challenge could be achieved by the player by running a dungeon purposely hamstringing himself, ie running it naked etc. Let me clarify that up - that is NOT challenge in a mmorpg and therefore is a total failure as an argument. That is simply a function of your numbers vs the encounter's numbers. Either you have them, or you don't, it's as simple as that. If the boss can hit you harder than it is possible for the healer to heal you, that is not a challenge, that is simply being undergeared. Challenge comes from the ability to avoid or mitigate enemy actions or increase or buff your own by your own in-game actions in order to tilt the result of an encounter your way. I HATE when people use "handicap yourself" as an argument for challenge because it indicates the person has no idea what being challenged means. I laughed when Blizzard decided to increase the challenge of the encounters because I don't think they understood what most their customers actually want and believed they would end up realizing this and nerfing them back down (which has already happened once and will, IMO, probably happen again, if they don't just carve out their future itemization to make it unnecessary). In fact, I would have to admit they have held to this current incarnation longer than I expected them to, though maybe the end of beta nerf was enough for them for the moment. However, in no way did I personally think the increase in challenge was a BAD thing. I hate gimmicks but the requirement of CC and strategical healing was, IMO, one of the best things Blizzard has done (not necessarily the MECHANICS of the healing though). Unfortunately I don't think I am a typical representative of what Blizzard's customer base is like. I don't think Korrigan is either, or Guttersludge. I think the "we hate challenges, if elitists want challenge they should try playing with one hand behind their back" crowd is much more representative - give them stuff for free like they got used to in WotLK and they'll be happy. It'll be one heck of a sales job if Blizzard can convince this group that this is a better way of doing things (hard heroics). It IS the better way of doing things if you want to reward good play and punish bad, but Blizzard has been, to be kind, very inconsistent on pushing that message in the past. But I think the future is down to one of two possibilities - either Blizzard will back off of this, either via nerf or via itemization of future content, allowing facerolling of heroics once again, or the population will take a heavy hit as the freeloading casuals get discouraged and quit for something that hands things over with less effort and attention required.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Feb 16, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
st0rmie posted:
Zero_Washu posted: I just love the L2P folk. Sorry, Cata's instances were made challenging by nerfing the piss out of healer efficiency. Not much else to it, you essentially have a soft enrage called "the healer runs out of mana" because healers no longer can compensate for mistakes that other people make, like a blown CD, not seeing the fire (because it doesn't draw for certain video cards or across certain textures).
I disagree. Most of the fails and wipes I have experienced in heroics have been nothing to do with healers running out of mana, but rather caused by someone (could be anyone) failing to correctly deal with a "do it right or instagib" mechanic. Blizzard talked a lot about "healers will go OOM if people do the wrong thing and take unnecessary damage." But in my experience, doing the wrong thing is far more likely to instantly kill you, than to waste the healer's mana. A particularly gruelling recent Stonecore run I did saw a lot of wipes. On the dragon, we wiped because people stood in the crystal storm or the lava and took far more damage than could ever be healed. On Ozruk, we wiped because people took 150k hits from the rupture because they were standing in the wrong place. On the last boss, we wiped because people took 600k (!) hits because they didn't move out of the firing line of the boulders she throws. I've seen similar mechanics in lots of heroics. You get it wrong, you don't waste the healer's mana. You just die. And if the tank or healer gets it wrong, it's an instant wipe.
Yes. This is bad design. This is gimmick-based design, "do it this way or DIE". All of these things would be better designed if they just made it harder or slower, not killing people for singular mistakes. Gimmicks gone wild is lazy design philosophy, a factor of being too gear based and too gear-tier based because they are forced to design encounters that scale along with gear. You're never going to get the gear to survive a 600k hit so that encounter is always going to have that gimmick being effective. Some people must like this; I suspect they are commonly raiders who see this sort of thing all the time. I personally hate it though. I find gimmicks shallow and atmosphere-breaking. I am quite fine with content becoming non-challenging as gear goes up, which doesn't require it to be gimmick-based. Most PvPers will think the same way, as PvP is always a challenge, not a gimmick.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ok, so I have been monitoring this threads progress and I am ready to give my answer, solve the puzzle and share enlightenment with the masses. For the sake of my readers who have better things to do, I will sum up my response just below, and those that care for a little bit more detail and explanation on my analysis can read on. Basically, Korrigan is wrong. Jared Korry is mostly wrong. Everyone else has pretty much the right idea. Korrigan basically states that because the content can be done, it can be completed, and in fact is being completed as we speak, the challenge factor, or difficulty level is where it should be. To further simplify, he believes that because he can allegedly complete the content, and knows of others who can complete the content, said content is not to difficult. All those that have difficulty accomplishing the same feat simply are worse players then he is. Now, there are many many things wrong with this type of approach. This sort of perspective shares the same fate as many a flawed argument or view point. It is fraught with assumptions. First, just because a certain task is possible to complete. Does not mean that the level of difficulty to complete said task, can not be brought into question. Second, saying the difficulty of the heroic content is too difficult is not to say that it takes too much "player skill" to complete said content. In fact, assuming that "player skill" is a factor at all is the main problem here. To truly understand if the difficulty of the heroic content should be called into question or not you must first understand the goal of said content and in fact the goal of the game itself. While we are there, lets make sure that we understand the purpose or goal of a game to begin with. A game of this sort is played for personal enjoyment. To entertain. To.. amuse. Now I am sure it could be argued that these goals are subjective, and could mean different things to different people. Fair enough. I contend though that we could all agree there are certain things that this form of entertainment should not do. In fact, if it did do these things, it would ultimately be failing its purpose. A game should not be tedious, or frustrating to a point which would make the player unhappy, bored, or want to stop playing said game. Now it is important to note here that I define the above player as the game's target audience. World of Warcraft is not targeted to the "hardcore" gamer nor is it targeted to the "make me work for my reward" player. For proof of this please reference the changes made to the game since its release until now and identify the trends. Is the heroic content impossible? No. Can a expertly skilled group of appropriately geared players consistently complete said content? Yes. Now here is the clincher: Can an average group of players who fall into the target audience for this game consistently complete this content and enjoy doing it? Ladies and Gentlemen, I say, NO. THEREFORE the current heroic content is too difficult. Thank you.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Heroic dungeons are not designed for the average player. The dungeons for the average player are the normal dungeons.
Heroic dungeons are designed for the players with either a combination of more time, skill, or patience.
Heroic dungeons are designed for the players who want a greater than average challenge and not for us casuals.
Therefore, your conclusion is wrong.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Jul 7, '10
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ardenwolfe posted: Heroic dungeons are designed for the average player. The dungeons to gear the average player for heroics are the normal dungeons. Raids are designed for the players with either a combination of more time, skill, or patience. Raids are designed for the players who want a greater than average challenge and not for us casuals.
Fixed that for ya
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
No, that's wrong.
But, let's use common sense. If I play a video game with the following settings: easy, average, hard, and insane, I don't expect a walk with hard or insane level.
I expect, on hard or insane level, if I make mistakes, it will cost me.
That's where heroics are at the moment. Will that change? With enough whining, probably.
Yet, that shows the mentality of the average player: spoiled.
Blizzard is to blame for this as they cator to this behavior, especially with the changes in WotLK and Cat. But to say heroic level is designed for the casual or avergae player makes zero sense.
Normal dungeons for the casual or average player. Heroics for those players who actually want a challenge.
That's just the way it is for now.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Mar 24, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ardenwolfe posted: No, that's wrong. But, let's use common sense. If I play a video game with the following settings: easy, average, hard, and insane, I don't expect a walk with hard or insane level. I expect, on hard or insane level, if I make mistakes, it will cost me. That's where heroics are at the moment. Will that change? With enough whining, probably. Yet, that shows the mentality of the average player: spoiled. Blizzard is to blame for this as they cator to this behavior, especially with the changes in WotLK and Cat. But to say heroic level is designed for the casual or avergae player makes zero sense. Normal dungeons for the casual or average player. Heroics for those players who actually want a challenge. That's just the way it is for now. Sorry.
But if heroics are a stepping stone to raids, then it means the average wow player cannot progress beyond regular dungeons, and will never see heroics (including DM and SFK) or raids. I thought Blizzard was trying to shy away from that type of system, and were trying to open up the doors so *most* players can see *most* of the content. If what you say is true, then only the "above average" players will see the high-end content. I dunno, something seems wrong about that.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Na sorry the whole game is designed with the average player in mind. Or at least that is the intention. I would agree that right now heroics are not properly designed for the average player and that is my criticism of them. They are not challenging or even difficult, they do not require more skill to play, obviously you didn't really read through my post as I mentioned that to be the second false assumption. What they are is tedious, overly so, for those who CAN complete them, many do not report enjoying the experience, there is a problem there. To your point of difficulty levels, I would even argue that if a game has an "insane" difficulty mode, they usually are "too hard" and at that point are just tedious, the most hard core player pride themselves on the ability to beat it, but at that point it is not for enjoyment, only for bragging rights. Because Heroics are part of character progression they can not be considered "bragging right" content, that is what achievements like the "insane" title are for and why it is simply for bragging rights alone and does not offer any sort of progression for completion.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Mar 24, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
"If I play a video game with the following settings: easy, average, hard, and insane, I don't expect a walk with hard or insane level." Also keep in mind: whether you play a game on easy, average, hard, or insane, you are still seeing the same exact content. Only there might be a higher number of enemies, with higher health, who will hit harder, and take less damage. I don't think that metaphor flies well with this situation in WoW. In WoW, average gamers will not be able to see heroic DM, heroic SFK, or any raids. The content that they CAN experience is much more limited.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I have no idea what Blizzard intends, but to be honest, I expect this gripe to wither and die as more and more players figure the specifics to each dungeon, as well as changes to their classes and gear.
We're still pretty much in beta mode as all the hot-fixes and the like indicate.
So, given another month or two, and the heroics will return to their regularly scheduled walk-in-the-park mode.
No doubt.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Mar 24, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ardenwolfe posted: So, given another month or two, and the heroics will return to their regularly scheduled walk-in-the-park mode.
I hope not. I'm not looking for a walk in the park. Maybe a swift jog with a few hills to scale and pretty fountains and trails to run around. And definitely not the "omg earthquake hit the park the land is dividing in 2 trees are falling everyone is dying and I can't finish my jog" type of run, either.
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Jul 7, '10
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ardenwolfe posted: No, that's wrong. But, let's use common sense. If I play a video game with the following settings: easy, average, hard, and insane, I don't expect a walk with hard or insane level. I expect, on hard or insane level, if I make mistakes, it will cost me. That's where heroics are at the moment. Will that change? With enough whining, probably. Yet, that shows the mentality of the average player: spoiled. Blizzard is to blame for this as they cator to this behavior, especially with the changes in WotLK and Cat. But to say heroic level is designed for the casual or avergae player makes zero sense. Normal dungeons for the casual or average player. Heroics for those players who actually want a challenge. That's just the way it is for now. Sorry.
I agree, this thread could use some common sense. The problem with your argument is that it ignores the business model of WoW and MMOs in general. The whole point of the endeavor is to make money by maintaining the maximum number of subscriptions possible. The model that you and others have suggested is, and ought to be, in place for progression in Cataclysm runs counter to their profit motive. Suggesting that the "average" player ought to only be able to complete and enjoy the content up through regular 5 mans is a terrible business model for a subscription based game. There are only 3 lvl 85 non-heroic dungeons that have loot better than that obtained through questing. That's not enough content to keep people paying for a subscription for long. It's funny too that you use the word "average" suggesting those players who fall within one standard deviation of the mean. That's 68% of the gaming population. Telling roughly two thirds of the player base that once they hit 85 and finish three dungeons that they no longer have a place in your game is really really stupid. TLDR: You and others act like WoW is some sort of elaborate right of passage for entering some prestigious order of nerds. It's not, it's a game designed to keep people playing for as long as possible. They ought to be trying to include as many people in the endgame as possible to maximize profits. Ultimately posters like you think that the world should revolved around you and it doesn't. Sorry
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Unstruck posted: I don't think that metaphor flies well with this situation in WoW. In WoW, average gamers will not be able to see heroic DM, heroic SFK, or any raids. The content that they CAN experience is much more limited.
But, that's exactly how it was in Vanilla and even in some parts of Burning Crusade. With Wrath of the Lich King, that changed. Don't know if Blizzard intends to return to that, but it was normal for most of the casuals to never see most of the end game content.
I didn't like it either, but that was par for the course.
Time will tell if we're returning to the 'raider haves' and the 'casual have nots', but that's the way it definitely the way it was.
Pretty much guild up or else.
Again, not saying I like it, yet I am saying that's how it was.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Mar 24, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
TruthyID posted: You and others act like WoW is some sort of elaborate right of passage for entering some prestigious order of nerds.
That was hysterical.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
TruthyID posted: I agree, this thread could use some common sense.
The problem with your argument is that it ignores the business model of WoW and MMOs in general. The whole point of the endeavor is to make money by maintaining the maximum number of subscriptions possible. The model that you and others have suggested is, and ought to be, in place for progression in Cataclysm runs counter to their profit motive.
Suggesting that the "average" player ought to only be able to complete and enjoy the content up through regular 5 mans is a terrible business model for a subscription based game. There are only 3 lvl 85 non-heroic dungeons that have loot better than that obtained through questing. That's not enough content to keep people paying for a subscription for long. It's funny too that you use the word "average" suggesting those players who fall within one standard deviation of the mean. That's 68% of the gaming population. Telling roughly two thirds of the player base that once they hit 85 and finish three dungeons that they no longer have a place in your game is really really stupid.
TLDR: You and others act like WoW is some sort of elaborate right of passage for entering some prestigious order of nerds. It's not, it's a game designed to keep people playing for as long as possible. They ought to be trying to include as many people in the endgame as possible to maximize profits.
Ultimately posters like you think that the world should revolved around you and it doesn't.
You're making this way too personal and assume way too much.
I'm telling you that's how it was for the casual in Vanilla and Burning Crusade. As far as some 'rite of passage' or whatever nonsense, you need to quit personalizing this discussion and think more clearly.
I am one of those people who never saw that content. I didn't like it, I don't like it, and I wish I could see that content.
But, I also know I don't have the time, patience, and perhaps even the skill to bother. That's why I'm casual.
If you want to make an opposing view, fine. But, please, don't make a personal judgement about me like you know me or my play style.
Because you don't.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
One other perspective to float out here:
Given that this expansion is guild focused (e.g. achievements / guild leveling / gear & goodies), it is possible that Blizzard
simply sees the heroics as the place where people are both expected (see 4/5 in group to acquire achieve) as well as incented to be part of a guild.
This could be (a) Blizz's (new) planned path of character advancement via guild advancement and (b) maybe "train" players to become part of guilds with the further focus for Blizz's subscription numbers by also (c) training players in basic "raid" playing so they can end up raid content (which in Blizz's view is their game.)
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I would bet money that's their intention with the changes to heroic. Unfortunately, yes, it's again guild up or die . . . but, at least only for the heroic level.
Again, time will tell if it stays that way, but as long as casuals can complete the 'normal' dungeons to see the content, I'm happy.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Depends entirely (once again) on what messages Blizzard thinks it's getting from its customer base:
e.g. "I'm only playing because my guild plays". Or not.
Btw, I think (all the personal attacks aside), this is one hell of a good discussion going, and represents a good (albeit small) cross-section of the diverse playstyles in WoW.
Second guessing the dev (who hasn't made the intent clear, or is waiting to see what happens <rolleyes>), only leads to everyone deciding on their own what the real intent is and of course, they are going to be forming their opinion based on their own filtered playstyle.
Until Blizz makes a definitive statement, which I highly doubt they will do, we will have to wait and see what changes/nerfs they may or may/not make down the road.
And THAT will have to wait on their gathered data from subscription rates in the months ahead.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Arc! ARC! *Hysterical yelling* Arc! Auen is coming to yet another thread with common sense, no detectable arrogance what so ever and a general "good will towards men" attitude. This is ...blasphemy... its.. madness! Can't you do something about this!? ------ Back to the topic at hand, I do apologize if my post seemed like it was opinion based and/or up for debate. It was more of a public service announcement, and 100% fact. Appropriate responses include such things as: "Thank you Syrus" "I understand Syrus" "Wise as ever Syrus" "You're right again Syrus" "Your unparalleled display of wisdom continues to humble me Syrus"
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Nov 6, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
So, following the logic that heroics are for the "better players". Lets shift the gears to a different platform for a second. Something like...Windows. Suppose Microsoft rolled out an OS that crashed/rebooted your machine every time you made a typing mistake? That would be huge hit ehh? Of course, the people who NEVER make typing mistakes, even though they are the extreme minority, would see no problem with it whatsoever. To the average user, however, it would just cause aggravation, loss of time, and ultimately they would move to a different product. Of course, they could just "L2Type"...and Microsoft could just say that they are "encouraging better typing skills from their users"...but that is not their job. Their job is to provide an OS that is user friendly, reliable, and that works... in order to maximize sales and profit. Blizzards job is not to turn all of its players into twitch freaks like the Koreans that play Starcraft, or cause their users aggravation and or loss of time. Their job is to entertain 12 million subscribers. PERIOD. I personally am able to adjust to the changes, as are many that post on this board. But as stated many times, the users that post on these forums are generally 4 or 5 steps ahead of the "average" crowd, which is of course 4 or 5 steps ahead of the "mouth-breathers" crowd and the 6 year olds plying big brothers account. When I see so many posters here being disgruntled with Cata, we can only assume that many many more are disgruntled as well. So, in a nutshell, Blizzard went from a very happy playerbase during Wrath, to what we have now, which is a lot of disgruntled players. I don't care who you are, or how you play, but this is bad business for Blizzard, and they WILL have to do something to make these players happy again.. or the entire release of the expansion will wind up being counter-productive, and actually cost them subscriptions. Time will tell.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Apr 20, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
GutterSludge posted: So, in a nutshell, Blizzard went from a very happy playerbase during Wrath, to what we have now, which is a lot of disgruntled players.
It would take a lot more evidence than I've seen anyone provide to persuade me that the situation is any different now to what it has been for years: millions of subscribers, most of them quietly enjoying themselves, a few of them noisily chucking temper tantrums on the forums.
Banquetto <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 85 Dwarf Priest / Daggerspine Beliandra <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Human Rogue / Daggerspine Beliarchia <Moonbrook Bowls Club> - 80 Draenei Shaman / Daggerspine
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Broken_Kayfabe posted: ... (hard heroics) ...
These words spawned an idea. What if Blizzard made actual heroics easier, and added "hard heroics" even harder than the actual ones. Hard heroics would of course give double the reputation and double the loot, along with some unique loot to reward people who take the challenge. Guess what? You'd have the same "casuals" still whining because they can't do them. st0rmie posted: It would take a lot more evidence than I've seen anyone provide to persuade me that the situation is any different now to what it has been for years: millions of subscribers, most of them quietly enjoying themselves, a few of them noisily chucking temper tantrums on the forums.
Of course that's reality. The "forum background noise" has always been high on whining. Everyone seems to use their personal experience and their close in game friends as reference for some kind of majority, as usual. Makes one feel better to think he's not a lone whiner in a corner.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Nov 8, '08
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted: What if Blizzard made actual heroics easier, and added "hard heroics" even harder than the actual ones. Hard heroics would of course give double the reputation and double the loot. Guess what? You'd have the same "casuals" whining because they can't do them.
As long as the content and the loot table is the same (just reduced drop rate) - then I think a lot of players would be happy with that. They don't care about bragging rights... if it takes them 5 times as long to gear up, the majority probably won't mind as long as it's fun and within their reach.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
That's not true even now. The content is basically the same with normal dungeons and heroic ones. But, because of the loot and achievements, and we have this situation.
Someone will complain.
And I don't believe even for a second that the player base is unhappy with World of Warcraft right now. I've seen a player base unhappy with an MMO (i.e. Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, A.P.B., Star Trek Online, etc.) and it's not there.
Not even close.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
You guys are missing the point. I would also agree that the player base is generally happy with World of Warcraft? Does that mean it can't be improved upon? Or shouldn't?
If some adjustments were made to the difficulty of the heroic dungeons would their be an increase in happy players? Would some players who are content be happier?
Maybe even the players who are completing the current content would find it more enjoyable if some adjustments were made.
Saying the population is generally happy means nothing. Is the game perfect? Far from? Could class balanancing use some work? Yes. Could the PvP system be improved upon? Yes.
Just because subscribers arn't unscubbing en masse doesn't mean that there are not any problems with the current system in place.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted:
Broken_Kayfabe posted: ... (hard heroics) ...
These words spawned an idea.
What if Blizzard made actual heroics easier, and added "hard heroics" even harder than the actual ones. Hard heroics would of course give double the reputation and double the loot, along with some unique loot to reward people who take the challenge.
Guess what? You'd have the same "casuals" still whining because they can't do them.
st0rmie posted: It would take a lot more evidence than I've seen anyone provide to persuade me that the situation is any different now to what it has been for years: millions of subscribers, most of them quietly enjoying themselves, a few of them noisily chucking temper tantrums on the forums.
Of course that's reality. The "forum background noise" has always been high on whining. Everyone seems to use their personal experience and their close in game friends as reference for some kind of majority, as usual. Makes one feel better to think he's not a lone whiner in a corner.
To your 'harder' heroics idea. Still no.
If Blizzard made a "Insane Heroic" mode, with loot, and rep being exact same, except upon completing them you gained fluff rewards, pets, mounts, titles, that would be just fine. No one would complain, just like some of the achievments which are tedious and hardly fun at all.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Title: Scrub Buster
Jul 17, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
--Syrus-- posted: Just because subscribers arn't unscubbing en masse doesn't mean that there are not any problems with the current system in place.
Just because a few people suck at heroics doesn't mean they should be dumbed down until everyone can AOE them in quest greens.
SWTOR: 50 Jedi Shadow (Tank), 50 Sith Marauder (Annihilation). LOTRO: Lifetime account, playing very casually. WoW: Both accounts canceled for now. GW2: Future Warrior.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The_Korrigan posted:
--Syrus-- posted: Just because subscribers arn't unscubbing en masse doesn't mean that there are not any problems with the current system in place.
Just because a few people suck at heroics doesn't mean they should be dumbed down until everyone can AOE them in quest greens.
Unless you're just trolling I request you use at least a moderate amount of common sense in your posts. If you are un able or unwilling to do so I'm happy to just disregard your posts as in essense that is what you are doing to mine.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
--Syrus-- posted:
Bremen_Gaheris posted:
The_Korrigan posted: Again, can't take heroics? Do normals.
I don't want to get into a pissing match or anything. I am done with my whining about the game's mechanics being not so fun anymore. What I want to point out though is that your suggestion, while making some sense, is seriously flawed. See, there are like 5 normals at 85...if that. Can't remember, been a few weeks since I logged in. But there are like 10+ heroics right? 5 85 dungeons + old dungeon heroics (like DM, Shadowfang, etc). Just saying.
Just saying WHAT!? You are just-saying-what exactly?
I know this is kinda old but I will answer. I am saying that there is twice, at least, the content in Heroics than in Normals at level 85. So just saying that "baddies" should do Normals and not do heroics is cutting out a lot of endgame content for "scrubs".
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
But they are far too stupid to do simple math 5 normals, 10 heroics. Hmmmm, yeah, most players should be just fine with half the content, lol, inorite? A wise man told them years ago "Never go full retard", but alas, they ignored that advice and now its too late to ever recover.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Jan 29, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Spookysheep posted: But they are far too stupid to do simple math 5 normals, 10 heroics. Hmmmm, yeah, most players should be just fine with half the content, lol, inorite? A wise man told them years ago "Never go full retard", but alas, they ignored that advice and now its too late to ever recover.
Lol, Tropical Thunder ftw! From "Kirk Lazarus: Everybody knows you never go full retard. Tugg Speedman: What do you mean? Kirk Lazarus: Check it out. Dustin Hoffman, 'Rain Man,' look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Counted toothpicks, cheated cards. Autistic, sho'. Not retarded. You know Tom Hanks, 'Forrest Gump.' Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon and won a ping-pong competition. That ain't retarded. Peter Sellers, "Being There." Infantile, yes. Retarded, no. You went full retard, man. Never go full retard. You don't buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2001, "I Am Sam." Remember? Went full retard, went home empty handed... "
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Syrus, what more do you want from Blizzard? The game is as easy as any MMO I've ever seen. You have arrows that point the way to everything. You get rewarded even if you lose at PvP. You get experience from gathering. The prices for mounts is super cheap. Money is so plentiful, it's become meaningless. Gathering reputation in the classic lands is no longer a chore. Some quests chain without going to the originator. Elite NPCs assist you on certain quests. Mounts now port you on a quest chain to save time. You drive literal tanks to mow through mobs in some cases. And on and on and on. . . .
What more do you want?
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ardenwolfe posted: Syrus, what more do you want from Blizzard? The game is as easy as any MMO I've ever seen. You have arrows that point the way to everything. You get rewarded even if you lose at PvP. You get experience from gathering. The prices for mounts is super cheap. Money is so plentiful, it's become meaningless. Gathering reputation in the classic lands is no longer a chore. Some quests chain without going to the originator. Elite NPCs assist you on certain quests. Mounts now port you on a quest chain to save time. You drive literal tanks to mow through mobs in some cases. And on and on and on. . . . What more do you want?
All those things you mention have nothing to do with player skill. And neither does the current difficulty with heroics. If we didn't have the arrows, we'd find it ourselves, would that take more skill? No. More time? Some. Would it be more fun then? No. The experience gained from gathering is insignificant at best. If it wasn't there, no one would miss it. I might have to do one more quest to hit max level otherwise. If it wasn't there would it take more skill to level? No. If mounts were more expensive, if money was more scarce, would it take more skill to get mounts and money? No. Would it take more time? Yes. Would that make the game more fun? No. All these things you mention that make the game easy, have nothing to do with player skill. They simply remove some of the tedium from the game. Heroics are the opposite to this trend and it is not making better players, bad players are still bad, good players are still good. Does it take more time, more deaths, more frustration to get through these heroics? Yes. Does this make the game more fun? No. Does it take more skill to get through these heroics? No. Just more patience. Myself and my guild will have no trouble with this content, but as I stated earlier, I play this game to have fun. I still find the current content fun, just a tad tedious. Why isn't there a middle ground between face rolling and the unforgivable system we have now? Have I suggested to "dumb down" the content? No. Have I suggested to revert back to the way it was in Wrath so it took no effort at all? No. What I have suggested is that the current system could be improved upon. What do I want from Blizzard? I would like them to devise a way to add challenge to the game with out making it tedious or frustrating. I want content that makes me think, and makes me react, forces me to build real skills in order to complete this content. Not too just build up a tolerance to tedious game play. Not to just have to take more time to complete a dungeon, that isn't rewarding for me, in fact its the opposite. Am I asking too much? I suppose so. However that doesn't make the current system a good system.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Yet the current system is also the world's bestselling system. A system copied in nearly every detail from copycat MMOs right down to the UI and mapping design.
That said, what do you suggest Blizzard do?
My point is the majority of the player base doesn't want to learn more 'skill', they don't want a 'challenge', nor do they want anything that makes them 'think' or 'react'.
They want the game as easy as possible. They want to be handheld all the way. And Blizzard listened loud and clear with the changes I mentioned.
That's why we see players in the endgame without a clue.
Believe me, I understand what you're saying. But, also believe me, Blizzard isn't listening to you.
They're listening to them.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Nov 20, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
[Edit] Removed because I don't want to get into a semantics argument with elitists who think they are actually the majority when nobody knows exactly who the majority is except Blizzard
I'm a lurker and I know it. Post count just means you spend too much time reading and not enough playing. :P
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Let's be very clear on something: casual does not mean unskilled and raider doesn not mean skilled.
That said, it's painfully obvious the majority of players are casual. Between prior debates on the percentage of raiders versus casual players and seeing endgame content, and the influx of new MMO players World of Warcraft brought in, it's a given.
But if you doubt this:
Read the responses and you'll get the general impression from the more vocal population. Just beware the trolls.
As far as being an elitest?
Sure, I'll roll with that. I've been called worse by better.
And for God's sakes, it's a discussion board. No one should take Internet postings from random strangers seriously. It's not like we actually know each other. Relax.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Taloquin posted: [Edit] <snip>..... when nobody knows exactly who the majority is except Blizzard
Good point. We don't know what those numbers are anymore. We don't know what the distribution is among the various playstyles, or even how Blizzard would catagorize/view them; and could be there isn't a clearcut majority... we are only guessing based on non-transparently designed first-cut-out-the-door experiences.
We also don't know if Blizzard knows. They are always in a reaction to the most-lost sales.
I'm not expecting numbers from Blizzard again in the near future. Last time they published PvE-playstyle related numbers (via Jeff Kaplan), there was quite an uproar.
We do know in the past that Blizzard has said that they use a round-robin approach to major patches/expansions to try to eventually provide something for their different players.
We don't even know if they are still following that expressed value anymore.
Hence, wait and see, if you're so inclined, because Blizzard is always playing "catch up"
edits for late night lack of caffeine
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
As usual, Auenwing is right.
Last time they did, it caused the ugliness between raiders versus nonraiders. Hence, we have a past clue to the population now.
Even so, I'll bet the percentage remains the same.
And let's not forget that whole 'welfare epics' comment. . . .
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Jun 20, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
How do you steal ideas from games that dont even exist yet? WoW is stuck.
"Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant *****' Mark Twain ****. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone."
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Sep 28, '01
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
The unwritten rule has been, raids are where the challenges are, they are where you have to be on your game. They need to go back to this, leave the 5 mans; regular and heroic; to the casuals. Hell I have seen regular instances give people fits. We have people of different ability in our guild, some are essentially locked out of all instances because of the gimmick fights and the like (like having a good player, but he is autistic, he is shut out - can't do most of them because of some of the mechanics are too complex for his thinking). I watch as a majority of the very good sized guild I am in simply swap to alts at 85. There are few diehards, but that is probably less than 10 which means nearly two to three times that many at prime time no longer want anything to do with Cata instances, let alone heroics. Before then it was possible to have three or more groups out at once, sometimes with an icc 10 going on the side. Blizzard blew it mightily. The forgot that the bulk of their base plays for fun. There is zero reason for regular instances and even heroic instances to be so over the top with gratuitous damage, mobs that cannot be interrupted, damage that cannot be mitigated (amazing how many mobs now can't be manipulated by the tank because they have near instant aoe - hell bosses are nicer than most trash), and the density and damage ability of the trash in general is just uncalled for. The guild is nearly level 10 (we lost two days from bugs - damn if Blizzard fixes it - still no reply to gm on both) and that is the only thing keeping many people in, advancing the guild level and unlocking guild features. Too bad there is a good dick move in that too, critter kill achievement done only to find out it requires exalted with your own guild - which is TWELVE weeks making rep cap. LOL.
. . . For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven . Cows go moo, Dogs go woof and MMO players go ''PVP is imbalanced'' . "I’m as horny as the hat rack at a Viking bar.", Ann Coulter
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I think this is my last post on this subject because you seem to be missing the point and putting words in my mouth.
Why would you mention that WoW is the current best system? I know this of corse. Also I did not criticize WoW as a whole, merely the current heroic system. So the fact that the game itself is successful and has been for the last 6 years has nothing to do with the current implementation of the heroic content?
Why make it seem like I'm saying WoW is a bad game? Is this a constructive form of debate?
Second, you seem to be contradicting yourself Arden. First you criticize me for pointing out the flaw in the current heroic system, and then you point out that the majority of the player base wants an easier game.
Sure my idea of 'player skill' may not fit the current player base, but that is a whole other thread. Depending on how it is implimented I think a happy medium could be reached. However the current heroic content does not represent what the player base has shown to want in a game thus far.
Again I am not suggesting this content be dumbed right down to the poiny of face rolling, I merely think that it needs to be tweaked a bit so that it is not so tedious.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
--Syrus-- posted: Second, you seem to be contradicting yourself Arden. First you criticize me for pointing out the flaw in the current heroic system, and then you point out that the majority of the player base wants an easier game.
First, I'm not contradicting myself. I'm pointing the situation as is. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it or support it.
Second, making a counter point isn't a criticism. It's an observation from a differing point of view.
It is what it is.
huldu posted: How do you steal ideas from games that dont even exist yet? WoW is stuck.
Probably the most honest statement in the entire thread. Still shocked I haven't seen 'wings' ala Aion.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Ardenwolfe posted:
--Syrus-- posted: Second, you seem to be contradicting yourself Arden. First you criticize me for pointing out the flaw in the current heroic system, and then you point out that the majority of the player base wants an easier game.
First, I'm not contradicting myself. I'm pointing the situation as is. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it or support it.
Second, making a counter point isn't a criticism. It's an observation from a differing point of view.
It is what it is.
Again, what suggestion do you have to change or improve the situation with heroics?
Sigh, I've already made general suggestions in ealier posts. If I got paid, like the Blizzard employees to think up actual engaging content I might be more compelled to spell it out for you.
Suffice to say the current system (of heroics) is not fulfilling, nor is it truly challenging, only tedious.
What do I suggest? Plainly, challenge with out tedium. As I have said repeatedly, starting to wonder if my posts are being read, guess I need to keep them short. I'm not trying to be rude here, but I am being asked to repeat myself quite often it seems.
Have you completed the current heroic content?
If you have, and you come out of a heroic dungeon and genuinely feel that it made you a better player, and challenged your skills then I am sincerely happy for you.
For me, I don't feel challgened by the content, I feel annoyed by it. YMMV.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Sorry, I edited out that question, apparently while you responded, because I see you already did, indirectly, so my apologies.
As far as me and heroics?
(laugh) Like I said, I'm as casual as they come. I haven't even seen Onxyia with any character if this tells you anything.
So, no, I believe I never will, but I also believe Heroics weren't aimed at players like me. I believe they were aimed at raiders and those with a similar mindset who want a challenge.
Certain guilds come to mind.
Again, as long as I have the opportunity to see the context, ala storyline, in the basic or normal areas and dungeons, that's enough for me.
Honestly, the changes in Wrath of the Lich King, have spoiled players. The 'new' Vanilla even moreso as it trains the returning player with the ease offered.
It's like night and day the difference between Vanilla and Burning Crusade.
I could only imagine how the players who stayed the whole time feel. So, I understand where you're coming from.
Don't get it twisted.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
To be honest I have never been overly critical of the game, I have played contented for the past 6 years and just took the game for what it was worth. A game. I've had a lot of fun.
I could complete this heroic content with out a word of discontentment. The game has never been perfect and if this is the only way 'right now' that Blizzard has found to add a little more 'challenge' to the game so be it.
My problem is that I have recently become disenchanted from video games in general I think. I've not logged onto wow in weeks, I started Mass Effect 2 and only got about 75% through. I just bought Black Ops and have only played a hand full of games.
I've found myself more interest in playing board games, or going bowling lol. Maybe this is just a temporairy burn out or maybe my tastes in entertainment are changing.
I think I am asking too much from the games I play, almost as an excuse not to play them. Might be time to just walk a way for a while.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Mar 24, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
--Syrus-- posted: My problem is that I have recently become disenchanted from video games in general I think. I've not logged onto wow in weeks, I started Mass Effect 2 and only got about 75% through. I just bought Black Ops and have only played a hand full of games. I've found myself more interest in playing board games, or going bowling lol. Maybe this is just a temporary burn out or maybe my tastes in entertainment are changing. I think I am asking too much from the games I play, almost as an excuse not to play them. Might be time to just walk a way for a while.
I have to admit, I find that I fall into the same category, Syrus. Well, except the bowling part. I hate bowling.
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Nov 6, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bowling is fine, as long as there is a large amount of beer/liquor involved!!
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Sep 3, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
GutterSludge posted: Bowling is fine, as long as there is a large amount of beer/liquor involved!!
And without the bowling, you have a near perfect evening ;-)
"Come on baby light my fur"
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Dec 18, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Dunno what's the big deal. Fun expansion with everything for everyone *shrug*.
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
-Spacelord- posted: Dunno what's the big deal. Fun expansion with everything for everyone *shrug*.
TL;DR version: this expansion has the least amount of content targeted at the majority of players of any expansion to date.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Nov 5, '10
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Bowling is fine, as long as there is a large amount of beer/liquor involved!! Bowling is NOT fine. Current mechanics make it damn near impossible for the casual bowler to roll a strike. I have a full time job, I do not have the time to devote hours upon hours just to compete at a GAME. Until they adjust ......Oh wow, this is going in a bad direction, I am making Korrigan's argument. Doh....never mind. FYI....I have no axe to grind here, just being a smartass .
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Lol ACTUALLY, last time I went bowling I rolled strikes on 5 out of 10 frames. I concider myself a casual bowler.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Nerf gutters!
I want to be able to easily AoE strike!
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Mar 24, '04
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I absolutely positively knew this thread would head in this direction.
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Dec 18, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
5 new zones, lots of new dungeons and raids. Azeroth being re-done for brand new 1-60 experience. Awesomeness. Stop focusing on end-game and re-roll you will get the most of the expansion.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Unstruck posted: I absolutely positively knew this thread would head in this direction.
VN Delivers!
As far as rerolling.... yup they've changed some parts of the zones (same cattle-chute feel). Taken away some old favorites and added new ones. Some new quests are 'meh' and they totally overdid the easteregg A-Team stuff in redridge (imo).. it was funny... to a point...and then stepped into Gnomeregan and found more!
Although I love being able to jump from instance to instance to level up. Using 2 level 80's to fly quickly to meeting stones then summoning part of the group, logging, summoning the alts was very timely. Our alts got 12 levels Friday and Saturday night doing orange-level elites in the instances then leveling up, picking up the quests inside and running them again.
Was shocked to find how much of the trash mobs were taken out (and in Gnomer, how many the quests let you skip.)
I was also a little disconcerted to find that we could easily do them with 4 of us when the trash mobs were orange to us. Prot pally/rogue/hunter/resto shaman. My hubby who was playing shaman was barely having to heal me (pally). He started DPSing, lol.
We did Stockades, BFD, Gnomer, and a bunch of multiple runs through everything in SM except the cathedral. Trash mobs were red there when we finally logged off.
Those regular instances felt way too easy from what I remember. Maybe it was the 2 pieces each of heirloom pieces. Maybe it was that we could just pick up blue items from doing the instance quests before moving to the next instance. I do know we all had some really low level greens (some of them for 10 levels lower) and we never really had problems.
Curious to see if they've slimmed down the TBC instances.
I had to warn myself (as well as hubby) not to get too complacent about how easy they felt. And I wondered, if somebody new to the game would find those difficult or easy. And what kind of expectations those might set....
Guess I just turned the thread back around, huh?
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
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Dec 18, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Full of heirlooms i guess? Try those instances with regular gear.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
-Spacelord- posted: Full of heirlooms i guess? Try those instances with regular gear.
One shoulder and one chest piece. The rest are at or waay below level greens with one blue piece thrown in.
I guess that's "overgeared". <cough>
Yeah. So, trying that without those 2 heirlooms would be a legit "new to the game" experience as far as gear goes. One run through for comparison to collect data might be worth it just for curiosity's sake.
/target Arc
How's Rift?
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
I found the early instances much easier when I came back from what I remember from vanilla. Namely Gnomregan. That instance use to be the bane of my existance, when levling alliance I would avoid it at all costs, which was a shame because it contained 5 or 6 good quests.
With both my Shaman, (Healer) and Pally (Tank), we just smashed it. No hierlooms at all, just quest greens and the odd blue. Thermaplugg dumping aggro was the only challenge, and now they have even changed that and removed his immunity to taunt.
Sunken temple is a joke now. We discussed this in an ealier thread before actually seeing the dugeon. It is just one level now, a small circle with bosses down each hall way. It may have been to long before, now it can hardly be called a dungeon at all.
Blizzard knows no middle ground.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Nov 6, '05
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Syrus, I probably tanked ST 20 times on my warrior recenty, before the change to the dungeon... It was a joke then. Heirlooms + changes since vanilla > old content.
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Fair enough. ST was a little tedious before. Now its a smash and grab. Even with out heirlooms though, just with the changes in itemization, class development and talents, the current game is much easier then the vanilla version.
Is that a bad thing? *Shrug*
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Jun 12, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
"You may have graduated from Cambridge but I am an honorary graduate from Starfleet Academy!" ~ Sheldon
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Dec 2, '03
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
HunterTalon posted:
I have access to that thread as well thank you. Infact if you read the thread you'll notice quite a few replies from both myself and Gutter. If you have anything relevent from either thread please feel free to chime in anytime.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Jun 12, '00
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Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Relevant? Not really. The find the entire argument ludicrous from a business and a player standpoint so that's about all the time I wanted to waste with it.
"You may have graduated from Cambridge but I am an honorary graduate from Starfleet Academy!" ~ Sheldon
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Dec 2, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 7,639
User ID: 863,847
Cataclysm predicted to be the "WoW-killer" we've all been expecting
Don't let us keep you then.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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