Title: VN Sensei
Dec 16, '06
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User ID: 1,191,724
Ever just have a bad day?
ok, my item lvl is 331 atm...and i have yet to complete a heroic. only been on one heroic run, and really only ran about 4 to 5 reg. Cata dungeons, which means my exp. pretty much sucks...but i am good at listening and taking direction. my dps is around 10k to 12k so imo i thought i was ready for heroics. Que'd up for my first random, and got Grim Batol...never been in there, but my group was a 4person guild group and me. they were nice about giving me directions and it was going well. until the last boss...i didnt know about staying in the middle and i was taking tons of damage as a rogue. i died at 80% and the group wiped...they didnt flame me, and it was my fault but they decided to kick me...this was the first time i have ever been kicked out of a random. no bigge, i pretty much thought they wanted to pull another guildy in for the last boss... so i que up for another 55min wait, and finally get Tol'Vir. the group wipes 4 times on the first boss and we break up. so i que up again for another random...just hoping to finally complete a heroic. well another 45min wait and get into another random with it breaking up just when it started... finally just gave up for the day, and going to try and regroup tomorrow...going to research the dungeon strats a bit, but hell, im worried i wont remember the strat once i get in there...i also thought about just running reg. randoms, but the gear really wont be much of upgrades for any of my it would be basically running for rep. which wouldnt be a bad thing. thanks for listening..had a bad day, and was just hoping for some Valor/Justice points...
April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft. I'd rather be kicked in the face then be a Patriots fan!
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Jun 20, '02
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User ID: 690,437
Ever just have a bad day?
There is no room for failure in WoW. Why do they even have bosses? Just drop a chest in the end of the dungeon and be done with it.
"Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant *****' Mark Twain ****. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone."
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Title: VN Sensei
Dec 16, '06
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Real Post Cnt: 5,095
User ID: 1,191,724
Ever just have a bad day?
April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft. I'd rather be kicked in the face then be a Patriots fan!
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Title: Ratt-n-Roll
Jun 26, '00
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Ever just have a bad day?
I generally avoid random dungeons with PUGS full of players i dont know. So, suffice it to say, i dont run a lot of instances. I do however know exactly what you are talking about Liquid. Lots of bad days playing WoW. They generally precede me leaving the game for a long while.
Many men go fishing their entire lives without knowing it is not fish they are after. ~Thoreau
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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User ID: 752,779
Ever just have a bad day?
Love that song.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Aug 18, '08
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Ever just have a bad day?
They were ***holes to kick you. Too many people take this way too seriously.
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Dec 8, '02
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Ever just have a bad day?
i also have had mostly bad experience with dungeon finder since cataclysm especially. i find that i hate almost everyone in WoW, and that i play it only to murder their avatars.
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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Ever just have a bad day?
I first read it first as our guildmates kicked you, and was saddened. Glad I read it again.
Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired) AC Frostfell, Clan Z - Lvl 239 Grief Dagger (Retired) WoW Lightbringer Alliance, Z Guild - Lvl 85 Combat Rogue (Retired) Making iOS Apps these days at
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Nov 6, '05
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Ever just have a bad day?
Not trying to bash....
but you hardly do any normals, and then don't expect to be kicked from a heroic?..?..
....and then wait until being kicked, to review strategies...?.?
Your order of operations, as it were, is a little backward...
A. Run normals to learn the basics of the place.
B. review strats to at least know what special crap is added in the heroic version.
C. Run Heroics.
Try the above instead of C>B>A
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Title: Smoke em if ya got em
Sep 28, '02
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Ever just have a bad day?
Auenwing posted: Liquid Love that song.
Good tune! Never seen the video for it. Pretty cool as well.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Ever just have a bad day?
I'm just not mustering up the motivation to run the same few dungeons over and over in normal mode, just so I can run them over and over in heroic mode to get a sub par set of gear. I think the thrill is gone.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 8,717
User ID: 752,779
Ever just have a bad day?
Spookysheep posted: I'm just not mustering up the motivation to run the same few dungeons over and over in normal mode, just so I can run them over and over in heroic mode to get a sub par set of gear.
I think the thrill is gone.
It's because you know what's coming.
Fun is in the learning and the attempted mastery.
We've already mastered the process.
Why we want new content.
Why I want new classes.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Aug 21, '02
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User ID: 707,976
Ever just have a bad day?
It's actually even a little worse than that. Because JP items currently match the heroic tier (as opposed to being spent on higher tiers as we progress) and because there is no out expenditure for the points (think gems, or honor, or rep), you bloat on JP and gear quickly, making already tedious heroic runs even less appealing. But that will change as the patches progress, in theory. Hell, last night I took my 80 priest herbing in Vash, did some ramparts runs with my 62 pally healer, and healed heroic HoO with my shammy. By far, the least fun was had on my shammy, which saddened me a little bit.
AC - Hokkaido Disco, Flesh Wound - retired EQ/EQ2 - Straylight - retired UO, DAOC, AoC, AO, CoH, EVE - retired WoW - retired Help me SW:TOR, you're my only hope
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Nov 12, '02
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User ID: 737,559
Ever just have a bad day?
I almost wonder if part of the problem is that Bliz did too good a job of providing players with stuff do all the way up to the end of WotLK (relatively speaking). People came in to Cataclysm having been playing a lot the previous 6 months (instead of coming off a 1-6 month break or something), and so now burnout is setting in rather quickly.
Explorer / Soloer+Small groups / Some PvP MMOin' since UO beta, still waiting for UO 2.0 done right
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