May 11, '00
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User ID: 24,262
A Little Perspective
I play a tank, and Cata has been pretty rough so far. I'm starting to see more and more complaints about the difficulty of this and that, how hard healing is now, and how much different the playstyle is. I couldn't agree more. Things are different now. As a tank, I no longer run the group, as was expected of tanks prior to Cata. I actually really love this, I can now sit back and let the dps classes work out CC before I need to fulfill my role, which is absorbing damage. In heroics, I simply wait for the dps to sort out who is CC'ing what, then I pick up the mobs I'm supposed to. This suits me just fine. I also die a lot more now. This is in part because of the relative level of difficulty of the new content, but also because of the difficulty of everyone relearning their classes. I always feel a special kinship with my healer, as we preform unique roles, so I identify with the struggles some of them might be having. I really feel that a lot of the challenges faced with the new content can be resolved by having DPS that understand that they are capable of doing more than just damage. CC'ing just one mob in a regular instance can save a ton of mana for the healer which could save everyone down the road in an extended fight. I believe that everyone is dying a lot more. But that was expected, wasn't it? We are trying to do content in gear that is, for regular dungeons, equivalent to about iLevel 170, or heroics in gear eqiuvalent to iLevel 187 or 200. Bosses feel like raids. Random heroics are taking over 2 hours to finish. Everyone needs to remember that as gear levels slowly rise, things will get progressively easier. Yes, it's hard right now, a week after the expansion. But this is not how it will always be. People will slowly but surely get better gear, and the heroics will get simpler. Those of you that tend to have very little patience should quit WoW until March. You cannot expect to finish an instance without deaths in 20 minutes. You cannot rush. You have to alter what your role is expected to do. Initially, I had a ton of trouble with breaking CC, unused to such a concept as a tank. I'm still sorting out which classes can CC which types of mobs. In WotLK, I was expected to tank and hold everything, and that was pretty much it. It seems to me that every class now is expected to use all of their abilities and to use them skillfully in order to succeed. Two years from now, on the eve of the next expansion, you can be sure that heroics as they exist now will be just as easy aoe Tank-n-spank completed very quickly. But at this moment, everyone needs to slow down, and relearn their classes. And be willing to accept death. Believe me, if you aren't yet doing heroics, you'll need to learn patience. (As an example, I ran H Shadowfang Keep tonight, and we died about 8 times on the second boss, trying to sort out his mechanics and his abilities. It took the whole group talking it out after each death to figure out how to win. When we finally did, man, did it ever feel great. I actually felt heroic.)
We have not inherited the Earth from our parents, we have borrowed it from our children.
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Feb 16, '02
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Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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May 18, '10
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Well written Eternal_Midnight !
UO-AC-AC2-Planetside-DAOC-Linage2-Tabularasa-SWG- EvE-WoW-GW-LoTR-WAR ---- retired RIFT----sometimes
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Title: VNBoard Admin
Mar 1, '00
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They will be nerfed a bit.
I survived to the end and got nothing out of it, but hey.
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Jan 29, '03
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Eternal_Midnight, your post sounds like you are talking to a person with Cancer or Multiple Sclerosis or something. "Challenges" and "struggles"? Really? It is a video game and is supposed to be fun. Healing right now is pathetic. You feel like a cripple trying to keep up with a marathon of super athletes. Better analogy is one I used last night, "I feel like I am trying to fill 5 bathtubs with a thimble." I have to side with Sly and others that Healing is borked right now and extremely underpowered and lacking in the fun department. Please don't make excuses for poor design decisions, it doesn't help Blizzard's developers to get better at their jobs in providing us a fun, engaging, AND challenging game.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Title: VNBoard Admin
Mar 1, '00
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A Little Perspective
Bremen_Gaheris posted: Eternal_Midnight, your post sounds like you are talking to a person with Cancer or Multiple Sclerosis or something. "Challenges" and "struggles"? Really? It is a video game and is supposed to be fun.
Which is why it will be nerfed.
I survived to the end and got nothing out of it, but hey.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
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The threads on the official forums from angry healers (and others) are reaching over 100 pages. People are getting banned left and right for cussing out the blue posters for all the retarded defenses they keep posting. Nerfs are coming soon. Blizzard wants the subscription money. They NEED to fire everyone who was involved in designing this model because as you said, its just a game and its supposed to be fun. They obviously knew what millions and millions found fun in WOTLK but instead of repeating that formula, they reversed. Very stupid move.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Feb 22, '05
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Eternal_Midnight posted: It seems to me that every class now is expected to use all of their abilities and to use them skillfully in order to succeed.
This. This is also the reason why most people will be unable (not just unwilling, but actually UNABLE) to deal with current content until either a) content gets nerfed or b) freebie epix start becoming available or c) people who can actually play get enough gear to carry PuGgers.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Jan 29, '03
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Spookysheep posted: The threads on the official forums from angry healers (and others) are reaching over 100 pages. People are getting banned left and right for cussing out the blue posters for all the retarded defenses they keep posting. Nerfs are coming soon. Blizzard wants the subscription money. They NEED to fire everyone who was involved in designing this model because as you said, its just a game and its supposed to be fun. They obviously knew what millions and millions found fun in WOTLK but instead of repeating that formula, they reversed. Very stupid move.
Of course Mithan, they will fix it eventually once they sling off enough playerbase. And Spooky, I 100% agree with you. This model is pure fail. What was wrong with having the top 5% of the game (Heroic mode 25 man Lich King) for the top 5% of the playerbase that want a hardcore challenge and having the rest of the game fast paced, fun, and easy enough to not have to give up large portions of my free time just to have a little fun?
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Dec 8, '09
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Spookysheep posted: The threads on the official forums from angry healers (and others) are reaching over 100 pages.
People are getting banned left and right for cussing out the blue posters for all the retarded defenses they keep posting.
Nerfs are coming soon. Blizzard wants the subscription money.
They NEED to fire everyone who was involved in designing this model because as you said, its just a game and its supposed to be fun. They obviously knew what millions and millions found fun in WOTLK but instead of repeating that formula, they reversed.Very stupid move.
Yea and they can start with their pagan god Ghostcrawler!!!
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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Mar 17, '02
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Rouges need to learn their role!!!
PvPing since 1975
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May 22, '08
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I am a tank and I run the group. Why would I let the DPS mark targets? I state moon is poly, star is sap, square is trap, triangle is hex. I mark, you CC pull, I pick up. Don't take unneeded damage, DPS. Go. The heroics are easy once you break ilvl 340. We can already faceroll packs of 5+ mobs 90% of the time as long as we follow a kill order in the scrum. /not intimidated nor is it hard.
"Shhhhh... do you smell that?" So... Agent skully... funny running into you here
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Feb 22, '05
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LOL GC is everyone's hero when he comes out with "Bring the player, not the class" and is a goat when he raises the bar to "bring the player who knows how to play, not the guy that was carried thruogh WOTLK." Hilarious.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Title: iMUD
Jan 24, '02
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What the hell does bring the player not the class even mean anyway? In what context does he say that? Just curious...
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Feb 22, '05
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Cryme posted: What the hell does bring the player not the class even mean anyway? In what context does he say that? Just curious...
He said it at the beginning of WOTLK and it was the mantra for the theme of (among other things) homogenizing DPS for all the hybrids with the DPS of non-hybrid classes. It was supposed to mean that groups should not specifically recruit "mages" for example, but rather "DPS", or not specifically "priests" but "healers".
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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May 18, '10
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Real Post Cnt: 128
User ID: 1,393,817
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i smell alot of carebears (not only healers) here... they want their faceroll, AOEfest, ezmode game back where you can watch TV while killing the hardest bosses....
UO-AC-AC2-Planetside-DAOC-Linage2-Tabularasa-SWG- EvE-WoW-GW-LoTR-WAR ---- retired RIFT----sometimes
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Title: Anonymous Entity
Dec 11, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,660
User ID: 747,548
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You people group with serious retards. Heroics are cake, require very little to no CC and are run without wipes in under 30 minutes. Get better friends.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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User ID: 601,475
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Talehon69 posted: You people group with serious retards. Heroics are cake, require very little to no CC and are run without wipes in under 30 minutes. Get better friends.
Worst troll attempt ever.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Feb 22, '05
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formerly_addicted posted: i smell alot of carebears (not only healers) here... they want their faceroll, AOEfest, ezmode game back where you can watch TV while killing the hardest bosses....
Actually, the original "carebear" is the player who plays for PvE. They're not the ones wanting faceroll AOE fests, they're the ones wanting PvE to be challenging.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Sep 13, '06
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formerly_addicted posted: Well written Eternal_Midnight !
I agree!! We need more of this!!
"Sometimes new is fun and fun is the point. Will it still be fun once it's not new? I hope so, but I honestly don't know." "Shared danger is a crap load of fun." "Your idea is compelling and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter."
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Title: Anonymous Entity
Dec 11, '02
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User ID: 747,548
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Spookysheep posted:
Talehon69 posted: You people group with serious retards. Heroics are cake, require very little to no CC and are run without wipes in under 30 minutes. Get better friends.
Worst troll attempt ever.
Troll? If you think that's a troll then I feel really bad for you and the people you group with.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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User ID: 601,475
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You're trying to hard and are way out of your league son.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: Anonymous Entity
Dec 11, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,660
User ID: 747,548
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Probably because I'm not trolling.
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