Author Topic: Help with Alinco3
Title: Hall Monitor
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Registered: Jul 24, '02
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Subject: Help with Alinco3
I have looked around on the site for this plugin and I read there was no documentation. Well as a developer in RL, as much as I love doing documentation, I can understand why I would not do it for a hobbie program for sure. happy I love the plugin. I have been trying to figure out how to get it to loot good 2handed weapons for my alt. I have tried all the settings and even looked at the xml. Can someone give me any ideas on how to get this to start looting these. It works fine for slavage and I think it is picking up wands - but they seem to be low level wands. If you wanted to either post a snipit of your xml for 2handed weapons or just tell me how to set it - it would be much apprecated.



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