Title: 0110011010 Be Nice to Me I'm a Bot
Oct 18, '05
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Healing in Cataclysm
Nethaera posted:
It's definitely challenging to heal in Cataclysm and that's by design. We want players to pick and choose what spells to use and when. Those in your group will also need to be conscious of whether or not they're putting out enough DPS, taking too much damage, and more. You'll probably be pulling out more "tricks" from your bag than you've been doing in awhile. You're also going to miss a time or two, run out of mana at a bad time and find yourself trying to figure out just what went wrong. Even experienced healers are going to have to dig their heels in a bit.
That said, we're keeping an eye out for how healing is going and should we feel there need to be adjustments, we'll make them. As many have noticed, we're starting to get a larger population of level 85 players who will be running through the content and getting better gear to compliment their spells and abilities. That should help some.
Posted from WoW Vault
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Aug 21, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
The real problem is not the healing design, it's getting the other 4 members of your group to understand it. The example I've been using is the first pull in HoO. Is it possible for a tank to just run in, pick up the 3 little guys and tank the big one? Yes. Is it utterly brutal and stupid and painful to heal even on normal? Yes. It's not even so much that people got used to steamrolling stuff because it was easy. They got used to essentially breaking gameplay design in terms of incidental damage, pulls, etc.. You just can't do that anymore without the result being shunted directly to the healer (and in turn, the group entire). I've pretty much shelved healing until more pugs understand how useful and vital CC is now, even for some normal pulls (rly). Once people are playing like a group again, I'll come back to it. Guild runs are, of course, a different thing.
AC - Hokkaido Disco, Flesh Wound - retired EQ/EQ2 - Straylight - retired UO, DAOC, AoC, AO, CoH, EVE - retired WoW - retired Help me SW:TOR, you're my only hope
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Nov 12, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Flesh_Wound posted: The real problem is not the healing design, it's getting the other 4 members of your group to understand it. I've pretty much shelved healing until more pugs understand how useful vital CC is now, even for some normal pulls (rly). Once people are playing like a group again, I'll come back to it. Guild runs are, of course, a different thing.
This. Healing is everyone's responsibility. Tank doesn't use a CD when the boss goes into DPS mode? That's the TANK'S fault, but it reflects not on the tank's performance but on the healer's. DPS stands in the fire too long? Bubye healer mana. Poor CC? Same thing. People running off to the next pull at 50% health while the healer is at 25% mana - /boggle.
Explorer / Soloer+Small groups / Some PvP MMOin' since UO beta, still waiting for UO 2.0 done right
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Title: WoW Vault Site Manager
Aug 6, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Yeah, there's a druid in my guild who's like the best healer I've ever known. He's been kicked for 'bad healing' from 6 or 7 pugs. It really isn't his fault. It's these WotLK tanks running in and lolaoepulling and expecting the healer to be able to keep up with not only the damage he's taking but the rest of the group as well since, you know, he's not going to be able to hold onto all those mobs. Needless to say he only heals in guild groups now. And I haven't even considered trying a pug yet.
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Agreed. There's still no cure for stupid, no matter what the tanks say.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Title: Now With Extra Baldness
May 23, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
Last night I actually had a group come and blame me that my healing sucked. Not to mention that for some reason I at 82 was the best geared and had the biggest health pool out of the group. I hate those groups. I left, they can be terribad and abuse some other healer.
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Dec 18, '00
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Healing in Cataclysm
I stopped healing too, my favorite role. It is unbelievable to be nerfed that much. I understand their design but it is too much responsibility for one role while other all they have to do is swear at the healer.
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Jun 17, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
So far 4 of my guilds 6 healers have quit healing. one of them rerolled a different class to see if the healing was better on that class.. which it wasn't.
I've tried healing and here is my opinion... healing isn't hard in cata.. it's just different.
what makes it hard is the dps/tanks to be honest. right now most people are undergeared to successfully run a heroic (myself included) but dps is low on bosses they take too long to die.
trash pulls are the worst. dps needs to CC if it's available. if there's 2 mobs and you have 2 CCers one of the 2 mobs needs CC'd.. this sounds ridiculous coming from LK where you could grab the 2 mobs + the 15 behind them and be fine. but CC is HUGE right now. the more CC the easier it is to heal. 1 mob on the tank and i barely need to heal them, 4 mobs on the tank and they're probably gonna die even with me spamming heals. tanks that think they can pull everything and do.. including breaking CC that is already up is another problem.
want healing to be easy? get smarter group members. pretty simple really. have at least 2(if not 3) CCers and use the CC. Don't try and chain pull things, don't break CC. Get better gear for more dps, etc. every healer i've talkd to will tell you when theres 3 or 4 mobs its noticably easier to heal when at least 1 of those mobs is CC'd. sure, later you probably won't need it when everyone has better gear
"...and they'll say "Hey, Look at him!, I'll never live that way". And that's ok they couldn't anyway..."
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Jan 16, '09
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Healing in Cataclysm
I've thankfully come across some very good healers thus far. Tanks on the other hand, just don't seem to get it in most cases. I still see them AoE pulling even at 85 in heroics, on top of disregarding my CC half the time. To the point that I will launch an Ice Trap at a ranged mob that isn't pulling to stop it from doing damage. The tank will just run across the screen and go break it to get aggro, while still have excess mobs to kill. Another one last night on Heroic Ozruk in Stonecore, that the best way to get away from his 1-hit kill frontal spikes was to run through him and face the group..........three wipes in a row. I commend the healers I've encountered thus far, as it seems they have it the hardest at the moment. They are no longer able to carry stupid and yet get the crap end of it.
"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer."
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Healing in Cataclysm
I recently returned to the game and noticed these group play problems, no CC, no assisting, pulling with low health (tank included), body pulls standard, pulling with low mana (healer included). I've been playing a priest and druid from the 50-60 range and pugs tend to blame the healer if he can't conjure superhuman powers to save them from their own stupidity. On the few occasions where I was blamed for their poor play and booted from the group I took solace in the fact that they would not be completing the dungeon either and that I would have a group in under a minute and they would wait much, much longer.
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Mar 12, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
-Spacelord- posted: I stopped healing too, my favorite role. It is unbelievable to be nerfed that much. I understand their design but it is too much responsibility for one role while other all they have to do is swear at the healer.
I don't think it's nerfed at all.
People got used to never ending mana, spamming inefficient heals, overhealing ridiculously (you could see meters with most healers over 50% overhealing - that's insanely inefficient - but they could get away with it due to mana mechanics).
I like that healing involves thinking and strategy and is more of a group responsibility. I like that morons who used to just spam healbot wacamole are having to truly learn how to heal. I like that as a tank/healer, I have to really push to minimize incoming damage and strategize more (use CC, pull smarter, etc).
It's a gear thing (most people are undergeared, not enchanted, not gemmed, and going "LOL i'm 329 let me q for heroic").
Undergeared dps morons who don't put out decent dps AND who stand in puddles, don't interrupt, don't pay attention to dmg, etc cause way more stress on healers and tanks.
It's also an eduction thing. People need to learn the mob abilities, kill priorities, pulls, layouts. It'll come along.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that - George Carlin
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Title: Sith Lord
Dec 17, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Healing is frustrating and not fun. I don't play games to be frustrated and not have fun.
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Voqar posted:
-Spacelord- posted: I stopped healing too, my favorite role. It is unbelievable to be nerfed that much. I understand their design but it is too much responsibility for one role while other all they have to do is swear at the healer.
I don't think it's nerfed at all.
People got used to never ending mana, spamming inefficient heals, overhealing ridiculously (you could see meters with most healers over 50% overhealing - that's insanely inefficient - but they could get away with it due to mana mechanics).
I like that healing involves thinking and strategy and is more of a group responsibility. I like that morons who used to just spam healbot wacamole are having to truly learn how to heal. I like that as a tank/healer, I have to really push to minimize incoming damage and strategize more (use CC, pull smarter, etc).
It's a gear thing (most people are undergeared, not enchanted, not gemmed, and going "LOL i'm 329 let me q for heroic").
Undergeared dps morons who don't put out decent dps AND who stand in puddles, don't interrupt, don't pay attention to dmg, etc cause way more stress on healers and tanks.
It's also an eduction thing. People need to learn the mob abilities, kill priorities, pulls, layouts. It'll come along.
I'm not clear here, you said healing is not nerfed but then continue to describe some of the ways healing was nerfed?
I thought Blizz and GC were clear healing was being nerfed?
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Title: Veni, vidi, vici
Nov 28, '04
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Healing in Cataclysm
I think it's going to be a few months before most of the player base "gets it" as far as the new mechanics of the game. Even at 82-83 dps does not use their CC on a caster that's standing out there free casting on people. No one is assisting anyone, so as the tank I'm having to target everything to do direct damage to keep ago so no one gets all pissy about getting hit a few times. I dont know, I just hope it gets better.
360 Gamer Tag: Ivan34 Steam ID: OSUIvan
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Title: WoW Vault Site Manager
Aug 6, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
All my frustrations in one happy song. ^_^
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Aug 20, '08
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Healing in Cataclysm
What has been disturbing for me is when playing my mage. I poly a mob to make everyone's engagement - primarily our healer's - life easier and less stressful and the tanks play on like it was just like before. I like the more casual play style though. Enjoyed the old days when you had to THINK about a certain situations, take your time and not rush through everything.
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Jul 26, '04
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Healing in Cataclysm
My favorite class is my druid. I love playing her. I love healing. I have not had the chance to heal in any 80+ instances yet. She is only 82 and I have not been able to get into any of the new instances. After reading this thread perhaps I should be grateful. I mostly still run the pre-cata instances with my guild and they are still pretty easy.
I am leveling a hunter and I do go into the random groups and I have noticed that they are crazy. They just rush mobs and pull like they have a 80 heal with all her spells and in reso or holy spec. I think that they do forget that the healer they do have in lower levels is probably spec for dps and not healing. The definatly do not take that into consideration.
I'm leveling my druid as fast as I can, what with work and all. But I am in no rush to see any p.u.g. groups. I think I'll stick with my guild on the new cata instances untill I can see how they work.
Rhapsedy Eversong - Druid World of Warcraft!!! <3 Light travels faster than sound. That’s why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
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Dec 2, '03
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Healing in Cataclysm
I'm having fun healing, it is more challenging, but as said above, the real challenge is not to understand it yourself. A decent healer catches on pretty quick what changes need to be made, what heals to throw out and when. I've even found myself preemptively charging a heal when I know big damage is going to hit. Like the last boss in stone core throws those huge boulders. There is really no excuse to be getting hit by those, if one or two members of your party insist on standing there and getting hit by it that could just be enough to put you in a pinch between topping them back up and keeping the tank up.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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Healing in Cataclysm
Holy crap what a bunch of whiners. I've been having more fun healing randoms in the last week than I ever had since the random daily system was implemented. Oh noes you have to select which spells to use to conserve mana? Oh noes you have to let that dps sit at 20% life to heal up the tank first? The current implementation will truly show who is a good healer and who is one of those 'Wrath' scrubs I keep hearing about here on VN. Tanks and DPS weren't the only ones to get stupid with that expansion you know! P.S. I've actually found that pointing out when someone is doing something wrong in a less than hateful way can usually cause people to learn from their mistakes. How many people have complemented me on how awesome my healing is this past week? I kinda lost track...
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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Title: Caveat Lector
Feb 2, '05
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Healing in Cataclysm
Quazimortal posted: Holy crap what a bunch of whiners. I've been having more fun healing randoms in the last week than I ever had since the random daily system was implemented. Oh noes you have to select which spells to use to conserve mana? Oh noes you have to let that dps sit at 20% life to heal up the tank first? The current implementation will truly show who is a good healer and who is one of those 'Wrath' scrubs I keep hearing about here on VN. Tanks and DPS weren't the only ones to get stupid with that expansion you know! P.S. I've actually found that pointing out when someone is doing something wrong in a less than hateful way can usually cause people to learn from their mistakes. How many people have complemented me on how awesome my healing is this past week? I kinda lost track...
Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.
SWTOR, Maybe in a year. Back to WoW for now. With a lil f2p CoH.
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Title: WoW Vault Site Manager
Aug 6, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
I'm happy to hear it's still possible to get good groups to heal with at least. Once I get my priest up I just might dip my toe in the random dungeon queue and test the waters.
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Title: Sith Lord
Dec 17, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Healing randoms is nothing. Healing raids right now is ridiculous and not fun.
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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Healing in Cataclysm
-Peo- posted:
Quazimortal posted: Holy crap what a bunch of whiners. I've been having more fun healing randoms in the last week than I ever had since the random daily system was implemented. Oh noes you have to select which spells to use to conserve mana? Oh noes you have to let that dps sit at 20% life to heal up the tank first? The current implementation will truly show who is a good healer and who is one of those 'Wrath' scrubs I keep hearing about here on VN. Tanks and DPS weren't the only ones to get stupid with that expansion you know! P.S. I've actually found that pointing out when someone is doing something wrong in a less than hateful way can usually cause people to learn from their mistakes. How many people have complemented me on how awesome my healing is this past week? I kinda lost track...
Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.
Sorry I let my arrogance show a little there. _Kewk_ posted: Healing randoms is nothing. Healing raids right now is ridiculous and not fun.
My guild hasn't started raiding yet so I can't comment there.
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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Healing in Cataclysm
spaceurface posted: What has been disturbing for me is when playing my mage. I poly a mob to make everyone's engagement - primarily our healer's - life easier and less stressful and the tanks play on like it was just like before.
Having my cc broken is extremely annoying and frustrating. Even more so when it leads to repeated wipes.
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Jan 23, '05
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Healing in Cataclysm
i've been pugging since level 20, 47 now and i have only seen 1 rogue SAP twice. Blizzard forcing people to CC again isn't happening, I still see tanks pull everything and wonders why we have to wait on the healers, or me since i'm a shammy, while pugging. Last night I was in Dire Maul and the healer had one hella of time healing the tank, I had more health then him. The last 2 bosses the healer dropped, I switched to heal him and it was hard. He was good at his job but poorly geared and the fact he was 5 levels lower then me. I told him to get better gear and he'll be fine. There are a lot of tanks out there that can't even tank, had several that couldn't taunt or pull mobs off the healer. I'm going to continue going as DPS.
Corsair H50 SAPPHIRE, Vapor-X 5870 1GB PS3 60gb, updated to 320gb.
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Mar 24, '04
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Healing in Cataclysm
DragonKeeperofThi posted: i've been pugging since level 20, 47 now and i have only seen 1 rogue SAP twice. Blizzard forcing people to CC again isn't happening, I still see tanks pull everything and wonders why we have to wait on the healers, or me since i'm a shammy, while pugging. Last night I was in Dire Maul and the healer had one hella of time healing the tank, I had more health then him. The last 2 bosses the healer dropped, I switched to heal him and it was hard. He was good at his job but poorly geared and the fact he was 5 levels lower then me. I told him to get better gear and he'll be fine. There are a lot of tanks out there that can't even tank, had several that couldn't taunt or pull mobs off the healer. I'm going to continue going as DPS.
Blizzard's stance on "need to CC" is in relation to level 85 heroics and raids. It may be necessary in level 80+ regular dungeons, but isn't as much of a requirement depending on group composition. Anything below level 80, save some BC heroics, do NOT require CC, nor was it intended to after the latest expansion from my understanding.
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Jul 7, '10
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Healing in Cataclysm
As it stands there are some pretty glaring inequities amongst the different healing classes. If someone tells you healing is just fine and doesn't need to be fixed they're likely playing a holy paladin, or not playing a level 85 healer at all and have no idea wtf they're talking about. Healers are really frustrating to play right now for a number of reasons. 1. Healers scaled backwards from 80-85. Unlike every other role in this game healers actually got WEAKER every time they got a level from 80-85. Heals don't really scale at all however mana costs grow at an alarming rate. There really isn't anything fun about getting levels and better gear only to feel like you're worse off than you were before. Not only are we less powerful than before, health pools scaled like they never have before. Tanks in blue gear have 150K+ health going into heroics. Meanwhile we heal for nearly the same as we did in Wrath. As a % of the tank's health that our heals restore we've never been weaker. 2. Blizzard left it up to healers to educate the rest of the WoW community that the paradigm has changed. Healers have effectively become "Cataclysm dungeoning instructors." We have to inform the tanks and dps that they can't just pull everything and aoe it down anymore. More often that not polite requests for CC or mana breaks is met with arrogance, anger, or even vote kicks. 3. The only feedback mechanism for poor play is death or ooming which is blamed on healers Tanks and dps need to be learning from their mistakes in order to adapt to the new model but they're not. At this point they're lashing out at healers for not compensating for poor play. Obviously this shouldn't be happening but it is happening, a lot. Healers are getting abused in randoms even though they're playing their class as well as it can be played in the new paradigm. 4. Healing didn't get more "interesting" it got LESS interesting Supposedly this change was about making healing more "interesting" by making it about choosing the right spell at the right time. Turns out that the right spell is almost always slow efficient spell, heal, holy light, etc. GC has said that he didn't want healers to spam one spell, then he goes and designs a system that encourages healers to spam one heal, the whole thing's mind boggling. The mana conservation game seems to boil down to using anything other than your slow efficient heal as infrequently as possible, how interesting. TLDR: GC forgot that he's in charge of a GAME that is supposed to be FUN. The new healing system isn't fun, at best it's boring, and needs to be reworked.
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Healing in Cataclysm
This is how to make your healer happy. Skull - Target Square - Trap Moon/Star/Whatever - Hex/Repentance/Fear with glyph/sheep/root GET LOOT IN THE END. Seriously how hard is this?????
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Jul 7, '10
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Healing in Cataclysm
This just in, Holy Pallies have been nerfed. Tower of Radiance no longer generates holy power when holy light is cast on the beacon target and the healing done by Light of Dawn has been reduced. From the healing forums: Nethaera on 12/14/10 9:38 PM (UTC) These hotfixes were intentional and we wanted to share more information about the "why" for you all here: Mana is supposed to matter for healers, and in the case of Holy paladins, that just wasn’t happening. We were seeing raid groups attempting to learn new bosses where the other healers were out of mana while the paladins were still at 90% of mana. We also thought the experience of paladins healing harder heroic dungeons was inconsistent with that of other healers, or our design intent. We thought it was only a matter of time before groups started going out of their way to stack paladins for raids or recruit them for dungeon runs, which of course is not our intent. For this reason, we thought it was important to address this point now rather than sitting on it until a future patch. The main culprit for the increased paladin efficiency this was Holy Power from Tower of Radiance. We were seeing a strategy develop where paladins would cast Holy Light on a Beaconed tank, and then cast Light of Dawn on the raid (and use very few other spells). This strategy was remarkably successful considering how simple it is. The Holy Power-based heals are supposed to be an important component of the paladin kit, but because Holy Light is designed to be super efficient, the overall strategy was too efficient. The intent of Tower of Radiance was to make directly healing a Beacon of Light target less punitive, but instead it was becoming the only smart way to play. You can still generate Holy Power by using Flash of Light or Divine Light on a Beaconed target, or through a variety of other ways. Remember, overall it isn’t balanced if paladins are just as mana efficient as other healers and have several mana-free spells. Light of Dawn was adjusted because it was completely eclipsing Word of Glory. We lowered the healing of Word of Glory late in development, but also redesigned Light of Dawn. They had fallen out of sync, and Light of Dawn was just too good.
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Title: Pastor of Muppets
Jan 15, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Unstruck posted:
DragonKeeperofThi posted: i've been pugging since level 20, 47 now and i have only seen 1 rogue SAP twice. Blizzard forcing people to CC again isn't happening, I still see tanks pull everything and wonders why we have to wait on the healers, or me since i'm a shammy, while pugging. Last night I was in Dire Maul and the healer had one hella of time healing the tank, I had more health then him. The last 2 bosses the healer dropped, I switched to heal him and it was hard. He was good at his job but poorly geared and the fact he was 5 levels lower then me. I told him to get better gear and he'll be fine. There are a lot of tanks out there that can't even tank, had several that couldn't taunt or pull mobs off the healer. I'm going to continue going as DPS.
Blizzard's stance on "need to CC" is in relation to level 85 heroics and raids. It may be necessary in level 80+ regular dungeons, but isn't as much of a requirement depending on group composition. Anything below level 80, save some BC heroics, do NOT require CC, nor was it intended to after the latest expansion from my understanding.
The BC dungeons may not "require" it, but they could certainly benefit from it, even non-heroics. I haven't done any dungeon runs or raids in Northrend yet so I cannot comment on that, but I've seen several group wipes that would not have happened pre-4.0.1. And don't forget about the across-the-board damage nerf on warlocks and warriors. I think most classes got hit with some sort of nerf iirc. Making it more difficult to hold agro and more difficult to do damage cannot help healers at all, on any level. I am (personally) glad to see the changes. I just think it's stupid that Blizzard waited this long to make them. It's as though a new CEO with a completely different vision took over the game. Wait, did that happen??
I had a dream. It was an incredible dream. When I awoke, I had a huge mess to clean up.
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Feb 16, '02
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User ID: 646,295
Healing in Cataclysm
Quazimortal posted: Holy crap what a bunch of whiners. I've been having more fun healing randoms in the last week than I ever had since the random daily system was implemented. Oh noes you have to select which spells to use to conserve mana? Oh noes you have to let that dps sit at 20% life to heal up the tank first? The current implementation will truly show who is a good healer and who is one of those 'Wrath' scrubs I keep hearing about here on VN. Tanks and DPS weren't the only ones to get stupid with that expansion you know! P.S. I've actually found that pointing out when someone is doing something wrong in a less than hateful way can usually cause people to learn from their mistakes. How many people have complemented me on how awesome my healing is this past week? I kinda lost track...
I hope you're not counting on it staying that way...
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Jul 15, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
man sign me up for this torture fest called healing!
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
TruthyID posted: ... posted a bunch of absolutely true stuff ... TLDR: GC forgot that he's in charge of a GAME that is supposed to be FUN. The new healing system isn't fun, at best it's boring, and needs to be reworked.
Yep. Bottom line, playing as a priest I could not even heal as disc (my chosen spec) and had to spec holy just to survive. Even then it's nothing but frustration because every mistake made by the tank and DPS causes me to be unable to save them and when they die / we wipe "the healer is to blame". I know folks who run with perfect guild 5 mans who do their jobs don't all feel how broken priest healing actually is, but it is. The class is not functioning correctly, and it's not fun. So much for "pugs are gonna steamroll in Cata wait and see" we heard from others just a week or so ago on this very board. Reality is, healers are quitting and queue times for DPS are high and climbing higher as a result. I will continue to play and try to adapt because I'm stubborn, but truthfully if I'd decided to level my holy pally instead of my priest I'd be playing a different game right now at 85, and THAT is not how it should be. --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Its only been a week. A major patch will be forthcoming soon that will reverse all this stupidity. Blizzard loves their money way too much to watch it dwindle.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Jul 7, '10
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Healing in Cataclysm
Spookysheep posted: Its only been a week. A major patch will be forthcoming soon that will reverse all this stupidity. Blizzard loves their money way too much to watch it dwindle.
I'd believe you if Blizzard hadn't just stealth nerfed holy pallies this morning. The only thing they thought was broken about healing was that holy pallies weren't going oom as much as other healers. I wouldn't count on any miracle patches to make healing effective or fun any time soon.
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Aug 18, '08
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Healing in Cataclysm
Last night I was healing for a group, and the pally tank pulled some green blobs, and then got another group. He and the druid in cat form ended up dead because I could not keep up with the damage. Then he asked why I never healed, "healer y u no heal?" lol. I explained that I did heal, and afterward, no more wipes and he was careful with pulls. We even went on to another dungeon after completing the current one. I was lucky that the hunter backed me up. Otherwise, he probably would have kicked me, and since he never pulled another group of green blobs, there would have been no problems.
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Healing in Cataclysm
Flesh_Wound posted: The real problem is not the healing design, it's getting the other 4 members of your group to understand it. The example I've been using is the first pull in HoO. Is it possible for a tank to just run in, pick up the 3 little guys and tank the big one? Yes. Is it utterly brutal and stupid and painful to heal even on normal? Yes. It's not even so much that people got used to steamrolling stuff because it was easy. They got used to essentially breaking gameplay design in terms of incidental damage, pulls, etc.. You just can't do that anymore without the result being shunted directly to the healer (and in turn, the group entire). I've pretty much shelved healing until more pugs understand how useful and vital CC is now, even for some normal pulls (rly). Once people are playing like a group again, I'll come back to it. Guild runs are, of course, a different thing.
Yep. After 6 years or so of playing my holy priest, he's waiting it out in shadow mode and soloing until Blizzard undoes their cranio-rectal inversion on this one.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Chilton hated casters.
GC hates healers.
Oh, did I say that out loud?
Seriously, sounds like they've gone back to vanilla-style healing. This will probably cause a lack of healers in PuGs. (I know I will be avoiding that myself.) When they figure this out about 6 months from now, I would expect tweaks. Certainly not back to LK level; something moderately more than is there now.
In the meantime, good luck to all the healers out here. You know you can manage. If you're lucky and have semi-intelligent or semi-experienced players in PuGs, (who can CC and follow kill order), I suspect your job will be a lot easier. (This sounds like tank complaint threads for LK, and rightly so.) I'm sure it will be much nicer in guild groups for the time being (at least more understanding and willingness to work together.)
The general population WILL get there. Just takes time. No, it won't be a fun ride.
Encouragingly yours,
PS: this is not a pollyana feel good post.. I agree (first) there are real issues and (second) it will probably get tweaked. Question is: WHEN.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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Healing in Cataclysm
TruthyID posted: This just in, Holy Pallies have been nerfed. Tower of Radiance no longer generates holy power when holy light is cast on the beacon target and the healing done by Light of Dawn has been reduced. From the healing forums: Nethaera on 12/14/10 9:38 PM (UTC) These hotfixes were intentional and we wanted to share more information about the "why" for you all here: Mana is supposed to matter for healers, and in the case of Holy paladins, that just wasn’t happening. We were seeing raid groups attempting to learn new bosses where the other healers were out of mana while the paladins were still at 90% of mana. We also thought the experience of paladins healing harder heroic dungeons was inconsistent with that of other healers, or our design intent. We thought it was only a matter of time before groups started going out of their way to stack paladins for raids or recruit them for dungeon runs, which of course is not our intent. For this reason, we thought it was important to address this point now rather than sitting on it until a future patch. The main culprit for the increased paladin efficiency this was Holy Power from Tower of Radiance. We were seeing a strategy develop where paladins would cast Holy Light on a Beaconed tank, and then cast Light of Dawn on the raid (and use very few other spells). This strategy was remarkably successful considering how simple it is. The Holy Power-based heals are supposed to be an important component of the paladin kit, but because Holy Light is designed to be super efficient, the overall strategy was too efficient. The intent of Tower of Radiance was to make directly healing a Beacon of Light target less punitive, but instead it was becoming the only smart way to play. You can still generate Holy Power by using Flash of Light or Divine Light on a Beaconed target, or through a variety of other ways. Remember, overall it isn’t balanced if paladins are just as mana efficient as other healers and have several mana-free spells. Light of Dawn was adjusted because it was completely eclipsing Word of Glory. We lowered the healing of Word of Glory late in development, but also redesigned Light of Dawn. They had fallen out of sync, and Light of Dawn was just too good.
Oh well, not too big of a change. I was using that strategy of course but I should be able to adapt. Broken_Kayfabe posted:
Quazimortal posted: Holy crap what a bunch of whiners. I've been having more fun healing randoms in the last week than I ever had since the random daily system was implemented. Oh noes you have to select which spells to use to conserve mana? Oh noes you have to let that dps sit at 20% life to heal up the tank first? The current implementation will truly show who is a good healer and who is one of those 'Wrath' scrubs I keep hearing about here on VN. Tanks and DPS weren't the only ones to get stupid with that expansion you know! P.S. I've actually found that pointing out when someone is doing something wrong in a less than hateful way can usually cause people to learn from their mistakes. How many people have complemented me on how awesome my healing is this past week? I kinda lost track...
I hope you're not counting on it staying that way...
Why would I? Change is a constant in anything.
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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Aug 21, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
AC - Hokkaido Disco, Flesh Wound - retired EQ/EQ2 - Straylight - retired UO, DAOC, AoC, AO, CoH, EVE - retired WoW - retired Help me SW:TOR, you're my only hope
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Title: Moderator Troll Eradicator
Mar 9, '00
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Healing in Cataclysm
This is why I so love dual spec. My Priest is a stone cold killer in Shadow and my Shammy lights the place up in Ele so it's all good. I'll heal so long as it is enjoyable, if not, face melting and lava slinging never get old
Fare thee well VN, Vini, Vidi, Vici!
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Jun 20, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Far too many players pick the healer for one reason and that is to be carried through content. Now, the same players complain that it is hard to heal. Yeah, because healing was insanely easy before cata. Healers would fall asleep, go dps and what not in dungeons before cata. What is needed right now is to weed out the crappy players so the real healers can actually shine for once. Healing should never be easy.
"Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant *****' Mark Twain ****. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone."
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Jul 7, '10
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Healing in Cataclysm
huldu posted: Far too many players pick the healer for one reason and that is to be carried through content. Now, the same players complain that it is hard to heal. Yeah, because healing was insanely easy before cata. Healers would fall asleep, go dps and what not in dungeons before cata. What is needed right now is to weed out the crappy players so the real healers can actually shine for once. Healing should never be easy.
If people want to be carried through content they'd be better off rolling dps. Mages can still top meters while doing their taxes. The complaints don't stem from the new playstyle being hard, they stem from healing not being fun. The new model just fails to deliver the fun factor. The new model isn't even that difficult to master, it just feels underpowered which is frustrating. It's a sad state of affairs when it's more difficult to heal ICC as a lvl 85 than it was to heal it at lvl 80 even with new talents and better gear.
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Feb 8, '05
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Healing in Cataclysm
Healing raids and the outgoing raid damage is completely ridiculous right now =p
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
huldu posted: Far too many players pick the healer for one reason and that is to be carried through content. Now, the same players complain that it is hard to heal. Yeah, because healing was insanely easy before cata. Healers would fall asleep, go dps and what not in dungeons before cata. What is needed right now is to weed out the crappy players so the real healers can actually shine for once. Healing should never be easy.
You're an idiot. I chose to play the healer (the role NOBODY else wants to play) because nobody wants to do it. The role is underrepresented in even the best of times, and you (and apparently Blizzard) want to make it so painful that even less people want to do it? You are out of your freaking mind. On Tuesday queue times for healer at 80 - 82 were 8 to 10 minutes. At 85 on Sunday they were 3 to 5 minutes. By last night at 85 they were instant. Think about it. Think about why. --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
Oh for those of you who still think priests are making this up: Bashiok: "To be fair the priest issues are well known on the class design team. Mana regen probably needs a buff or mana regen in some way needs to be addressed for ... us. Them? I've never considered myself a specific class so that sounds weird to say." --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Nov 5, '10
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Healing in Cataclysm
slythetove posted:
huldu posted: Far too many players pick the healer for one reason and that is to be carried through content. Now, the same players complain that it is hard to heal. Yeah, because healing was insanely easy before cata. Healers would fall asleep, go dps and what not in dungeons before cata. What is needed right now is to weed out the crappy players so the real healers can actually shine for once. Healing should never be easy.
You're an idiot. I chose to play the healer (the role NOBODY else wants to play) because nobody wants to do it. The role is underrepresented in even the best of times, and you (and apparently Blizzard) want to make it so painful that even less people want to do it? You are out of your freaking mind. On Tuesday queue times for healer at 80 - 82 were 8 to 10 minutes. At 85 on Sunday they were 3 to 5 minutes. By last night at 85 they were instant. Think about it. Think about why. --Sly
Yup. Stevie Wonder could see that coming. I'm confused about Blizzard's strategy here. It really doesn't make a lot of sense from a business perspective to take an unpopular class and make it more difficult/less fun to play. Sort of goes against all of their previous efforts that make this game so casual friendly ,which was largely responsible for their monstrous playerbase. Have they decided they have too many subscriptions? A bit schizo if ya ask me. Make it hard, or make it easy. Or better yet, find a happy medium. These huge swings of the pendulum get annoying after a while.
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Dec 18, '00
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Healing in Cataclysm
TruthyID posted: As it stands there are some pretty glaring inequities amongst the different healing classes. If someone tells you healing is just fine and doesn't need to be fixed they're likely playing a holy paladin, or not playing a level 85 healer at all and have no idea wtf they're talking about. Healers are really frustrating to play right now for a number of reasons. 1. Healers scaled backwards from 80-85. Unlike every other role in this game healers actually got WEAKER every time they got a level from 80-85. Heals don't really scale at all however mana costs grow at an alarming rate. There really isn't anything fun about getting levels and better gear only to feel like you're worse off than you were before. Not only are we less powerful than before, health pools scaled like they never have before. Tanks in blue gear have 150K+ health going into heroics. Meanwhile we heal for nearly the same as we did in Wrath. As a % of the tank's health that our heals restore we've never been weaker. 2. Blizzard left it up to healers to educate the rest of the WoW community that the paradigm has changed. Healers have effectively become "Cataclysm dungeoning instructors." We have to inform the tanks and dps that they can't just pull everything and aoe it down anymore. More often that not polite requests for CC or mana breaks is met with arrogance, anger, or even vote kicks. 3. The only feedback mechanism for poor play is death or ooming which is blamed on healers Tanks and dps need to be learning from their mistakes in order to adapt to the new model but they're not. At this point they're lashing out at healers for not compensating for poor play. Obviously this shouldn't be happening but it is happening, a lot. Healers are getting abused in randoms even though they're playing their class as well as it can be played in the new paradigm. 4. Healing didn't get more "interesting" it got LESS interesting Supposedly this change was about making healing more "interesting" by making it about choosing the right spell at the right time. Turns out that the right spell is almost always slow efficient spell, heal, holy light, etc. GC has said that he didn't want healers to spam one spell, then he goes and designs a system that encourages healers to spam one heal, the whole thing's mind boggling. The mana conservation game seems to boil down to using anything other than your slow efficient heal as infrequently as possible, how interesting. TLDR: GC forgot that he's in charge of a GAME that is supposed to be FUN. The new healing system isn't fun, at best it's boring, and needs to be reworked.
Well said.
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Healing in Cataclysm
I too have given up healing for now. Not because I am tired of being blamed for deaths, but because the priest class just does not work anymore. I "know my class" quite well and I am a very efficient healer already (I did not over heal as a matter of principle before and out of habit (as I was healing before dungeons got too easy)). But right now effective healing is too difficult. Yes, partly because of reckless behavior on the part of others but also because the mana requirements are now, frankly, onerous. Yes, onerous. It is so bad that I honestly feel that I am being punished. Not personally of course. But punished for choosing to be a healer. Blizz needs to understand that the healer assumes a larger share of the overall responsibility for success/failure of the group and Blizz has allowed no compensation for that fact. Blizz needs to understand that this is just a game, something that we do for fun. It is not a test of manliness or whatever. I think it is good that mana costs went up, but they went up way too much. And as for the "you need to be better geared" red hering... it is true to an extent, but it takes good gear to get good gear. You have to do the heroics to get the heroic drops. And with dungeons now handing out far fewer JPs, buying the better gear takes a very long time. Also, my shadow spec routinely runs out of mana half way through large combats. This after making damn sure I don't recast a degen until after it first expires. I am currently level 83 and well geared for an 83. A combat shadow spell consumes 4-5% of my mana per cast. This is unreasonable. Cast 10 shadow spells and your mana is depleted by 50%. If I am only supposed to fight one target at a time then I guess this is ok. But typically there are more than one target and it just makes sense to put degens on more than one target at a time. From what I see on other forums Blizz has admitted to their mistake and they are going to give the priest class a new buff that, in effect, gives them uber-spirit mana regen. Frankly, I do not want yet another spell to cast. Instead, they should just correct their original mistake and not increase spell mana costs as much as they have.
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Aug 18, '08
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Healing in Cataclysm
Healing seems to be down to put your low cost HoT on the tank, spam the most efficient single target heal on the tank. If the tank starts dropping too much, use the big heal mana inefficient heal. If a pull goes bad, let the dps die, and save the tank yourself as long as possible.
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May 28, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Voqar posted:
-Spacelord- posted: I stopped healing too, my favorite role. It is unbelievable to be nerfed that much. I understand their design but it is too much responsibility for one role while other all they have to do is swear at the healer.
I don't think it's nerfed at all. People got used to never ending mana, spamming inefficient heals, overhealing ridiculously (you could see meters with most healers over 50% overhealing - that's insanely inefficient - but they could get away with it due to mana mechanics). I like that healing involves thinking and strategy and is more of a group responsibility. I like that morons who used to just spam healbot wacamole are having to truly learn how to heal. I like that as a tank/healer, I have to really push to minimize incoming damage and strategize more (use CC, pull smarter, etc). It's a gear thing (most people are undergeared, not enchanted, not gemmed, and going "LOL i'm 329 let me q for heroic"). Undergeared dps morons who don't put out decent dps AND who stand in puddles, don't interrupt, don't pay attention to dmg, etc cause way more stress on healers and tanks. It's also an eduction thing. People need to learn the mob abilities, kill priorities, pulls, layouts. It'll come along.
^^ THIS. Thank you.
Rift - Having fun WoW - Just cant do it anymore... "WAR and AoC also showed that a strong, nerd-attracting IP can only get you so far before the cognitive dissonance starts to wear off" - bOrngamer
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Jul 7, '10
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Healing in Cataclysm
Here's an update posted in the thread about the nerf to holy paladins which pertains to all healers: I apologize for the delay in answers. I was not attempting to avoid questions here. I have a bit more information for you: It is intended that Protector of the Innocent and Light of Dawn transfer healing through Beacon of Light. Furthermore, we didn’t feel that changing either of those would have fixed the problem. When we looked at the numbers, paladins were getting far more Holy Power from Holy Light using Tower of Radiance than we had predicted they would. This wasn’t a problem of paladins topping healing meters or anything like that. The problem was that paladins could heal much more efficiently than other healers. Healers of equal skill should run out of mana at about the same time. In this situation, we didn’t want to buff everyone else to the paladin level, because we think the experience of priest, druid and shaman healers is playing out as we intended. (But we will keep monitoring things.) We understand some healers still don’t feel that they have enough mana to be able to do their jobs and we understand the design has changed somewhat from the Wrath of the Lich King healing model. However, the heroic dungeons are intended to be challenging. Moreover, the Cataclysm expansion has only been live for a week. Players are still improving their gear, learning the boss fights and getting familiar with the new healing philosophy.
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May 28, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
TruthyID posted:
huldu posted: Far too many players pick the healer for one reason and that is to be carried through content. Now, the same players complain that it is hard to heal. Yeah, because healing was insanely easy before cata. Healers would fall asleep, go dps and what not in dungeons before cata. What is needed right now is to weed out the crappy players so the real healers can actually shine for once. Healing should never be easy.
If people want to be carried through content they'd be better off rolling dps. Mages can still top meters while doing their taxes. The complaints don't stem from the new playstyle being hard, they stem from healing not being fun. The new model just fails to deliver the fun factor. The new model isn't even that difficult to master, it just feels underpowered which is frustrating. It's a sad state of affairs when it's more difficult to heal ICC as a lvl 85 than it was to heal it at lvl 80 even with new talents and better gear.
^^ Sorry Truthy but WRONG WRONG WRONG! You must have never healed pre-WoTLK. When you work hard to be good at healing, acquire the necessary gear, get sought after like a valuable commodity, run a difficult pug, using skill and experience you successfully heal a tough run, you sit back smile and say "God Damn that was awesome!" Thats fun. I experienced it many times pre-WoTLK. Being picked up as a healer as an afterthought, doing dps because your heals overheal by 20% and your mana pool never dries up....that is NOT fun. Not for a skilled healer anyways.
Rift - Having fun WoW - Just cant do it anymore... "WAR and AoC also showed that a strong, nerd-attracting IP can only get you so far before the cognitive dissonance starts to wear off" - bOrngamer
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Jul 7, '10
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Healing in Cataclysm
pattongb posted:
^^ Sorry Truthy but WRONG WRONG WRONG! You must have never healed pre-WoTLK. When you work hard to be good at healing, acquire the necessary gear, get sought after like a valuable commodity, run a difficult pug, using skill and experience you successfully heal a tough run, you sit back smile and say "God Damn that was awesome!" Thats fun. I experienced it many times pre-WoTLK. Being picked up as a healer as an afterthought, doing dps because your heals overheal by 20% and your mana pool never dries up....that is NOT fun. Not for a skilled healer anyways.
I'm not sure why people keep assuming that people who don't enjoy the new Ghostcrawler healing are "wrath facerollers." As a matter of fact I've been healing endgame since BRD was a raid. That said, someone's WoW bona fides don't have any impact on whether or not this system is fun, and frankly, it's not. The new healing system isn't difficult, it's boring and frustrating. Healers feel impotent and much of the toolbox isn't very useful anymore. If anything a healer is less of a valuable commodity than ever because they don't bring much to the table. It's irritating to play your character optimally and just scrape by because healing is weaker than it's ever been. The system doesn't reward good healing, it punishes all healing. I would welcome a return to BC style healing but this simply isn't it. In fact it bears only a passing resemblance to BC healing. I decided to reserve judgment on Cat until I hit 85, but I think the naysayers may be onto something, Ghostcrawler and company have no idea wtf they're doing with healers. Have you tried healing in pvp yet? Based on what I've seen 3s are going to be dominated by 3 dps teams because heals are so lackluster right now. This wasn't the case in BC either.
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Jul 7, '10
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Healing in Cataclysm
TruthyID posted:
pattongb posted:
^^ Sorry Truthy but WRONG WRONG WRONG! You must have never healed pre-WoTLK. When you work hard to be good at healing, acquire the necessary gear, get sought after like a valuable commodity, run a difficult pug, using skill and experience you successfully heal a tough run, you sit back smile and say "God Damn that was awesome!" Thats fun. I experienced it many times pre-WoTLK. Being picked up as a healer as an afterthought, doing dps because your heals overheal by 20% and your mana pool never dries up....that is NOT fun. Not for a skilled healer anyways.
I'm not sure why people keep assuming that people who don't enjoy the new Ghostcrawler healing are "wrath facerollers." As a matter of fact I've been healing endgame since vanilla. That said, someone's WoW bona fides don't have any impact on whether or not this system is fun, and frankly, it's not. The new healing system isn't difficult, it's boring and frustrating. Healers feel impotent and much of the toolbox isn't very useful anymore. If anything a healer is less of a valuable commodity than ever because they don't bring much to the table. It's irritating to play your character optimally and just scrape by because healing is weaker than it's ever been. The system doesn't reward good healing, it punishes all healing. I would welcome a return to BC style healing but this simply isn't it. In fact it bears only a passing resemblance to BC healing. I decided to reserve judgment on Cat until I hit 85, but I think the naysayers may be onto something, Ghostcrawler and company have no idea wtf they're doing with healers. Have you tried healing in pvp yet? Based on what I've seen 3s are going to be dominated by 3 dps teams because heals are so lackluster right now. This wasn't the case in BC either.
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May 28, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Maybe they can make some adjustments. I would prefer we not go back to faceroll healing though. I havent played my healer seriously since BC. Its just not rewarding anymore. Why work hard to get great healing gear, spec healing, and refine your skills, when Ele Shamans were jumping into pugs and healing with no problem?? The class had become the 'hunters' of the casting classes.
Rift - Having fun WoW - Just cant do it anymore... "WAR and AoC also showed that a strong, nerd-attracting IP can only get you so far before the cognitive dissonance starts to wear off" - bOrngamer
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Nov 6, '05
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Healing in Cataclysm
TruthyID posted:
Have you tried healing in pvp yet? Based on what I've seen 3s are going to be dominated by 3 dps teams because heals are so lackluster right now. This wasn't the case in BC either.
so, having a tree druid isn't auto-WIN anymore...??? Awesome
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
TruthyID posted: I'm not sure why people keep assuming that people who don't enjoy the new Ghostcrawler healing are "wrath facerollers." As a matter of fact I've been healing endgame since BRD was a raid. That said, someone's WoW bona fides don't have any impact on whether or not this system is fun, and frankly, it's not. The new healing system isn't difficult, it's boring and frustrating. Healers feel impotent and much of the toolbox isn't very useful anymore. If anything a healer is less of a valuable commodity than ever because they don't bring much to the table. It's irritating to play your character optimally and just scrape by because healing is weaker than it's ever been. The system doesn't reward good healing, it punishes all healing. I would welcome a return to BC style healing but this simply isn't it. In fact it bears only a passing resemblance to BC healing. I decided to reserve judgment on Cat until I hit 85, but I think the naysayers may be onto something, Ghostcrawler and company have no idea wtf they're doing with healers. Have you tried healing in pvp yet? Based on what I've seen 3s are going to be dominated by 3 dps teams because heals are so lackluster right now. This wasn't the case in BC either.
Exactly right. Right now the healer is an impotent group member, fighting an uphill losing battle, to be blamed for any failure (of any player in the group), and when you do succeed it's not rewarding it's ... relieving at best. I can play amazingly and honestly I'm still climbing uphill against the wind. I'm not a standout if I play well, I just get yelled at slightly less often. Everyone else leveled up, and my priest leveled down. --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Title: Is, indeed, a fat ass.
Dec 24, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
It gets better with gear, at least that's what I'm noticing on my Resto Shaman. Tanks are taking less damage, DPS health pools are growing to give them more leeway for stupidity, etc.
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Aug 18, '08
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Healing in Cataclysm
slythetove posted: and when you do succeed it's not rewarding it's ... relieving at best. --Sly
Yep, it's "thank god that's over".
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Aug 21, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
God forbid, but I think some people are learning. Ran a coupla 85 randoms and there was CC, group cohesion, and other long lost elements unseen since the dawn of heroic blood forge. My hope is small but lively.
AC - Hokkaido Disco, Flesh Wound - retired EQ/EQ2 - Straylight - retired UO, DAOC, AoC, AO, CoH, EVE - retired WoW - retired Help me SW:TOR, you're my only hope
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Sep 28, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
Quit blaming PUGs. There is way too much gratuitous damage in instances now. Simply put its a dick move by the developers. They decided that they wanted people to make use of their new spells and damn if they don't make the old spells so damn expensive as to force you into it. Then they top it off by over doing the gratuitous group damage. Oh I know, let the stupid DPS die, yeah, like we need one less and wipe because we have only four up. This is all about developers wanting something and damn well engineering a system where they will get it. Leave mechanics like that to raids, don't need people dropping what they like and doing only DPS. I don't care if Cata healing was not challenging enough, it gave the rest of us something else we could do. Now its like, "oh you can heal..." well thats all we want you to do, provided you measure up to our level of idiocy. Glad to see Paladins finally got whacked.
. . . For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven . Cows go moo, Dogs go woof and MMO players go ''PVP is imbalanced'' . "I’m as horny as the hat rack at a Viking bar.", Ann Coulter
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Dec 18, '00
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Healing in Cataclysm
My only problem with the situation is that blizzard told healers "OMG L2P ur cl4ss!!!1". Fine. I was already careful with my heals before Cata i have no problem with that. BUT let's add something to make tank and dps play better.
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Title: VNBoard Admin
Mar 1, '00
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Healing in Cataclysm
My opinion is reversing and I was one of the "oh shut up if its hard" people before.Â
Personally, I think Blizzard f***ed up, and this will become evident in a few more weeks in my opinion.Â
First, they made the healing too much of a pain in the ass for people and it is begining to show in how assholish a lot of the healers are behaving. It isn't their fault, they are just cranky. Obviously, one button healing sucked too, but... if everybody is complaining, maybe there is a bit of an issue?
Second, I think the average person will find Heroics to be too hard overall. People consider this fun at the start, but once the boring old loot grind starts for Justice Points people are going to hate this and I think it will become brutal for a lot of people. The casual crowd will be pushed out because of this.Â
For example, we wiped 4 times today on the first pull in Halls of Origination Heroic. Ok, this isn't a super hard pull but if you don't have a Mage in your group and your healer is being an asshole who refuses to heal DPS that take damage, this becomes a tough encounter because even with interrupts, you take massive AOE damage.
That is one example. I have run other almost "perfect" Heroic runs without any issues, but it seems like most people have no patients OR are over whelmed OR are just clueless. Now, we don't need this to appeal to Joe-Idiot, but maybe they over tweaked...
We will see what happens in a few weeks, but I think a lot of people are going to be frustrated and once the newness wears off, I don't think the Cataclysm Grind will have the legs that WotLK had.
I survived to the end and got nothing out of it, but hey.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Thanks for the update Mithan.
/waiting to see WHEN Blizz starts tweaking
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Jul 14, '06
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Healing in Cataclysm
Whaa! WoW is faceroll!!! wait... Whaa! Wow is too hard!!
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Fedup23 posted: Whaa! WoW is faceroll!!! wait... Whaa! Wow is too hard!!
A gross oversimplification, to be sure, but still funny.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Feb 16, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Spookysheep posted: Its only been a week. A major patch will be forthcoming soon that will reverse all this stupidity. Blizzard loves their money way too much to watch it dwindle.
We should have had a "Blizzard backs off its healing changes" pool thread here months ago. My money is changes announced sometime the week after Christmas, implemented beginning of second week in January. And they will be severe, because this Dev B team doesn't have any clue how to move towards a positive change, only able to do massive wide ranging blot out the sun type changes that take weeks or months to finally get to the bottom of to resolve the next set of problems.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Dec 20, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
I've been working on a portal mage on my second account, farming to build crafting and enjoy learning the new lands; so I have not been running instances. I ran one with friends this Sat. and decided to use my shaman healer. We had a few deaths but mostly from people doing stupid stuff. The last boss was kind of strange.
I was healing but seeing little effect. I could see the heal numbers but people's bar health did not improve much. I was thinking it was just something they tossed in for this one encounter but now I'm starting to worry.
I have a lot of DPS players and my tanks and healers are duel spec'ed for DPS. I was intending to learn the instances by healing; as the job did not use to change much in the old instances. My worry is that the healing will not scare with the large increase in health and damage. If this is true we are in for a rough ride. Queues are already long and starting to get longer. How long will players pay to sit?
Warrior tanks were becoming borderline unplayable and surely not fun. If they repeat that with healers I don't see much future in playing. The game was fun. The game should be focused on having fun. I'm worried that the developers are getting into a US vs Players mode. They might win but winning could prove costly.
There are three kind of liberals; Stupid, ignorant or evil The result is always evil but the intent is not always evil. Not that it makes much difference in the long run. No one here is exactly as they seem. - G'Kar
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Title: Now With Extra Baldness
May 23, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
Fist_de_Yuma posted: I've been working on a portal mage on my second account, farming to build crafting and enjoy learning the new lands; so I have not been running instances. I ran one with friends this Sat. and decided to use my shaman healer. We had a few deaths but mostly from people doing stupid stuff. The last boss was kind of strange. I was healing but seeing little effect. I could see the heal numbers but people's bar health did not improve much. I was thinking it was just something they tossed in for this one encounter but now I'm starting to worry. I have a lot of DPS players and my tanks and healers are duel spec'ed for DPS. I was intending to learn the instances by healing; as the job did not use to change much in the old instances. My worry is that the healing will not scare with the large increase in health and damage. If this is true we are in for a rough ride. Queues are already long and starting to get longer. How long will players pay to sit? Warrior tanks were becoming borderline unplayable and surely not fun. If they repeat that with healers I don't see much future in playing. The game was fun. The game should be focused on having fun. I'm worried that the developers are getting into a US vs Players mode. They might win but winning could prove costly.
Fist, the healing and not seeing the bars move... get used to it. It's annoying as hell to see I just spent a tenth of my mana on a heal and see the tanks health rise, and then only fall back to where it was in half a second before I can even get halfway through my next heal. I finally ran a throne of tides as an 83 pali healer with a 85 dk tank in a pug. It wasn't easy, wasn't all that hard either... but it wasn't fun at all. In fact after I got done with the dungeon (with no upgrades for me at all) I honestly didn't feel like questing and leveling with my pali again tonight. I switched to my 66 mage since she is a bit of fun to actually play. And I too fell like the devs have gotten an us versus them mentality and honestly, no good ever comes out of that. WoW is the tops right now, and honestly no other game can knock it off it's pedestal. So if it starts to decline and go down the tubes, it will only be from the devs own doing.
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Title: Pastor of Muppets
Jan 15, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
TruthyID posted: Healers have effectively become "Cataclysm dungeoning instructors." We have to inform the tanks and dps that they can't just pull everything and aoe it down anymore. More often that not polite requests for CC or mana breaks is met with arrogance, anger, or even vote kicks.
I'm not a healer but I can vouch for this. I asked about CC going into a pug three nights ago. The response, I shit you not, from TWO of the DPS'ers: "What's CC?" I politely explained what it is and was told that this run was "easy" and that it wasn't necessary. Ten minutes into the run, in response to "go go go go" (from one of the DPSers who was clueless as to what CC is) I ran in and pulled 5 onto me. I wiped, the group wiped...and I was kicked from the group. A a glass-half-full look at this: At least dumbasses like this will be weeded out of PUGs. They will eventually either learn to play the game as it should be played or they will ragequit and go back to Everquest. Either way we will all benefit.
I had a dream. It was an incredible dream. When I awoke, I had a huge mess to clean up.
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Feb 22, '05
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Healing in Cataclysm
There is a great deal of catharsis in threads like this for me.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
-MrBean- posted:
And I too fell like the devs have gotten an us versus them mentality and honestly, no good ever comes out of that. WoW is the tops right now, and honestly no other game can knock it off it's pedestal. So if it starts to decline and go down the tubes, it will only be from the devs own doing.
This. Morons like Ghostcrawler state "we think" or "we like" in every idiotic post he makes. He is too stupid to realize that no one cares what blizzard thinks, players care what players think. There is "enough" outrage on this issue that people really will vote with their wallets and changes will occur. Its a shame though, that you have to cancel your sub for a while in order to get blizzard management to get retarded developers heads out of their collective azzes and get things done right. The funny thing is, even the most die hard sycophant blizzard fanbois cannot defend the game currently without knowingly sounding as retarded as the B-team who developed this design. Notice they are remaining silent on this issue so as not to remove all doubt?
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Feb 22, '05
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Healing in Cataclysm
Spookysheep posted:
-MrBean- posted:
And I too fell like the devs have gotten an us versus them mentality and honestly, no good ever comes out of that. WoW is the tops right now, and honestly no other game can knock it off it's pedestal. So if it starts to decline and go down the tubes, it will only be from the devs own doing.
This. Morons like Ghostcrawler state "we think" or "we like" in every idiotic post he makes. He is too stupid to realize that no one cares what blizzard thinks, players care what players think. There is "enough" outrage on this issue that people really will vote with their wallets and changes will occur. Its a shame though, that you have to cancel your sub for a while in order to get blizzard management to get retarded developers heads out of their collective azzes and get things done right. The funny thing is, even the most die hard sycophant blizzard fanbois cannot defend the game currently without knowingly sounding as retarded as the B-team who developed this design. Notice they are remaining silent on this issue so as not to remove all doubt?
Actually, if the development staff can bring people's overall playing skill up a few notches, it gives the development staff more breadth to design interesting content. If everything is an AOE fest, even the most anti-social, anti-PvE player will eventually get tired of going "See all you elitist pricks, I got the same gear as you did, it's not hard!" and get bored with the game. Requiring the players to actually use more of their characters' multitude of abilities ultimately is better for the game because it increases the diversity of the type of content that can be offered.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Title: Now With Extra Baldness
May 23, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
Cawlin posted:
Actually, if the development staff can bring people's overall playing skill up a few notches, it gives the development staff more breadth to design interesting content. If everything is an AOE fest, even the most anti-social, anti-PvE player will eventually get tired of going "See all you elitist pricks, I got the same gear as you did, it's not hard!" and get bored with the game. Requiring the players to actually use more of their characters' multitude of abilities ultimately is better for the game because it increases the diversity of the type of content that can be offered.
I'm not against them bringing up the playing skill some.... it just seems that there is way too much superfluous damage in dungeons now on top of the healing nerf that makes things purely unfun as a healer.
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Title: Pastor of Muppets
Jan 15, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Priests * Blessed Resilience now increases healing received by 15/30%, up from 5/10%. * Focused Will now reduces damage taken by 5/10% and 10/20%, up from 4/8% and 6/12%. * Healing done by Glyph of Dispel Magic no longer improperly caps out at a certain health pool range. * Holy Concentration's mana regeneration component has been increased from 10/20% to 20/40%. * Player-controlled vehicles return an Invalid Target error when attempting to use Leap of Faith on them. * Rapture's mana regeneration component has been increased from 1.5/2/2.5 to 2/4/6%.
I had a dream. It was an incredible dream. When I awoke, I had a huge mess to clean up.
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Jan 29, '03
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Healing in Cataclysm
Ashmaele posted: Priests * Blessed Resilience now increases healing received by 15/30%, up from 5/10%. * Focused Will now reduces damage taken by 5/10% and 10/20%, up from 4/8% and 6/12%. * Healing done by Glyph of Dispel Magic no longer improperly caps out at a certain health pool range. * Holy Concentration's mana regeneration component has been increased from 10/20% to 20/40%. * Player-controlled vehicles return an Invalid Target error when attempting to use Leap of Faith on them. * Rapture's mana regeneration component has been increased from 1.5/2/2.5 to 2/4/6%.
They obviously are acknowledging that things are definitely not right with healing, specifically with Priests. But they are still not fixing the real problem....throughput. Instead of buffing healers back to godmode mana regen, why not just buff all the direct healing spells by about 20% and see how that feels? Then if that is not enough, tweak it a tad higher. I don't get it, why is this so hard for them?
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Feb 22, '05
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Healing in Cataclysm
Bremen_Gaheris posted:
Ashmaele posted: Priests * Blessed Resilience now increases healing received by 15/30%, up from 5/10%. * Focused Will now reduces damage taken by 5/10% and 10/20%, up from 4/8% and 6/12%. * Healing done by Glyph of Dispel Magic no longer improperly caps out at a certain health pool range. * Holy Concentration's mana regeneration component has been increased from 10/20% to 20/40%. * Player-controlled vehicles return an Invalid Target error when attempting to use Leap of Faith on them. * Rapture's mana regeneration component has been increased from 1.5/2/2.5 to 2/4/6%.
They obviously are acknowledging that things are definitely not right with healing, specifically with Priests. But they are still not fixing the real problem....throughput. Instead of buffing healers back to godmode mana regen, why not just buff all the direct healing spells by about 20% and see how that feels? Then if that is not enough, tweak it a tad higher. I don't get it, why is this so hard for them?
Balancing an MMO is like an armwrestling contest between lepers - one wrong move and the whole thing falls apart. It's a different thing when you're looking at one class only or an ability that is only related to that class as opposed to a whole ROLE (i.e. healing) is considerably more tricky. Seeing them make small(ish) adjustments to individual classes is better imo than seeing "across the board" changes which have the potential to create a REALLY gutwrenching pendulum ride.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Title: iMUD
Jan 24, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
What do you think would benefit PUG's the most in light of these healing changes... people who know how to properly:
1. Tank
2. DPS
3. CC
4. Heal
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Title: iMUD
Jan 24, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Cawlin posted:
Bremen_Gaheris posted:
Ashmaele posted:
* Blessed Resilience now increases healing received by 15/30%, up from 5/10%.
* Focused Will now reduces damage taken by 5/10% and 10/20%, up from 4/8% and 6/12%.
* Healing done by Glyph of Dispel Magic no longer improperly caps out at a certain health pool range.
* Holy Concentration's mana regeneration component has been increased from 10/20% to 20/40%.
* Player-controlled vehicles return an Invalid Target error when attempting to use Leap of Faith on them.
* Rapture's mana regeneration component has been increased from 1.5/2/2.5 to 2/4/6%.
They obviously are acknowledging that things are definitely not right with healing, specifically with Priests. But they are still not fixing the real problem....throughput. Instead of buffing healers back to godmode mana regen, why not just buff all the direct healing spells by about 20% and see how that feels? Then if that is not enough, tweak it a tad higher.
I don't get it, why is this so hard for them?
Balancing an MMO is like an armwrestling contest between lepers - one wrong move and the whole thing falls apart.
It's a different thing when you're looking at one class only or an ability that is only related to that class as opposed to a whole ROLE (i.e. healing) is considerably more tricky. Seeing them make small(ish) adjustments to individual classes is better imo than seeing "across the board" changes which have the potential to create a REALLY gutwrenching pendulum ride.
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Jan 29, '03
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Healing in Cataclysm
Cawlin posted:
Balancing an MMO is like an armwrestling contest between lepers - one wrong move and the whole thing falls apart. It's a different thing when you're looking at one class only or an ability that is only related to that class as opposed to a whole ROLE (i.e. healing) is considerably more tricky. Seeing them make small(ish) adjustments to individual classes is better imo than seeing "across the board" changes which have the potential to create a REALLY gutwrenching pendulum ride.
I agree and I know that. But if it is such a delicate thing, why do they make these massive, kneejerk type changes and lots of them everytime they try to fix things? That was my point. Frankly, I think a slight 5% buff to all healing spells then a wait a week and see how it pans out would have worked better than massive buffs to all mana regen talents and an across the board mana regen buff of silly proportions.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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Feb 16, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Cawlin posted: Balancing an MMO is like an armwrestling contest between lepers - one wrong move and the whole thing falls apart.
This isn't generally true. Balancing is only this razor thin if another component is in play - what these devs call "bring the player, not the class". What this means, in effect, is that the devs are trying to make everyone EQUAL. What they don't understand is that trying to do that is a zero sum game - the closer to "equal" everyone is, the more magnified small differences are everywhere else. You end up spending more and more time trying to make a challenge for that tiny and still decreasing zone of "challenging but not punishing or too easy" and every mistake you make as a dev is that much worse. The "balanced but not overpowered or underpowered" portion of class balance is a part of that zone. Without class diversity you don't have the buffer you need to be able to make changes and not instantly have everything go out of whack. There are a LOT of problems that have, at their core, Ghostcrawler's beloved "bring the player not the class" mentality at their heart, and this is one of them. Get rid of the incompetent at the top of the dev ladder and maybe the gigantic balance problems that have been infesting WoW for years now can finally be addressed.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Cawlin posted:
Actually, if the development staff can bring people's overall playing skill up a few notches, it gives the development staff more breadth to design interesting content. If everything is an AOE fest, even the most anti-social, anti-PvE player will eventually get tired of going "See all you elitist pricks, I got the same gear as you did, it's not hard!" and get bored with the game. Requiring the players to actually use more of their characters' multitude of abilities ultimately is better for the game because it increases the diversity of the type of content that can be offered.
I agree with you in theory that this would make the game more fun for those of us who actually spend time learning the game. But WOTLK proved (with numbers in the millions) that in reality, the players you describe do not get bored with the game. In fact, the opposite occurs and they bring friends and subscription numbers rise. WOW's sub numbers went up because of what they did in WOTLK. For every person that got bored and quit, 3 or 4 more new subscribers replaced them. The masses want mindless, easy, fun, entertainment. They don't read forums, or MMO champion, or wowhead, or anything else about how to play the game. They just want to log in and faceroll their way to epics. That is how blizzard got numbers to rise. Why they thought reversing it would not revers subscriptions boggles the mind.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Feb 22, '05
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Healing in Cataclysm
Spookysheep posted:
Cawlin posted:
Actually, if the development staff can bring people's overall playing skill up a few notches, it gives the development staff more breadth to design interesting content. If everything is an AOE fest, even the most anti-social, anti-PvE player will eventually get tired of going "See all you elitist pricks, I got the same gear as you did, it's not hard!" and get bored with the game. Requiring the players to actually use more of their characters' multitude of abilities ultimately is better for the game because it increases the diversity of the type of content that can be offered.
I agree with you in theory that this would make the game more fun for those of us who actually spend time learning the game. But WOTLK proved (with numbers in the millions) that in reality, the players you describe do not get bored with the game. In fact, the opposite occurs and they bring friends and subscription numbers rise. WOW's sub numbers went up because of what they did in WOTLK. For every person that got bored and quit, 3 or 4 more new subscribers replaced them. The masses want mindless, easy, fun, entertainment. They don't read forums, or MMO champion, or wowhead, or anything else about how to play the game. They just want to log in and faceroll their way to epics. That is how blizzard got numbers to rise. Why they thought reversing it would not revers subscriptions boggles the mind.
I don't know if the subscription numbers rose more during WOTLK than they rose during BC, or even during vanilla for that matter. I also don't know why those numbers rose (if in fact they did) more during that period.
If ignorance were painful, half the posters here would be on morphine drips. Everyone playing WoW knows everything about playing two classes: 1) their own and 2) Hunters
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Title: iMUD
Jan 24, '02
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User ID: 629,547
Healing in Cataclysm
Cawlin posted:
Spookysheep posted:
Cawlin posted:
Actually, if the development staff can bring people's overall playing skill up a few notches, it gives the development staff more breadth to design interesting content. If everything is an AOE fest, even the most anti-social, anti-PvE player will eventually get tired of going "See all you elitist pricks, I got the same gear as you did, it's not hard!" and get bored with the game.
Requiring the players to actually use more of their characters' multitude of abilities ultimately is better for the game because it increases the diversity of the type of content that can be offered.
I agree with you in theory that this would make the game more fun for those of us who actually spend time learning the game.
But WOTLK proved (with numbers in the millions) that in reality, the players you describe do not get bored with the game. In fact, the opposite occurs and they bring friends and subscription numbers rise.
WOW's sub numbers went up because of what they did in WOTLK. For every person that got bored and quit, 3 or 4 more new subscribers replaced them.
The masses want mindless, easy, fun, entertainment. They don't read forums, or MMO champion, or wowhead, or anything else about how to play the game. They just want to log in and faceroll their way to epics.
That is how blizzard got numbers to rise.
Why they thought reversing it would not revers subscriptions boggles the mind.
I don't know if the subscription numbers rose more during WOTLK than they rose during BC, or even during vanilla for that matter.
I also don't know why those numbers rose (if in fact they did) more during that period.
I don't know if numbers rose or declined or whatnot for any expansion. I do know that this whole "something for nothing" mentality of the large mass of players that whine, flame, threaten to quit whenever they have to think for themselves or actually try more than once before succeeding is not exclusive to WoW, or even to gaming in general.
I, for one, find it appealing that Blizzard is attempting to provide some adversity and this actually ENTICES me to want to play it again. I'm not surprised at the huge pushback from such a large population Blizzard is getting though, and I wouldn't be surprised if they succumbed to it either, it's they're income afterall. It wouldn't make sense from a business standpoint to turn away so many subscriptions for some heroic cause to provide a challenege to the minority that wants one.
I am not playing yet either, so I can't comment on whether or not they went too far with healing nerfs, but I applaud the effort to force CC/tanks/dps to have to know their roles in order for healers to keep up, and I agree that would be very frustrating for a healer waiting for people to essentially L2P again, while taking the blame at the same time.
Just my thoughts.
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Dec 20, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
I tend to applaud success effort only. “Nice try†is what you say to losers whom you would rather not motivate to greater effort next time.
We clearly need to take a long view of this. We have no idea what things will be like at 85 for anyone but the power player. This might be a chicken little scare and needless worry. I’m not going to rush through content so I can grind gear anyway. This is all about fun and we need to keep that in the forefront of our minds.
I worry that this attempt to improve players will blow up in their face. Nevertheless better players might make the game far more enjoyable in the long run. We will see.
There are three kind of liberals; Stupid, ignorant or evil The result is always evil but the intent is not always evil. Not that it makes much difference in the long run. No one here is exactly as they seem. - G'Kar
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Mar 24, '04
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Healing in Cataclysm
Nevermind, someone posted this.
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Title: I has title now!
Sep 10, '03
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Healing in Cataclysm
LFD is totally not worth doing right now can down a boss or 2 but it just feels DPS go aboslutely RETARDED by a third or second boss and decide to stop interrupts or decide the healer can heal through this. The Holy Pally nerf was hard on me it took me a day to get back on my feet i'm still healing heroics and we are clearing them as a guild but the tank is super geared and we still wipe quite alot IN THE END they just need to like double the heals i think that'd be a good place to start i'm giving it a month but i'm close to voting with my wallet and telling them healing is just not fun as it is right now
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Jan 12, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
I am done healing until they fix their mistake. It's just plain not fun anymore.
--- _ _ _ ---/---__\=\_ -- |__|__\___\__ -- [__\|_| |O---O} <---Gas Guzzling Xterra Offroad Hippy Stomper AHHH! --. ())'''''''''''())---)) Be the trouble you want to see in the world
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May 22, '08
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Healing in Cataclysm
Spilt_Milk posted: I am done healing until they fix their mistake. It's just plain not fun anymore.
Not a mistake. The mistake is on the end of the DPS that are not playing smart. Tell them to stop taking unneeded damage and watch how much easier your job becomes when you are focus healing the tank and healing through only occasional AOE. EDIT: It is not broke.
"Shhhhh... do you smell that?" So... Agent skully... funny running into you here
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Nov 5, '10
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Healing in Cataclysm
Elaok posted: LFD is totally not worth doing right now can down a boss or 2 but it just feels DPS go aboslutely RETARDED by a third or second boss and decide to stop interrupts or decide the healer can heal through this.
The Holy Pally nerf was hard on me it took me a day to get back on my feet i'm still healing heroics and we are clearing them as a guild but the tank is super geared and we still wipe quite alot
IN THE END they just need to like double the heals i think that'd be a good place to start i'm giving it a month but i'm close to voting with my wallet and telling them healing is just not fun as it is right now
Here's my issue. I don't disagree that DPS and in some case tanks need to retrain themselves. However, until such time as they do, which in quite a few cases is going to be NEVER, the LFD has been rendered useless. It's a shame, really, it was a good idea. Personally, I'm going to go back to the way I did things in vanilla and BC. Find a decent guild and only group with people I know and trust.
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Dec 2, '03
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Healing in Cataclysm
Sorry if this has been talked through but I havn't been following the thread closly enough.
Could part of the problem with healing be Crowd Control?
We were told before cata was released that we are going to need a whole lot more right? What I am seeing though is groups still trying to smash through it with out CC'ing. Don't get me wrong it is possible, but maybe this is what is putting undue stress on healers and causing a lot of DPS to take damage.
I have never been the type of healer not to heal a DPS that takes damage. Heck, I am the guy that tells the locks to lifetap away, but maybe if we CC'ed one or two mobs a pull the healers would have an easier time.
One encounter I had a little trouble with was the last boss on stonecore, all of those adds in that encounter make it a nightmare to heal. Back in the day you would have dedicated a member of your team specifically to the adds, remember encounters like that? Well maybe we need to employ these types of strategy and the healers won't have such a bad day.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Title: Infallible
Dec 28, '01
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Healing in Cataclysm
As has already been stated, the real problem right now is how geared people are that are running the instances, mainly the tanks. As tanks start getting to the 200k+ hit point pool and have increased avoidance stats the 5 man content will be trivialized and go back to the grab everything and AoE it down strategy.
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Healing in Cataclysm
Lack of CC contributes to the issue, as does lack of gear, lack of dungeon knowledge....those are adjustments. Those will not be issues for the most part, over time.
You still have to factor in what someone called (Bremen I believe), "filling 5 bathtubs of water with a thimble."
Lich King, it was all about offense. Hitting hard. Taking mobs and players down fast.
Cata is old-style defense: outlasting the mobs, peeling them off one at a time. And healing through that. If the healing is weaker, that's a problem.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Mar 24, '04
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Healing in Cataclysm
Auenwing posted: You still have to factor in what someone called (Bremen I believe), "filling 5 bathtubs of water with a thimble." Lich King, it was all about offense. Hitting hard. Taking mobs and players down fast. Cata is old-style defense: outlasting the mobs, peeling them off one at a time. And healing through that. If the healing is weaker, that's a problem.
Well said. And that quote stuck out with me, too. Was accurate and hilarious.
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Jan 29, '03
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Healing in Cataclysm
Thank you /bow. And yes, you can CC and the tanks can get massive avoidance and 200k+ hps and healers will still be spam casting "Heal" over and over and over, ad nauseum to fill up that huge tank of hps. If they doubled heal spells values (someone else mentioned this earlier) I think that would help a lot. Before anyone screams at me, though, re-nerf mana regen to be what it was on Cata release and keep the spell costs the same. That way you have a challenge of managing cooldowns and mana but without the retarded spam casting of tiny wimpy heals to fill a huge 150k+ hp tank.
The VNboards are so much fun! Its like my own personal train wreck going 24/7 and noone is actually getting hurt which takes away the guilt of watching.
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