Dec 21, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 5,164
User ID: 567,310
Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs
Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs in a houtr of play time.
I was thinking of coming back to the game but where I live I only have one company I can get high speed internet and there is a cap on usages..if I go over it it cost more.
I was testing normal internet with "netstat live" Its free and easy to use.
What i need is how long you played and how mych mb you sent/recived.
Finally beat my addiction! Waiting for Warhammer! Be nice to the new owner of my last account! DAoC: Way to many 50's to name Kederin 60 Orc War - sold
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Title: Board Manager Anime Aikousha
Dec 21, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 36,478
User ID: 567,005
Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs
whats the cap? wow doesn't really use up much bandwidth. i don't have exact numbers but i prolly blow more bandwidth on a weeks worth of streaming media than i do in a year or more of wow.
MyAnimeList - - Chaotic Neutral - El Psy Congroo
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Feb 16, '02
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Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs
What is this, the early nineties? Where do you live that caps its bandwidth?
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs
Broken_Kayfabe posted: What is this, the early nineties? Where do you live that caps its bandwidth?
With peer to peer torrenting so wide spread these days, a lot of high speed internet providers are starting to put caps on their usage. I have comcast and they have a 250 gig limit per month. Only once did I even come close to that cap and that was when I reformatted my computer and had to reinstall and repatch windows, wow, etc. As for the original OP, I'd like to know what your limit is as well. Unless it is ridiculously low, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. I'm pretty much restricted to home (recovering from surgery) and have been on the computer for 8 to 10 hours a day, playing wow, surfing the net, downloading UFC events, and streaming videos. Even with patching up for Cata and all the other activities I mentioned, I have barely even used 11 gigs for the month.
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Nov 20, '03
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Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs
Short of raids, you shouldn't be using more than 10 kbps, unless in very busy prime time city areas. This game is still built for playing over dial-up, though not officially supported I don't think. It really all comes down to the limits imposed by your ISP and the time you spend, or intend to spend, online in game. And frankly, if your ISP limits your bandwidth so much that playing WoW starts to infringe on your online time, it is definitely time to look into alternate ISPs, regardless if they are local or satellite based ISPs.
I'm a lurker and I know it. Post count just means you spend too much time reading and not enough playing. :P
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Title: Veni, vidi, vici
Nov 28, '04
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Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs
Broken_Kayfabe posted: What is this, the early nineties? Where do you live that caps its bandwidth?
More and more companies have caps now days. With p2p file transfers people are using more bandwith now than ever.
360 Gamer Tag: Ivan34 Steam ID: OSUIvan
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Title: Board Manager Anime Aikousha
Dec 21, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 36,478
User ID: 567,005
Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs
caps are fairly normal, i'd say about 50% of the isp out there have them. however those caps are usually to defend against massive file transfers with p2p software and the amount of data transmitted by a mmo game is no comparison. unless the isp in question has some seriously screwed up restrictions an mmo shouldn't even rate in consideration of how much data bandwidth your using. its like installing a cat door and then worrying about an elephant using it to get into your house...its not even in the same ballpark. this is why i ask what his cap is. even without knowing WoW's exact usage if he tells us he has a 200gig cap or even a 50gig cap we can reliably tell him that WoW will not put a dent into it. the only thing he really needs to worry about is patches. they're p2p so they're uploading and downloading and some of them are fairly hefty size wise.
MyAnimeList - - Chaotic Neutral - El Psy Congroo
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Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs
I'm getting about 5MB down and 5MB upstream average for an hour. Its the patches that'll kill you. I know my brother in law can only get high speed on a cell signal from Verizon, where he lives. 5GB cap per month. Yes, 5.
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs
May wanna try turning off the p2p portions of the downloader.
Mirkwood MUD, OneEye IvoryFang, Lord of the VampireZ (Retired) AC Frostfell, Clan Z - Lvl 239 Grief Dagger (Retired) WoW Lightbringer Alliance, Z Guild - Lvl 85 Combat Rogue (Retired) Making iOS Apps these days at
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Feb 26, '02
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Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs
meh No matter what I said in my post, I actually do, according to VN policy, agree with everything anyone else has said in this thread. QQing without highspeed internet.
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Dec 8, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 6,513
User ID: 746,590
Was wondering if someone could do me a favor..I need to know how much this game sends/recives mbs
i got the 250gb limit and its really easy to go way over. just after a few steam games and some netflix plus my work related stuff it will take me over the limit. thats not including any shady downloading either.
but yeah the patches in WoW will put a large dent in your limit. but afterwards it barely uses any
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