Author Topic: Few questions real quick... Sorry!
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Subject: Few questions real quick... Sorry!
Basically, I'm looking for confirmation on RAF functions, requirements, etc. I looked on the FAQ on the website.. But my friend seems adamant on some differing information.

Stuff like :

How long do the bonuses last (days, and level... My friend is saying it's 1-70 and 90 days, but FAQ says 1-60 and 90 days)?
Can only the recruited friend grant levels to the veteran or can it go opposite direction?
To experience RAF, you must have unused CD key, correct?



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Title: VN's Most Wanted
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Subject: Few questions real quick... Sorry!
You went to the original FAQ, yet you still allow your friend to shake your conviction without even citing a source?

You need a spine and your friend needs a slap wink



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Subject: Few questions real quick... Sorry!
Well. Not every company keeps things up to date constantly. The FAQ could be outdated as of Cata, for all I know. I didn't see any "updated" dates on the page.

But thanks for being a failtroll. At least I got a bump out of it.


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Subject: Few questions real quick... Sorry!
If neither you, nor your friend can read and comprehend the FAQ, I don't know what to tell you.

And btw, Arc is just stating the isn't his fault if you cannot handle it.


People just can't handle the truth.
NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.."
njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
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Subject: Few questions real quick... Sorry!
Glad to help.



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