Author Topic: Any melée or archer level 3x wanna xp later to tonight?
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Subject: Any melée or archer level 3x wanna xp later to tonight?
I'll be home around 8:30 pst and would like to group with a physical damage chars of my level range.
I'm playing a Lvl 32 Mage.

I'm thinking bsd for a Lvl spot till 45 then sing repo


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Posts: 1,660
Registered: Oct 12, '09
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Subject: Any melée or archer level 3x wanna xp later to tonight?
Visit the quest hub and its much faster than BSD and then sing repository.


Frostfell: Slammin' Cleon Salmon- 263 archer
You say farm - 275 mage
When I say hillshire - 275 sword
Hefty-hefty-hefty- level 252 mage
Ripped Harvestgain - level 275 mage
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