Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
This recipe is learned from the cooking trainer. It's pretty clear it's one of the two "gap filler" level up xpac recipes. You know this if you do any profession at all. The xpac always gives you new "low" level recipes to skill up that start before the previous cap and take you a few points into the new skills. Except... nobody can find the ingredients (which appear to be vendor bought items). So you have a gap filler easy level up recipe that can't be crafted. This seems possibly a bit sloppy to me. If anyone has any information to show me how dumb I am, and exactly where these can be found, I will be more than happy to hear it. Thanks! --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Title: Infallible
Dec 28, '01
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
You mean Blizzard and beta testers missed something in the millions of things they added in the expansion? How shameful.
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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User ID: 497,588
Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
I honestly don't know. I mean... truly I don't. This seems like something that would be near impossible to just "miss". There are 2 progression gap cooking recipes. The person / team in charge of cooking just "forgot" to add the ingredients for 1 of the 2 recipes? I can't quite believe that, but it sure seems like it. --Sly
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
Boone-Eldar posted: You mean Blizzard and beta testers missed something in the millions of things they added in the expansion? How shameful.
You mean like how the Earthen Ring quests in Vash'jir weren't awarding rep with Earthen Ring? Like, something that _any_ tester playing through the quest lines once should have caught? Yeah, I agree. Shameful. In QA parlance, this is called an escape due to incomplete test procedures or a conscious decision not to exercise this part of the code manually. Granted, the 80/20 rule applies to Blizzard as well us mere mortals but you'd think they would have at least had testers level up all skills, run through all the quest chains, etc. a few times before releasing it. There's a difference between an edge case bug and one that anyone playing through normally should have caught.
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Dec 28, '01
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
Boone-Eldar posted: You mean Blizzard and beta testers missed something in the millions of things they added in the expansion? How shameful.
Ah the fanbois are out in force again. Blizzard can do no wrong. BTW, this is something that could be tested and caught without actual human play testers, by mining and cross referencing their own data. But that would be work.
-----signature----- People climbing up the walls Breaking all of my wretched dolls Fingernails they scratch outside In the attic is where I'll hide
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Title: VN Sensei
Dec 16, '06
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
i tried google'ing your components, but was unable to find what you already one knows where they can be found.
April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft. I'd rather be kicked in the face then be a Patriots fan!
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Title: Infallible
Dec 28, '01
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
Deionnara posted:
Boone-Eldar posted: You mean Blizzard and beta testers missed something in the millions of things they added in the expansion? How shameful.
Ah the fanbois are out in force again. Blizzard can do no wrong. BTW, this is something that could be tested and caught without actual human play testers, by mining and cross referencing their own data. But that would be work.
Where did I say they did no wrong? If you expect perfection in an expansion the size and scope of Cataclysm (or any of the other expansions) then it is you that has the problem. By all means go play one of the other MMOs that do everything perfect and that are better games than WoW. Ohh wait there aren't any.
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Feb 16, '02
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
Deionnara posted: Ah the fanbois are out in force again. Blizzard can do no wrong.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: All Knowing Grammar Police
Dec 11, '02
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
From what I learned, the components are missing in the game and is a known issue on the forums.
So, indirectly, yes. Blizzard did forget.
Sanctimonious know-it-all.
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Title: VN Sensei
Dec 16, '06
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
id just chalk it up that the vendors are waiting on their havests to come in and be complete.
April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft. I'd rather be kicked in the face then be a Patriots fan!
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Dec 8, '09
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
Seems to be a lot of stuff missing, about a dozen or so tamable pets have gone extinct, some NPC's in the Outland are not spawning for quest completions etc...
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
Broken_Kayfabe posted:
Deionnara posted: Ah the fanbois are out in force again. Blizzard can do no wrong.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
Liquid741 posted: id just chalk it up that the vendors are waiting on their havests to come in and be complete.
Deathwing ate them.
Obviously this is a lore issue, not a bug.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Title: PLOWG
Apr 25, '08
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
As far as I know, the cocoa beans for the coffee recipe are also missing. Nobody has confirmed where they can be found anyway.
However, don't blame the beta testers. I submitted oodles of bug reports, and have found more than a couple of things I bugged, are live in the released game. Also, crafting was horribly broken through most of beta, I personally gave up checking back to see if they fixed it on just about every toon. But I was doing the cooking and fishing dailies, and I don't recall these two recipes being in. There's a lot of stuff that wasn't quite finished, they they threw in during the last couple weeks (and after closing beta.. why they didn't keep it running through to launch, I don't know).
Personally, I believe they triaged the bugs and decided a number of issues could just wait and be fixed post release, as they could not miss their release date.
Rift (Faeblight) Retired: WoW (Silver Hand); LOTRO; AoC; Warhammer Online; AC (HG); AC2; DAoC; EQ, Horizons; Tabula Rasa;
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Title: I has title now!
Sep 10, '03
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
They need to do some reitemizing period! Embersilk is so uncommon its silly people paying 200g for a stack of embersilk on my server, its also very weird that Obsidian is so rare but Elementium is everywhere lol also has anyone seen a potion drop at all???
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Jul 20, '08
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
Cocoa beans are at stormwind 50,71, Bario sells them. Right by the cooking daily guy.
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Title: PLOWG
Apr 25, '08
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
The cocoa beans just went in with this morning's "rolling restarts". Along with stuff to make the other brew recipes (hops and such).
They REALLY need to up the rate on mining resources in Vashj'ir and Mt H. zones, it's ridiculous right now. I can't get enough to even prospect and make JC recipes to unlock the dailies. The AH prices for ore, cloth, etc. are insane, of course... because plenty of people have tons of money (me not included) and are too impatient to farm their mats so will pay stupid crazy prices. They need to counter this by increasing the drop rate, IMO.
Rift (Faeblight) Retired: WoW (Silver Hand); LOTRO; AoC; Warhammer Online; AC (HG); AC2; DAoC; EQ, Horizons; Tabula Rasa;
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Title: Voice of Mostly-Reason
Jun 26, '02
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
There is also currently no level 85 PvP gear in the game right (except crafted)?
He who laughs last thinks slowest.
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Title: Julie's Pool Boy
Nov 7, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 18,423
User ID: 497,588
Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
TepavCom posted: They REALLY need to up the rate on mining resources in Vashj'ir and Mt H. zones, it's ridiculous right now. I can't get enough to even prospect and make JC recipes to unlock the dailies. The AH prices for ore, cloth, etc. are insane, of course... because plenty of people have tons of money (me not included) and are too impatient to farm their mats so will pay stupid crazy prices. They need to counter this by increasing the drop rate, IMO.
Why do they need to increase the drop rate? I have no problem getting mats and leveling my professions at a steady pace. I enjoy selling them to people with more money than patience too. Supply and demand. If you want it now now now then pay for the limited resource. Working perfectly.
If they increase the drop rate they'd just have to decrease it later.
Expansion isn't even out a week yet. You don't have to max every skill in the first week. Put it on cruise for a week.
"a slap in the face" since 1975 85 Priest - 85 Hunter - 85 Mage - 83 Druid 81 Warlock - 80 Paladin - 80 DK 70 Rogue - 70 Warrior
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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Blizzard - Just forgot to put items in game?
Drop rates are fine on my server, if not a bit giving.
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