Author Topic: Stupid Worgen question...did they give us the ability to shift between wolf and human?
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Anime Aikousha

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Subject: Stupid Worgen question...did they give us the ability to shift between wolf and human?
i thought that was originally in the plans and i notice they show you your human figure when building your character. did they actually put a shapeshift option in to switch between human and worgen? or are you worgen for good once you pass the starting zone?


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Subject: Stupid Worgen question...did they give us the ability to shift between wolf and human?
yes...i think i received it around lvl 10 or so...have to drink from 3 different fountains or something.


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Title: Board Manager
Anime Aikousha

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Subject: Stupid Worgen question...did they give us the ability to shift between wolf and human?
okay cool. in that case i'll keep the avatar i went with. i liked another worgen avatar a bit better but the human face that went with it made me want to puke. i figured i'd remake it with the other avatar if i was never going to see the human face again after level 5 or so but if we can switch between i'll keep what i went with. figures they would make the best looking wolf face go with the worst looking human face.


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Subject: Stupid Worgen question...did they give us the ability to shift between wolf and human?
not really worried about my face..since when i get a helmet you wont be able to see my face.


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Subject: Stupid Worgen question...did they give us the ability to shift between wolf and human?

Worked to change forms, even before lvl 10.


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Title: VN Sensei
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Subject: Stupid Worgen question...did they give us the ability to shift between wolf and human?
Chains_of_Torment posted:

Worked to change forms, even before lvl 10.

hmm..didnt know that, but honestly its pretty useless as of now. hopefully they will have some need for it, other then making a WoW movie or what-not.


April 26th..the day the future will be known...NFL draft.
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