Author Topic: One Giant Dragon
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Subject: One Giant Dragon
On the Countdown to Cataclysm, Blizzard sent to me...

One Giant Dragon

...pwning Stormwind. And every other zone. Dragon fights have been an integral part of end-game raiding with every expansion. Each time, Blizzard has brought new tweaks and adjusted tactics to the encounters. With Deathwing being the final encounter we will face this expansion, what strategies are you hoping to see? What new tweaks are you expecting? What do you not want to see (i.e. What do you think is overused in dragon fights)? What would you like to see in this dragon fight?

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Title: WoW Vault Site Manager
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Subject: One Giant Dragon
I never want to see another Sindragosa fight again.

Malygos was really fun up until the vehicle part. I really didn't mind riding the dragons. That was fairly easy. It was maneuvering that was difficult with your screen filled with dragons and the background constantly making you loose your sense of direction and throwing off your depth perception. In a more stable looking environment, I think lots of people would have had less trouble with phase three. But the other phases were fun IMO. I hope that Deathwing won't be a tank and spank. And I really hope we don't have to go back to 'typical dragon formation' staying away from head and tail and melee humping his back legs. That's boring. sad

I would like to see unique stuff. I don't know what because I'm not an encounter designer and my brain doesn't work that way. I just hope that it's not so complicated that you can only do in the best of the best gear.


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Subject: One Giant Dragon
I definitely don't agree with you there. While I would appreciate a unique encounter for Deathwing, the staple of dragon combat has to stay. The tail will own you. The breath will own you.


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Title: VN's Most Wanted
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Subject: One Giant Dragon
Vault_News posted:
Each time, Blizzard has brought new tweaks and adjusted tactics to the encounters. With Deathwing being the final encounter we will face this expansion, what strategies are you hoping to see? What new tweaks are you expecting? What do you not want to see (i.e. What do you think is overused in dragon fights)? What would you like to see in this dragon fight?

I expect to see mechanics that provide an engaging, reactive and rewarding experience. What we will receive is a matter of time and that time is not now, so I can not comment. I hope to see a reimplementation of CC in raids. I want Deathwing to have a very large and creative spellbook, and to use it liberally. I also want him to have many many friends, of all kinds. Chaos is good, scripts are bad.



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Subject: One Giant Dragon
I want his breath to set you on fire and then if you touch anyone else they get set on fire too! grin /ducks


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