Author Topic: Two Starting Zones
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Subject: Two Starting Zones
On the Countdown to Cataclysm, Blizzard sent to me...

Two Starting Zones

Just like in WotLK, Cataclysm will have two new starting zones for level 80 players to jump into. Vashj'ir, the intriguing underwater zone with it's beautiful reefs teeming with life. Questing in Vashj'ir will take your gaming experience to a whole different level with the dynamics of underwater combat and quest interactions.

Then there's Mount Hyjal, the glorious crown of Azeroth. Here dwells the World Tree, Nordrassil, rapidly healing from the Burning Legion's invasion a scant few years ago. But the danger to the World Tree has not passed. Thrust up from the elemental plane of fire, Ragnaros' flaming temple sits on the very doorstep of Nordrassil. This zone is more traditional in the questing sense but it uses a lot of phasing to allow players to really get into the storyline and see that they are making a difference in the world.

Which starting zone do you think you will be going to and why?

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Title: WoW Vault Site Manager
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Subject: Two Starting Zones
When soloing, I'll probably do Vashj'ir. It's harder to keep track of your friends underwater. Depth perception is a little off. In beta, I ended up having to put raid icons on mine and my hubby's head so we could make sure we were keeping close enough to get credit for each other's kills and what not.

So while grouping I'll start in Mount Hyjal. 'Sides...there's this GREAT trampoline in Mount Hyjal that I spent a good 20 minutes on just cackling and bouncing. It's more fun with friends!


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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
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Subject: Two Starting Zones
/em pictures Rill on a trampoline... mmmmm


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Title: Voice of Mostly-Reason
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Subject: Two Starting Zones
Definitely Mount Hyjal, to look for the little flickering lights that deus ex machina'd Azeroth out of a villain that could crumble cities like sandcastles and ask them if they have ever heard of Arthas or Deathwing.


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