Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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User ID: 601,475
So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Now heroic bosses like King Dread require 455 skinning instead of 450. That change was very needed and game balancing. Yes sir.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Apr 12, '10
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Having to have 455 skill isnt a big deal because anyone running one of these dungeons when Cata hits, should be able to get skinning to this level. The thing that irks me is that they changed something like this and current players cant obtain that skill until December 7th. At least wait until the players can get to this skill level before making the change.
This is kinda like removing the portals from Shat and Dalaran. Why wasnt this done after December 7th?
http://www.immortal-guild.com/ Deepstrike Server Milkman - Guardian Bard
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Title: The One and Only
Sep 18, '04
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Blizzard is out to get you. Beware!
“A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.†~Leopold Stokowski
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Title: straightface
Dec 27, '02
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Kriegprojekt posted: Having to have 455 skill isnt a big deal because anyone running one of these dungeons when Cata hits, should be able to get skinning to this level. The thing that irks me is that they changed something like this and current players cant obtain that skill until December 7th. At least wait until the players can get to this skill level before making the change.
This is kinda like removing the portals from Shat and Dalaran. Why wasnt this done after December 7th?
Well, it's right up there with trainers in Dalaran that can't do respecs and taking away scribes ability to trade for inks to do glyphs.
There are those who play tank classes, and those that tank. The weapon is only as good as the person wielding it. Free advice is often worth what you pay for it: nothing.
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Sep 13, '06
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Quazimortal posted: Blizzard is out to get you. Beware!
"Sometimes new is fun and fun is the point. Will it still be fun once it's not new? I hope so, but I honestly don't know." "Shared danger is a crap load of fun." "Your idea is compelling and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter."
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Jul 20, '08
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Half Assed is Half Assed even if you are a fan boi. But on the other hand it only matter for a couple of weeks so no need for using up our limited supply of nerd rage on.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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User ID: 601,475
So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
No way, the fanbois will surely bend over for blizzard and tell us why this is all ok. I'm surprised they haven't show up in this thread yet to declare their undying love and subservience to the gods of blizzard.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Nov 12, '02
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Unskinnable bosses has "B team" written all over it. I'm amazed this game is still making any money.
Explorer / Soloer+Small groups / Some PvP MMOin' since UO beta, still waiting for UO 2.0 done right
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Sorry, we "Blizzard fanbois" are too busy enjoying the new quests, zones, and other fun stuff Blizzard just released (Plants vs Zombies mini game anyone?) to really care all that much about not being able to skin heroic bosses for a week. I know how utterly game breaking and totally unacceptable it is for you Blizzard haters, but don't get too upset. It won't be a problem for long. You may now carry on with your regularly scheduled whining and crying about the silliest shit.
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Nov 20, '03
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
I don't generally call myself a fanboi of blizzard, far from it. I've been banned from the Blizzard forums enough times to not even bother posting there anymore. In this case, ridiculous as it is, it is easily solvable. Get the gatherer enchant on a cheap pair of gloves. Problem solved. At least you skinners can solve your problems, unlike others like scribes and the ink trader.
I'm a lurker and I know it. Post count just means you spend too much time reading and not enough playing. :P
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Oct 29, '00
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
455 isn't quite as bad since you can equip those skinning dagger to give you +20 skills. It now requires 470 skill to dismantle Flame Leviathan after a recent patch. Talk about nerfing.
"Like almost everyone, I receive a lot of spam every day, much of it offering to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It's ridiculous." - Bill Gates
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
I'm amazed at the rest of you. No, skinning hasn't been nerfed at all, and for those with a little foresight the new skinning thresholds shouldn't present a problem. With minimal preparation, I have raised my skinning skill to 475 (this post is pre-cataclysm release). Just last week I ran TOC 25, and when Ice Howl was killed, all the skinners in the party rolled for the skin. The only problem (for them) was that the minimum skill to skin Ice Howl had already been raised to 470 and none of them had it! Although I hadn't won the roll, once they abandoned the corpse I walked over and helped myself to a free Arctic fur. Skinning has not been nerfed at all.
P.S. I know of at least two ways for most pre-cataclysm skinners to raise their skinning skill to 470, and no cheats or exploits are involved.
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Jul 14, '06
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
I dont know what this thread is about,but I am here to declare my undying love and subservience to the gods of blizzard.
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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User ID: 601,475
So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
JaredKorry posted: Sorry, we "Blizzard fanbois" are too busy enjoying the new quests, zones, and other fun stuff Blizzard just released (Plants vs Zombies mini game anyone?) to really care all that much about not being able to skin heroic bosses for a week. I know how utterly game breaking and totally unacceptable it is for you Blizzard haters, but don't get too upset. It won't be a problem for long. You may now carry on with your regularly scheduled whining and crying about the silliest shit.
I KNEW you could be easily summoned! Thank you for your obedience and please come again.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Jun 12, '00
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
The thing that really annoys me is that herbalists and miners get some good xp for plying their trade skills but my new skinner gets nothing! I want my money back... well maybe not that bad, but it is irritating.
"You may have graduated from Cambridge but I am an honorary graduate from Starfleet Academy!" ~ Sheldon
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Title: Moderator Bad Moogle
Jul 9, '02
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Currently in the MMO unemployment line. Can I get $15/month for not playing them?
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Spookysheep posted: Oh crud! I got caught whining again! Quick, divert attention away from my whining by pitifully taking a jab at the person who called me out on it!
It's ok Spooky, I understand. Must be tough to have your double standards and whining pointed out so painfully. Carry on.
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Dec 28, '01
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Awwwww http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9_nXlvY6Io
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Stormreaver&n=Nadja People climbing up the walls Breaking all of my wretched dolls Fingernails they scratch outside In the attic is where I'll hide
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Apr 7, '02
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
I would of thought that someone that goes by the name of SpookySheep would be glad that skinning got nerfed (yuk yuk yuk)
Seriously though, while there are some halfbaked things out there like the situation with the inks, skinning issues are EASILY overcome.
I need a new hobby . . Ten level 85's (one of each class) in WoW Back to try out the Feb patch in AC
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Dec 8, '09
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Taloquin posted: I don't generally call myself a fanboi of blizzard, far from it. I've been banned from the Blizzard forums enough times to not even bother posting there anymore.
Yep you have to be careful there; they are really adverse to criticism toward the company or employees like calling GC out for example and can be outright vindictive about it.. Rumor has it that they can flag individual accounts for punishment,like make it so the odds of you winning a roll or getting drops beyond white trash drops etc... go in the toilet. It has even been suggested that if you make them mad enough your account will get mysteriously stolen and for some reason won't be able to restore all your stuff.
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Dec 2, '03
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Sociop posted:
Taloquin posted: I don't generally call myself a fanboi of blizzard, far from it. I've been banned from the Blizzard forums enough times to not even bother posting there anymore.
Yep you have to be careful there; they are really adverse to criticism toward the company or employees like calling GC out for example and can be outright vindictive about it.. Rumor has it that they can flag individual accounts for punishment,like make it so the odds of you winning a roll or getting drops beyond white trash drops etc... go in the toilet. It has even been suggested that if you make them mad enough your account will get mysteriously stolen and for some reason won't be able to restore all your stuff.
Yes this is all true and also just as easily countered. You need to protect yourself. If you are playing with out wrapping your mouse and keyboard in tinfoil first you deserve what you get. As soon as I came back to WoW I went and bought as much tin foil as I could carry home to combat the evil corporation I would be willingly giving money to in exchange for entertainment.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
JaredKorry posted:
Spookysheep posted: Oh crud! I got caught whining again! Quick, divert attention away from my whining by pitifully taking a jab at the person who called me out on it!
It's ok Spooky, I understand. Must be tough to have your double standards and whining pointed out so painfully. Carry on.
Keep on dancin'!
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Title: VN's Most Wanted
Jan 27, '02
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
JaredKorry posted: Sorry, we "Blizzard fanbois" are too busy enjoying the new quests, zones, and other fun stuff Blizzard just released (Plants vs Zombies mini game anyone?) to really care all that much about not being able to skin heroic bosses for a week. I know how utterly game breaking and totally unacceptable it is for you Blizzard haters, but don't get too upset. It won't be a problem for long. You may now carry on with your regularly scheduled whining and crying about the silliest shit.
Since when is vulgarity allowed on vnboards, can a mod please do something about this poster and his/her atrocious language.
PvPing since 1977
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Title: Caveat Lector
Feb 2, '05
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
It is hilarious how some people think WoW is perfect in every way. And stuff like thisd is ignored, and if you complain you are a whiner and should wait til you are 85 when everything will be balanaced. Becuz we know how good they are at balancing. Face it, the B team takes stuff that the A team got right and messes it up. But hey, the game is perfect, right?
SWTOR, Maybe in a year. Back to WoW for now. With a lil f2p CoH.
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Title: VNBoard Admin
Mar 1, '00
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
You can raise skinng to 470? I thought it was locked to 450 like the rest of the skills.
Did I miss something?
I survived to the end and got nothing out of it, but hey.
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Title: Anonymous Entity
Dec 11, '02
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
-Mithan- posted: You can raise skinng to 470? I thought it was locked to 450 like the rest of the skills. Did I miss something?
You can't get the base skill up there, but there are a couple items that give a bonus to it
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Nov 12, '02
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
-Peo- posted: But hey, the game is perfect, right?
No one has ever said the game is perfect. This board has 5+ years of post history to prove that point. The funny part is when people start citing "B Team Blunders" about how the game is going downhill, and THIS is what they point out? Seriously, go play any other MMO for 5 minutes and you'll have a list of things 100 times more significant and annoying then "OMG I can't skin a boss for the next 2 weeks I've been robbed of 1 gold worth of mats!?!"
Explorer / Soloer+Small groups / Some PvP MMOin' since UO beta, still waiting for UO 2.0 done right
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Title: Ooo...bouncy!
Jun 17, '02
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Malachi256 posted:
-Peo- posted: But hey, the game is perfect, right?
No one has ever said the game is perfect. This board has 5+ years of post history to prove that point. The funny part is when people start citing "B Team Blunders" about how the game is going downhill, and THIS is what they point out? Seriously, go play any other MMO for 5 minutes and you'll have a list of things 100 times more significant and annoying then "OMG I can't skin a boss for the next 2 weeks I've been robbed of 1 gold worth of mats!?!"
Hey, now. Your common sense analysis is (probably) unwelcome around here.
WoW and DAoC - Too many alts to count Charter Member - Altaholics Anonymous
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Title: Caveat Lector
Feb 2, '05
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
*shrug* We must read different replies. I see a lot of fanbois who just go nuts when someone says something bad about the game. And yes, believe it or not, the B team blunders, A L O T. Most of the good things left in the game are holdovers from the old Dev team that GC hasn't screwed up yet.
SWTOR, Maybe in a year. Back to WoW for now. With a lil f2p CoH.
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Mar 12, '01
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Undoubtably annoying and sloppy by blizzard.
Why would anyone be running heroics right now? Saving points? Why? You'll get 5x the points per dungeon at least in cata. Surely there are better ways to waste time. You could be doing molten core or otherwise proving how amazing you are at mowing down gray cons for useless achievements, for ex.
You probably don't NEED the leather either...or could suffer thru with the multiple stacks you'd get skinning everything else in there.
Eh, whatever floats your boat.
I'm with the alt crowd right now - tons of redone zones, instances, quests, and with the class mutilations it's like a whole new game. Exploring the changes and new stuff is considerably more interesting than running heroic #2001 (and I'm sure I've run at least 2000 heroics between my 10 80's).
Or doing BGs - with the new tighter level ranges (5 per band instead of 10) and with the zillion alts running around they're less twink/BoA infested (although seems like 75% of people with BoAs musta got em by accident because they can't play their alts any more than they can play their 80's).
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that - George Carlin
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Title: The Bored
May 27, '03
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Can you still get a Finkle's Skinner? ZG's gone so you can't get that one anymore. That's worth +10 there and if I recall there's an enchant for +5 to gloves. Back in the day, you actually needed the bonuses in order to skin things in raids. I'd say this is a good indication we'll be returning to those days. That would get you to +15 assuming you can wield a dagger. If you can DW daggers, it gets you to +25.
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Sep 28, '01
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Has been this way since 4.xx dropped. I always thought skill required was mob level x 5. So how an 82 cannot be skinned is beyond me.
. . . For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven . Cows go moo, Dogs go woof and MMO players go ''PVP is imbalanced'' . "I’m as horny as the hat rack at a Viking bar.", Ann Coulter
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
And what the neurotic fanbois can't seem to grasp is that all this says is this is yet another example of sloppiness. Pre patch I could skin them. Post patch I can't. No reason, no explanation, just can't now. As to why anyone would run heroics? Duh, everyone is getting exalted with bilgewater cartel for the goblin trike! Aren't you?
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
--Syrus-- posted:
Sociop posted:
Taloquin posted: I don't generally call myself a fanboi of blizzard, far from it. I've been banned from the Blizzard forums enough times to not even bother posting there anymore.
Yep you have to be careful there; they are really adverse to criticism toward the company or employees like calling GC out for example and can be outright vindictive about it.. Rumor has it that they can flag individual accounts for punishment,like make it so the odds of you winning a roll or getting drops beyond white trash drops etc... go in the toilet. It has even been suggested that if you make them mad enough your account will get mysteriously stolen and for some reason won't be able to restore all your stuff.
Yes this is all true and also just as easily countered. You need to protect yourself. If you are playing with out wrapping your mouse and keyboard in tinfoil first you deserve what you get. As soon as I came back to WoW I went and bought as much tin foil as I could carry home to combat the evil corporation I would be willingly giving money to in exchange for entertainment.
where do you buy tinfoil? everywhere i look it's all aluminum...
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Spookysheep posted: And what the neurotic fanbois can't seem to grasp is that all this says is this is yet another example of sloppiness. Pre patch I could skin them. Post patch I can't. No reason, no explanation, just can't now. As to why anyone would run heroics? Duh, everyone is getting exalted with bilgewater cartel for the goblin trike! Aren't you?
All this says to me is that you are determined to find something, anything, no matter how silly, to whine and cry about.
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Dec 28, '01
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User ID: 580,237
So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Spookysheep posted: And what the neurotic fanbois can't seem to grasp is that all this says is this is yet another example of sloppiness. Pre patch I could skin them. Post patch I can't. No reason, no explanation, just can't now. As to why anyone would run heroics? Duh, everyone is getting exalted with bilgewater cartel for the goblin trike! Aren't you?
Who sells the tabard? I walked around for a while in that rat maze, but couldn't find a quartermaster.
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Stormreaver&n=Nadja People climbing up the walls Breaking all of my wretched dolls Fingernails they scratch outside In the attic is where I'll hide
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Title: Lord Logicus
Jan 31, '02
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
-Peo- posted:
But hey, the game is perfect, right?
Can you find one post from regular posters here that state the game is perfect? (hint: no)
I agree with Spooky this is sloppy, they do have done a lot of sloppy things around expansions. Even the renowned A Team who seem to get the benefit of revisionist history.
I don't think this ranks very high on the sloppy list, but it's there somewhere.
CO, LOTRO, RoM, PWI, CoH Dragon Age
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Title: Moderator Troll Eradicator
Mar 9, '00
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
An oversight? Yep. Sloppy? Yep. But in the spirit of fairness, any skinner that claims they can't skin something requiring a 455 skill is clearly a B team skinner. /shrug
Fare thee well VN, Vini, Vidi, Vici!
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Dec 2, '03
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So Blizzard Decided to Nerf Skinning
Tai-Daishar_MT posted: An oversight? Yep. Sloppy? Yep. But in the spirit of fairness, any skinner that claims they can't skin something requiring a 455 skill is clearly a B team skinner. /shrug
Ha! Pwnt.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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