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New Player: Any tips?
Hey all, i just today activated my 10 day free trial to see if i could get into this game, i played a rogue to 40 something when game first came out but because of lack of RVR/PVP i quit. Any suggestions on a good class and can anyone tell me if the RvR situation here has changed? ive read some that these new expansions have made it better but id like some consumer input. thanks
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Jan 29, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 3,130
User ID: 636,933
New Player: Any tips?
Run away, run away! Seriously though, Battlegrounds seem to be where all the action is, not much world PvP unless you're out looking for people to gank. Class is up to you really, what you prefer. I love Hunters, my first Class, and likely the last I will ever play now.
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May 11, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 15,756
User ID: 24,262
New Player: Any tips?
There is no RvR. If you are seeking DAoC-style PvP, you will not find it in WoW.
We have not inherited the Earth from our parents, we have borrowed it from our children.
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New Player: Any tips?
what are these battlegrounds? Im just looking for some type of PvP content even if its a instanced group vs. group or w/e im just wondering what the system is like..?
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Jan 29, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 3,130
User ID: 636,933
New Player: Any tips?
There's a bunch of them. Like the ones in DAoC, but a lot different. Examples: Warsong Gulch is 10 vs 10 Capture the Flag. Arathi Basin is a multiple bases 15 vs 15. 5 capture bases, first team to 1600 points wins. You gain points by controlling the bases. More info can be found here: You join a Queue to get in, either randomly selected, or you can specifically join one. Servers are on Battlegroups, so the queues generally aren't too bad. You'll have say 10 servers per Battlegroup, and everyone trying to join from all of those servers will get pooled together for PvP.
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Dec 2, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 7,639
User ID: 863,847
New Player: Any tips?
YouTube it.
Common Sense is a myth.. Its Hub. 10 week ban for anybody who disagrees. -Mithan-
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Feb 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 9,010
User ID: 646,295
New Player: Any tips?
mh_iceman66 posted: Hey all, i just today activated my 10 day free trial to see if i could get into this game, i played a rogue to 40 something when game first came out but because of lack of RVR/PVP i quit. Any suggestions on a good class and can anyone tell me if the RvR situation here has changed? ive read some that these new expansions have made it better but id like some consumer input.
Pvp right now is in the worst shape it has ever been in in the history of WoW. If you are coming for the PvP, look elsewhere.
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Board Manager Anime Aikousha
Dec 21, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 36,478
User ID: 567,005
New Player: Any tips?
yeah this is a horrible time to be checking out the pvp. the classes and gear all just underwent massive changes that are still in the process of being tweaked and balanced out.
MyAnimeList - - Chaotic Neutral - El Psy Congroo
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Title: Lieker of Cheese
Jan 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,166
User ID: 601,475
New Player: Any tips?
This is not the game you want if PVP is your primary interest.
I liek cheese Pirates > Ninjas .....................................
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Sep 13, '06
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Real Post Cnt: 2,815
User ID: 1,170,748
New Player: Any tips?
Spookysheep posted: This is not the game you want if PVP is your primary interest.
Agree, but I have yet to see any MMO that has a good design for PvP. It's inherently unbalanced because of gear discrepancies and the heavy reliance on having a good team. Having said that, WoW does a lot of things right too and the PvE leveling content should be a lot more fun since the recent Shattering patch. However, many of the most frustrating core systems haven't changed drastically over 6 years. Blizzard is great at making slow, positive iterations to WoW, but they generally fail to actually solve the underlying problems and hide most of them by rewarding the player with gear/tokens for putting up with the negative aspects of the game. Best advice for new players though is to just play the game and decided for yourself.
"Sometimes new is fun and fun is the point. Will it still be fun once it's not new? I hope so, but I honestly don't know." "Shared danger is a crap load of fun." "Your idea is compelling and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter."
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Jul 20, '08
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User ID: 1,310,012
New Player: Any tips?
Once you get to level 10 press key 'H' and play around with the options.
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Apr 7, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 3,821
User ID: 666,051
New Player: Any tips?
Here are my Top 10 Noob Tips:
10. Fire is bad. (Every morning, repeat this to yourself at least 10 times. Hopefully by the time you get to end game content this will be ingrained into you and you will not suck quite as badly as the typical newb.)
9. Do not give out your password to ANYONE. (In case your personal life experiences have not left you as bitter/paranoid as I am, never trust your account with your little brother who has a drug habit or your psychotic off again/on again girlfriend. Both will screw you over in the end.)
8. Stay out of the Goldshire Inn. (Just trust me on this one . . .)
7. Follow the Golden Rule of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (That way, when someone gives you some grief, you feel totally justified in screwing over their instance run or beating them to that treasure chest)
6. Before hitting the level cap, learn what Gearscore is. (This will be the determining factor of your personal self worth.)
5. Do NOT buy gold from 3rd party websites. (The customer service is horrible, and no amount of in game gold is worth having to talk to someone from a foreign call center for half an hour when you do not get your purchase.)
4. Make ample time in your schedule for WoW related activities, like rated Battlegrounds and/or Raiding. (In fact, make all your free time WoW time. Work is optional anyways, especially if your mom has a cozy basement.)
3. Choose one faction and swear personal allegiance to it instead of making toons on both sides of the same server. (Remember, the other side is now your enemy and that the Geneva Conventions do not apply in WoW. Do to them as you see fit.)
2. Once you have mastered the latest end game raid or Arena/Battleground pvp it is time to move on to the true endgame of WoW: /trade chat (This is not for the faint of heart and/or people who are legally prevented from speaking to children.)
However, the first and most important tip . . .
1. HAVE FUN! (Damnit, it is YOUR 15 bucks a month and you can play HOWEVER you want to!)
(For the typical trolls, please note that this post was made in jest and that that I was not entirely serious with it. Except the part about the psychotic ex girlfriend.)
I need a new hobby . . Ten level 85's (one of each class) in WoW Back to try out the Feb patch in AC
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Title: Drill, Fill, Bill
Mar 17, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 11,153
User ID: 658,468
New Player: Any tips?
WoW has the best player control for pvp games. The game is not designed for pvp though. I'm in a constant state of frustration because I play it for pvp :P
PvPing since 1975
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Jan 29, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 3,130
User ID: 636,933
New Player: Any tips?
Trigeminal posted: WoW has the best player control for pvp games. The game is not designed for pvp though. I'm in a constant state of frustration because I play it for pvp :P
Agree here. If Warhammer had the player control of WoW, and a few other changes I would probably play that for life.
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