Author Topic: Nook 3G + Wifi
Title: Public Nuisance
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Subject: Nook 3G + Wifi
anyone know if you can use web browsing over 3G? It seems everywhere i ask i've been getting different answers, online a lot of forums say you can only web browse over wifi, but i went into Best buy and Barnes and nobles and the sales people there said you could, though they didn't seem to know that much about the product they where trying to sell.

Anyone actually own a nook 3G + wifi that could give me a first hand answer.


Naolin - Vida
"He who dies with the most toys is, nonetheless, still dead."
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Subject: Nook 3G + Wifi
I have one, I'll have to double check it again, but I'm almost certain that you can use it on 3G. However, the browser on the nook is not all that great, actually quite annoying to navigate.

Let me double check.

<edit> So, I lied, you cannot use the browser on 3G, only wifi. And to add to my other note, now that the browser is no longer the beta version, it is not nearly as annoying. Actually quite useful now.


Calihane - Thane
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Title: Public Nuisance
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User ID: 914,089
Subject: Nook 3G + Wifi
thanks for the info - been trying to decide if the 3G is worth it...don't see myself needing to buy books on the fly, so i guess not.


Naolin - Vida
"He who dies with the most toys is, nonetheless, still dead."
"Sancho, los perros ladran, es senal que avanzamos" - Don Quijote
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Posts: 1,709
Registered: Jan 4, '04
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Subject: Nook 3G + Wifi
I got it because it was only $50 more (Depending on how you look at things, can be A LOT more or just a little) and with my luck I would be out somewhere when I finished a book. Plus, I've noticed with wifi, it always connects where as 3G connects only when needed. Therefore my battery lasts longer. (To be honest, I could be wrong in this)


Calihane - Thane
Caliyrie - Valkyrie
Calidoc - Armsman
Sonsham - Infiltrator
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